Dr. David M. Drew 129 S.
Beaver St. York PA 17403 |
Dear Doctor
Drew: |
Nicholas C. Dattilo is in receipt of your letter of January 12. He has asked
that I reply in his name. |
Because of his office as a
Bishop of the Catholic Church, it is not possible for Bishop Dattilo to
participate in the manner you suggest in the dedication service of a church
edifice for any group, denomination, or sect other than one in communion with
the Roman Catholic Church. |
fulfillment of his ministry as successor of the Apostles, Bishop Dattilo
continues to provide for the pastoral and liturgical care of members of the
Catholic faithful throughout the fifteen county Diocese of Harrisburg,
supporting Catholic parishes and schools in a growing and faith-filled local
church. Your assumptions and assertions that the Catholic Church in Central
Pennsylvania is declining are, in fact, erroneous and baseless, but your
conclusions appear to be firmly established nonetheless. In communion
with his brother bishops and with the Bishop of Rome, Pope John Paul II,
Bishop Dattilo has also applied the faculty granted exclusively to him as
diocesan bishop to permit by extraordinary indult the celebration of the
Catholic Mass using the 1962 Roman Missal. No other use of these solemn words
and prayers can be considered a licit celebration of the Catholic Mass, It is
correct that a Catholic Mass is valid and licit when celebrated by a priest
who is a member of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, but such is not the
case for your sect, and any ministrations conducted for your group cannot by
any stretch of right reason be considered licit or proper for faithful
Catholics in communion with the Roman Catholic Church. The priests whom you
hire are not appointed by the diocesan bishop or any other successor of the
Apostles, and utterly lack priestly faculties required for the validity of
most sacraments, faculties which can be granted only by a bishop in communion
with the Bishop of Rome. Indeed, the use of the phrase "Roman
Catholic" in your group's title is forbidden by canon 300 of the Code
Canon Law. Its continued use is a public misrepresentation. |
If the words
in your letter are true, and not falsehood, then in the same "holy
Catholic obedience" you claim for yourself you will return to what you
know in your heart to be the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church,
walking away from an open act of schism. It is this to which your bishop
invites you, in "holy Catholic obedience." If your sect's building
were a true Catholic church edifice and your members a
true Catholic mission, you would have no need to invite the local bishop to
the "consecration." Rather, it is he who would extend the
invitation to you as a member of the Catholic faithful. The Catholic Church
does not operate by congregationalism, nor is doctrine established by debate.
Whether one is self-labeled as "traditional" or
"progressive," the action of choosing or rejecting doctrine by
personal reference is the same, and is to be decried. It is dissent from the
authentic Magisterium. |
Doctor Drew,
neither I nor Bishop Dattilo hold you in personal contempt, despite the
spiritual confusion, emotional tantrum, and scurrilous ad bominem attacks
evinced by your correspondence. Rather, we hold you in prayer, that the light
of the Holy Spirit may show you the peril in which your soul now stands and that
you may return in faith and joy to the Catholic Church. - |
Very truly
yours, |
(Very Rev.) William J. King,
JCD Judicial Vicar Secretary for Canonical
Services |
of Canonical Concerns * Office of Mediation Services * Office of the
Chancellor * Office of Catholic History and Archives |