Weekly Bulletin



Invincible ignorance is a punishment for sin.

St. Thomas Aquinas (De Infid. q. x., art. 1.)



It “covereth” first the sins of others, and then consequently, our own.

But before all things have a constant mutual charity among yourselves:

for charity covereth a multitude of sins.

1 Peter 4, 8



Remember: Iconoclasm, the destruction of the images of our holy faith, is a defined and condemned heresy!



Remember the former age, for I am God, and there is no God besides…. Who show from the beginning the things that shall be at last, and from ancient times the things that as yet are not done, saying: My counsel shall stand , and my will shall be done.

Isaias 46: 9-10


“Make of everything you can a sacrifice and offer it to God as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and in supplication, for the conversion of sinners.” 

Angel of Fatima to the three children



“Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle.” 

St. Paul, II Thessalonians 2:15





What kind of work can be more noble than to cultivate the minds of young people, guarding it carefully, so that the knowledge and love of God and His holy precepts go hand-in-hand with learning? To form young Christians and citizens-isn't this the most beautiful and noble-minded way to make use of life, of all one's talents and energy?… Knowledge and wisdom seek a covenant with holiness. 

St. John Cantius


Avoid slander because it is difficult to retract—Avoid offending anyone for to ask forgiveness is not delightful.  

St. John Cantius, written on the wall of his cell


"Fight all error, but do it with good humor, patience, kindness, and love.  Harshness will damage your own soul and spoil the best cause." 

St. John Cantius










Then he saith to them: Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.











"According to Honorius of Autun, the Mass of today has reference to the days of Antichrist. The Church, foreseeing the reign of the man of sin, and as though she were actually undergoing the persecution which is to surpass all others, takes her Introit of this twenty-second Sunday from the Psalm De profundis. If, unitedly with this prophetic sense, we would apply these words practically to our own personal miseries, we must remember the Gospel we had last week, which was formerly appointed for this present Sunday. each one of us will recognize himself in the person of the insolvent debtor, who has nothing to trust to but his master's goodness; and, in our deep humiliation, we shall exclaim: If thou, O Lord, mar iniquities, who shall endure it?"

Dom Gueranger, The Liturgical Year, Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost



Date   Day    Feast                                             Rank  Color F/A  Mass Time and Intention   



22nd Sunday after Pentecost

St. John Cantius, C




Mass 9:00 AM & Noon; Members Ss. Peter & Paul; Rosary of Reparation 8:30 AM; Confessions 8:00 AM



St. Hilarion, Ab

St. Ursula & Comp. VvMm




Mass 8:30 AM; Rosary of Reparation before Mass



Ferial Day




Mass 8:30 AM; Rosary of Reparation before Mass



Ferial Day

St. Anthony Mary Claret

Feast of the Most Holy Redeemer




Mass 8:30 AM; Rosary of Reparation before Mass



St. Raphael, Archangel




Mass 8:30 AM; Rosary of Reparation before Mass



Ss. Chrysanthus & Daria, Mm




Mass 8:30 AM; Rosary of Reparation before Mass



Vigil of Ss. Simon & Jude [Anticipated]

St. Evaristus, PM




Mass 9:00 AM; Rosary of Reparation & Confession 8:00 AM



Kingship of Jesus Christ

23rd Sunday after Pentecost




Mass 9:00 AM & Public Procession; Members Ss. Peter & Paul; Rosary of Reparation 8:30 AM; Confessions 8:00 AM




Now, how is charity to be perfected in them?  It must abound, more and more, in knowledge and in all understanding of salvation, that is, in faith.  It is faith that constitutes the basis of all supernatural virtue.  A restricted, a diminished, faith could never support a large and high-minded charity.  Those men, therefore, are deceiving themselves whose love for revealed truth does not keep pace with their charity!  Such Christianity as that believes as little as it may; it has nervous dread of new definitions; and out of respect for error, it cleverly and continually narrows the supernatural horizon.  Charity, they say, is the queen of virtues; it makes them take everything easily, even lies against truth; to give the same rights to error as to truth is, in their estimation, the highest point of Christian civilization grounded on love!  They quite forget that the first object of charity, God who is substantial Truth, has no greater enemy than a lie; they cannot understand how it is that a Christian does not do a work of love by putting on the same footing the Object beloved and His mortal enemy!  The apostles had very different ideas; in order to make charity grow in the world, they gave it a rich sowing of truth… But now, with the connivance of those whose Baptism made them, too, children of light, error has regained its pretended rights.  As a natural consequence, the charity of an immense number has grown cold in proportion; darkness is again thickening over the world, as though it were in the chill of its last agony.

Dom Gueranger, The Liturgical Year, Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost



“There are two things that kill the soul, despair and perverted hope.” 

St. Augustine







francis_Kneels.jpgAs Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now known as Pope Francis, kneels down to receive the “blessing” from Protestant ministers before thousands. Buenos Aires, 2006.

COMMENT: We are required to subject what is of man in ourselves to what is of God in our fellow men. This is justice.

We are permitted to subject what is of man in ourselves to what is of man in our fellow men. This is humility.

We are forbidden to subject what is of God in ourselves to what is of man in our fellow men. This is betrayal. This is treason! This is sin!



“How many sheep there are without, how many wolves within!”

St. Augustine, Homily on John, 45:12





Ss. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Mission is constituted as a religious society.  It is canonically a pious union of Catholics but functions in the manner of a confraternity.  Like other confraternities, its constitution and governing structure are intended to be fixed, dedicated toward a specific spiritual end, for which members join together in common union to seek their own spiritual perfection working toward a common end.  Membership in the Mission is open to any Catholic who subscribes to its corporate purpose and takes upon himself the obligation to offer a daily Rosary of reparation to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, a weekly day of fast, preferably on Tuesday, and a Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament at least once each month as a minimum for the intentions of the Mission.  The Mass intention offered each Sunday and Holy Day are for members of the Mission.  Membership forms are located in the vestibule.  If you are not a member of the Mission please consider becoming one.



 “It is a sin to believe there is salvation outside the Catholic Church!” 

Blessed Pope Pius IX



“A religious error is the main root of all social and political evils.”

Pope Leo XIII, Inscrutabili Dei Consilio




Remember the former age, for I am God, and there is no God besides…. Who show from the beginning the things that shall be at last, and from ancient times the things that as yet are not done, saying: My counsel shall stand , and my will shall be done.

Isaias 46: 9-10



The Church does not know of any means other than Baptism that assures entry into eternal beatitude; this is why she takes care not to neglect the mission she has received from the Lord to see that all who can be baptized are “reborn of water and the Spirit.”  Catechism of the Catholic Church, On the Necessity of Baptism


The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law. Deuteronomy 29:29


“Fight, children of light, you little number who see clearly, for behold the time of times, the end of ends is at hand.”

Blessed Virgin Mary, LaSalette


“If anyone despises or rejects either written or unwritten ecclesiastical tradition, let him be anathema.”

Canon 4, Ecumenical Council of Nicea in 787 A.D



I will send forth famine into the land, not a famine of bread . . . but of hearing the word of the Lord, . . . they shall go about seeking the word of the Lord and shall not find it. 

Amos 8:11



The use of the “received and approved rites customarily used in the solemn administration of the sacraments” for the worship of God is a DOGMA of Catholic faith defined at the Council of Trent!

Since, then, no one is allowed to be remiss in the service due to God … we are bound absolutely to worship God in that way which He has shown to be His will …. ”

Pope Leo XIII, Immortale Dei, On the Christian Constitution of States



Faithfully do what God expects of you each moment, and leave the rest up to Him.

I assure you that living in this manner will bring you great peace.

St. Jane Francis de Chantal




Ss. Peter & Paul Chapel is open to its members at any time of the day or night for visits to our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.


Every Mass for Sunday and other Holy Days of Obligation are offered for the welfare of the members of Ss. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Mission.


An OPEN LETTER to E. Michael Jones for the purpose of defending Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and helping Dr. Jones understand the nature of schism and its relationship to faith and charity has been posted on our OPEN LETTERS page. The charge of "schism" is a cheap smear often directed against members and supporters of Ss. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Mission by cowardly Novus Ordo clerics that are just as ignorant of the question as Dr. Jones. The OPEN LETTER was sent to Dr. Jones, owner of Fidelity Press and editor of Culture Wars Magazine, and to the "Guild Prophets" that Jones challenges to condemn Archbishop Viganò, namely, Dr. Marshall Taylor professional Catholic apologist, Dr. Robert Moynihan, editor of Inside the Vatican, John-Henry Westen, editor of Life Site News, and Mr. Michael Matt, editor of the Remnant Magazine. The OPEN LETTER has been posted on CathInfo Forum inviting Dr. Jones to defend his allegations in a written exchange. The Guild Prophets have also been invited to share their understanding of the crime of schism, reply to Dr. Jones and comment on the OPEN LETTER.

Dr. Jones claims to be an "expert" on the question of schism. We disagree. In fact we accuse Dr. Jones of a singular longstanding ignorance on the question. Members of Ss. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Mission have been accused by the last five local ordinaries in Harrisburg of schism so it is a question that we have long reflected upon. We have in fact tried for nearly 25 years to get the local bishop or his designated representative to engage in an open discussion on the question of schism. Perhaps something in this proposed open exchanges will enlighten our local ordinary.


The entrance railing and granite step have been repaired. Our thanks to Joe Cox for his work.


The first stain glass window repair was completed and the re-installed in the window over the sanctuary. These are the windows that change colors at sunset and sunrise.


The renovations on the lower level have been completed including the donation of a new refrigerator. The renovations included the new flooring in the lower sacristy, office, community room and kitchen area, new cabinetry in the kitchen, new cabinets, sinks and toilets in both lower lever bathrooms, and donation of several large bookcases for the library collection. Thanks for your patience and particularly to those who helped keep the chapel dust free during the renovation. 


The Archdiocese of Baltimore is restructuring. The Baltimore Sun reports "The changes would be.. "historic. It would reduce the number of parishes in Baltimore and a few nearby suburbs from 61 to 21, and the number of worship sites from 59 to 23." Archbishop William E. Lori says that this is restructuring is unrelated to the current bankruptcy proceedings. Does anyone believe this? Like the Harrisburg diocese, Baltimore has refused to admit that the financial problems causing bankruptcy are due to homosexual clerics abusing adolescent boys in over 90% of all cases and they further refuse to implement any meaningful correction to remove homosexual clerics or prevent homosexuals acceptance into seminaries. We are to believe that the collapse of the Catholic Church in the first diocese of the United States is just growing pains of the "springtime of Vatican II". As Pope Francis might say, "Time is greater than space," no one alive will ever see, or was ever expected to see, the "springtime of Vatican II".  


Bishops Senior of Harrisburg and Lori of Baltimore using same playbook!

"Traditionis Custodes went into immediate effect in July 2021 and could have resulted in the immediate cessation of Mass according to the Missal of 1962. For the pastoral good of the faithful, the Holy See in its wisdom granted an indult to allow St. Mary's to temporarily continue Mass according to the Missal of 1962 during a period of transition.  The purpose of the indult was to allow those who had become accustomed to Mass according to the Missal of 1962 to receive catechesis and formation so they would come to welcome and embrace the Novus Ordo.

As the transition period will soon be coming to a close, it is now important to share what will take place after the indult expires in August. After much careful and prayerful consideration, I have discerned that for the pastoral good of all the faithful in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, the celebration of the liturgical rites and pastoral care according to the Missal of 1962 within the Archdiocese of Baltimore on or after August 1, 2024 will be entrusted solely to the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) at the National Shrine of St. Alphonsus Liguori in Baltimore. [....]" Most Reverend William E. Lori, Archbishop of Baltimore, 3-13-2004

COMMENT: Like the Diocese of Harrisburg, the Archdiocese of Baltimore under Archbishop Lori has restricted the use of the Indult 1962 Bugnini transitional Missal to the single location. As long as Ss. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Mission is in York, PA there will be an Indult offered in Harrisburg and Baltimore. If we were not here, they would not be there. It is however refreshing to hear +Lori admit that the purpose of the Indult is to provide remedial educational transition for recalcitrant traditional Catholics into the Novus Ordo. This is why to FSSP never, ever criticizes the heretical and immoral slag that flows from the Vatican. 


Bishop Senior has issued a LETTER implementing new regulations regarding the use of the Indult Missal as directed by Pope Francis' Traditionis custodes. The current regulations governing the Indult contain no changes excepting that the use of the 1962 Rituale Romanum will be restricted to the chapel in Harrisburg. Therefore, if anyone wants to be married, buried or shriven in the 1962 Bugnini rite they will have to do so in Harrisburg. The two conditions to obtain the Indult require Catholics to offer only 1962 Indult Bugnini transitional Missal and they must accept the "validity" of Vatican II. Ss. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Mission has no interest in the Indult and offers only the "received and approved" immemorial Roman rite of Mass before Bugnini laid his Masonic hands on it. As for the "validity" of Vatican II: it is a legally valid as an act of the "authentic magisterium", that is, an act of churchmen acting by virtue of their grace of state, as a merely pastoral council that has proven to be a pastoral failure. On the doctrinal question: It's pastoral 'legality' is unrelated to any of its implicit or explicit heretical teachings the implications of which were difficult to foresee. Who would have guessed that the 'teachings' of Vatican II would lead to the pastoral "blessing" of sodomite couples? Be that as it may, as long as we are here, the Indult community will be unmolested in Harrisburg. 


Bishop Timothy Senior has issued his bromide on the recent publication of Fiducia supplicans, the document issued by the "Dicastery" for the Doctrine of the Faith and signed by Pope Francis on the question of blessings for “couples in an irregular situation and couples of the same sex.”  This document is bald attack on the sacrament of marriage as seen in every heretical and schismatic sect. Bishop Senior regurgitated the public comment from the USCCB distinguishing between liturgical (Catholic Truth) and pastoral (human compassion) questions. Catholic faithful are asked to look the other way while the bishops are looking the other way. This is just one big cowardly dodging of their duty to uphold and defend Catholic truth. May God grant Bishop Senior his just reward and the sooner the better.


The Archdiocese of Baltimore filed bankruptcy to seek protection from their creditors. Perhaps our former bishop, Ronald Gainer, and our current bishop, Timothy Senior, based upon his experience in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, can help them to structure their Chapter 11 proceedings so as to emerge from this shameful process without having to identify the cause of the insolvency or implement any serious corrective action to prevent its recurrence. He can also advise on how to conceal from Catholics what it will cost them and exactly what of their assets will be liquidated to satisfy creditors.


Recently completed the exterior painting and rebuilding of the east entrance decking. The reupholstering and staining was also completed. Thanks to everyone who has helped with their contributions for the completion of this work. 


Bishop Timothy Senior is now the new ordinary of the Diocese of Harrisburg. We will pray for his welfare as we have for his predecessors in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the daily Rosary.


Bishop Ronald Gainer, as a token of farewell, has re-circulated the old diocesan calumny against Ss. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Mission. A letter was sent to Rev. John Bateman, the pastor of St. Patrick Novus Ordo rite Church extending to him an opportunity to enter into a public exchange on the merits of the doctrinal, moral, liturgical and canonical arguments upon which our Mission was established for the end of bringing whoever is in error back to truth. The letter was copied to Bishop Gainer and to the new bishop of Harrisburg, Timothy Senior. 


Pope Francis appointed Bishop Timothy Senior, an auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, as the next bishop of the Diocese of Harrisburg. He was the former rector of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary and is currently the chancellor responsible for the selling of that property and relocation of the Seminary to a more modest venue. He assumes his new role on June 21.


Bishop Ronald Gainer's Swan Song:

Diocese of Harrisburg completed its plan for judicial resolution of Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This publication regarding reorganization of the Diocese of Harrisburg by Bishop Ronald Gainer says nothing about the liquidation of Catholic assets to pay creditors! What is worse, this plan of reorganization does NOT identify that the cause of more than  90% of all sexual abuse cases are committed by homosexual clerics using the clerical collar as cover for predatory abuse of adolescent boys (the crime of pederasty) or offer any plan to eliminate these predators from the clergy and religious vocations!

HARRISBURG, Pa. – Today, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg (RCDH) announced that its Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization has been approved by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania. With this approval, the RCDH has emerged from bankruptcy, nearly three years from when this process started. The Most Reverend Ronald W. Gainer, Bishop of Harrisburg, offered the following statement on the completion of this process:

“Three years ago, I announced that the Roman Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg was filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protections. That difficult decision was made as a means of stabilizing the Diocese’s financial situation, while at the same time allowing us to make restitution to survivors of clergy sexual abuse and continue our ministries.[....]

With the plan approved, the RCDH and related entities will establish a Survivor Compensation Trust and provide funding to the Trust in an amount equal to $7.5 million. The settling insurers will contribute an additional $10.75 million, bringing the total Trust amount to $18.25 million. This Trust will provide financial restitution for survivors of clergy sexual abuse. According to the plan, the Trust will be established by early March. More details related to the Trust are included in the Plan, which is on file with the Bankruptcy Court and on the Diocesan website. Once established, a Trust administrator, and not the Diocese, will determine compensation amounts and claim eligibility for abuse survivors.

The RCDH filed for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in February 2020. More than 60 timely filed proofs of claim from clergy abuse survivors were received during the reorganization process. The move to declare bankruptcy came after years of financial hardship, which was exacerbated by the Grand Jury investigation and subsequent lawsuits, and after every attempt to scale back operations, including reducing overhead, were unsuccessful.

The RCDH has a zero-tolerance policy regarding child abuse and has passed every audit related to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People since 2002. In 2019, the Diocese’s independent Survivor Compensation Program assisted 111 survivors, for a total financial commitment of $12,784,450



Ss. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Mission is constituted as a religious society.  It is canonically a pious union of Catholics but functions in the manner of a confraternity.  Like other confraternities, its constitution and governing structure are intended to be fixed, dedicated toward a specific spiritual end, for which members join together in common union to seek their own spiritual perfection working toward a common end.  Membership in the Mission is open to any Catholic who subscribes to its corporate purpose and takes upon himself the obligation to offer a daily Rosary of reparation to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, a weekly day of fast, preferably on Tuesday, and a Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament at least once each month as a minimum for the intentions of the Mission.  Membership forms are located in the vestibule.  If you are not a member of the Mission please consider becoming one.


The last of the Vatican II popes, Benedict/Ratzinger, has died. He will likely become another "Novus Ordo saint" for the examination is superficial, the process expedited and the standard of “heroic virtue” so very, very low that it hardly meets the level of any naturally good act. As for miracles, ‘We don't need no stinking miracles’. His own voluminous writings are full of heresy, most serious of which was his denial of substantial reality and from this, the dogma of the True Presence, Transubstantiation. He wrote that the idea of visiting God’s localized sacramental presence in a Church was rejected by the modern mind. His conservative style made him less threatening than Pope Francis but in the end he will be shown to have been far more damaging to the Catholic Church because he corrupted its first principles throughout his long tenure in positions of great influence and authority while Francis simply applies the corrupted principles in a crude and rigorous manner.    


August 24th was the 75th birthday of Bishop Richard Gainer. He has submitted the offer of his retirement to Pope Francis and, if accepted, will move on to other endeavors perhaps less challenging but certainly more rewarding. 


The Diocese of Harrisburg, as its embraces Pope Francis’ “The Synodal Way,” has become like Francis himself, shamelessly effeminate and hopelessly dated. We respectfully ask anyone who has access to Bishop Gainer to remind him that his time of stewardship is short. Soon he will be steward no longer and must make a detailed account for his stewardship. If he tries any of the buzzwords published by his “Synod Ambassadors” at his particular judgment, he will be told to try them with the Devil and see if he has any more success! 


The new front doors were completed on Thanksgiving Day. The project was over a year in execution but the results are well worth the time and expense involved.  Thanks to all involved with this project as well as the man who designed, constructed and installed the doors.



Backbone for sale

Now that Summorum Pontificum is a dead letter, the "Latin Mass Community" in Harrisburg is back to being an "INDULT COMMUNITY" and no longer a 'grant of legal privilege' garden club. That's nice. It is a lot easier to call them "Indultists" rather than "GOLPs" (Grant of Legal Privilegers"). It is ironic that Indultists sounds like "Insultists." After all, what is more insulting than agreeing to never defend the faith or preach it in its purity in return for "crumbs that fall from the table." Hopefully a few of them will learn that it is the faith itself that first must be defended. And perhaps a few of these few will learn that DOGMA is the proximate rule of faith for all the faithful.


There are rumors that Bishop Gainer may offer the Indult community the opportunity to purchase St. Lawrence Church. This is good news if done properly. The church must not be sold to the Fraternity of St. Peter because any future bishop may remove them from the diocese, the Fraternity would then simply sell the property and take the assets with them. If the church is sold to a lay corporate traditional community, any future bishop will not be able to expel the Fraternity from the diocese because the corporate body will retain the property and simply obtain the help of other priests who recognize that the virtue of obedience owed to the bishop is conditionally regulated by the virtue of Religion. Our hope is that this will be done as much as for the welfare of Bishop Gainer as for the faithful in the diocese of Harrisburg.   


Pope Francis abrogates Summorum Pontificum: Indult crowd in panic.

PREDICTION: The end of this Motu Proprio is to terminate all Indult communities and drive their members into the SSPX fold. The SSPX has already been regularized sub rosa. Their guiding lights have already made the JPII ‘Profession of Faith’ and ‘Oath of Fidelity’ which is required to be admitted into the Novus Ordo communion and to hold any office within the Novus Ordo structure. This betrayal has not been shared with its members or with the faithful who attend their Masses. Once the conservatives have been driven into the SSPX fold, the SSPX will then gradually drive them to compromise on every immemorial tradition. The SSPX cannot defend traditional Catholicism because they deny that Dogma is the proximate rule of faith for all faithful Catholics and that our immemorial ecclesiastical traditions are necessary attributes of the faith and not mere matters of Church discipline subject to the free and independent will of the legislator. They have already sworn unconditional obedience to the “authentic magisterium of Pope Francis and have nothing to offer in opposition to an abuse of authority.




Who Owns Parish Property? Should we buy or rent?

And just why do Indultists pay $6,889.00/week rental fees for the use of “stolen property” to obtain services that are in fact the bishop’s duty to provide???

Bishop Ronald Gainer in Harrisburg is tied up in bankruptcy court and apparently does not know why. In an effort to exclude individual parish properties from creditors, his lawyers argue that the bishop is only a trustee for the individual parishes acting in their best interests and not the owner, and therefore parish assets should not be included as part of the diocese’s. If that is true, then Bishop Gainer’s predecessors were certainly guilty of theft when they closed 33 parishes in the diocese, sold off their assets, and pocketed their bank accounts into the general diocesan fund against the expressed wills of the parishioners which includes the parish of St. Lawrence in Harrisburg. Normally, bankruptcy court requires the business to submit a restructured business plan that demonstrates an understanding as to why the business failed, that will correct previous financial mismanagement, keep the business solvent, satisfy its creditors, and still permit it to accomplish the ends for which it is constituted. Does anyone think that Bishop Gainer will publically admit that it is the failure of his predecessors to remove homosexual priests from the clergy and prohibit homosexuals from entering Catholic seminaries that is responsible for the crisis of pederasty that has cost faithful Catholics millions of dollars in damages and injured countless souls? Poor Bishop Gainer does not even know what the Mission of the Church is. If Indultists ever do the math, they might learn that they can buy their Church from the bankruptcy court for far less than they are renting from the diocese, but that is a dirty little secret that we are expected to be quiet about.


For the last three years Ss. Peter & Paul Mission has had the complete immemorial Roman rite of Holy Week in the manner that public worship was done in monasteries and cathedral churches before the Freemason, Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, and the Pian Commission began their liturgical deconstruction with the Missal of 1956. The traditional Holy Week has been rarely experienced by even traditional Catholics. We are most grateful to God for this gift and now express our public thanks Him and to all those who, by their dedication to true worship of God, made it possible. Participants travelled from Indiana, Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, central and north-eastern Pennsylvania to be part of this experience and their dedication was a great example of sacrifice to all. The joy of Easter is proportional to the work put into Lent and particularly Holy Week, and our joy is full.   


There have been inquiries from time to time as to why the Bishop(s) of Harrisburg will not, either by himself or by his representative, enter into a public debate on the merits of the doctrinal, liturgical, moral and canonical claims of Ss. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Mission to the end that those who are in error may be restored to Catholic Truth and Worship.  The reason is simple: He does not want to be publically exposed as an ignorant hypocrite. The modernist Novus Ordo Church of the New Advent denies the immutability of Catholic dogma.  In fact, the only dogma they recognize is that there is no dogma.  Since the definition of a heretic is the denial of dogma they cannot enter into a debate without looking foolish and exposing their vulgar hypocrisy. The challenge remains open but it will not be accepted because Truth with purity of Worship is not their end.


Philadelphia has a new bishop.  Archbishop Charles Chaput, another worthless conservative who conserved nothing, will be moving along.  It is not expected that he will really retire but rather enter the ranks of the faithless conservative opposition of Judas Goats.  He might even learn to offer the Indult Mass to establish his credentials.  He seems very animated in his praise for the incoming new bishop.  As for the new bishop, Nelson J. Perez, we can say that we already have something in common.  Bishop Perez forbade kneeling in the Novus Ordo rite from the Pater Noster to the end of communion service within the diocese of Cleveland.  The reasons given are the standard tripe: early practice of the Church, done in the East, etc. etc., but none of this can overturn immemorial custom established in the Latin Church and the ugly, ugly fact that it is the established tradition of Protestant communion services because they deny the True Presence of the Catholic Sacrament.  Bishop Perez quotes St. Ambrose, “When in Rome, do as the Romans,” but he has not the understanding of St. Ambrose regarding liturgical tradition.  On this point we can agree, we would, like Bishop Perez, never kneel at a Novus Ordite communion service.


This letter sent by Archbishop of Zaragoza, Spain, Vicente Jiménez Zamora, to Fr. Philippe Brunet Superior of the FSSPX in Spain Casa San Jose 28607 EL ÁLAMO (Madrid).  Fr. Brunet submitted a formal request to Archbishop Zamora to renew the Indult for his community to offer the Extra-ordinary form of the Roman rite, i.e., the 1962 Bugnini transitional Novus Ordo Missal.  This letter is the denial of that request.

This letter is important because it proves two things that Ss. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Mission has said for many years.  Firstly, it proves that the SSPX has already been regularized by Rome. That it has, contrary to Archbishop Lefebvre's direction, established a practical solution with Rome before a doctrinal solution.  This has not been revealed by the inner circle of SSPX leadership to the rank and file priests or the faithful who attend their chapels and finance their operations, but it has been evident from necessary canonical deductions drawn for a long time from actions of their leadership. 

Secondly, it demonstrates that the 1962 Missal, aka, the Extra-ordinary form, an Indult and grant of legal privilege, can be denied by any authority for any reason whatsoever. Anyone who has accepted this grant, by so doing, has accepted in principle that it is a privilege, and therefore has conceded that he possess no legal or moral recourse to its denial.

Those who are intent upon defending the Catholic faith and passing it their children cannot do so by supporting the Indult community or any of its institutional structures. 



English Translation:


Zaragoza, December 18, 2019 The Archbishop of Zaragoza Fr. Philippe Brunet Superior of the FSSPX in Spain Casa San Jose 28607 EL ÁLAMO (Madrid)

Dear Fr. Philippe:


I received your kind letter of 13 December 2019, in which you ask me to renew the Indult to celebrate Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form, which my predecessor, Bishop Manuel Ureña, granted aloud, through the priest D. Waldir Consuega, former pastor of Calaceite.  In reply to this letter, I communicate the following:
1. I had no knowledge of the subject until now.  

2. I am not renewing the permit because I know that in Calaceite there are not enough people to celebrate Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form.  The participants belong to other parishes which are not in the Diocese of Zaragoza.  Moreover, it is not practical for the full communion of the parish community of Calaceite.  
3. With the same date, I am sending a copy of this letter to the present parish priest, Rev. Mr. Arturo Hollman Ladino Gutiérrez, in order not to authorize Father José M Jiménez, in charge of the Region of Catalonia and Aragon, to celebrate in any of the parishes, which he has entrusted to his pastoral care.  

With my affection and blessing,


+ Vicente Jiménez Zamora Archbishop of Zaragoza



Fr. Waters received a reply from Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia to his letter of April 24.  Unfortunately for Chaput, his reply had nothing to do with the letter that was sent to him.  Therefore, Fr. Waters has sent a reply to Chaput's reply once again trying to make clear to him what is evident to everyone else.  Archbishop Chaput has proven himself to be a remarkable hypocrite.  He appeals to Dogma when it is convenient, such as his public exchange with Cardinal Blase Cupich and his earlier rift with Cardinal Kevin Farrell, and he throws Dogma out the window when it is not. No surprise that his name is not appended to the recent public defense of the faith by Cardinal Raymond Burke, et al.


Fr. Samuel Waters has sent another letter to Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia.  The letter applies a point made by Bishop-emeritus of Rome, Benedict/Ratzinger, in his letter to the bishops of the world regarding his take on understanding and addressing the problems of sexual abuse among the clergy to Chaput's unjust treatment of Fr. Waters and its moral implications.  Fr. Waters letter to Chaput, April 24, 2019.


We are currently witnessing the Pope Francis Vatican cover-up of the great sex abuse scandal within the Catholic Church.  The problem in the great majority of cases (90%+) is caused by homosexual clerics sexually abusing adolescent boys.  Anyone who denies this evident fact is by definition part of the Homosexual Lobby that works to obscure this in the minds of the public with the help of the secular press.  The CEO of the HomoLobby who is committed to protecting their perverse interests is none other than Pope Francis himself.


NOTE:  Anyone who claims that the sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church is caused by "clericalism" is by definition a member of the Homosexual Lobby. Anyone who is a member of the Homosexual Lobby is a homosexual and pederast in potency or act until proven otherwise. Even if a member of the Homosexual Lobby is not a homosexual in act, he possesses an entirely disordered moral sense that is wholly incompatible with the Catholic faith. He is an enemy of God, an enemy of His Church, and an enemy against the salvation of souls and must be treated as such. We are bound to love our enemies and pray for them, but we are not supposed to pretend they are not our enemies. 


The Diocese of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania released the names of over 70 members of its clergy who have been accused of sexual abuse in cases spanning back to the 1940s. This list is only those who were caught. The Homosexual Network will always cut its losses to protect itself. Nothing will be corrected until the root of the problem is identified and thoroughly removed.  Every apology issued by the Church in the public forum for the crimes of homosexual molestation of adolescent boys (which constitute more than 90% of all cases of sexual abuse) must include a declaration that the Church remove every homosexual from its ranks.


On the first day of their General Chapter meeting, the 41 handpicked electors by Bishop Bernard Fellay elected his successor to head the SSPX.  There are several reports that this election represents a repudiation of Fellay's policies.  That is not likely.  It is more likely to be a calculated retrenchment before a continuation of the course established since the GREC meetings began in 1997.  The Vatican Insider announced the expected outcome before the actual elections took place.  How could they have known?  The answer may be that they were able to predict what they had orchestrated.  The new superior general and his two assistants have direct ties to Argentina.  Maybe Bishop Fellay will assume the title of "Superior-General Emeritus."  One thing is for sure, he will not be sent to take up residence in the Philippines.

(Note: This announcement was made before the addition of two additional advisors to the Superior General were created, which happen to be the last two Superior Generals, Bishop Fellay and Fr. Schmidberger.)



In November 2001 the arguments taken from Reply to a Conservative Canon Lawyer were formally presented to Bishop Nicholas Dattilo by a priest of this diocese requesting an official judgment. Dattilo never responded beyond summarily forcing the priest into an unceremonious retirement, and eventually publishing the unsubstantiated charges of "heresy" and "schism" against the Mission in the diocesan newspaper.

Since that time, an OPEN CHALLENGE has been repeatedly placed before each of the last four bishops in Harrisburg to enter into an open written discussion regarding the liturgical, doctrinal, moral and canonical claims of Ss. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Mission for the purpose of bringing those in error back to the Catholic faith and obedience to her immemorial traditions (the last challenge was offered May 13, 2023). Think of the Catholic saints who have labored among heretics and schismatics to bring those in error back to the Catholic faith and the possibility of salvation such as, St. Augustine among the Donatists and Pelagians, St. Dominic among the Albigensians, St. Peter of Verona among the Cathars, St. Peter Canisius among the Lutherans, St. Francis de Sales among the Calvinists, St. Andrew Bobola among the Orthodox, St. John Fisher among the Anglicans, and on and on and on. These saints offered their very lives for the restoration of heretics and schismatics to the Catholic Church.  The local bishops of Harrisburg have done nothing. Could it be that they are not sure who in fact in an open debate would be demonstrated to be the heretics and schismatics?

Eighteen  Twenty-three years is not long in the history of the Church but it is long time in the life of every faithful Catholic. These bishops have been grossly negligent in the duties but their silence itself is really reply enough. These cowards have not taken up our challenge because they have no answers against those who defend Dogma and the rights of immemorial ecclesiastical traditions which are the images of our faith that make it known and communicable to others. They think being silent is better than looking stupid.

We were recently told by a friend of our Mission that conservative Catholics who have objected to the Mission refused to discuss or so much as to even read the OPEN LETTERS. They are afraid. The Mission scares them and they prefer willful ignorance than to burden their consciences with open and clear obligations. If we are correct in what we profess everyone from the bishop to the lowest Catholic will have, in some degree or another, to answer for their sloth. Willful ignorance does not excuse sin, it aggravates it.



Two Catholics have attended Mass at our Mission leaving the Fraternity of St. Peter Indult Community that offers the Extra-ordinary Form of the Novus Ordo. The first said that in the indult sermon they were told that obedience must be given to Pope Francis by every Catholic without any qualification whatsoever including the moral corruption of Amoris Laetitia. The second said that they were refused absolution in the confessional because they told the priest that in conscience they could not attend a Novus Ordo memorial meal if unable to find a traditional Mass. The Indult community, like the clergy in Germany, sell the sacraments. The only difference is the currency of exchange. They are no better than a guard dog that can be appeased with a couple of hard-boiled eggs.


Bishop Richard Williamson performed the Episcopal consecration of Bishop Gerardo Zendejas at St. Athanasius Chapel in Vienna, Virginia on May 11, 2017.  Please remember his welfare in your petitions to our Lord that he will faithfully defend the Dogmas of our Catholic Faith and the immemorial ecclesiastical traditions that make that Faith known and communicable to others.



The SCHISM is HERE!  Only the brain dead have an excuse!

COMMENT: This book provides an interpretation of Chapter 8 of Amoria Laetitia (AL).  It is addressed to bishops with a “merciful heart” and offers an interpretation that is consistent with the interpretation approved in the private letter sent by Pope Francis to the bishops of Argentina as well as with the interpretation of Cardinal Schornborn who Pope Francis has publically identified as its ‘official interpretor.’  These bishops say that the proper understanding and application is that any Catholic living in public adultery based upon their own private judgment in the internal forum can declare themselves worthy to receive Holy Communion and absolution in the sacrament of Penance and therefore cannot be denied these sacraments.  It is given semi-official approval by its publication in L’Osservatore Romano. 

Now in the Novus Ordo which may be nothing more than a memorial meal as initially defined by Pope Paul VI, perhaps giving the Novus Ordo communion wafer to a person in objective mortal sin is not a real problem.  But what is certainly a grave sin it that these persons expect to be absolved by a confessor in the sacrament of Penance without confessing or repentance of mortal sin.  Pope Francis and his CDF puppet, Cardinal Muller, will not be answering the Dubia in any official capacity.  This does not represent a change in the Church’s teaching.  It represents the active effort of a Francis and his minions to destroy the Catholic doctrine and morality.  As we announced during the synod, the schism has long been present.  It is more evident each passing day and every Catholic will have to pick sides.  God cannot let an open attack upon the sacrament of marriage go unpunished.  Their hypocrisy is oozing from every pore.  Imagine if a Catholic with “humility, discretion and love for the Church and her teaching, in a sincere search for God’s will and a desire to make a more perfect response to it” arrives at traditional Catholicism, what kind of response can be expect from the local bishop and Rome?  If you want to know read our OPEN LETTERS!


10. If, as a result of the process of discernment, undertaken with “humility, discretion and love for the Church and her teaching, in a sincere search for God’s will and a desire to make a more perfect response to it” (AL 300). a separated or divorced person who is living in a new relationship manages, with an informed and enlightened conscience, to acknowledge and believe that he or she are at peace with God, he or she cannot be precluded from participating in the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist (see AL, notes 336 and 351).

Bishops Charles J Scicluna and Mario Grech, Guide for the Interpretation of Chapter 8 of Amoris Laetitia: An Invitatiion to the Bishops of Merciful Hearts.  This book received semi-official approbation by being favorably reviewed in L’Osservatore Romano, Italian edition, January 2017.


Pope says Schonborn interpretation on Communion for remarried is the final word

April 16, 2016 LifeSiteNews – On the flight returning from Greece, Pope Francis was asked if the Apostolic Exhortation (Amoris Laetitia) contained a "change in discipline that governs access to the sacraments" for Catholics who are divorced and remarried. The Pope replied, “I can say yes, period.” Adding, however, that this would be "too small" of an answer, the Pope then urged reading the presentation of Cardinal Schönborn, calling Schönborn a “great theologian who knows the doctrine of the Church.”

"In that presentation your question will have the answer," the pope concluded.

Schonborn’s presentation boiled down Pope Francis’ more than 60,000 words in the exhortation to 3000, but in that short space made sure to include the “smoking footnote” being seen as the opening of the door to Holy Communion to Catholics living in second unions where annulment from the first union was not possible.  The position contradicts Pope St. John Paul II’s Familiaris Consortio as well as the Catechism of the Catholic Church.( as well as divine positive law and the constant immemorial universal tradition of the Catholic Church in all her rites without exception whatsoever) [……]


The following “announcement” has been posted on the Mission web page since the election of Pope Francis.  There is no reason to take it down or amend it in any way, especially in light of the recent attacks on the Sacrament of Matrimony that have been supported by Pope Francis.  We pray for the Pope so that we may not share in the punishment that will certainly follow upon this sin and objective scandal. 

“Pope Francis has almost daily since his election last month shown a studied contempt for the Ecclesiastical Traditions of our Church. It is good that the wolf looks and acts like a wolf.  The Traditional Catholics, grounded in true Hope, ‘know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.’ (Rom. 8: 28) Therefore, no matter how stupid, blind, incompetent, or willfully malicious the helmsman may be, God is still in charge of His Church and His providential care will be accomplished willy-nilly.  The coming chastisement will separate the hirelings from the shepherds.”


Pope Francis and SSPX superior Bishop Fellay met Friday evening in Rome.  Greg Burke, Vatican Press Office vice-director, announced on Monday that a meeting took place in the Casa Santa Marta on Friday, April 1, between Pope Francis and the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X. We have learned that it was a very positive meeting.  Apparently, Pope Francis was impressed by +Fellay's incompetency displayed during his interview on Conflict Zone!  

The question that must be asked of +Fellay is: “When and where did he make the 1989 Profession of Faith and the Oath of Fidelity to the ‘authentic magisterium’ of the conciliar popes?”  It awaits to be seen if he is able to bring the rank and file to agree with his accommodation of error.


Amoris Laetitia, “On Love in the Family,” an act of the 'authentic magisterium' of Pope Francis, an apostolic exhortation that presents his findings and conclusions from the two synods, which threw open to discussions settled moral and doctrinal questions of Catholic revealed truth, was released April 8.  Pope Francis gave the honor of presenting the document to Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, O.P. of Vienna, Austria, who is a recognized apologist for the homosexual heresy, and Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, secretariat of the synod of bishops. Baldisseri was the man who ordered the interception of the book, Remaining in the Truth of Christ, which had been mailed to participants in the Extraordinary Synod last October. The book is a collection of essays by five Cardinals and four other scholars in defense of Catholic truth regarding the sacraments that was written in response to heretical opinions in Cardinal Walter Kasper’s book, The Gospel of the Family.

Amoris Laetitia, as expected, overturns the Catholic doctrinal and moral teaching on the sacrament of Marriage and by directly endorsing situation ethics which is morally repugnant to all faithful Catholics.  As said before, this will eliminate conservative Catholicism.  The problem facing Catholics who have been faithful to the doctrinal and ecclesiastical traditions of the Catholic Church is to make conservative Catholics, who are just now rejecting the novelties and corruptions of Francis, understand that the answer to the problem is not a return to the novelties and corruptions of Benedict and John Paul II.  Neither of these two conciliar popes could or would offer any principled objection to Pope Francis who is just travelling a little further down the same road! 


A Letter was sent to Bishop Ronald Gainer in response to his comments to the York Daily Record after the Palm Sunday story covering the liturgical worship at Ss. Peter & Paul Chapel.  A copy of the letter is available in the vestibule.


It has come to our attention that Virgil Bradley (Gabriel) Tetherow is reforming the suppressed order of Servants of St. Francis and using favorable comments made from our Mission that have long ago been retracted and apologized for.  Therefore we are republishing our assessment of the character of Tetherow for a public warning. TETHEROW


Posted Letter to Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith was sent on December 15, 2015 on the occasion  of Pope Francis' declaration, in an act of his “authentic magisterium,” condemning “Catholic fundamentalism” as a “disease” of ‘Godless idolatry’ afflicting “many Catholics” for believing in “Absolute Truth.”


The Synod on the Family was a sham from beginning to end and will undoubtedly go down as the greatest corruption of Catholic doctrine and morals in the history of the Church.  It was in fact a very crude attempt by Pope Francis to give the appearance of popular collegial support for the corruption he has militantly imposed upon the Catholic faithful.  For nearly two years since Pope Francis’ public praise of Cardinal Kasper’s theological novelties, Pope Francis has lead an opened discussion on settled moral and doctrinal questions that he does not possess the authority or power to change.  This has done incalculable damage to Catholic Truth.  Those who give only tacit support to this corruption will pay the worst of all penalties.  Every heretic always attacks the doctrine of Marriage because Matrimony is the metaphor that God employs to describe His unbreakable union with His Church as a whole and with each individual faithful Catholic as well.  Since heretics have broken union with God they cannot abide the integrity of the metaphor. 



To conservative Catholics who have enough Catholic sense to repent of Francis but not enough Catholic sense to stop yearning for the “good old days” of Benedict/Ratzinger.

COMMENT: As Pope Pius XII explained in Humani Generis, it is impossible to affirm the Catholic dogma that the “Lord Jesus Christ... is consubstantial with the Father” or the Catholic dogma of Transubstantiation, if the concept of “substance” is rejected in the same sense used by scholastic theologians found in the perennial realist philosophical tradition and fixed by its usage in Catholic dogma. 

Benedict/Ratzinger denies the meaning of “substance” and then, he necessarily denies the dogma of the True Presence. Benedict/Ratzinger’s entire “hermeneutic of reform” vs. the “hermeneutic of rupture” is predicated upon accepting his Neo-Modernist philosophy which, in the end, denies the term substance and replaces it with the accident of relationship.

There is no philosophical difference between Benedict/Ratzinger and his chosen replacement Francis who marks, as Benedict/Ratzinger predicted in December before his abdication, the “beginning of the new Church and the end of the old.” The only difference between the two, apart from superficial style, is that Francis is wholly formed by the Novus Ordo Church and suffers no misgivings of conscience about the direction he is dragging the Church because he knows no other way. Those conservative Catholic who are nostalgic for a return of Benedict/Ratzinger or John Paul II in the face of Francis’ infidelities are even more superficial than Francis! 


“Some even say that the doctrine of transubstantiation, based on an antiquated philosophic notion of substance, should be so modified that the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist be reduced to a kind of symbolism, whereby the consecrated species would be merely efficacious signs of the spiritual presence of Christ and of His intimate union with the faithful members of His Mystical Body.”

Pope Pius XII, Humani Generis


 “…the medieval concept of substance has long since become inaccessible to us. In so far as we use the concept of substance at all today we understand thereby the ultimate particles of matter, and the chemically complex mixture that is bread certainly does not fall into that category.” 

Joseph Ratzinger, Faith and the Future, p. 14


“Eucharistic devotion such as is noted in the silent visit by the devout in church must not be thought of as a conversation with God. This would assume that God was present there locally and in a confined way. To justify such an assertion shows a lack of understanding of the Christological mysteries of the very concept of God. This is repugnant to the serious thinking of the man who knows about the omnipresence of God. To go to church on the ground that one can visit God who is present there is a senseless act which modern man rightfully rejects.”

Joseph Ratzinger, Die Sacramentale Begrundung Christliche Existenz



Planned Parenthood’s Director of Medical Services, Deborah Nucatola, M.D., has been captured on video discussing the PP practice of selling baby body parts for profit procured by partial birth abortions, both practices of which are violations of U.S. positive law.  The U.S. Supreme Court overturned any reference to Natural Law in Casey vs. Planned Parenthood as a basis for determining the morality of U.S. law, so U.S. law is no longer limited to the imagination but is grounded upon pure arbitrary fantasy.  Anyone who thinks ‘homosexual marriage’ and infant ritual murder are protected “rights” under the U.S. constitution cannot have too much a problem with infant cannibalism. We should not be too surprised because it was historically the practice to eat body parts of victims of ritual murder.  The video should be widely distributed to as many as possible before the national morality becomes entirely jaded and justifies this disgusting practice.


Msgr. William Lynn, the former director for clergy for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia has been sent back to jail. Lynn was freed last year after an appeals court overturned his conviction on child endangerment charges relating to Philadelphia Archdiocese’s sex-abuse scandal. On April 25, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned that reversal and reinstated the original conviction — saying that the child endangerment statute applied to Lynn even though he did not directly supervise the welfare of the child victims in the scandal. The Supreme Court said that Lynn:

•  ”Mollified victims of sexual abuse by falsely telling them their allegations were being seriously investigated and that the particular priest would never again be assigned around children, despite knowing that the priests under his supervision would merely be reassigned to another parish with no ministry restrictions on contact with children.”

• “Informed parishioners that the priests he transferred were moved for health reasons, leaving the welfare of children in jeopardy.”

• “Routinely disregarded treatment recommendations for priests.”

• “Failed to inform the relocated priest’s new supervisor about abuse allegations.”

• “Took no action to ensure that the abusive priest was kept away from children at his new assignment.”

• “Suppressed complaints and concerns by the colleagues of the priests; all with the knowledge that sexually abusive priests rarely had only one victim and that all of these actions would endanger the welfare of the diocese’s children.”

• “Finally, and even more egregiously, when (Lynn) was contacted by law enforcement, he misrepresented facts to thwart their investigation of these priests, and their crimes.”


The OPEN LETTERS of FR. SAMUEL WATERS now include the Letter to Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), which has the Arguments addressing the moral, doctrinal, and canonical deficiencies of Archbishop Charles Chaput's “Decree of Excommunication” as well as his calumny, offered without evidence, that Ss. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Mission is a “schismatic organization.”  Also posted for viewing is the LETTER of reply from the CDF written by Archbishop J. Augustine Di Noia, O.P. and Fr. Waters' reply to Archbishop Di Noia.  This is the same Di Noia who argued the Vatican's alleged 'doctrinal' dispute with the SSPX.  The Letters speak for themselves and really require no additional comment.  They are themselves a clear revelation of the character of each author.

Open Letters between Fr. Waters and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the CDF


Fr. Luigi Villa, Th.D. authored the book, Paul VI - Beatified?, which derailed the process of Paul V's beatification until it was resuscitated by Pope Francis.  It is a book every Catholic should be familiar with to understand what kind of man gave us the Novus Ordo Church that has just declared him “blessed.”



Priests who see insults offered to God and remain silent are called by Isaias “mute dogs.” But to these mute dogs shall be imputed all the sins that they could have – but have not prevented....  Hence, St. Leo adds: “The priest who does not withdraw another from error proves that he is himself involved in it.”

St. Alphonsus De Liguori


Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it.

Pope St. Felix III



Fast-Track Catholic Divorce

COMMENT: Pope Francis the Humble and Merciful has instituted Fast-Track Catholic Divorce to begin on December 8 for the “Year of Mercy”.  The divorced and remarried, who are in a state of objective adultery, are now identified as the Church’s “poor” to whom the bishops must exercise a ‘preferential option’.  A new ground for “nullity” has been invented being the lack of “faith” which all of Pope Francis’ predecessors were too blind to see, or just too unmerciful to forgive.  So now, those who do not have the “faith” are to be granted a Catholic divorce so they can regularize their new “marriages” which were received without faith and then be admitted to the Church and receive communion which they do not believe in?  It will be Msgr. Pio Vito Pinto at the Roman Rota who will be implementing the Catholic divorce for Pope Francis through the local ordinaries.  He is calling for a “metànoia” of the Catholic bishops to the new divorce regulations so that they will be seen as the will of God and the operation of the Holy Ghost “who speaks through Francis.”  This sounds very much like the sin against the Holy Ghost which Jesus Christ warned against.  The coming schism will clearly distinguish Catholic faithful from Novus Ordites.

So, with this fundamental law, Francis makes a real beginning to his reform: by putting the poor at the center, that is, the divorced and remarried, considered set apart and distant, and asking bishops for a true and proper metànoia. That is to say, a “conversion”, a change of mentality which convinces and sustains them in following the invitation of Christ, present in their brother, the Bishop of Rome, to pass from the restricted number of a few thousand annulments to that immeasurable [number]of unfortunates who might have a declaration of nullity — because of evident of absence of faith as a bridge to knowledge and thus to the free will [necessary]to give sacramental consent — but are left on the outside by the current system. [.…]

But how will the bishops or eparchs, most of all in large dioceses, be able to guarantee, at least in part and as a sign, their role as shepherds and judges?  What is important is that the spirit of collegiality and communion among bishops under obedience to the Pontiff, begins to permeate the hearts and minds of the shepherds. The faithful are waiting with eagerness and love for such a metànoia and will nonetheless be patient in the Lord when faced with the good faith of their shepherds. The Jubilee Year of Mercy expects this sign of humble obedience (on the part of the Churches’ shepherds) to the Spirit who speaks to them through Francis.

Msgr. Pio Vito Pinto, the Dean of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota


Bishop Gainer’s Comment – Apparently he did not read the fine print.  The new regulations in fact do “alter the… grounds on which annulments are granted,” that is, “evidence of absence of faith.”

The reforms announced by our Holy Father will simplify and in some cases quicken the process for obtaining an annulment though the Diocese of Harrisburg. This will aid us in our mission of compassionate healing to those in failed marriages and in our concern for the salvation of souls. We see these changes as procedural in nature. They do not alter the teaching of the Catholic Church on the permanency of marriage or the grounds on which annulments are granted. The Diocese of Harrisburg, through our Tribunal, remains committed to walking with those on a path of peace and reconciliation with our merciful Lord. 

Bishop Ronald Gainer, Bishop of Harrisburg



COMMENT: Laudato Si’ represents a change in appearance in neo-modernism's liberation theology.  Liberation Theology's purpose was to enroll Catholic doctrine and morality in the service of Marxist Ideology.  Laudato Si’s purpose is to enroll Catholic doctrine and morality in the service of the Gaia cult of earth worship.  Wisdom is the perfect knowledge about the most important things in there right order of reference.  Laudato Si’ is an overthrow of Wisdom.  Even when the document speaks of some Catholic truth, it is never in the proper order of reference.

Once again, the Novus Order Regime in Rome endorses the United Nations call for One World Government ruling a “noble and generous society” based upon a “genuine and profound humanism” and thus, repudiates the gospel message of the true “social teaching of the Church” to promote and defend the social Kingship of Jesus Christ! 

As Benedict XVI has affirmed in continuity with the social teaching of the Church: “To manage the global economy; to revive economies hit by the crisis; to avoid any deterioration of the present crisis and the greater imbalances that would result; to bring about integral and timely disarmament, food security and peace; to guarantee the protection of the environment and to regulate migration: for all this, there is urgent need of a true world political authority, as my predecessor Blessed John XXIII indicated some years ago.”  […….] Here, continuity is essential, because policies related to climate change and environmental protection cannot be altered with every change of government. Results take time and demand immediate outlays which may not produce tangible effects within any one government’s term. That is why, in the absence of pressure from the public and from civic institutions, political authorities will always be reluctant to intervene, all the more when urgent needs must be met. To take up these responsibilities and the costs they entail, politicians will inevitably clash with the mindset of short-term gain and results which dominates present-day economics and politics. But if they are courageous, they will attest to their God-given dignity and leave behind a testimony of selfless responsibility. A healthy politics is sorely needed, capable of reforming and coordinating institutions, promoting best practices and overcoming undue pressure and bureaucratic inertia. It should be added, though, that even the best mechanisms can break down when there are no worthy goals and values, or a genuine and profound humanism to serve as the basis of a noble and generous society. 

Pope Francis, Laudato Si’, On earth worship, global warming, etc.


The ‘1989 Profession of Faith’ - Which demands in a Catholic creed the unconditional “submission of the will and the intellect,” or as Lumen Gentium says, submission of the “soul,” to the purely human and arbitrary authority of the Pope, is enforced upon only Faithful Catholics and no one else!

COMMENT: The one “non-negotiable point” in the Vatican’s dealing with the SSPX is the “1989 Profession of Faith” which demands from Catholics the unconditional submission of the “will and the intellect,” or as Lumen Gentium describes it, unconditional submission of the “soul,” to whatever the “authentic (ordinary) magisterium” opines.  This exercise of the “authentic (ordinary) magisterium” is the pope teaching by his grace of state to which submission must always and necessarily be conditional and not to his teaching by virtue of the attribute of infallibility which Jesus Christ has endowed His Church.  The “1989 Profession of Faith” demands that the Faithful give to a man what can and must only be given to God.

And just for the record, Pope Pius XII in Humani Generis taught nothing of the kind nor was Human Generis cited as an authoritative reference in Lumen Gentium for this novel teaching!  Every example cited by Pope Pius XII in Humani Generis demanding submissive obedience by the Faithful to the Holy Father regards his teaching by the ‘authentic ordinary and universal Magisterium’ which is always infallible.


Jean-Marie Dumont: What is, therefore, the non-negotiable point?

Archbishop Guido Pozzo: That which is essential, that to which we cannot renounce, is adherence to the Professio fidei and to the principle according to which it is only to the magisterium of the Church that was entrusted by the Lord the faculty of authentic interpreting, that is, with the authority of Christ, the written and transmitted word of God. It is the Catholic doctrine, recalled by Vatican II (Dei Verbum, 10), but already expressly taught by Pius XII in the encyclical Humani Generis. This means that the Magisterium, while it is not of course above Scripture and Tradition, is nevertheless the authentic instance that judges the interpretations on Scripture and Tradition, from whichever part they may come.

“Consequently, if there are no different degrees of authority and adherence of the faithful to her teachings - as the Vatican II dogmatic constitution Lumen Gentium (25) declares - no one can place himself above the Magisterium. I earnestly think and hope that, in this doctrinal framework that I have just explained, we will be able to find the point of convergence and common agreement, because this specific issue is a doctrinal point belonging to the Catholic faith, and not to a legitimate theological discussion or to pastoral criteria.

Archbishop Guido Pozzo, secretary of the Pontifical Commission of Ecclesia Dei and a member of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in an interview with the French magazine Famille Chrétienne, October 20, 2014, responding to a question regarding the Vatican negotiations with the SSPX.


The “New Evangelization” and the “New Ecclesial Realities”

The “new evangelization” identifies “new ecclesial realities” as the “work of the Holy Spirit” and thus, regards them as the means by which God will bring about a rebirth of Christian faith since the collapse following Vatican II.  These “ecclesial realities” include such entities as the Neocatechumenal Way, Communion and Liberation, the Focolare Movement, and the Charismatic Renewal.  They all embody the novel teachings of Vatican II, which the hierarchy denies as having any causal relationship with the collapse of faith that the “new ecclesial realities” are expected to restore.  These “ecclesial realities” have developed more in Europe and Latin America than in the United States.  The obvious reason for this is that the U. S. is already a religious pluralistic society that has similar entities as these “ecclesial realities” in every city.  The Masonic brotherhood religion for world peace has a lot in common with Focolare.  The Neocatechumenal Way is comparable to a Baptist Evangelical church with a Lutheran theological conception of the Holy Eucharist.  The common thread among all these “ecclesiastical realities” is that they seek an encounter with Jesus Christ without the burden of dogma or the moral imperatives and duties that dogma imposes.  Cardinal Ratzinger nevertheless, at the World Congress of Ecclesial Movements, May 27, 1998, compared these “ecclesial realities” to St. Anthony of the Desert and the early monastic movement, to St. Francis and St. Dominic, St. Ignatius and the Jesuits, St. Teresa of Avila and St. Catherine of Siena.  John Paul II addressed them on the vigil of Pentecost in 1998 and said:


“With the Second Vatican Council, the Comforter recently gave the Church, which according to the Fathers is the place 'where the Spirit flourishes' (Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 749), a renewed Pentecost, instilling a new and unforeseen dynamism. Whenever the Spirit intervenes, he leaves people astonished. He brings about events of amazing newness; he radically changes persons and history. This was the unforgettable experience of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council during which, under the guidance of the same Spirit, the Church rediscovered the charismatic dimension as one of her constitutive elements: 'It is not only through the sacraments and the ministrations of the Church that the Holy Spirit makes holy the people, leads them and enriches them with his virtues. Allotting his gifts according as he wills (cf. 1 Cor 12:11), he also distributes special graces among the faithful of every rank.... He makes them fit and ready to undertake various tasks and offices for the renewal and building up of the Church' (Lumen gentium, n.12). […….] Today the Church rejoices at the renewed confirmation of the prophet Joel's words which we have just heard: 'I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh' (Acts 2:17). You, present here, are the tangible proof of this 'outpouring' of the Spirit. Each movement is different from the others, but they are all united in the same communion and for the same mission. Some charisms given by the Spirit burst in like an impetuous wind, which seizes people and carries them to new ways of missionary commitment to the radical service of the Gospel, by ceaselessly proclaiming the truths of faith, accepting the living stream of tradition as a gift and instilling in each person an ardent desire for holiness.[….] In our world, often dominated by a secularized culture which encourages and promotes models of life without God, the faith of many is sorely tested, and is frequently stifled and dies. Thus we see an urgent need for powerful proclamation and solid, in-depth Christian formation. There is so much need today for mature Christian personalities, conscious of their baptismal identity, of their vocation and mission in the Church and in the world! There is great need for living Christian communities! And here are the movements and the new ecclesial communities: they are the response, given by the Holy Spirit, to this critical challenge at the end of the millennium. You are this providential response.”

John Paul II, speech addressing “ecclesial movements and new communities.”  May 30, 1998, Vigil of Pentecost


Now, Pope Francis, who has recently taken credit for introducing the Charismatic Renewal into Argentina, again addressed these “new ecclesial realities” on the vigil of Pentecost and he looks to them as the hope for the “new evangelization.”  Pope Francis, who has knelt before Protestant evangelical charismatics to receive their “blessing,” cannot possible have any clue whatsoever regarding the discernment of spirits. 


At the funeral for Fr. Luigi Giussani, the founder of the “ecclesial reality,” Communion and Liberation, Cardinal Joesph Ratzinger said, “Fr. Giussani always kept the eyes of his life and of his heart fixed on Christ.  In this way, he understood that Christianity is not an intellectual system, a packet of dogmas, a moralism, Christianity is rather an encounter, a love story; it is an event.”  It was Jesus Christ who said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” (John 14:15)  This is the necessary condition of “love.”  And only when that necessary condition is fulfilled will Jesus, “ask the Father, and He shall give you another Paraclete, and He may abide with you forever, the Spirit of truth.”  St. Francis and Peter Waldo embraced the radical poverty of Jesus Christ but they were of entirely different spirits.  Only St. Francis possessed the “Spirit of truth.”  He was a saint, Waldo, a heretic.  There is no encounter with Jesus Christ without believing His revealed truth, that is, all dogmas that are formal objects of Divine and Catholic faith, and keeping His commandments.  Whoever sets opposition between Jesus Christ and the truth He revealed and the commandments He gave does not know Jesus Christ and does not possess the Holy Ghost, the “Spirit of Christ.”   “Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His.”(Rom. 8: 9)  None of the saints identified by Cardinal Ratzinger ever held any of our articles of faith or our ecclesiastical traditions in contempt as these “new ecclesial realities” clearly have done.  And every one of these saints gave evidence of personal holiness and performed remarkable miracles as a testimony to the truth of their mission.  The winter of Vatican II will be getting colder and darker.



The Neocatechumenal Way = Evangelical Lutheranism with a Mariachi Twist

The Neocatechumenal Way

- A Fearful Danger to the Faith -


April 1995, Christian Order

“I charge thee,( ... ): preach the word, persevere in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine.

“For the day will come when they will no longer endure sound doctrine, but, after their own lusts, men shall surround themselves with teachers, having itching ears. And they shall refuse to listen to the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

“But watch thou attentively, know how to endure afflictions, do thy works as an evangelist, carry out thy ministry” [2 Tim 4, 1-5]


We have been able to identify these in the above-mentioned typewritten texts reserved for the Catechists and kept secret not only from the public but also from the faithful committed to the Way.

They concern ideas which cannot be shared by many Neocatechumenals and seem above all to be ignored especially by those who, devoid of theology, are not in a position to judge their orthodoxy with the necessary competence.

The accusation of heresy is aimed at the doctrinal positions, not the persons, whom we still regard as worthy of respect and who can be inspired by the best intentions.

* * * *

1. SIN: man cannot avoid committing it, in the same way as he can neither accomplish good nor acquire merits for himself;

conversion is possible only as recognition, by everyone, of their own moral poverty, not as a determined wish to correct one's faults which sanctity tends to realize;
- sin cannot offend God, and man does not incur the duty to expiate it by satisfying the requirements of His justice.

2. REDEMPTION: Jesus has not brought this about by liberating man from his faults and reconciling him with God;

- the passion and death of Christ has not been a true sacrifice offered to the Father in order to remedy sin and to redeem man;
- Jesus saved the world by virtue of His Resurrection: in order to enjoy the fruits of His work it is enough to confess to be sinners and to believe in the power of the risen Christ.

3. THE CHURCH was not founded by Christ as his only Sheepfold: it is also possible to save oneself by following other religions;

the Church is not a juridical and hierarchical society, but a spiritual, charismatic one;
- in it there is not found a priesthood derived from the sacrament of the Order - as it is sufficient to have the Baptism which, incorporating all the believers in Christ, makes them participants of His priestly dignity.

4. THE MASS is not a “sacrifice”: the Church, at the altar, does not offer to God any Victim;

- in place of the altar, there is nothing but the table, which in the Eucharist allows a festive party to be celebrated among brothers united by the same faith in the Resurrection;
- the consecrated bread and wine are only the symbol of the presence of the risen Christ which unites the fellow-guests by communicating their own spirit, thus making them participants in his triumph over death;
- the Mass, thus conceived, is not celebrated by the priest, but by the Assembly, from which “springs the Eucharist.”

5. EUCHARISTIC WORSHIP does not have any meaning, it negates the true, real and substantial presence of Christ under the sacramental species. Acts of faith such as genuflections before the Tabernacle, frequent Communions, hours of adoration, benedictions, processions, congresses, etc. are not therefore justified.

6. CONFESSION is reduced to the sacrament of Baptism: their distinction does not go back to the primitive Church:

- the Church ”gestates and leads to the conversion.” “The important thing is not the absolution” of the priest, because the value of the confession is essentially its community and ecclesial nature;
in the ”passages” and in the, ”scrutinies” the acknowledgement of one's transgressions, including the serious ones, is public, as can still be the case during the ”redditio.”

7THE CHRISTIAN LIFE, as a voluntary effort of self-discipline, and therefore an exercise and progress in virtue, is an illusion;

- everyone remains intrinsically a sinner, incapable of obtaining true justice as a perfection of the love of God and of one's fellow creatures;
- on the other hand, Jesus has not been presented to anyone as a ”model” to be imitated;
- He has commanded that we should actually hate our parents, brothers, relatives etc, not just, if necessary, to be prepared to prefer Him to them;
- in order to follow Christ, we need to sell our own goods; but, once this renunciation has been accomplished, it is permissible to acquire others and to enjoy all the pleasures of life. “Poverty” as understood by St. Francis, is inspired by the ”natural religion,” and was also practiced by the pagans: it is not a Christian virtue;
- Jesus, having suffered for us, has made our sufferings superfluous, therefore the austerities of the ascetics, the slow martyrdom of the Saints and the religious life itself, involving the effective practice of the evangelical counsels, are not justifiable;
- eternal salvation is offered freely to all by the mercy of God, who forgives everything. Hell should not exist, nor should one speak of Purgatory, of prayers and of indulgences for the dead.

8THE HISTORY of the true Church founded by Christ comes to an end with the Pax Constantinia and does not resume its course until the 20th century with the Second Vatican Council, having remained frozen for about 1,600 years ... ;

- in this long interval, the exercise of the triple power of the hierarchical Church (teaching, sanctification, guidance) would have been improper, illegitimate ... ; and in particular the Council of Trent would be responsible for the paralysis of the Church, determined to fix formulae of faith, liturgical rites, disciplinary, rules ... ;

- the interpretation of the Word of God is not reserved for the Hierarchy, it is possible for all believers: ”the Bible is explained by itself.” This freedom of examination in the exegesis excludes the ecclesiastical Teaching, the tradition of the Elders and the doctrine of the theologies


“The media gave a distorted picture of the Second Vatican Council. Now the real spirit of Vatican II needs to be examined.”

Benedict XVI, from his final address to the priests in the diocese of Rome 2-14-2013


This "impromptu" address given to the priests of the diocese of Rome should be read by every Catholic who is faithful to the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church.  It is entitled “The Second Vatican Council, as I saw it.”  In it Pope Benedict parrots every modernist nostrum that we have been choking on for the last fifty years, all of which have been thoroughly refuted time and again and many of which could be refuted by Ratzinger’s own writings. 


Just one example.  Pope Benedict said in this address that the “Liturgical movement had grown in Western Central Europe as the rediscovery of the richness and depth of the liturgy which hitherto was almost locked with the priest’s Roman Missal while the people prayed with their prayer books…. So the task was to translate the high content, the language of the classical liturgy, into more moving words, that were closer to the heart of the people……. Now (after VC II) the beauty, the depth, the Missal’s wealth of human and spiritual history was rediscovered as well as the need (for) more than one representative of the people… to respond……. A real dialogue between priest and people so that the liturgy of the altar and the liturgy of the people really were one single liturgy, one active participation….. So that the liturgy was rediscovered, renewed.”


Compare this with the following:

“What happened after the Council was altogether different: instead of a liturgy, the fruit of continuous development, a fabricated liturgy was put in its place. A living growing process was abandoned and the fabrication started. There was no further wish to continue the organic evolution and maturation of the living being throughout the centuries and they were replaced -- as if in a technical production -- by a fabrication, a banal product of the moment. Gamber, with the vigilance of a true visionary and with the fearlessness of a true witness, opposed this falsification and tirelessly taught us the living fullness of a true liturgy, thanks to his incredibly rich knowledge of the sources. As a man who knew and who loved history, he showed us the multiple forms of the evolution and of the path of the liturgy; as a man who saw history from the inside, he saw in this development and in the fruit of this development the intangible reflection of the eternal liturgy, which is not the object of our action, but which may marvelously continue to blossom and to ripen, if we join its mystery intimately.”

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, from his introduction in the French edition of Monsignor Klaus Gamber’s book, The Reform of the Roman Rite


This is just one example.  The entire missive, about ten type-written pages, is nothing but the modernist version of the history of Vatican II where subjective sentiments dominate objective reality.  Soon its lies and distortions will die and be buried with its last protagonist.  “By their fruits, who shall know them” (Matt. 7:16).  It is instructive to see how the vice of pride can be so blinding to facts.  The Church over the last fifty years has gone through the greatest decline in her entire history with no evidence of any meaningful reversal.  Now, the “media” is responsible for the “distorted picture” of VC II?  And now, fifty years later, “the real spirit” can at last “be examined.”  And for this tripe, he gets an ovation by the blighted clergy of Rome for his pretend “humility.”  We can take consolation in the return of Benedict to Ratzinger, that, no matter how bad the next pope may be, we will be dealing with someone who has no personal stake for his legacy in salvaging the disaster that is Vatican II.  


Fr. Luigi Villa, Th.D. the author of Vatican II, About Face!, which details the heresies of Vatican II, died November 18 at the age of 95. In his book Fr. Villa explains in detail the following “eight heresies that have been ordained and promoted by this Council”:

1.     The Cult of Man

2.     A New Religion

3.     “New Prophets” of Joy

4.     Idolatry of the World

5.     “Modernism”

6.     “Religious Freedom”

7.     Ecumenism

8.     Universal Salvation



Pope Benedict XVI demands “acknowledgment” of the ‘authentic magisterium’ as the one “indispensible condition”???

...[T]he entire phrase 'the Holy Father does not intend to leave aside an indispensable condition' [in the Secretariat of State's draft] was cancelled by Benedict XVI and replaced with, [in his own handwriting], 'For a future recognition of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X, the full acknowledgment of the Second Vatican Council and of the Magisterium of Popes John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, and of the same Benedict XVI is an indispensable condition.

Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais

COMMENT:  The word “Magisterium” is capitalized in the original.  It should not be because it only refers to the “authentic magisterium” which is a term that refers to the person who holds the papal office and not to any particular teaching.  The Magisterium of the Church is derived from the attribute of Infallibility that Jesus Christ endowed His Church so that He could say, “He who heareth you, heareth Me” (Luke 10, 16).  This power belongs to the Church by its nature and only accidently to the person who occupies the papal office.  The Magisterium of the Church was not employed by Vatican II or the councilar popes for any of the novelties of the last fifty years. This demand of Pope Benedict is asking only that Traditional Catholics “acknowledge” that Vatican II and the post-conciliar popes personally taught something.  It does not distinguish between the truth or the error of what was taught.  If Pope Benedict wants to teach infallibly and bind the “mind and will” of the Catholic faithful to a teaching as a formal object of Divine and Catholic Faith, he can only do so by engaging the Magistrium of the Church.


An edited letter sent from the Mission in reply to Dr. E. Michael Jones article, Traditionalism at the End of Its Tether, was published in Culture Wars Magazine. The unedited letter has been posted on the Open Letters page to better clarify the Mission’s position in defense of Catholic tradition. The letter is entitled, Why the SSPX Cannot Effectively Defend Catholic Tradition. 



In all thy works remember thy last end, and thou shalt never sin.

Ecclesiasticus 7:40


Mary Magdalen Penitent Ribera.jpg



If anyone despises or rejects either written or unwritten ecclesiastical tradition, let him be anathema.

Canon 4, Ecumenical Council of Nicea in 787 A.D


Your divine Providence, O God, takes care of all Your creatures as though they were but one, and it takes care of each one as though all others were contained in it.  Oh! If Your Providence were only understood, everyone would forget the things of this world to be united to it. 

St. Mary Magdalen dei Pazzi


“(Dogma must be understood) by the very sense by which it is defined...and...must be held to be by itself a sufficient demonstration, very sure and adapted to all the faithful.”

Blessed Pope Pius IX, Inter Gravissimas, 1870


All novelty in faith is a sure mark of heresy.  St. Paul cried out aloud, again and again, to all men, to all times, and to all places that, if anyone announces a new dogma, let him be anathematized! 

St. Vincent of Lerins




Ordinary Pope Greets Extra-Ordinary Pope!

I spoke because now more than ever, corruption has spread to the highest levels of the hierarchy of the Church. I ask the journalists: why are they not asking what happened to the cache of documents that, as we all saw, were delivered at Castel Gandolfo to Pope Francis from Pope Benedict? Was that all useless? It would have been enough to read my report and the transcript that was made of my deposition before the three cardinals charged with the investigation of the Vatileaks case (Julian Herranz, Jozef Tomko, and Salvatore De Giorgi) in order to begin some cleaning up in the Curia.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, comment during interview after his open letter accusing Pope Francis of covering for homosexual predators in the Catholic Church, August 28, 2018



The Question: Who is deceived?

One deceives himself who thinks that the prophetic mission of Fatima is concluded. 

Pope Benedict XVI, May 2010


In the Third Secret it is foretold, among other things, that the great apostasy in the Church begins at the top.  

Luigi Cardinal Ciappi, personal theologian to four Popes


To save them [poor sinners who are on the road to hell], God wishes to establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war is going to end; but if people do not cease offending God, a worse war will break out during the reign of Pius XI. When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that He is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions against the Church and against the Holy Father.

To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. If My requests are heeded, Russia will be converted and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions against the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated… Only Our Lady of the Rosary can help you.

Blessed Virgin Mary to the children at Fatima


Priests, my Son's ministers, priests, by their evil life, by their irreverences and their impiety in celebrating the holy mysteries, love of money, love of honor and pleasures, priests have become sewers of impurity. Yes, priests call forth vengeance, and vengeance is suspended over their heads. Woe to priests, and to persons consecrated to God, who by their infidelities and their evil life are crucifying my son anew! The sins of persons consecrated to God cry to heaven and call for vengeance, and now here is vengeance at their very doors, for no longer is anyone found to beg mercy and pardon for the people; there are no more generous souls, there is now no one worthy of offering the spotless Victim to the Eternal on the worlds behalf………Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist. 

Our Lady of La Salette to Melanie Calvat and Maximin Giraud





New Entry Doors for our Chapel








Ss. Peter & Paul Chapel




St. Vincent de Paul and The Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary next to our Patrons



Print of St. Dominic in the Vestibule



St. Elizabeth of Hungry & St. Francis Xavier




The Risen Christ & St. Joan of Arc



St. Dominic Savio & St. Teresa of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face



St. Jude the Apostle




St. Clement Mary Hofbauer




Crucifix & St. Joseph in the Community Room




St. Anthony of Padua in the Community Room





New Flooring in the Community Room





Every possible care must be taken to hold fast to that faith which has been believed everywhere, always, and by everyone. He is a genuine Catholic who continues steadfast in the faith, who resolves that he will believe those things - and only those things- which he is sure the Catholic Church has held universally and from ancient times. It is therefore an indispensable obligation for all Catholics to adhere to the faith of the Fathers, to preserve it, to die for it and, on the other hand, to detest the profane novelties of profane men, to dread them, to harass them, and to attack them.

St. Vincent of Lerins Commonitoria, PL 50:637


The Holy Spirit has not been promised to the successors of Peter that, under His revelation, they might make known a new doctrine, but in order that, with His assistance, they sacredly preserve and faithfully set forth the revelation transmitted by the Apostles, that is to say, the deposit of the faith. 

Vatican Council I, Pastor Aeternus



Why the Church Requires Our Prayers for the Sovereign Pontiff

The Holy Ghost, who has guaranteed the infallible purity of the doctrine taught officially from the apostolic Chair, has not pledged himself to protect in a like degree from all failure either the virtue, or the private judgment, or ever the administrative acts of the Sovereign Pontiff… Our Lord has willed that to the prayers of all should be confided the charge of completing His work by obtaining for the successors of Peter such preservative graces as do not of themselves necessarily spring from the divine constitution of the Church. 

Dom Gueranger, The Liturgical Year, Feast of St. Leo II





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