SS. Peter and Paul
Roman Catholic Mission
O. Box 7352
PA 17404
October 31, 2005
Reverend Kevin C. Rhoades
Pennsylvania 17111
Bishop Rhoades,
Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Mission is an association of lay Catholics,
canonically functioning as a pious union but in practice structured more along
the lines of a confraternity, that have bound themselves together for their own
sanctification by simple promise to perform acts of prayer and penance for the
restoration of the Ecclesiastical traditions of the Roman Rite, the patrimony
and right of all Catholics, to the Diocese of Harrisburg. We are not interested in becoming an “Indult”
for we hold as a matter of first principle our rights to the immemorial
traditions of our religion as the perfect expression of our faith. An indult is the
permission to do something that is held to be illegal. Consequently, the immemorial traditions of
our faith cannot be the subject of an indult. And since rights necessarily impose
reciprocal obligations, we hold that the Church hierarchy has a strict moral
duty in this matter. We further hold that no Catholic has a right to do
anything that is manifestly harmful to Catholic faith and morals.
have had more than a dozen priests that have helped us over the past five
years. Fr. Marshall Roberts, a priest from the diocese of Scranton, has been
assisting at our chapel on a regular basis for the past year. He has recently been in contact with Rev.
William J. King, your judicial vicar, discussing his relationship with the
diocese of Scranton and his present situation in this diocese. It seems to us that although the discussions
Fr. Roberts is having with Rev. King concern his own
status, they cannot help but indirectly involve our Mission. To avoid any misunderstandings we want
everyone to understand that Fr. Roberts does not represent Ss. Peter and Paul
Roman Catholic Mission nor do any opinions he may express to Fr. King necessarily
reflect our own. Fr. Roberts is a good
priest and has been a genuine blessing for the members of our Mission, but it
remains a fact that he does not agree completely with our first principles, our
corporate structure or the ends that we hope to achieve.
recognize that our irregular canonical status within the Diocese is a scandal
for Catholics and non-Catholics alike, but as a matter of conscience cannot
permit questions of faith and morals to be the subjected to legal proscription. If you believe that it is possible to
regularize our position within the diocese without compromising our conscience,
we would like very much to meet with you and discuss our concerns regarding the
current state of the Church and our problems with the developments over the
last forty years.
have enclosed the book, Index of Leading Catholic Indicators by Kenneth
C. Jones, a statistical compilation of trends in the Church since Vatican
Council II. It does not forebode well
for any immediate reversal of these trends when a synod on the Holy Eucharist
can meet in Rome and not so much as discuss the fact that the greater majority
of Catholics do not even believe in the dogma of the True Presence.
can speak for all the members of our Mission that we applaud and support your
recent formal public opposition to the crime of abortion and your effort to
restore faith in, and public adoration to, the Blessed Sacrament. We had a public procession in the city of
York with the Blessed Sacrament on the Feast of Corpus Christi and again
yesterday, on the feast of Christ the King.
We also had a public procession to honor the Blessed Virgin on the Feast
of her Assumption. It is a great
consolation for us to have a bishop who treats the serious matters of our faith
in a serious manner.
also entrusted to Fr. Roberts the responsibility to deliver to Catholic
Charities our response to your appeal for relief for the victims of the recent
hurricanes in the gulf coast. Although
the contribution was comparatively small I think that you would find it
proportionally as great as any response in this diocese.
welfare is remembered in the Masses and prayers offered at our chapel with all
due filial respect and hope that you may fulfill your office to the glory of
God, the welfare of every soul in your charge, and your own sanctification and
in Christ,
Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Mission
Rev. Marshal Roberts
Rev. William J. King