SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Mission

Membership Pledge


The members of the Saints Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Mission, in fulfillment of the solemn obligations of their baptism, have joined together in a lay apostolate to work toward the sanctification of their souls by restoring to the Diocese of Harrisburg and defending the Ecclesiastical Traditions of the Roman Catholic Church, the patrimony and right of all Catholics, as necessary attributes of the Catholic Faith without which that Faith cannot be known or communicated to others. The primary focus of these efforts are the propagation of the “received and approved rites customarily used in the solemn administration of the sacraments,” most importantly of which is the immemorial Roman Rite of the Mass for the holy and acceptable public worship of God, as codified by Pope St. Pius V (found in the 1955 or previous edition of the Missale Romanum); the defense of all Catholic dogmas in their literal sense as formal objects of “divine and Catholic faith”; and in the providing of sound traditional catechetical instructions for the purpose of promoting the Truths of our Faith for the greater glory of God and the conversion of souls to the Catholic Church, “outside of which there is no salvation” nor the forgiveness of sins. The members observe holy Catholic obedience to our Holy Father, the Pope of Rome, and his delegated representative, the local ordinary of the Diocese of Harrisburg, in all things that are not contrary to, or could in any way impede directly or indirectly, the restoration and defense of the immemorial traditions of the Catholic Church and the defense of Catholic dogma.


The Members, in following the exhortation of Pope St. Pius X to “restore all things in Christ,” bound together in acts of prayer and penance, will engage in any form of Catholic Action, which is related to the divine mission of the Church in establishing and extending the Kingship of Jesus Christ to everyone; individuals, families and society.  So help us God.


Furthermore, the members have pledged to offer the daily Rosary, a weekly day of fast (on Tuesday if possible), and a monthly one hour act of reparation before the Blessed Sacrament as a minimum to our Lord Jesus Christ and his Blessed Mother to win from their hearts the grace and blessings for the success of this enterprise.








SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Mission

P. O. Box 7352

York, PA 17408












Note: Failure to do any act of prayer or penance does not bind on pain of sin.