Postulates the grave error that there exists a disjunction between DOGMA and the
Words used to formulate the dogmatic definition. This error became the
overarching theme of Vatican II!
[…..] In theology some (i.e., Neo-Modernists) want to reduce to a minimum the meaning
of dogmas; and to free dogma itself from terminology long established in the
Church and from philosophical concepts held by Catholic teachers, to
bring about a return in the explanation of Catholic doctrine to the way of
speaking used in Holy Scripture and by the Fathers of the Church. They cherish
the hope that when dogma is stripped of the elements which they hold to be
extrinsic to divine revelation, it will compare advantageously with the
dogmatic opinions of those who are separated from the unity of the Church and
that in this way they will gradually arrive at a mutual assimilation of
Catholic dogma with the tenets of the dissidents.
Moreover, they assert that when Catholic doctrine has been reduced to
this condition, a way will be found to satisfy modern needs, that will permit
of dogma being expressed also by the concepts of modern philosophy, whether of immanentism or idealism or existentialism or any other
system. Some more audacious affirm that his can and must be done, because they
hold that the mysteries of faith are never expressed by truly adequate concepts
but only by approximate and ever changeable notions, in which the truth is to
some extent expressed, but is necessarily distorted. Wherefore they do not
consider it absurd, but altogether necessary, that theology should substitute
new concepts in place of the old ones in keeping with the various philosophies
which in the course of time it uses as its instruments, so that it should give
human expression to divine truths in various ways which are even somewhat
opposed, but still equivalent, as they say. They add that the history of dogmas
consists in the reporting of the various forms in which revealed truth has been
clothed, forms that have succeeded one another in accordance with the different
teachings and opinions that have arisen over the course of the centuries.
It is evident from what We have already said, that such tentatives not only lead to what they call dogmatic
relativism, but that they actually contain it. The contempt of doctrine
commonly taught and of the terms in which it is expressed strongly favor it.
Pope Pius XII, Humani Generis
But would it not be enough for one to be a Catholic in heart only, without
professing his religion publicly?
A: No, for Jesus Christ has solemnly declared that, “He who shall be ashamed
of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man shall be ashamed when He shall come
in His majesty, and that of His Father, and of the holy angels.” (Luke
9:26) Fr. Michael Muller, C.SS.R, Questions
and Answers on Salvation
And since Jesus Christ,
the Son of God, morally obliges every Catholic the duty to profess his faith in
the public forum, every Catholic possesses by right the use of the
ecclesiastical traditions of our Church which constitute the perfect outward
expression of our holy faith.
of Continuity/Discontinuity
Illustrative Example of the Heresy of Neo-Modernism
It is not enough to find a new language in which to articulate our
perennial faith; it is also urgent, in the light of the new challenges and
prospects facing humanity, that the Church be able to express the ‘new things’
of Christ’s Gospel, that, albeit present in the word of God, have not yet come
to light.
Pope Francis the Destroyer, Address, October 11, 2018
Illustrative Example of the Catholic Faith
If there are any present-day teachers making every effort to produce
and develop new ideas, but not to repeat “that which has been handed down,” and
if this is their whole aim, they should reflect calmly on those words which
Benedict XV proposes for their consideration: “We wish this maxim of our elders
held in reverence: Nihil
innovetur nisi quod traditum — let nothing new be introduced,
but only what has been handed down; it must be held as an inviolable law in
matters of faith, and should also control those points which allow of change,
though in these latter for the most part the rule holds: non nova sed noviter—not new things but in a new way.”
Pope Pius XII,
Si Diligis,
Allocution to Cardinals, Archbishops, and Bishops on the Canonization of St
Pius X, May 31, 1954.
Hermeneutics of Continuity/Discontinuity
Martin Luther:
“God does not save factious sinners. Be a
sinner and sin boldly, but believe and rejoice in Christ every more boldly. No sin
will separate us form the Lamb, even though we commit fornication and murder a
thousand times a day.” Martin Luther
“When I awoke last night the Devil came and
wanted to debate with me arguing that I was a sinner. To this I replied, “Tell
me something new, Devil! I already know that perfectly well; I have committed
many a solid and real sin. Indeed there must be good honest sins not fabricated
and invented ones for God to forgive.”
Martin Luther
In translating St. Paul, “We account a man
to be justified by faith” (Romans 3:28), Luther added the word, “alone.” In answer to those who objected to his
mutilating Sacred Scripture, he answered:
“If your Papist annoys you with the word (alone), tell him straightway:
Dr. Martin Luther will have it so. Whoever will not have my translation, let
him give it the go-by; the devil’s thanks to him who censures it without my
will and knowledge. Dr. Martin Luther will have it so, and he is a doctor above
all the doctors in Popedom.”
Pope Francis the Lutheran:
“I think that Marin Luther's intentions
were not mistaken. He was a reformer....
And today, Luther and Catholics, Protestants, all of us agree on the doctrine
of justification. On this point which is very important, he did not err.”
Pope Francis, public interview, June 26,
Catholic Faith: Council of Trent: Selected Canons on
CANON IX.-If any one saith,
that by faith alone the impious is justified; in such wise as to mean, that
nothing else is required to co-operate in order to the obtaining the grace of
Justification, and that it is not in any way necessary, that he be prepared and
disposed by the movement of his own will; let him be anathema.
CANON XII.-If any one saith,
that justifying faith is nothing else but confidence in the divine mercy which
remits sins for Christ's sake; or, that this confidence alone is that whereby
we are justified; let him be anathema.
CANON XIV.-If any one saith,
that man is truly absolved from his sins and justified, because that he
assuredly believed himself absolved and justified; or, that no one is truly
justified but he who believes himself justified; and that, by this faith alone,
absolution and justification are effected; let him be anathema.
CANON XV.-If any one saith,
that a man, who is born again and justified, is bound of faith to believe that
he is assuredly in the number of the predestinate; let him be anathema.
CANON XII.-If any one saith,
that justifying faith is nothing else but confidence in the divine mercy which
remits sins for Christ's sake; or, that this confidence alone is that whereby
we are justified; let him be anathema.
CANON XIII.-If any one saith,
that it is necessary for every one, for the obtaining
the remission of sins, that he believe for certain, and without any wavering
arising from his own infirmity and disposition, that his sins are forgiven him;
let him be anathema.
CANON XIV.-If any one saith,
that man is truly absolved from his sins and justified, because that he
assuredly believed himself absolved and justified; or, that no one is truly
justified but he who believes himself justified; and that, by this faith alone,
absolution and justification are effected; let him be anathema.
CANON XV.-If any one saith,
that a man, who is born again and justified, is bound of faith to believe that
he is assuredly in the number of the predestinate; let him be anathema.
CANON XIX.-If any one saith,
that nothing besides faith is commanded in the Gospel; that other things are
indifferent, neither commanded nor prohibited, but free; or, that the ten
commandments nowise appertain to Christians; let him be anathema.
CANON XXIX.-If any one saith,
that he, who has fallen after baptism, is not able by the grace of God to rise
again; or, that he is able indeed to recover the justice which he has lost, but
by faith alone without the sacrament of Penance, contrary to what the holy
Roman and universal Church-instructed by Christ and his Apostles-has hitherto
professed, observed, and taugh; let him be anathema.
CANON XXXIII.-If any one saith, that, by the Catholic doctrine touching
Justification, by this holy Synod inset forth in this present decree, the glory
of God, or the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ are in any way derogated from,
and not rather that the truth of our faith, and the glory in fine of God and of
Jesus Christ are rendered (more) illustrious; let him be anathema.
with Lutherans requires abandoning both Reason and Free Will which helps
explain why Modernists are both stupid and reckless!
“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes
to the aid of spiritual things, but more frequently than not struggles against
the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God.”
Martin Luther
“This error of free will is a special doctrine of the antichrist.”
Martin Luther
Even with a bad knee, Pope Francis cannot resist kicking
Catholics faithful to Tradition!
Pope decries divisions caused by old-school liturgy fans
PICTURE: Pope Francis speaks at an audience
with nuns and religious superiors in the Paul VI Hall at The Vatican, Thursday,
May 5, 2022. Francis, 85, was wheeled to the audience after he has been
suffering from strained ligaments in his right knee for several months. He
revealed he recently received some injections to try to relieve the pain. (AP
Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
(AP) - May 5, 2022 - By FRANCES D'EMILIO
— Pope Francis on Saturday blasted
Catholics who, hewing to old-school versions of liturgy like the Latin Mass, have
made an ideological battleground of the issue, decrying what he described as
devil-inspired divisiveness in the church.
Francis pressed his papacy’s battle against
traditionalists, whose prominent members include some ultra-conservative
cardinals. They have resisted restrictions, imposed last year by the Vatican,
on celebrations of the old Mass in Latin in St. Peter’s Basilica and, more
generally, for years have disparaged the modernizing reforms of the Second
Vatican Council in the 1960s.
Speaking at the Vatican to instructors and
students of the Pontifical Liturgical Institute, Francis said, “I emphasize
again that the liturgical life, and the study of it, should lead to greater
Church unity, not division. When the liturgical life is a bit like a banner of
division, there is the stench of the devil in there, the deceiver. It’s not
possible to worship God while making the liturgy a battleground for issues that are nonessential
questions, indeed, outdated
issues, and to take sides starting with the liturgy, with ideologies
that divine the Church.”
Francis has made clear he prefers Mass
celebrated in local languages, with the priest facing the congregation instead
of with his back to the pews. That was the way Mass was celebrated before the
revolutionary Vatican Council reforms, more than a half century-ago, which
aimed at making rank-and-file Catholics feel more connected to liturgical
COMMENT: Once again we find
Pope Francis the Deceived landing not far from the truth but again missing it all
together. Pope Francis/Bergoglio always sees things
in light of an “ideology” because he himself is an ideologue. The Faith is not
an ideology but a revealed truth and theological virtue from God. Pope Francis/Bergoglio views the faith through an ideology drawn from
modern philosophy that is not only dated but boring. If he were not the pope
his opinions would be shared by no one. The “battleground” causing
“divisiveness in the church” is caused by those with a modernist ideology who
have attempted to overthrow the immemorial ecclesiastical traditions,
especially the “received and approved” Roman rite of the Mass because these
traditions are effective signs of the faith they hate. They are the
neo-iconoclasts and the immemorial images are anathema to them. It is indeed ‘devil inspired” but it is
Francis/Bergogliodoing the bidding of the devil.
Francis/Bergoglio is dead on when he says, “It’s not
possible to worship God while using the liturgy as a ‘battleground’” for the
Novus Ordo does not worship God and it is the worship
of God that he wants destroyed. The Novus Ordo is a
man-made liturgy directed to the worship of man. It is the offering of Cain,
the “fruit of the earth and the work of human hands.” Francis/Bergoglio is lying when he says that this battle is over
things that are “nonessential questions.” If they were “nonessential” he would
be indifferent to the matter because every Catholic is free to do as he pleases
in “nonessentials.” It is most “essential” to him because he knows that in
destroying the images of our faith he will destroy the very means by which it
can be known and communicated to others. By destroying the “received and
approved” rite of Mass he is destroying the very means by which God
communicates His grace.
Liturgical rites that are “received and
approved”, although different, do not lead to “division” but have unity in
their expression of the same faith. The Council of Florence mandated that every
priest must celebrate the Mass according to the custom of his Church. The
Council of Trent dogmatized the “received and approved” rites and forbade any
pastor in the Churches whomsoever to introduce new rites. This dogma was
included in the Tridentine Profession of Faith. The
Novus Ordo ideologues rejected the “received and
approved” rite because they rejected the faith. They introduced a man-made
liturgical fabrication that expresses a different faith and worships a
different god. Even for Pope Francis the Deceiver this question is most
“essential” and is not “outdated.”
The Church is one in faith and worship.
Francis/Bergoglio does not possess the faith “without
which it is impossible to please God” and his worship is an abomination for
which he will soon have to answer.
Striking Departure” from the Dogmatic teaching of Trent!
“...the Novus Ordo
Missae—considering the new elements susceptible
to widely different interpretations which are implied or taken for
granted—represents, both as a whole and in its details, a striking departure
from the Catholic theology of the Mass as it was formulated in Session XXII of
the Council of Trent. The ‘canons’ (i.e.: dogmas) of the rite definitively
fixed at that time erected an insurmountable barrier against any heresy which
might attack the integrity of the Mystery.” Cardinals Ottaviani
and Bacci, A Brief Critical Study of the Novus Ordo Mass (The Ottaviani Intervention), written after seeing the
‘reverent’ version of the Novus Ordo in Latin
celebrated at the Sistine Chapel
The Novus Ordo has
destroyed the faith in countless Catholics over the last 50+ years. No Catholic
is obliged to attend a service that damages his faith!
Catechism of
St. Pius X teaches (No. 217), anyone who “without
a real impediment” fails to hear Mass on days of obligation commits a
mortal sin; otherwise, “any moderately grave reason suffices to excuse one
from assistance at Holy Mass, such as considerable hardship or corporal or
spiritual harm either to oneself or another.”
Fr. Heribert Jone, Moral
Theology, No. 198
liturgical reform has made a giant step forward and we have drawn quite close
to the liturgical forms of the Lutheran Church.”
Fr. Annibale Bugnini, L’Osservatore Romano, October 13, 1967
How did Pope
Francis become a heretic? The Novus Ordo Mass and its
Lutheran “mode of liturgy”?
“There was corruption and worldliness in the (Catholic) Church; there
was attachment to money and power. That was the basis of his (Marin Luther’s)
protest. He was also intelligent, and he went ahead, justifying his reasons for
it. Nowadays, Lutherans
and Catholics, and all Protestants, are in agreement on the doctrine of
justification: on this very important point he was not mistaken. He
offered a ‘remedy’ for the Church, and then this remedy rigidified in a state of
affairs, a discipline, a way of believing, a way of acting, a mode of liturgy.”
Pope Francis the Lutheran, 2017, commenting on the Joint Declaration on
the Doctrine of Justification by the Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic
Church (signed October 31, 1999). Once the “mode of liturgy” was changed to the
Novus Ordo, the heretical Protestant doctrine of
Justification by “faith alone” followed.
and the Evolution of Catholic Dogma: CCC goes from ‘NOT engraved in stone’
to ‘engraved in stone’ in 28 years! Is the SSPX ‘maturing’ or growing
“The Catechism of the
Catholic Church is a non-Catholic catechism.”
SSPX position, 1994
“Cardinal Reinhard Marx declared in an
interview published on March 31, 2022 in the newspaper Stern, that The Catechism of
the Catholic Church ‘is not engraved in stone’ and that, consequently, ‘one
can doubt what it says.’ In itself, this proposition is aberrant…. The catechism is nothing other than the
teaching of the Church, dogmatic and moral, made available to the
SSPX position 2022
- the modern belief that the Jewish people as a whole are the real Messiah
Auschwitz, along with so many other concentration camps, remains the
horribly eloquent symbol of the effects of totalitarianism. It is our duty to
make a pilgrimage to these places, in mind and heart, on this 50th anniversary.
As I said at the Mass celebrated in 1979 at Brzezinka
near Auschwitz: “I kneel at this Golgotha of the modern world.”
John Paul II, Message on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the end of WW II
The overthrow
of Christ the King and the enthronement of the kingship of Man
“Christ is King in the sense that in Him, in
the testimony that He rendered to the truth, is manifested the ‘kingship’ of
every human being, the expression of every person’s transcendent character.
Such is the Church’s proper inheritance.”
The kingship that Jesus
claims before Pilate “is not first of all to exercise
authority over others; it is a manifestation of the kingly character of
man. This kingly character is embedded
within human nature, within the structure of the human personality.”
Karol Wojtyla, Lenten Conference given to Pope Paul
VI and the Vatican Curia, 1979
Has a more inanely naive comment ever been uttered?
The conditions of modern life have eliminated those
innumerable obstacles by which, in the past, the sons of this world impeded the
free action of the Church.
Pope “Novus Ordo
Saint” John XXIII
may develop in itself in "due proportion".... with "no variety
of its definition." Dogma cannot develop in itself because its
"proportion" and "definition" are fixed by God. It can only
develop in its implications!
“Shall we then have no advancement of
religion in the Church of Christ? Let us have it indeed, and the greatest . . .
But yet in such sort that it be truly an advancement of faith, not a change (sed ita tamen ut vere
profectus sit ille fidel, non permutatio),
seeing that it is the nature of an advancement, that in itself each thing
(severally) grow greater, but of a change that something be turned from one
thing into another. . . . Let the soul’s religion imitate the law of the body,
which, as years go on, develops indeed and opens out its due proportions, and
yet remains identically what it was. . . . Small are a baby’s limbs, a youth’s are
larger, yet they are the same. . . . So also the doctrine of the Christian
religion must follow those laws of advancement; namely, that with years it be
consolidated, with time it be expanded, with age it be exalted, yet remain
uncorrupt and untouched, and be full and perfect in all the proportions of each
of its parts, and with all its members, as it were, and proper senses; that it
admit no change besides, sustain no loss of its propriety, no variety of its
definition. Wherefore, whatsoever in this Church, God’s husbandry, has by the
faith of our fathers been sown, that same must be cultivated by the industry of
their children, that same flourish and ripen, that same advance and be
St. Vincent of Lerins,
nfl. 28, 29
doctrine which God has revealed has not been proposed as some philosophical
discovery to be perfected by the wit of man, but has been entrusted to Christ’s
Spouse as a Divine deposit to be faithfully guarded and infallibly declared.
Hence sacred dogmas must ever be understood in the sense once for all (semel) declared
by Holy Mother Church; and never must that sense be abandoned under pretext of
profounder knowledge (altioris intelligentiae).”
Vatican Council I, Sess. iii. chap. 4
Pope decries divisions caused by old-school liturgy fans
PICTURE: Pope Francis speaks at an audience
with nuns and religious superiors in the Paul VI Hall at The Vatican, Thursday,
May 5, 2022. Francis, 85, was wheeled to the audience after he has been suffering
from strained ligaments in his right knee for several months. He revealed he
recently received some injections to try to relieve the pain. (AP
Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
ROME (AP) - May 5, 2022 - By FRANCES
— Pope Francis on Saturday blasted
Catholics who, hewing to old-school versions of liturgy like the Latin Mass,
have made an ideological battleground of the issue, decrying what he described
as devil-inspired divisiveness in the church.
Francis pressed his papacy’s battle against
traditionalists, whose prominent members include some ultra-conservative
cardinals. They have resisted restrictions, imposed last year by the Vatican,
on celebrations of the old Mass in Latin in St. Peter’s Basilica and, more
generally, for years have disparaged the modernizing reforms of the Second
Vatican Council in the 1960s.
Speaking at the Vatican to instructors and
students of the Pontifical Liturgical Institute, Francis said it’s not possible
to worship God while using the liturgy as a “battleground” for nonessential
questions that divide the church.
Francis has made clear he prefers Mass
celebrated in local languages, with the priest facing the congregation instead
of with his back to the pews. That was the way Mass was celebrated before the
revolutionary Vatican Council reforms, more than a half century-ago, which
aimed at making rank-and-file Catholics feel more connected to liturgical
COMMENT: Once again we find
Pope Francis the Terminator landing not far from the truth but again missing it
all together. Francis/Bergoglio always sees things in
light of an "ideology" because he himself is driven by an ideology.
The Faith is not an ideology but a revealed truth and virtue from God. Francis/Bergoglio does not have the faith but a dated ideology
drawn from modern philosophy. He is above all things boring.
The "battleground" causing
"divisiveness in the church" is caused by those with a modernist
ideology who have attempted to overthrow the immemorial ecclesiastical
traditions, especially the "received and approved" Roman rite of the
Mass because these traditions are signs of the faith that the neo-iconoclasts
cannot stand because they hate the faith. It is indeed "devil
inspired" but it is Francis/Bergoglio doing the
bidding of the devil. Francis/Bergoglio is dead on
when he says, "It is not possible to worship God while using the liturgy
as a 'battleground' for the Novus Ordo does not
worship God. It is a man-made liturgy directed to the worship of man. It is the
offering of Cain, the "fruit of the earth and the work of human
hands." Francis/Bergoglio is lying when he says
that this battle is over things that are "nonessential questions." If
they were "nonessential" he would be indifferent to the matter
because every Catholic is free to do as he pleases in
"nonessentials." It is most "essential" because he knows
that in destroying the images of our faith he will destroy the very means by
which it can be known and communicated to others. By destroying the
"received and approved" rite of Mass he is destroying the very means
by which God communicates His grace.
The Church is one in faith and worship.
Francis/Bergoglio does not possess the faith
"without which it is impossible to please God" and his worship is an
abomination for which he will soon have to answer.
Pope Francis’ Synodal “style” is already bearing its
anticipated fruit!!!
Bishops’ President Responds to Letter Warning of Schism Risk in Synodal Path
The synodal assembly has voted in favor of documents calling
for the priestly ordination of women same-sex blessings, and changes to
teaching on homosexual acts.
CNA Staff World April 18, 2022
LIMBURG, Germany — Bishop Georg Bätzing of
Limburg, president of the German bishops’ conference, responded Thursday to a
letter warning the country’s synodal path could lead
to schism by defending the process as a response to abuses in the Church.
The Synodal Path is our attempt in Germany to
confront the systemic causes of the abuse and its cover-up that has caused
untold suffering to so many people in and through the Church,” Bishop Bätzing wrote April 14 to Archbishop Samuel Aquila of
Denver. The German bishop’s letter was published April 16 at the German
bishops’ conference website.
More than 80
bishops from around the world signed an April 11 open letter sent by Archbishop
Aquila that warned sweeping changes to Church teaching advocated by the synodal path may lead to schism.
The “Synodal Path” is a process that brings
together German lay people and Catholic bishops to discuss four major topics:
how power is exercised in the Church; sexual morality; the priesthood; and the
role of women. When the German bishops launched the process, they initially
said that the deliberations would be “binding” on the German Church, prompting
a Vatican intervention that rejected such claims.
The synodal assembly has voted in favor of
documents calling for the priestly ordination of women same-sex blessings, and
changes to teaching on homosexual acts. […..]
of Baptism for Salvation
“What is Baptism, and is it necessary to all? This is the first
sacrament of the New Law and the most necessary, consisting in the external
washing of the body and the legitimate enunciation of the words in accordance
with Christ’s institution. It is a sacrament, I say, that is necessary not only
for adults but also for little ones, and is no less efficacious for them in
obtaining eternal salvation. All are born children of wrath; therefore even the
little ones need cleansing from sin, for they cannot be cleansed and be
regenerated as children of God without this sacrament. For as a general rule
our Lawmaker declared, ‘unless a man is born again of water and the Holy Spirit
he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.’”
St. Peter Canisius, S.J., Doctor of the
Church, Summa Doctrinae
Christianae, (Feast Day April 27)
No matter how much a catechumen advances, he still carries the load of
his iniquity: it is not forgiven him until he has come to baptism.
St. Augustine, Tractate 13 on the Gospel of St. John
The catechumen believes in the cross of the Lord Jesus, by which also
he is signed; but unless he is baptized in the Name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit, he cannot receive the remission of sins nor gain
the gift of spiritual grace. You have read, therefore, that the three witnesses
in Baptism are one: water, blood and the spirit; and if you withdraw any one of
these, the Sacrament of Baptism is not valid. For what is water without the
cross of Christ? A common element without any sacramental effect.
St. Ambrose, De mysteriis
Sacrifice of the Mass as a Sin-Offering
“If thou believest that I am offered up to
God the Father upon the Cross because it was My will to be offered in this
manner, believe also and doubt not that every day I desire, with the same love
and strength of desire, to be sacrificed for every sinner upon the altar, as I
sacrificed Myself upon the Cross for the salvation of the world. Therefore
there is no one however heavy the weight of sin wherewith he is burdened, who
may not hope for pardon, if he offers to the Father My sinless life and death,
provided he believes that thereby he
will obtain the blessed fruit of forgiveness.”
Our Lord Jesus Christ, addressing St. Gertrude at the intonation of the
Holy Week antiphon, “He is sacrificed because He Himself willed it.”
“Such is My long-suffering, when I come at the time of Mass, that there
is no sinner there present howsoever great with whom
I do not bear patiently and to whom, provided he desire it, I do not gladly
grant forgiveness of sin.”
Our Lord Jesus Christ to St. Mechtilde
I mean the monstrous wars about small points of theology, the earthquakes
of emotion about a gesture or a word. It was only a matter on an inch; but an
inch is everything when you are balancing….. The Church had to be careful, if
only that the world might be careless. This is the thrilling romance of
Orthodoxy. People have fallen into a foolish habit of speaking of orthodoxy as
something heavy, hum-drum, and safe. There never was anything so perilous or so
exciting as orthodoxy. It was sanity: and to be sane is more dramatic than to
be mad. It was equilibrium of a man behind madly rushing horses…. The orthodox
Church never took the tame course or accepted the conventions; the orthodox
Church was never respectable…. It is
easy to be a madman: it is easy to be a heretic. It is always easy to let the
age have its head; the difficult thing is to keep one’s own. It is always easy
to be a modernist; as it is easy to be a snob. To have fallen into any of those
open traps of error and exaggeration which fashion after fashion and sect after
sect set along the historic path of Christendom - that would indeed have been
simple. It is always simple to fall; there are an infinity of angles at which
one falls, only one at which one stands. To have fallen into any one of the
fads from Gnosticism to Christian Science (or Modernism) would indeed have been
obvious and tame. But to have avoided them all has been one whirling adventure;
and in my vision the heavenly chariot flies thundering through the ages, the
dull heresies sprawling and prostrate, the wild truth reeling but erect.
G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy
Dogma is the End of Theological
But according to a
long-standing usage a dogma is now understood to be a truth appertaining to
faith or morals, revealed by God, transmitted from the Apostles in the
Scriptures or by tradition, and proposed by the Church for the acceptance of
the faithful. It might be described
briefly as a revealed truth defined by the Church.
Catholic Encyclopedia
The Old Evangelization: Goal of making Proselytes for the
greater glory of God and the salvation of souls.
“Father Isaac Jogues
was truly a martyr before God, rendering witness to Heaven and earth that he
valued the Faith and the propagation of the gospel more highly than his own
life, and losing it in the dangers into which, with full consciousness, he cast
himself for Jesus Christ…”
Fr. Jérôme Lalemant, S.J., written in 1647, head
of the Jesuit Mission in New France. He
was the brother of fellow missionary, Fr. Charles Lalemant,
and uncle to the Fr. Gabriel Lalemant. Fr. Gabriel Lalemant
was martyred with Fr. Jean de Brébeuf.
[Modernism is the] synthesis of
all heresies [whose] system means
the destruction not of the Catholic religion alone, but of all
religion.... [Modernists] partisans of error
are to be sought not only among the Church’s open enemies; but what is to be
most dreaded and deplored, in her very bosom, and are all the more mischievous
the less they keep in the open.... They put themselves forward as reformers of
the Church [though they are] thoroughly imbued with the poisonous doctrines
taught by the enemies of the Church....
They assail all that is most sacred in the work of Christ.... [They are]
the most pernicious of all the adversaries of the Church... They lay the axe
not to the branches and shoots, but to the very root, that is, to the Faith and
its deepest fibers.... The most absurd tenet of the Modernists, that every
religion according to the different aspect under which it is viewed, must be
considered as both natural and supernatural.
It is thus that they make consciousness and revelation synonymous. From this they derive the law laid down as
the universal standard, according to which religious consciousness is to be put
on an equal footing with revelation, and that to it all must submit, even the
supreme authority of the Church.
St. Pius X, Pascendi
Therefore: In
the Novus Ordo Church of Sweet Dreams where harshness
is always frowned upon harshly!
Religious Liberty is the doctrinal validation of
“Religious Consciousness.”
Ecumenism is the collectivization and synthesis through
dialogue of the individual’s “Religious Consciousness.”
“Faith” is the affirmation of the subjective
“Religiousness Consciousness” on the authority of the believer.
“Dogma” is the historical and transitory expression of
“Religiousness Consciousness” for a particular age.
“Tradition” is the historical perceptions from which the
present “Religious Consciousness” has evolved.
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity… the Masonic slogan of the
French Revolution,
(In the twentieth
century) the passions will erupt and there will be a total corruption of customs,
for Satan will reign almost completely by means of the Masonic sects. They will
focus particularly on the children in order to achieve this general corruption.
Woe to the children of these times…. depraved priests, who will scandalize the
Christian people, will incite the hatred of the bad Christians and the enemies
of the Roman, Catholic and Apostolic Church to fall upon all priests. This
apparent triumph of Satan will bring enormous sufferings upon the good pastors
of the Church.
Our Lady of Good Success, to Mother Marianna, 1582
Sensus fidei for the Neo-Modernist: Goal is to
direct the mob and use the mob to confirm their heterodoxy!
Second Vatican Council highlights that ‘all human beings are called to the new
people of God’ (LG, 13). God is truly at work in the entire people that
he has gathered together. This is why ‘the entire body of the faithful,
anointed as they are by the Holy One, cannot err in matters of belief. They
manifest this special property by means of the whole people’s supernatural
discernment in matters of faith when from the Bishops down to the last of the
lay faithful, they show universal agreement in matters of faith and morals’
(LG, 12).” Vademecum
on Synodality Syndod
COMMENT: The word “universal” is corrupted to exclude the attribute of time. A universal by definition
necessarily includes the attribute of time
without which it is not a universal.
The sensus fidei that
excludes time considering only the
current mass of Catholics at one specific historical period looks only to
popular trends and not Catholic truth. If every Catholic in the Church at one
given time holds a doctrine or moral position that is contrary to the
traditional teaching or practice, then it is not evidence of the sensus fidei but
rather evidence of general apostasy and nothing more. “When the Son of
man comes, will he find faith on earth?” (Lk
18:8). The implied answer is No!
He will find apostasy and He will not call it a new sensus
It's the same old scam in new
Synod on Synodality: “The Church of God is convoked in synod.”
That is supposed to sound profound. The Synodal
Church (AKA: Church of the New Advent; Church of the New Evangelization; Church
of the People of God; Church of the Third Millennium; Novus Ordo
Church; Vatican II Church) is about “communion, participation and mission.” The vademecum sates
that “The Mission of the Church is to evangelize” but has a real problem in
defining “evangelization.” Still, exclusion is permitted to no one. “There are
three inseparable keys at the heart of Synodal
Church, communion, participation and mission” and “participation in the Church’s missionary synodality to serve the world must be shared by all (sic).” As Rev. James (HOMO-BOY) Martin, S.J. said,
“Part of the synodal process is rediscovering church
as community in which we
all have to be the protagonist.” So everybody gets to be the leading
character in the new drama. That is everybody excepting Catholic faithful to
Dogma and Tradition who do not know how to play "communion, participation
and mission." Traditional Catholics recognize this scam because we have
seen this stupidity before. This is nothing but a redressing of the
touchy-feely "encounter groups" foisted upon religious orders and secular
groups in the 1960s and 1970s.
This psychological technique for
mass indoctrination and control was derived directly from the Human Potential
Movement (HPM). Wikkipedia says, "The emergence
of HPM is linked to humanistic psychology. The movement is strongly influenced by
Abraham Maslow's (Jewish) theory of self-actualization as the supreme
expression of a human's life." Maslow was a member of the Frankfurt School
which tells you everything you really need to know. It was these same
psychological techniques of Maslow along with his disciple, Carl Rogers, that
the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) nuns, along with other religious orders
(such as, the Jesuits) were subjected to in the 1960s which ultimately
destroyed them. Dr. William Coulson, who was a
disciple of Rogers, repented of what he had done and described the techniques
in an interview with Dr. William Mara, philosophy professor at Fordham
University, published in Latin Mass Magazine article about 25 years ago
entitled: "We Overcame Their Traditions, We Overcame Their Faith,"
in which he explains exactly how it was done. The Jesuits were no exception. It
was this scam that formed the modern Jesuit Novus Ordo
spirituality which gave us the likes of Pope Francis. The HPM is antithetical
to the Catholic faith. It begins assuming either agnosticism or atheism, denies
original sin, but faced with its consequences, proposes phony programs to cure
the problems of modern man.
Take a look at the modern
meaningless "synodal" cant.
KEY WORDS Lexicography of Synodality
Hopeful dialogue; Openness; Empowering; Oneness; Authentic listening;
Grassroots takeover; Excitement; Humility (not to be confused with the virtue
but rather describes one who goes alone with the program); Engaged; Connection;
Community; Diversity; Welcome; Understanding; Acceptance; Affirmation;
Listening with our hearts; Respect for the laity; etc., etc.
they use real words, they employ a
foul duplicity in corrupting the meaning.
The word “Mission,” and its
cognates, occurs 48 times in document and is only defined in vague platitudes
but it does admit that the “Mission of the Church is to Evangelize.”
Unfortunately, the word “evangelization” and its cognates, while occurring 5
times, is never defined. We must look back on the Synod of the New
Evangelization 2012 to try to get a sense for the entirely “new” meaning of
Synod of Bishops: "The New
Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith" 2012 said,
“The goal of evangelization today is, as always, the transmission of the
Christian faith” and that they “accomplish this task by proclaiming and bearing
witness to the Christian life through the catechumenate,
catechesis and works of charity.”
It is true that a holy “Christian
life” is the most effective and enduring of Catholic witnesses, particularly
when that witness is the life of a saint and one given in martyrdom (witness),
but the essential task of evangelization is first and foremost “bearing witness
to the Christian faith” and only then, to “bearing witness to the Christian
life.” Without the faith it is impossible to please God, conform to the truth
and obtain salvation. So what is the meaning of “faith”? Vatican I defines
faith as believing what God has revealed on the authority of God the revealer.
The richer the faith, the more virtuous the life and the greater the witness.
Evangelization, new or old, requires that transmission of the revealed truth of
God for the end of bringing others to the life of grace through the sacraments
and salvation. Why does all this become so unintelligible with Neo-modernism
since Vatican II? True evangelization is destroyed because Neo-modernists do
not possess the Catholic faith and what they do not know, they cannot transmit
to others. That is why for the Neo-modernist "proselytism" is
"solemn non-sense."
Get a load
of this drivel:
In this sense, it is clear that the purpose of
this Synod is not to produce more documents. Rather, it is intended to inspire
people to dream about the Church we are called to be, to make people’s hopes
flourish, to stimulate trust, to bind up wounds, to weave new and deeper
relationships, to learn from one another, to build bridges, to enlighten minds,
warm hearts, and restore strength to our hands for our common mission (PD, 32).
Thus the objective of this Synodal Process is not
only a series of exercises that start and stop, but rather a journey of growing
authentically towards the communion and mission that God calls the Church to
live out in the third millennium.
This journey together will call on us to renew our
mentalities and our ecclesial structures in order to live out God’s call for
the Church amid the present signs of the times. Listening to the entire People
of God will help the Church to make pastoral decisions that correspond as
closely as possible to God’s will (ITC, Syn., 68) The ultimate perspective to
orient this synodal path of the Church is to serve
the dialogue of God with humanity (DV, 2) and to journey together the kingdom
of God (cf. LG, 9; RM, 20). In the end, this Synodal
Process seeks to move towards a Church that is more fruitfully at the service
of the coming of the kingdom of heaven.
Vademecum Document for the Synod on Synodality,
Official Handbook for Listening and Discernment in Local Churches, Diocesan and
Bishops’ Conferences in preparation for Synod on Synodality
October 2023
So God's will is discerned by
directing the masses to endorse whatever you want to do? Call it the new sensus fidei and therefore the will of God? This is no
more reliable than reading tea leaves or examining the bowels of dead birds.
What is uniformly true is that the Neo-modernists cringe when you hold up
examples of true Catholic evangelization by Catholic saints like St. Peter and
St. Paul recorded in the Acts of the Apostles. Their example were faithfully
followed by Ss. Augustine to the English, Boniface to the Germans, Dominic,
Francis, Hyacinth, Vincent Ferrer, Bernadine of
Siena, John Capistran, Ignatius Loyola, Francis
Xavier, Peter Claver, Peter Canisius, the North
American Martyrs, etc., etc. The Neo-modernists are not complete idiots. They
can see clearly that their methods used over the last fifty years have been an
utter failure by every statistical measurement. They pretend to have a greater
vision, even claim to have the vision of God, clinging to slogans like Pope
Francis', "Time is greater than space." Don't let immediate failures
concern you for in the end we will be proven right. Blah, blah, blah! The truth
is they know exactly what they are doing. The spirit they are following is not
the Holy Ghost but the devil. They are committed enemies of the faith. This is
most evidently confirmed in that their "living the Christian life" is
rocked with scandal after scandal. Again, the hypocrisy is evident when they
claim a synodal process is necessary to determine the
will of God from the masses but when the masses are not lining up for the next
novelty, they claim to have direct knowledge of the divine Will and then
everyone is told to just shut-up and trust them because, "time is greater
than space."
Pope Francis the Heretic: His
mind denies truth, his will is set against the good.
“And it comes to my mind to say something that may be foolish, or
perhaps a heresy…”
“It is not licit to convince them of your faith. Proselytism is the
strongest venom against the ecumenical path.”
“Do you need to convince others to become Catholic? No, no, no!”
“This is a very grave sin against ecumenism: proselytism. We should
never proselytize the Orthodox!”
“I think that Martin Luther’s intentions were not mistaken. Nowadays,
Lutherans and Catholics, and all Protestants, are in agreement on the doctrine
of justification: on this very important point he was not mistaken.”
“Accept this Scapular.
It shall be a sign of salvation, a protection in danger, and a pledge of peace.
Whosoever dies clothed in this Scapular shall not suffer eternal fire.”
Our Lady of
Mount Carmel to St. Simon Stock
“Against any and
all enemies of the Christian name”
Truly in these tumultuous times, in this revolutionary
upheaval, all good men
must join the burdensome struggle against any and all enemies of the Christian
name.[….] For in fact, when a leader of God’s
holy Church, under the name of Priest, turns the very people of Christ away
from the path of truth toward the peril of an erroneous belief, and when this
occurs in a major city, then clearly the distress is multiplied, and a greater
anxiety is in order.
Pope Pius VI, Auctorem Fidei, addressed to all the faithful
Situation Ethics: PEW POLL: 95% of Jewish Leaders support abortion and
“same-sex marriage” for the U.S. but not for Israel!
The Jewish question of our time does not differ greatly from the one which
affected the Christian peoples of the Middle Ages. In a foolish way it is said
to arise from hatred towards the Jewish tribe. Mosaism
in itself could not become an object of hate for Christians, since, until the
coming of Christ, it was the only true religion, a prefiguration
of and preparation for Christianity, which, according to God’s Will, was to be
its successor. But the Judaism of the centuries [after Christ] turned its back
on the Mosaic law, replacing it with the Talmud
(ii.), the very quintessence of that Pharisaism which
in so many ways has been shattered through its rejection by Christ, the Messiah
and Redeemer. And although Talmudism is an important
element of the Jewish question, it cannot be said, strictly speaking, to give
that question a religious character, because what the Christian nations despise
in Talmudism is not so much its virtually
non-existent theological element, but rather, its morals, which are at variance
with the most elementary principles of natural ethics.
On the Jewish Question in Europe; La
Civiltà Cattolica,
Series XIV, Vol. VII, 23;10; October 1890
That fabled (Judeo-Christian) tradition does not exist, nor does the
“Judeo-Christian ethic.” Though sharing a common origin in the Hebrew Scriptures,
the two faiths read the scriptural texts differently. They believe in God, but
view Him through different lenses. They each have a story, but they are not the
same. They each have a concept of man, but they are not the same. They are both
ethical religions, but with separate ideas of man’s nature, salvation and
Raymond Apple, emeritus rabbi of the Great Synagogue, Sydney,
Australia. Published in Jerusalem Post
Ukrainian state is directed by Jewish interests
Zelensky’s (the Jewish president of the Ukraine)
performances as a drag queen are perfectly consistent with the LGBTQ ideology
that is considered by his European sponsors as an indispensable requirement of
the “reform” agenda that every country ought to embrace, along with gender
equality, abortion and the green economy. No wonder Zelensky,
a member of the WEF [World Economic Forum], was able to benefit from the
support of Klaus Schwab and his allies [including George Soros] to come to
power and ensure that the Great Reset would also be carried out in Ukraine…. In
his homeland, many accuse him of having taken power away from the pro-Russian
oligarchs not to give it to the Ukrainian people, but rather to strengthen his
own interest group and at the same time remove his political adversaries.
Archbishop Carlo Vigano
The Jewish question of our time does not differ greatly from the one
which affected the Christian peoples of the Middle Ages. In a foolish way it is
said to arise from hatred towards the Jewish tribe. Mosaism
in itself could not become an object of hate for Christians, since, until the
coming of Christ, it was the only true religion, a prefiguration
of and preparation for Christianity, which, according to God’s Will, was to be
its successor. But the Judaism of the centuries [after Christ] turned its back
on the Mosaic law, replacing it with the Talmud, the very quintessence of that Pharisaism which in so many ways has been shattered through
its rejection by Christ, the Messiah and Redeemer. And although Talmudism is an important element of the Jewish question,
it cannot be said, strictly speaking, to give that question a religious
character, because what the Christian nations despise in Talmudism
is not so much its virtually non-existent theological element, but rather, its
morals, which are at variance with the most elementary principles of natural
La Civiltà Cattolica,
“The Jewish Question in Europe”
Anti-Semitism’s “Working Definition”
The International
Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)
(until January 2013, known as the Task
Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance, and
Research or ITF) is an intergovernmental organization founded in 1998
which unites governments and experts to strengthen, advance and promote
Holocaust education, research and remembrance worldwide and to uphold the
commitments of the Declaration of the Stockholm International Forum on the
Holocaust. The IHRA has 34 member countries, one liaison country
and seven observer countries. (Wikipedia)
The IHRA’s working definition for Antisemitism
that has been adopted by member countries:
“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be
expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish
individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and
religious facilities.”
This “working definition,” although worded a
little differently in light of their differing perspectives, is very close to
the definition coined by Joe Sobran who said: “An anti-Semite used to mean a man who
hated Jews. Now it means a man who is hated by Jews.” The IHRA’s definition it
not grounded on any objective standard but solely on the subjective “perception
of Jews.” You can expect this “working definition,” which has been adopted by
U.S. government agencies to work its way into the United States legal code
notwithstanding any legal niceties such as freedom of speech, equal protection
under the law, etc. The Jewish religion is a race base belief that Jews possess
a special salvific relationship with God because of
their DNA irrespective of what they believe or what they do. Jesus Christ was
killed by the Jews in part because he told them that this was not so and that
'God could raise up children of Abraham from stones'. And like Jesus our Lord,
the Catholic Church will necessarily fall under this definition of
Anti-Semitism as well. Soon enough, the Novus Ordo
Church of the New Advent will be calling faithful Catholics anti-Semites.
Necessary to become a child of God and Necessary to become a member of His
Church, Outside of which there is NO SALVATION!
“What is Baptism, and is it necessary to all? This is the first
sacrament of the New Law and the most necessary, consisting in the external
washing of the body and the legitimate enunciation of the words in accordance
with Christ’s institution. It is a sacrament, I say, that is necessary not only
for adults but also for little ones, and is no less efficacious for them in obtaining
eternal salvation. All are born children of wrath; therefore even the little
ones need cleansing from sin, for they cannot be cleansed and be regenerated as
children of God without this sacrament. For as a general rule our Lawmaker
declared, ‘unless a man is born again of water and the Holy Spirit he cannot
enter the Kingdom of God.’”
St. Peter Canisius, Doctor of the Church,
Theologian at the Council of Trent, Summa
Doctrinae Christianae
“HoIy baptism, which is the gateway to the
spiritual life, holds the first place among all the sacraments; through it we
are made members of Christ and of the body of the Church. And since death
entered the universe through the first man, ‘unless we are born again of water
and the Spirit, we cannot’ as the Truth says, ‘enter into the kingdom of
heaven’ John 3:5]. The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water.”
- Pope Eugene IV, The Council of Florence, Exultate Deo, 1439
“By one man sin entered into the world, and by sin death... so that in
them there may be washed away by regeneration, what they have contracted by
generation, ‘For unless a man Is born again of water and the Holy Spirit, he
cannot enter the kingdom of God’” (John 3:5)
Council of Trent, Session 5 on Original Sin
“If anyone shall say that real and natural water is not necessary (de
necessitate) for baptism, and on that account should distort those words of Our
Lord Jesus Christ: ‘Unless a man is born again of water and the Holy Spirit’
[John 3:5] into some metaphor: let him be anathema.”
Council of Trent, Sess. 7, Canon 2 on the Sacrament of Baptism
U.S. Government Politics:
Jewish revolutionary, Saul Alinsky,
died 6-12-1972 and will soon be celebrating his 50th year in hell.
His book, Rules for Radicals,
enumerates twelve rules for effective political organization:
RULE 1: “Power is not only what you have,
but what the enemy thinks you have.”
RULE 2: “Never go outside the expertise of
your people.”
RULE 3: “Whenever possible, go outside the
expertise of the enemy.”
RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own
book of rules.”
RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent
RULE 6: “A good tactic is one your people
RULE 7: “A tactic that drags on too long
becomes a drag.”
RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let
RULE 9: “The threat is usually more
terrifying than the thing itself.”
RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard
enough, it will push through and become a positive.”
RULE 11: “The price of a successful attack
is a constructive alternative.”
RULE 12: “Pick the target, freeze it,
personalize it, and polarize it.”
The purpose of the “rules” is to impose the eight levels
of control that must be accomplished in the formation of a Godless socialist
1. Healthcare — Control healthcare and you
control the people.
—Increase the Poverty level as high as possible:’ poor people are easier to
control and wiIl not fight back if you are providing
everything for them to live.
— Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to
increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
Control— Remove the ability to defend themselves from the government. That way
you are able to create a police state.
— Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).
— Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what
children learn in school.
— Remove the belief in the God from the government and schools.
Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more
discontent, and it will be easier to take (tax) the wealthy with the support of
the poor.
The Democratic Party’s job is to overturn social order,
the Republican Party’s job is to consolidate Democratic gains. The late
journalist and political commentator, Sam Francis, who converted to the
Catholic Faith before dying, said 'the Democratic party is the evil party and
the Republican party is the stupid party. Whenever they are in agreement you
can be sure that the issue is both evil and stupid.'
Satanic ritual has openly entered the Church
It has recently come to our ears, not without great pain to us, that in
some parts of upper Germany, as well as in the provinces, cities, territories,
regions, and dioceses of Mainz, Koln, Trier, Salzburg, and Bremen, many persons
of both sexes, heedless of their own salvation and forsaking the Catholic
Faith, give themselves over to devils male and female, and by their
incantations, charms, and conjurings, and by other
abominable superstitions and sortileges, offences, crimes, and misdeeds, ruin
and cause to perish the offspring of women, the foal of animals, the products
of the earth, the grapes of vines, and the fruits of trees, as well as men and
women, cattle and flocks and herds and animals of every kind, vineyards also
and orchards, meadows, pastures, harvests, grains and other fruits of the
earth; that they afflict and torture with dire pains and anguish, both internal
and external, these men, women, cattle, flocks, herds, and animals, and hinder
men from begetting and women from conceiving, and prevent all consummation of
marriage; that, moreover, they deny with sacrilegious lips the Faith they
received in holy Baptism; and that, at the instigation of the enemy of mankind,
they do not fear to commit and perpetrate many other abominable offences and
crimes, at the risk of their own souls, to the insult of the divine majesty and
to the pernicious example and scandal of multitudes.
Pope Innocent VIII, Sumnis desideranter affectibus,
1484, condemnation of Witchcraft
of Continuity/Discontinuity
Modernist Heresy
“The medieval concept of substance has long since
become inaccessible to us. In so far as we
use the concept of substance at all today we understand thereby the ultimate
particles of matter, and the chemically complex mixture that is bread certainly
does not fall into that category.”
Benedict/Ratzinger, Faith and the Future
Catholic Truth
If anyone does not confess that the world and all things which are
contained in it, both spiritual and material, were produced, according to their whole
substance, out of nothing by God; or holds that God did not create by
his will free from all necessity, but as necessarily as he necessarily loves
himself; or denies that the world was created for the glory of God: let him be
Vatican Council I, Dogmatic
Constitution on the Catholic Faith
Modernist Heresy
“At this time the
idea of salvation history had moved to the focus of inquiry posed by Catholic theology
and this had cast new light on the notion of revelation, which
neo-scholasticism had kept too confined to the intellectual realm. Revelation now appeared no
longer simply as a communication of truths to the intellect but as a historical
action of God in which truth becomes gradually unveiled.”
Benedict/Ratzinger, Milestones (Memoirs
1927-1977), published 1998
Catholic Truth
For the doctrine of faith which God has revealed has not been
proposed, like a philosophical invention, to be perfected by human ingenuity;
but has been delivered as a divine deposit to the Spouse of Christ, to be
faithfully kept and infallibly declared. Hence also, that meaning of the sacred
dogmas is perpetually to be retained which our holy Mother the Church has once
declared; nor is that meaning ever to be departed from, under the pretext of a
deeper comprehension of them.
Vatican I
“Fourthly, I sincerely hold that the doctrine of faith was
handed down to us from the apostles through the orthodox Fathers in exactly the
same meaning and always in the same purport. Therefore, I entirely reject the
heretical misrepresentation that dogmas evolve and change from one meaning to
another different from the one which the Church held previously. I also condemn
every error according to which, in place of the divine deposit which has been
given to the spouse of Christ to be carefully guarded by her, there is put a
philosophical figment or product of a human conscience that has gradually been
developed by human effort and will continue to develop indefinitely.”
Oath Against Modernism
When any member of the
faithful sees Catholic teaching being eroded or undermined, it is his
right—indeed it is even his duty—to speak out in protest. It is not the right
of wayward theologians, or of bishops who may acquiesce in their views, to
decide that certain parts of the Gospel and Catholic tradition are now
antiquated and may be dropped—and then to protest against usurpation of their
authority when the faithful demand that they receive the whole Word of
John J. Malloy,
conservative Catholic apologist, scholar and former editor of the Wanderer
Because the
life of prayer and union with God is what I love most of all; because I find it the most perfect;
because it is a life of heaven, in a certain way, since a Carmelite is
concerned only with being united to God and contemplating Him always and
singing His praises. That thirst for
prayer continually grows in me; my recollection is always continuous now, because
whatever I do, I do with my Jesus and offer it to Him with love. When, for any
reason whatever I am unable to make my prayer, I suffer at not being able to be
with my God.
The solitude of Carmel helps recollection. That
isolation from creatures helps Carmelites exchange with God alone and, as a
result, to attain greater union with Him, because this is the heart of
perfection. I believe that solitude won't tire me, as I'm always searching for
it. I often become troubled when dealing with creatures, because I’m with God
when I’m alone.
The poverty of a Carmelite is very great.
She can possess nothing, which means that her whole capacity for possessing
things is filled by God alone. By being poor, she is made even more like to her
Divine Spouse who had nowhere to lay His head. A Carmelite must possess God
The penance to which she submits herself
and the austerity of her life are a greater means of having her body made
submissive to the soul in order to become more like her Divine Spouse who
became a victim for our sins. She does penance for her own sins and for those
of the world. And in this way she shows her love for God who has filled her
with so many favors.
Her sacrifice is perpetual, without
mitigation, from the time her religious life begins until she dies as a victim
according to the example of Jesus Christ. And she does all this in silence with
no one aware of it. Yet how many are there who think of this life as useless.
Nevertheless, she’s like the Lamb of God. She removes the sins from the world.
She sacrifices herself to bring back to the sheepfold those sheep who have gone
astray. But just as Christ did not know the world, neither does she know it.
This abnegation enchants me completely. There is no room for self-love. She
doesn’t even see the fruit of her prayer. In heaven alone will she know
The goal she proposes to herself is very
great: to pray and sanctify herself so that the divine sap may be communicated
through the union that exists between the faithful and all the members of the
Church. She immolates herself on the cross, and her blood falls on sinners,
pleading for mercy and repentance, for on the cross she is intimately united to
Jesus Christ. Her blood, then, is mixed with His Divine Blood.
All these consideration that I make,
Father, are the ones that induce me to prefer Carmel, since I believe that in
that life, I will attain holiness. I have chosen the Carmelite life because I
see that, in choosing it, I will find the cross; and I would travel, I believe,
through the whole world with God's grace in search of it and to possess it,
because on the cross is Jesus Christ.
Juana Fernández Solar (St.
Teresa of the Andes), letter written at fifteen years of age to a priest
explaining why she wants to become a Discalced Carmelite nun.
“We see many of the Euro-Atlantic countries are actually
rejecting their own roots, including the Christian values that constitute the
basis of Western civilization. They are denying moral principles and all
traditional identities: national identity, cultural, religious--and even
sexual. They are implementing
policies that equate large families with same sex partnerships, belief in God
with a belief in Satan.”
Vladimir Putin, Davos Conference
–World Economic Forum
Russian Education
2010 Vladimir Putin made The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn compulsory reading for all
Russian high school students. The three volume work (nearly 2,000 pages)
describes the forced labor concentration camps established by the Communist
Lenin in 1918 to 1956 and the political and police structures that maintained
has already reached a sense of being “defeated” and “futureless.” The crime of the Novus Ordo
Church is that they are a cause and contributor to this sense rather than a
light of hope of union with Jesus Christ!
[You must help] the people in the community… feel so frustrated,
so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are
willing to let go of the past and chance the future. [An] organizer must
shake up the prevailing patterns of their lives –agitate, create disenchantment
and discontent with the current values, to produce, if not a passion for
change, at least a passive, affirmative, non-challenging climate. [You
must] fan the embers of hopelessness into a flame of fight.
Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals
Neo-trads at Rorate Caeli are Conservative Catholics who think that anyone who
arrives at the truth before they do is rash and imprudent, and anyone who
arrives at truth after they do is timid and fearful and unthinking! You can
always recognize a true Traditional Catholic by the knife wounds in his back!
The crisis in the Church today is not due so much to people like Pope Francis,
who in fact is no more repellant than his conciliar
predecessors, and those who have produced and enabled him, as to Conservative
Catholics who have done nothing to defend the faith over the last 50 years. A
Traditional Catholic is characterized above all by his love for Truth wherever
he may find it and adheres to it wherever it may lead. There is more backbone
in Archbishop Viganò than all the spineless
Conservative Catholics combined! Archbishop Viganò,
an admitted latecomer to Catholic tradition, had the decency to apologize to
those who came before him. Conservative Catholics will never apologize because
they will never arrive. Ingratitude is their calling card.
Carlo Maria Viganò
is Not a Traditionalist
“He was never a Traditionalist. He was never known to have any
particular feelings for the Traditional Mass and Liturgy before he retired as
Nuncio. He was never known for any specific pronouncements favoring Tradition
during his long career in the diplomatic service of the Holy See.
“He made a good contribution on the McCarrick
affair, but decidedly after he had left his position as Nuncio to the United
We do not know what he represents, who he speaks for, who writes his
works, and what he intends to accomplish. We do not know why Rome has let him
say whatever he wants, if he still (apparently) receives a Vatican pension,
which he does not need, coming, as he does, from a very wealthy Northern
Italian family: it looks weird both for Rome and for him. We would not say he
is a conspiracy theorist: there doesn't seem to be a theory anywhere there.
Tradition is in need of good families, good bishops, holy priests; holy
young men and women, in families, seminaries, and religious life; Tradition is
in great need of constancy, predictability, and stability. It is not in need of
Rorate Caeli blog posting by “NEW CATHOLIC”
looking for their evolving god of ‘relationaltiy’,
will not see the God ‘Who is’, now, or forever!
On the contrary, It is
written: In thy light we shall see light. (Ps. xxxv.
I answer that: Everything which is raised up to what exceeds its
nature, must be prepared by some disposition above its nature; as, for example,
if air is to receive the form of fire, it must be prepared by some disposition
for such a form. But when
any created intellect sees the essence of God, the essence of God itself
becomes the intelligible form of the intellect. …And this is the light spoken
of in the Apocalypse (xxi. 23). The glory of God hath enlightened it – vis. the
society of the blessed who see God. By this light the blessed are made deiform
– that is, like to God, according to the saying: When He shall appear we shall
be like to Him, because we shall see Him as He is. (1 John, ii. 2).
But the blessed possess these three things in God; because they
see Him, and in seeing Him, possess Him as present, having the power to see Him
always; and possessing Him, they enjoy Him as the ultimate fulfillment of
St. Thomas, Summa Theologica
Ordo Church now to be known as the “Church of the
Third Millennium”:
CTMers ‘Up, Up & Away!’, Oh! how stylish!
“Synodality is a style, it is a walk
together, and it is what the Lord expects from the Church of the Third Millennium.”
Pope Francis, On the Upcoming Synod on Synodality for the CTM
BUZZWORDS: USCCB post on the Seven Catholic Attitudes Necessary for membership in
the CTM:
1. Innovative Outlook
2. Inclusivity
3. Open Mindedness
4. Listening
5. Accompaniment
6. Co-responsibility
7. Dialogue
in Catholic Prophecy:
“A Dark Cloud of Fog Instead of a Head”
I saw a strange
church being built against every rule.... No angels were supervising the
building operations. In that church, nothing
came from high above... There was only division and chaos. It is probably a church of human creation,
following the latest fashion, as well as the new heterodox church of Rome,
which seems of the same kind... I saw
all sorts of people, things, doctrines, and opinions. There was something proud, presumptuous, and
violent about it, and they seemed to be very successful. I did not see a single Angel or a single
saint helping in the work. But far away
in the background, I saw a laughing figure which said: ‘Do build it as solid as
you can; we will pull it to the ground’.... Among the strangest things that I
saw, were long processions of bishops. Their thoughts and utterances were made
known to me through images issuing from their mouths. Their faults towards
religion were shown by external deformities. A few had only a body, with a dark
cloud of fog instead of a head. Others had only a head, their bodies and hearts
were like thick vapors. Some were lame; others were paralytics; others were
asleep or staggering.
Anna-Katarina Emmerick, Yves Dupont,
Catholic Prophecy
‘Bergoglio Business Plan’! Now that “apologetics” is
nothing more than “subtle theoretical discussions” over “opinions” and
“proselytism is solemn nonsense,” how do they measure “strong Christian witness,” “effective
evangelization,” “fruitful ecumenical
spirit,” and “constructive dialogue”?
If the “Mission of the Church in the World” is the supreme law… the salus animarum, how
does any of this contribute towards fulfilling this “Mission”? It is never
“easy to achieve such a goal” under the best of conditions because to obtain
salvation is to enter by the “narrow gate.” Now that every material sign to
measure success toward this goal has been destroyed by the modern Church how
can they possibly have any idea what they are doing?
Today we will present a
summary of the work done in recent months to develop the new Apostolic
Constitution for the reform of the Curia. The goal to be reached is always that
of promoting greater harmony in the work of the various Dicasteries
and Offices, in order to achieve a more effective collaboration in that
absolute transparency which builds authentic synodality
and collegiality.
The reform is not an end in
itself, but a means to give a strong Christian witness; to promote a more
effective evangelization; to promote a more fruitful ecumenical spirit; to
encourage a more constructive dialogue with all.
The reform, strongly
advocated by the majority of the Cardinals in the context of the general
congregations before the conclave, will further perfect the identity of the
same Roman Curia, which is to assist the Successor of Peter in the exercise of
his supreme pastoral office for the good of and in the service of the universal
Church and the particular Churches. This exercise serves to strengthen the
unity of faith and communion of the people of God and promote the mission of
the Church in the world.
Certainly, it is not easy to
achieve such a goal. It requires time, determination and above all everyone’s
cooperation. But to achieve this we must first entrust ourselves to the Holy
Spirit, the true guide of the Church, imploring the gift of authentic
discernment in prayer.
It is in this spirit of
collaboration that our meeting begins, which will be fruitful thanks to the
contribution which each of us can express with parrhesía,
fidelity to the Magisterium and the knowledge that
all of this contributes to the supreme law, that being the salus animarum. Thank You.
Pope Francis, on the agenda of the Consistory for the Reform of the
Roman Curia
what do you suppose happened in the 1960s that started this “erosion of the
Catholic Faith in Germany”?
One notes in particular in traditionally Catholic regions a very strong
decline in participation at Sunday Mass, not to mention the sacramental life.
Where in the 1960s everywhere just about all the faithful still
participated at Holy Mass every Sunday, today there are often less than 10
percent. Ever fewer people seek the sacraments. The Sacrament of Penance has
almost disappeared. Ever fewer Catholics receive Confirmation or
contract Catholic Matrimony. The number of vocations to priestly ministry
and the consecrated life has sharply diminished. In consideration of these
facts, one can speak truly of an erosion of the Catholic Faith in
Pope Francis, addressing the German bishops, Nov. 2015
for LENT:
This Sunday is the last in the season of Septuagesima whose purpose is
to prepare us for Lent. We have covered
during the last weeks the Sin of Adam and our consequent fallen nature with
Original Sin, the general corruption of mankind and its destruction in the
flood sparing only Noah and his family where the Ark is a type of the Church,
and, beginning this week of Quinquagesima, the promise made to our patriarch
Abraham for the Redeemer to come after his willing sacrifice of his
“only-begotten son” Isaac. The Novus Ordo has thrown
out this entire season ultimately because the deny Original Sin and the
consequences of a fallen human nature. It follows quite reasonable that the
Novus Ordo prescribes no penance for Lent outside of
the meaningless abstinence from meat on Fridays, and fasting on Ash Wednesday
and Good Friday. Jesus Christ said, “Unless you shall do penance, you shall all
likewise perish.…. No, I say to you; but
except you do penance, you shall all likewise perish” (Luke 13: 3, 5). The
Church has always and everywhere in every rite prescribed the necessary penance
for “all” the faithful so that we may not “all likewise perish.” Penance is not
prescribed in the Novus Ordo Church because Dogma is
not their rule of faith. The faithful must keep a holy Lent not only so that
they may not “perish,” but also because prayer and penance are needed as reparation
for those Catholics who do not.
Many of the actions of worldlings,
which at first sight may appear innocent, have a natural and fatal tendency to
pervert the morals of the just; and therefore, we must keep as much as possible
at a distance from their society. --- Ismael was a
figure of the synagogue, which persecuted the Church of Christ in her birth.
Fr. George Leo Haydock,
scriptural commentary, Genesis 21, upon Abraham sending away Ismael with his mother, Agar.
Sorrow for Sins and Love of God
But I do not mean to say that the perfect love of God, by which we love
Him above all things, always precedes this repentance, or that this repentance
always precedes this love. For though it so often happens, still, at other
times, as soon as divine love is born in our hearts, penitence is born within
the love, and oftentimes penitence entering into our hearts, love enters in
penitence. And as when Esau was born, Jacob, his twin brother, held him by the
foot, that their births might not only follow the one the other, but also might
cleave together and be intermingled; so repentance, rude and rough in regard of
its pain, is born first, as another Esau; and love, gentle and gracious as
Jacob, holds him by the foot and cleaves unto him so closely that their birth
is but one, since the end of the birth of repentance is the beginning of that
of perfect love. Now as Esau first appeared, so repentance ordinarily rakes
itself to be seen before love, but love, as another Jacob, although the
younger, afterwards subdues penitence, converting it into consolation….
Although now our human nature be not endowed with that original
soundness and righteousness which the first man had in his creation, but on the
contrary be greatly depraved by sin, yet still the holy inclination to love God
above all things stays with us, as also the natural light by which we see His
sovereign goodness to be more worthy of love than all things; and it is
impossible that one thinking attentively upon God, yea even by natural reason
only, should not feel a certain movement of love which the secret inclination
of our nature excites in the bottom of our hearts by which at the first
apprehension of this chief and sovereign object, the will is captured, and
perceives itself stirred up to a complacency in it.
St. Francis de Sales, The Love of
This commandment, that I command thee this day, is not
above thee, nor far off from thee; nor is it in heaven, that thou shouldest say: Which of us can go up to heaven to bring it
unto us, and we may hear and fulfill it in work? Nor is it beyond the sea, that
thou mayest excuse thyself and say: Which of us can
cross the sea, and bring it unto us, that we may hear and do that which is
commanded? But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth and in thy heart,
that thou mayest do it. . . . That thou mayest love the Lord thy God.
Deuteronomy 30:11-16
Thus you have spoken, saying: Our iniquities and our
sins are upon us, and we pine away in them: how, then, can we live I say to
them: As I live saith the Lord God, I desire not the
death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way, and live. Turn ye,
turn ye from your evil ways; and why will you die, O house of Israel?
Ezechiel 33:10-11
What I mean is this, that to sorrow over the sins of others is no
far-fetched devotion, or subtle refinement of religious feeling; but that it
follows inevitably upon the love of God. Where there is no such sorrow for sin,
either in ourselves or others, there is no love of God; and in proportion to
the amount of love will the degree of sorrow be.
Fr. Fredrick William Faber, All
for Jesus
Outside the Catholic Church
there is neither the forgiveness of sins nor the hope of salvation. This Dogma,
so often mitigated from its literal meaning by theologians is always and
everywhere affirmed without the shadow of qualification by Catholic Saints!
Earth has no privilege equal to that of being a member of His Church;
and they dishonor both it and Him who extenuate the dismal horrors of that
outer darkness in which souls lie that are aliens from the Church. The
greatness of our privilege, and, therefore, of the glory of the Sacraments, is
necessarily diminished by anything that makes less of the unutterable miseries,
and most appalling difficulties of salvation outside the Church. This is the
reason why the Saints have ever been so strong in the instincts of their
sanctity, as to the wide, weltering, almost hopeless deluge which covers the
ruined earth outside the ark. Harsh, to unintelligent, uncharitable kindness,
intolerably harsh, as are the judgments of stern theology, the saints have ever
felt and spoken more strongly and more peremptorily than the theologians.
Fr. Fredrick William Faber, The
Blessed Sacrament
It is a matter
of theological opinion regarding whether perfect contrition is a rare or common
The Catechism of the Council
of Trent says:
Contrition, it is true, blots out sin; but who is ignorant
that to effect this it must be so intense, so ardent, so vehement, as to bear a
proportion to the magnitude of the crimes which it effaces? This is a degree of
contrition which few reach, and hence through perfect contrition alone very few
indeed could hope to obtain the pardon of their sins.
Catechism of the Council of Trent
Be that as it may, for Catholics, it is a matter of
“divine and Catholic faith” (i.e.: Dogma) that the sacrament of Penance
instituted by our Savior, Jesus Christ, confers absolution for sins with
imperfect contrition. It is an amazing display of merciful kindness that Jesus
has instituted a means by which anyone can obtain forgiveness from Him and
restoration of grace and friendship while proceeding only from a rational motive
fear of divine punishment. Catholics never have to wonder or doubt about the
sincerity of their love of God regarding the sorrow they have for their sins to
be forgiven. This is a great motive for a sincere love of God.
Hermeneutics of
Explains why Novus Ordo Catholics have dumped the season of Septuagesima and
do not do penance for Lent – they have ‘dialogued’ themselves out of Original
Original Sin:
The account (of Genesis 3) tells us
that sin begets sin, and that therefore all the sins of history are
interlinked. Theology refers to this state of affairs by the
certainly misleading and imprecise term ‘original sin’. What does this mean? Nothing seems to us today to
be stranger or, indeed, more absurd than to insist upon original sin,
since, according to our way of thinking, guilt can only be something very
personal, and since God does not run a concentration camp, in which one’s
relatives are imprisoned because he is a liberating God of love, who calls each
one by name. What does original sin
mean, then, when we interpret it correctly?
Finding an answer to this requires nothing less
than trying to understand the human person better. It must once again be stressed
that no human being is closed in upon himself or herself and that no one can
live of or for himself or herself alone. We receive
our life not only at the moment of birth but every day from without – from
others who are not ourselves but who nonetheless somehow pertain to us. Human
beings have their selves not only in themselves but also outside of themselves:
they live in those whom they love and in those who love them and to whom they
are ‘present.’ Human beings are relational, and they possess their lives –
themselves – only by way of relationship. I alone am not myself, but only
in and with you am I myself. To be truly a human being means to be related in love, to be of and for. But
sin means the damaging or the destruction of relationality. Sin is a rejection of relationality because it wants to make the
human being a god. Sin is loss of relationship, disturbance of relationship, and therefore it is not
restricted to the individual. When I destroy a relationship, then this event – sin – touches
the other person involved in the relationship. Consequently sin is always an
offense that touches others, that alters the world and damages it. To the
extent that this is true, when the network of human relationships is damaged from the very
beginning, then every human being enters into a world that is marked by relational damage. At the very moment that
a person begins human existence, which is a good, he or she is confronted by a
sin- damaged world. Each of us enters into a situation in which relationality has been hurt. Consequently each
person is, from the very start, damaged in relationships and does not engage in them as
he or she ought. Sin pursues the human being, and he or she capitulates to it.”
Benedict XVI/Ratzinger,
Catholic Understanding
of the Story of Creation and the Fall (1995)
Catholic Church
teaches divine Truth with precision and clarity:
“For that which the Apostle has said, ‘By one man, sin entered into this world, and by sin death, and so death passed upon all men in whom all have sinned.’ (Rom 5:12), is not to be understood otherwise than as the Catholic Church spread everywhere hath always understood it. For, by reason of this rule of faith, from a tradition of the Apostles, even infants who could not as yet commit any sin of themselves, are for this cause truly baptized for the remission of sins, that in them that may be cleansed away by regeneration which they have contracted by generation. For, ‘unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.’” (John 3:5).
Council of Trent, Decree on Original Sin
“I was under a necessity to
write unto you: to beseech you to contend earnestly for the faith once
delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3).
Benedict/Ratzinger’s (B/R) heretical theology presupposes modern
doctrine of scientism that material reality consists of atoms and the void in
constant evolutionary progress. He therefore denies the existence of substantial reality in the place of substance, he offers the accident of relationship as the fundamental essence
of all reality beginning with the reality of God. Being is rejected for becoming.
The pursuit of Truth is favored over its possession. This theology of B/R is
applied to man and sin including Original Sin. For the Catholic, sin is a
transgression of the will of God in a more or less serious degree. A serious
violation of God’s will is a mortal sin ending the life of grace in the substantial soul of an individual man.
The relationship of friendship with God is ended but God remains in a
relationship with all creatures including sinners because without a
relationship with God they would not exist. But while sin ends the life of
grace in the soul, the sin itself does not touch God.
And where does
“relationality” lead? B/R’s “essential” Christianity?
It is a religion of fantasy that has no real doctrinal or moral impediments and
offers ‘dialogue’ as a nostrum for healing all problems of “relationality.”
But who in
their right mind would want to join the ‘Church of Relationality’,
which explains why the Novus Ordo Church has massive
defections and few conversions. It also explains why for Francis/Bergoglio “proselytism is solemn nonsense.” How can you “proselytize” for a religion that
does not know what it believes or for what end it was established?
As for
“relations,” if we want to “essentialize our faith,”
Jesus Christ makes perfectly clear just what is really “essential”: “If any man come to me, and hate
not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters,
yea and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26). The
“essential… relation” is with Jesus Christ, not man, and this “relation” is
only possible by believing what Jesus Christ has revealed and doing what Jesus
Christ commands.
Seewald: “The Church prays
for Christians to be reunited. But who ought to join up with whom?”
“The formula that the great ecumenists have invented is that we go forward
together. It’s not a matter of our wanting to achieve certain processes of
integration, but we hope that the Lord will awaken people’s faith everywhere in
such a way that it overflows from one to the other, and the one Church is
there. As Catholics, we are persuaded that the basic shape of this one Church
is given us in the Catholic Church, but that she is moving toward the future
and will allow herself to be educated and led by the Lord. In that sense we do
not picture for ourselves any particular modes of integration, but simply look
to march on in faith under the leadership of the Lord – who knows the way.”
“We can only humbly seek to essentialize our faith, that is, to recognize what are the
really essential elements in it – the things we have not made but have received
from the Lord – and in this attitude of turning to the Lord and to the center,
to open ourselves in this essentializing so that he
may lead us onward, he alone.”
God and the World, interviewed by
Peter Seewald, pp 452-453
Lastly, if there is no Original Sin and the Church of
Jesus Christ lies somewhere in the unknown future, the sacrament of Baptism
becomes meaningless! What the Church has taught always and everywhere is now
regarded as “unenlightened” and “problematic” for him.
Mr. Seewald: “In canon 849 of Church canon law it says:
‘Baptism… [is] necessary to salvation in fact or at least in intention.’ But
what happens, when a man dies unbaptized? And what
happens to the millions of children who are killed in their mothers’ wombs?”
“The question of what it means to say that baptism is necessary for salvation
has become ever more hotly debated in modern times. The Second Vatican Council
said on this point that men who are seeking for God and who are inwardly
striving toward that which constitutes baptism will also receive salvation.
That is to say that a seeking after God already represents an inward
participation in baptism, in the Church, in Christ.
To that extent, the
question concerning the necessity of baptism for salvation seems to have been
answered, but the question about children who could not be baptized because
they were aborted then presses upon us that much more urgently.
Earlier ages had devised a teaching that seems to me
rather unenlightened. They said that baptism endows us, by means of sanctifying
grace, with the capacity to gaze upon God. Now, certainly, the state of
original sin, from which we are freed by baptism, consists in a lack of
sanctifying grace. Children who die in this way are indeed without any personal
sin, so they cannot be sent to hell, but, on the other hand, they lack
sanctifying grace and thus the potential for beholding God that this bestows.
They will simply enjoy a state of natural blessedness, in which they will be
happy. This state people called limbo.
In the course of our century, that has gradually come to
seem problematic to us. This was one way in which people
sought to justify the necessity of baptizing infants as early as possible, but
the solution is itself questionable. Finally, the Pope made a decisive turn in the encyclical Evangelium Vitae, a change already anticipated by
the Catechism of the Catholic Church (Note: Not so, even the compromised CCC
teaches the necessity of Baptism for salvation), when he expressed the simple
hope that God is powerful enough to draw to himself all those who were unable
to receive the sacrament.”
God and the World, interviewed by Peter Seewald, pp
Catholic Church teaches divine Truth with precision and
Amen, amen I say to thee, unless a man be
born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God….. Amen, amen I say to thee,
unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into
the kingdom of God.”
Jesus Christ, (John 3:3, 5)
If any one saith, that true and natural water is not of necessity for
baptism, and, on that account, wrests, to some sort of metaphor, those words of
our Lord Jesus Christ; Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost;
let him be anathema.
Council of Trent, Canon II on the sacrament
of Baptism
If anyone saith,
that Baptism is optional, that is, not necessary for salvation, let him be
Council of Trent, Canon V on the sacrament
of Baptism
Modernism vs. Neo-modernism: A difference in method, an
agreement in ends
The heresy of Modernism denies dogma
directly. Neo-modernism is a more subtle heresy. The end remains the denial of dogma but the
method of denial is indirect. Dogma, the
revelation of God that forms the formal objects of divine and Catholic faith,
is formulated in categorical propositions that are always and everywhere true
or false. There are two methods the
Neo-modernist employs to destroy dogma. The first method is to change the
category of dogma from truth-falsehood to the category of authority-obedience. They treat dogmas as if it were laws,
commands, precepts, injunctions, etc., etc., etc., and then limit the universal
truth with all the moral restrictions that apply to laws, etc. For example, the dogma that the sacrament of
baptism is necessary for salvation is treated as a law and therefore as a law,
it does not bind in cases of impossibility, necessity, unreasonable burden,
psychological impediment, etc., etc.
The second method is to corrupt the
dogmatic proposition be changing the meaning of the terms OR altering the
universality of the copula. An excellent example of this corruption of
terminology can be seen in Benedict/Ratzinger’s
treatment of the word, substance.
“…the medieval concept of substance has long
since become inaccessible to us. In so far as we use the concept of substance
at all today we understand thereby the ultimate particles of matter, and the
chemically complex mixture that is bread certainly does not fall into that
Joseph Ratzinger,
Faith and the Future, p. 14
It is impossible to affirm the Catholic
dogma that “Lord Jesus Christ... is consubstantial with the Father” or the
Catholic dogma of Transubstantiation if the concept of “substance” is rejected
in the sense as used by scholastic theologians found in the perennial realist
philosophical tradition. And so we have
Benedict/Ratzinger writing:
“Eucharistic devotion such as is noted in
the silent visit by the devout in church must not be thought of as a
conversation with God. This would assume that God was present there locally and
in a confined way. To justify such an assertion shows a lack of understanding
of the Christological mysteries of the very concept of God. This is repugnant
to the serious thinking of the man who knows about the omnipresence of God. To
go to church on the ground that one can visit God who is present there is a
senseless act which modern man rightfully rejects.”
Joseph Ratzinger, Die
Sacramentale Begrundung Christliche Existenz
The Catholic Church infallibly teaches:
“By the consecration of the bread and wine
there takes place a change of the whole substance of the bread into the substance
of the body of Christ our Lord and of the whole substance of the wine into the substance of his blood. This change
the holy Catholic Church has fittingly and properly called transubstantiation.”
Council of Trent, Session XIII, chapter IV
“If anyone denies that in the sacrament of
the most Holy Eucharist are contained truly, really and substantially the body and blood together with the soul and
divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and consequently the whole Christ, but
says that He is in it only as in a sign, or figure or force, let him be
Council of Trent, Session XII, Canon I
affirmation of these dogmas is done within the corrupted context of mutilating
the meaning of the terms. The entire hermeneutic of discontinuity/rupture vs.
the hermeneutic of reform proposed by Benedict/Ratzinger
is predicated upon accepting or rejecting his false philosophy which ultimately
elevates the accident of relationship
to overthrow the concept of substance.
Reciting the Credo is no longer evidence of the Catholic faith without clearly
defining every term.
Cardinal Henry Edward Manning –
The true Revelation of God is both a Definite and Certain
participation in God’s own knowledge. IT
is this fundamental truth of revelation that our Neo-Modernist hierarchy
What, then, is the knowledge which God has restored to man through
revelation but a definite knowledge, a participation of His own? The
truth which has been revealed, what is it in the mind of God who reveals it,
but one, harmonious and distinct? What was that know ledge as revealed by the
Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, but one, harmonious and distinct? What was
the conception of that knowledge in inspired men, but one, harmonious and
distinct also? And what was that knowledge when communicated by those who were
inspired to those who believed, but one, harmonious and distinct as before? And what is this unity and
harmony and distinctness of knowledge, which God revealed of Himself through
Jesus Christ, but the faith we confess in our creed? Our baptismal faith, its
substance and its letter, the explicit and the implicit meaning, article by
article, is as definite, severe, and precise, as any problem in science. It is
of the nature of truth to be so; and where definiteness ends, knowledge ceases.
Observe, then, the distinction between finite knowledge and definite knowledge.
Is not science definite? And yet it is also finite. The theory of gravitation,
definite as it is, it is finite too. [……] Go through the whole range of
physical sciences, what is it but an example of the same condition of
knowledge, definiteness in conception with finiteness of reach? [….] If we have not a definite
knowledge of what we believe, we may be sure we have no true knowledge of it.
But, further, it is evident that knowledge must also be certain.
When we speak of certainty, we mean one of two things. Sometimes we say, that a
thing is certain; at other times, that we are certain. When we say a truth is
certain, we mean, that the proofs of that truth are either self-evident, or so
clear as to exclude all doubt. This is certainty on the part of the object
proposed to our intelligence. But when we say we are certain, we mean that we
are inwardly convinced, by the application of our reason to the matter before
us, of the sufficiency of the evidence to prove the truth of it. In us,
certainty is rather a moral feeling, a complex state of mind. As light manifests itself by its
own nature, but sight is the illumination of the eye; so certainty means truth
with its evidences illuminating the intelligence, or, in other words, the
intelligence possessed by truth with its evidences.
This we call certainty. I ask, then, is there not this twofold
certainty in the revelation which God has given? Was not the revelation
which God gave of Himself through Jesus Christ made certain on His part by
direct evidence of the divine act which revealed it? Is it not also certain on
our part by the apprehension and faith of the Church? Was not God manifest in
the flesh that He might reveal Himself? Did not God dwell on earth that He
might teach His truth? Has not God spoken to man that man might know Him? Did
not God work miracles that man might believe that He was present? What evidence
on the part of God was wanting that men might know that Jesus Christ was indeed
the Son of God? And if
there was certainty on the part of God who revealed, was there not certainty
also on the part of those that heard? Look back into the sacred history.
Had not Prophets and Seers certainty of that which they beheld and heard? […..]
What, then, is the first
condition of faith but certainty? He that has not certain faith has no faith.
We are told that to crave for certainty implies a morbid disposition. Did not
Abraham, and Moses, and Daniel, the Apostles and Evangelists desire certainty
in faith, and crave to know beyond doubt that God spake
to them, and know with definite clearness what God said? Was this a morbid
craving? Surely this is not to reproved. But rather the contrary disposition worthy of rebuke. How
can we venture to content ourselves with uncertainty in matters where the truth
and honour of God and the salvation of our own souls
are at stake? This truly is not without sin. […..] And yet, what is the
very idea of Revelation but a Divine assurance of Truth? Where faith begins
uncertainty ends. Because faith terminates upon the veracity of God; and what
God has spoken and authenticated to us by Divine authority cannot be
Cardinal Henry Edward Manning, Grounds of
CHURCH: “Another Christ”, The “most perfect image of Christ”, and now, the Image
of Christ as seen in the Shroud of Turin.
The Church came forth from the side of our Savior on the Cross like a
new Eve, Mother of all the living....
Christ sustains the Church in a divine manner; He lives in her to such a degree that she is, as
it were, another Christ... We can think of nothing more glorious, more
noble, and more honorable than membership in the Holy Roman Catholic Church, by
which we become members of such a holy Body (the Mystical Body of Christ), are
guided by on divine Spirit (the Holy Ghost), and finally, are nourished in this
earthly exile with one doctrine (Dogma) and one same heavenly Bread (the Holy
Eucharist) until we are permitted to share the one eternal beatitude in
heaven.... (Let us love
the Church,) the most perfect Image of Christ.
Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis
Novus Ordo: Fulfilling both the genus and species of
true Sacrilege
As the student of moral theology is aware, there are many difficult
questions concerning the doctrine of sacrilege. Doctors are not agreed even
upon the definition of the term. Sir Henry Spelman,
who was deeply read in the scholastic theologians and canonists, defines it as
“an invading, stealing, or purloining from God, any sacred thing, either
belonging to the majesty of His Person, or appropriate to the celebration of
His divine service.” Thus
there are two kinds of sacrilege; the first kind is committed “when the very
Deity is invaded, profaned, or robbed of Its glory,” says Sir Henry. And
so the sin of Lucifer and his angels, of our first parents, of Cain, of those
destroyed by the flood, of the builders of the tower of Babel, of Nimrod, and
of others, was a sin of sacrilege. “In this high sin,” he further says, “are
blasphemers, sorcerers, witches, and enchanters; and as it maketh
the greatest irruption into the glorious majesty of Almighty God, it maketh also the greatest divorce betwixt God and man.” In other words, as modern theologians say, all sins against the virtue
of religion may be called sacrilege in the wider sense of the term. In
this sense it is not a specific sin, but rather a genus containing under it
many different species of sin.
Sir Henry admits that this meaning of the term was not the common one
with the schoolmen and canonists. “I come now,” he says, “to the second part, which indeed is that which
the schoolmen and canonists only call sacrilege, as though the former were of
too high a nature to be expressed in the appellation: so exorbitant a sin, as
that no name can properly comprehend it:
the Greek word meaning, a warring against God,
and a Greek word meaning, a direful violence upon Divine Majesty, a superlative
sacrilege.” In the strict sense of the term, the specific sin of
sacrilege is “a violating, misusing, or a putting away of things consecrated or
appropriated to divine service or worship of God: it bath many branches time,
persons, function, place: and materially. All (saith
St. Thomas Aquinas) that pertains to irreverent treatment of holy things,
pertains to the injury of God, and comes under the character of sacrilege. . .
. Sacrilege of time is, when the Sabbath or the Lord’s day is abused or
profaned: this God expressly punished in the stickgatherer.”
Rev. Thomas Slater, S.J., Questions of Moral Theology, Doctrine on
Sacrilege in Moral Theology
Examination of Conscience
“The troubled waters of venial offenses rise daily in the hold of our
hearts; whoever, then, wishes not to perish, let him empty out every day, as
sailors do the hold of a ship, by a careful and contrite Examination of Conscience.”
St Augustine
“Virtue, cannot grow in the company of vice. If the one is to flourish,
the other must perish. Clear away, then, what is superfluous and vicious, and
that which is wholesome and virtuous will at once spring up. Whatever you
withhold from your lusts will turn to the profit and advantage of your
spiritual life. Therefore, let us take heed to cut down by a diligent
self-examination the noxious growth of faults, vices, and defects, if we wish
to see the flowers of every virtue bloom forth in the garden of our souls.”
St Bernard
“St Paul says, ‘If we judge ourselves we shall not be judged.’ If we
examine and search into our conscience, submitting it to a rigorous trial, and
if, when we discover any sins, we wash them away with tears of contrition, we
shall not be judged by God; in other words, we shall escape punishment at His
awful judgment.”
Rev. Cornelius a Lapide
Now with Merit, or Purgatory Later Without
When I look to God, I see no gate to Paradise, and yet he who wishes to
enter there does so, because God is all mercy.
God stands before us with open arms to receive us into His glory. But well I see the divine essence to be of
such purity, far greater than can be imagined, that the soul in which there is
even the least note of imperfection would rather cast itself into a thousand
Hells than find itself thus stained in the presence of the Divine Majesty. Therefore the soul, understanding that
Purgatory had been ordained to take away those stains, casts itself therein,
and seems to itself to have found great mercy in that it can rid itself there
of the impediment that is the stain of sin.
No tongue can tell nor explain, no mind understand, the grievousness of
Purgatory. But although I see that there
is in Purgatory as much pain as in Hell, I yet see the soul that has the least
stain of imperfection accepting Purgatory as though it were a mercy, as I have
said, and holding its pains of no account as compared with the least stain that
hinders a soul in its love. I seem to
see that the pain that souls in Purgatory endure because of that in them which
displeases God (that is, what they have willfully done against His great
goodness) is greater than any other pain they feel in Purgatory. And this is because they see the truth and
the grievousness of the hindrance that prevents them from drawing near to God,
since they are in grace.
St. Catherine of Genoa, Purgation
and Purgatory
Cardinal Henry Edward Manning
The Present Crisis of the Holy See: A
Warning About Antichrist
“And now you know what withholdeth
[the coming of the Antichrist], that he may be revealed in his time. For the
mystery of iniquity already worketh; only that he who
now holdeth, do hold, until he be taken out of the
way”(2 Thess 2:6-7).
“We have now come
nearly to a solution of that which I stated in the beginning, namely, how it is
that the power which hinders the revelation of the lawless one is not only a
person but a system, and not only a system but a person. In one word, it is
Christendom and its head; and therefore, in the person of the Vicar of Christ,
and in that twofold authority with which, by Divine Providence he has been
invested, we see the direct antagonist to the principle of disorder. The
lawless one, who knows no law, human or divine, nor obeys any but his own will,
has no antagonist on earth more direct that the Vicar of Jesus Christ….”
“I shall hope to show
hereafter that the antagonism between two persons [between Antichrist and
Christ, with the Pope as the latter’s Vicar] is an antagonism also between two
societies, and that as our Divine Lord is the Head and Representative of all
the truth and justice of the world from the beginning, so Antichrist, be he who
or what he may, will be the head and representative of all the falsehood and
wrong, which has been accumulating for these 1800 years, in the heresies,
schisms, spiritual seditions, intellectual infidelities, social disorders and
political revolutions of the anti-Catholic movement of the world.”
“Such is the great
deep upon which the Christian society of the world is resting. From time to
time it has lifted itself up with preternatural power, and has made the
Christian order of Europe vibrate and reel. Then again it has seemed to subside
into a calm. But no one with any discernment can fail to see that it is deeper,
mightier, and more widely spread now (1861) than ever. That this antichristian
power will one day find its head, and for a time prevail in this world, is
certain from prophecy. But this cannot be until ‘he who holdeth
[the Pope] shall be taken out of the way’….”
“But such is the state
of the world, and to this end we are rapidly advancing. We are told that Etna
has one hundred and sixty craters, besides the two vast mouths which, joined
together, form the immense crater commonly so called; on all its sides it is
perforated and honeycombed by channels and by mouths, from which in centuries past
the lava has, from time to time burst forth. I can find no better illustration
of the state of Christendom at this moment. The Church of God rests upon the
basis of natural society, on the foundations of the old Roman Empire, on the
civilization of the heathen nations of the world, which for a time has been
consecrated, consolidated, preserved, raised, sanctified; but beneath the
Church is working continually the mystery of iniquity which already wrought in
the Apostles’ time, and is culminating at this moment to its strength, and
gaining the ascendency. What, I ask, was the French revolution of 1789, with
all its bloodshed, blasphemy, impiety, and cruelty, in all its masquerade of
horror and of mockery – what was it but an outbreak of the anti-Christian
spirit – the lava font beneath the mountain? And what was the outbreak in 1830
and 1848 but precisely the same principle of Antichrist working beneath
Christian society, forcing its way upward? In the year 1848 it opened
simultaneously [in Revolutions] its many mouths in Berlin, in Vienna, in Turin,
in Florence, in Naples, and in Rome itself. In London it heaved and struggled,
but its time was not yet. What is all this but the spirit of lawlessness
lifting itself against God and man, – the principle of schism, heresy, and
infidelity running fused into one mass, and pouring itself forth wherever it
can force its way, making craters for its stream wherever the Christian society
becomes weak? And this, as it has gone on for centuries, so it will go on until
the time shall come when ‘that which holds’ shall ‘be taken out of the way’.”
Believe Dogma as it was once declared
There is only one way to believe dogma: as holy
mother Church has once declared.
Pope Pius IX, First Vatican Council, Sess. 3, Chap. 2 on Revelation,
1870, ex cathedra:
“Hence, also, that understanding of its sacred dogmas must be
perpetually retained, which Holy Mother Churchhas
once declared; and there must never be a recession from that meaning
under the specious name of a deeper understanding.”[xviii]
This definition of the First Vatican Council is
critically important for dogmatic purity, because the primary way the Devil
attempts to corrupt Christ’s doctrines is by getting men
to recede (move away) from the Church’s dogmas as they were once
declared. There is no meaning of a dogma other than what
the words themselves state and declare, so the Devil tries to get men to
“understand” and “interpret” these words in a way that is different from how
holy mother Church has declared them.
Many of us have dealt with people who have
attempted to explain away the clear meaning of the definitions on Outside
the Church There is No Salvation by saying, “you
must understand them.” What they really mean is that you
must understand them in a way different from what the words themselves
state and declare. And this is precisely what the First Vatican
Council condemns. It condemns their moving away from the
understanding of a dogma which holy mother Church has once declared to a
different meaning, under the specious (false) name of a “deeper understanding.”
Besides those who argue that we must “understand”
dogmas in a different way than what the words themselves state and declare,
there are those who, when presented with the dogmatic definitions
on Outside the Church There is No Salvation, say, “that is your
interpretation.” They belittle the words of a dogmatic formula to
nothing other than one’s private interpretation. And this also is
Pope St. Pius X, Lamentabile,
The Errors of the Modernists, July 3, 1907, #22:
“The dogmas which the
Church professes as revealed are not truths fallen from heaven, but they are a
kind of interpretation of religious facts, which the human mind by a
laborious effort prepared for itself.”- Condemned[xix]
Pope St. Pius X, Lamentabile,
The Errors of the Modernists, July 3, 1907, #54:
“The dogmas, the
sacraments, the hierarchy, as far as pertains both to the notion and to
the reality, are nothing but interpretations and the evolution of
Christian intelligence, which have increased and perfected the little germ
latent in the Gospel.”- Condemned[xx]
Dogmas of the faith, like Outside the Church
There is No Salvation, are truths fallen from heaven; they are not
interpretations. To accuse one who adheres faithfully to these
truths fallen from heaven of engaging in “private interpretation” is to speak
The very point of a dogmatic DEFINITION is
to DEFINE precisely and exactly what the Church means by the very words of the
formula. If it does not do this by those very words in the
formula or docuмent (as the Modernists
say) then it has failed in its primary purpose – to define – and was pointless
and worthless.
Anyone who says that we must interpret or
understand the meaning of a dogmatic definition, in a way which
contradicts its actual wording, is denying the whole point of the Chair of
Peter, Papal Infallibility and dogmatic definitions. He is asserting
that dogmatic definitions are pointless, worthless and foolish and that the
Church is pointless, worthless and foolish for making such a definition.
Also, those who insist
that infallible DEFINITIONS must be interpreted
by non-infallible statements (e.g., from theologians, catechisms,
etc.) are denying the whole purpose of the Chair of Peter. They are
subordinating the dogmatic teaching of the Chair of Peter (truths from heaven) to
the re-evaluation of fallible human docuмents,
thereby inverting their authority, perverting their integrity and denying their
Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos (#7),
Aug. 15, 1832: “… nothing of the things appointed ought to be diminished;
nothing changed; nothing added; but they must be preserved both as regards
expression and meaning.”[xxi]
Thus, there is no “strict” or “loose” interpretation of
Outside the Church There is No Salvation, as the liberal heretics like to
emphasize; there is only what the Church has once declared.
Most Holy Family Monastery, Outside the
Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation
Unconfirmed unedited version from our Vatican insider sources:
Pope Francis the CEO of the HOMOLOBBY,
apologizing to the Catholics of Chile of when another of his homopriests caught in the crime of pederasty | January 2022
| Chile
"I am one with my brother (homo)
bishops, for it is right to ask for forgiveness (whenever our internal system
of abuse and cover-up breaks down) and make every effort to support the victims
(by paying generous bribes to their impoverished relatives to hush up
everything as quickly as possible), even as we commit ourselves to ensuring
that such things (as these careless slip-ups) do not happen again."
Pope Francis in the
'Pope pushes ‘moral obligation’ of COVID shots, calls
for ‘reality therapy’ against ‘baseless’ info
Pope Francis delivered what have been described as ‘some of his strongest words yet’ in pushing the abortion-tainted shots
Italian bishop bans unvaccinated priests from distributing Holy Communion
Only vaccinated clergy and lay people are allowed to give the faithful the Eucharist in Bishop Giacomo Cirulli's diocese.
Pope Francis fires Vatican official who opposed ‘blessings’ for same-sex couples
Since the CDF issued its statement barring the blessing of homosexual relationships, Pope Francis has rewarded dissident religious who promote the normalization of homosexuality within the Church with warm personal letters of thanks and encouragement – gestures which now stand in stark contrast to his harsh treatment of Archbishop Morandi.
St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome turns away pilgrims for wearing the wrong type of mask
On Monday morning, pilgrims seeking to attend a Mass scheduled for their private group were turned away because the face masks they wore were not the specific FFP2 masks (similar to N95 masks) stipulated by the Italian government.
Pope Francis the Destroyer:
Achieving his goals!
Why the Catholic Church Is Losing Latin America
Conservative Pentecostals make huge inroads despite region’s first
pope; Brazil is poised to become minority Catholic as soon as this year
WallStreetJournal | Francis X. Rocca,
Luciana Magalhaes, Samatha
Pearson | January 12, 2022
RIO DE JANEIRO—Tatiana Aparecida de Jesus used to walk the city’s streets as a sex worker, high on crack cocaine. Last year, the mother of five joined a small Pentecostal congregation in downtown Rio called Sanctification in the Lord and left her old life behind.
“The pastor hugged me without asking anything,” said Ms. de Jesus, 41, who was raised a Catholic and is one of more than a million Brazilians who have joined an evangelical or Pentecostal church since the beginning of the pandemic, according to researchers. “When you are poor, it makes so much of a difference when someone just says ‘good morning’ to you, ‘good afternoon,’ or shakes your hand,” she said.
For centuries, to be Latin American was to be Catholic; the religion faced virtually no competition. Today, Catholicism has lost adherents to other faiths in the region, especially Pentecostalism, and more recently to the ranks of the unchurched. The shift has continued under the first Latin American pope.
Seven countries in the region—Uruguay, the Dominican Republic and five in Central America—had a majority of non-Catholics in 2018, according to a survey by Latinobarómetro, a Chilean-based pollster. In a symbolic milestone, Brazil, which has the most Catholics of any country in the world, is expected to become minority-Catholic as soon as this year, according to estimates by academics that track religious affiliation.
In Rio state, it has already happened. Catholics make up 46% of the population, according to the latest national census in 2010, and a little more than a third of some poverty-stricken favelas, or slums.
“The Vatican is losing the biggest Catholic country in the world—that’s a huge loss, an irreversible one,” said José Eustáquio Diniz Alves, a leading Brazilian demographer and former professor at the national statistics agency. At the current rate, he estimates Catholics will account for fewer than 50% of all Brazilians by early July.
The reasons for this shift are complex, including political changes that reduced the Catholic Church’s advantages over other religions, as well as growing secularization in much of the world. During the pandemic, evangelical churches have been especially effective at using social media to keep people engaged, said Mr. Diniz Alves.
Critics inside and outside the Catholic Church also point to its failures to satisfy the religious and social demands of many people, especially among the poor. Latin Americans often describe the Catholic Church as out of touch with the everyday struggles of its congregation.
The rise of liberation theology in the 1960s and ’70s, a time when the Catholic Church in Latin America increasingly stressed its mission as one of social justice, in some cases drawing on Marxist ideas, failed to counter the appeal of Protestant faiths. Or, in the words of a now-legendary quip, variously attributed to Catholic and Protestant sources: “The Catholic Church opted for the poor and the poor opted for the Pentecostals.”
The declining influence of Catholicism in Latin America has far-reaching social and political consequences. In countries such as Brazil, conversions to Pentecostal Christianity have boosted socially conservative views from the favelas to the halls of Congress, helping to propel right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro to power in 2018.
While President Bolsonaro still identifies as Catholic, he got himself baptized by a Pentecostal pastor in the River Jordan in 2016 in the lead-up to his presidential campaign. Pentecostals and evangelicals are prominently represented in his cabinet and make up a third of Brazil’s congress. His wife attends an evangelical church.
Pentecostalism is a tradition originating in the U.S. which emphasizes direct contact with the Holy Spirit through highly physical forms of worship such as speaking in tongues and faith healing. It is part of the larger evangelical Protestant movement, which stresses biblical authority, the experience of being “born again” and the mission to win converts. Mainline Protestant churches such as Anglicans and Lutherans have made relatively few inroads in Latin America.
In nations with growing numbers of people with no religious affiliation, more-liberal social practices are growing. Argentina, the pope’s native country, legalized abortion last year and Chile’s congress is taking the first steps on a bill to decriminalize the procedure. Even in Mexico, which still has a large Catholic majority, the church’s hold on society is weakening, as seen in the Supreme Court’s September vote to decriminalize abortion.
Share of population identifying as Catholic
Latin America and the Caribbean is home to Share of population identifying as Catholic
Latin America and the Caribbean is home to 41% of the world’s Catholics, according to the Vatican. Estimates of how many Latin Americans remain Catholic vary, but all sides agree the percentages are falling. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, 69% of Latin Americans were Catholic in 2014, though 84% had been raised in the church. Nineteen percent of Latin Americans identified themselves as Protestants. Of those, 65% identified with Pentecostalism.
Under Pope Francis, who met with Pentecostal and evangelical leaders when he was archbishop of Buenos Aires, the Vatican has sought to coexist peacefully with those of other beliefs rather than fight the rising tide of rival faiths.
Pope Francis has often inveighed against missionary efforts aimed at winning converts. At a 2019 Vatican synod on Latin America’s Amazon region, there was scarcely any discussion of the church’s losses of adherents, even though a recent report by a church agency showed that 46% of the Amazon region’s 34 million inhabitants weren’t Catholics. The gathering devoted more attention to the region’s environmental challenges, a signature cause of the current pontificate..
Latin America’s religious transformation began with independence from Spain and Portugal in the 19th century, after which Catholicism, which had come with colonization starting in the 16th century, ceased to be the state religion. The church retained a privileged legal position in many countries and it wasn’t until the mid-20th century that competing faiths began to grow.
The most successful by far of these new faiths was Pentecostalism. Between 1970 and 2020, the number of Pentecostals in Brazil grew to 46.7 million from 6.8 million, according to the World Christian Database. In Guatemala, they grew more than 10-fold, to 2.9 million from fewer than 196,000.
Pentecostalism’s loose organizational structure has helped it make inroads into Latin America’s poorest neighborhoods, where churches offer material as well as spiritual help. Lay-led churches with flocks as small as a few dozen families organize donations of rice and beans for hungry families, fund soccer clubs for young boys to lure them away from drug gangs and organize private healthcare as an alternative to Brazil’s failing public hospitals.
According to the 2014 Pew survey, the most popular reason given by former Catholics in Latin America for embracing some form of Protestantism was to have a more personal connection with God, cited by 81% of respondents. Nearly six in 10 said they left Catholicism because they found “a church that helps members more.” [.....]
41% of the world’s Catholics, according to the Vatican. Estimates of how many Latin Americans remain Catholic vary, but all sides agree the percentages are falling. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, 69% of Latin Americans were Catholic in 2014, though 84% had been raised in the church. Nineteen percent of Latin Americans identified themselves as Protestants. Of those, 65% identified with Pentecostalism.
Under Pope Francis, who met with Pentecostal and evangelical leaders when he was archbishop of Buenos Aires, the Vatican has sought to coexist peacefully with those of other beliefs rather than fight the rising tide of rival faiths.
Pope Francis has often inveighed against missionary efforts aimed at winning converts. At a 2019 Vatican synod on Latin America’s Amazon region, there was scarcely any discussion of the church’s losses of adherents, even though a recent report by a church agency showed that 46% of the Amazon region’s 34 million inhabitants weren’t Catholics. The gathering devoted more attention to the region’s environmental challenges, a signature cause of the current pontificate..
Latin America’s religious transformation began with independence from Spain and Portugal in the 19th century, after which Catholicism, which had come with colonization starting in the 16th century, ceased to be the state religion. The church retained a privileged legal position in many countries and it wasn’t until the mid-20th century that competing faiths began to grow.
The most successful by far of these new faiths was Pentecostalism. Between 1970 and 2020, the number of Pentecostals in Brazil grew to 46.7 million from 6.8 million, according to the World Christian Database. In Guatemala, they grew more than 10-fold, to 2.9 million from fewer than 196,000.
Pentecostalism’s loose organizational structure has helped it make inroads into Latin America’s poorest neighborhoods, where churches offer material as well as spiritual help. Lay-led churches with flocks as small as a few dozen families organize donations of rice and beans for hungry families, fund soccer clubs for young boys to lure them away from drug gangs and organize private healthcare as an alternative to Brazil’s failing public hospitals.
According to the 2014 Pew survey, the most popular reason given by former Catholics in Latin America for embracing some form of Protestantism was to have a more personal connection with God, cited by 81% of respondents. Nearly six in 10 said they left Catholicism because they found “a church that helps members more.” [.....]
Pope Francis a Member of the Church he governs?
From this definition it can be easily gathered what men belong to the
Church and what men do not. For there are three parts of this definition: the
profession of the true Faith, the communion of the Sacraments, and the
subjection to the legitimate Pastor, the Roman Pontiff.
By reason of the first part are excluded all infidels, as much those who have
never been in the Church, like the Jews, Turks and Pagans; as those who have
been and have fallen away, like heretics and apostates.
By reason of the second, are excluded catechumens and excommunicates, because
the former are not to be admitted to the communion of the sacraments, the
latter have been cut off from it.
By reason of the third, are excluded schismatics, who
have faith and the sacraments, but are not subject to the lawful pastor, and
therefore they profess the Faith outside, and receive the Sacraments outside.
However, all others are included, even if they be reprobate, sinful and wicked.
St. Robert Bellarmine
Queers Always Hang Together
“Sodomy Is a Gift from God…. Those who
oppose sodomy should be debarred from church seminaries.”
Rev. Timothy Radcliffe, O.P., Pope Francis’
appointment to the Pontifical Council of Justice
is union with the will of God. The more perfect
the union, the greater the sanctity. Sin
is turning away from the will of God.
The more serious the sin, the greater the separation from God. Modern Evangelization fails because it is not
holy, because it has turned away from the will of God! It is separated from God in both Faith and
I should say that no people has ever been converted to Christianity by
a learned apologetic or by mysticism, important as these things are. The great
examples of Christian evangelization are St. Paul’s apostolate in Asia Minor
and Greece, St. Francis Xavier and his successors in Japan, and perhaps St.
Patrick in Ireland. In all these cases it is a very simple type of evangelism,
joined with miracles and works of mercy…. It is of course simply a question of spiritual
dynamism: Where there is direct spiritual communication through a saint or an
evangelist, you always find results, but where it is a matter of routine
organizations and activities, you do not.
Christopher Dawson, Catholic Historian, Letter to his friend, John Mulloy, 1956
Surrender to God’s Merciful Providence!
But you, who do you think
you, a human being, are to answer back to God? Something that was made, can it
say to its maker, why did you make me this shape? A potter surely has the right
over his clay to make out of the same lump either a pot for special use or one
for ordinary use (Romans 9:20-21). Accuse God of greater calumny by asking
Him why He said, when Esau and Jacob were still in their mother’s womb: “I
loved Jacob but I hated Esau….” It is true that neither fertile Britain,
nor the people of Scotland, nor any of the barbarian nations as far as the
ocean knew anything about Moses and His prophets. Why was it necessary that He
come at the end of those times when numerous multitudes of people had already
perished? Writing to the Romans, the blessed Apostle (St. Paul) cautiously airs
this question but he cannot answer it and leaves it to God’s knowledge. So,
you should also deign to accept that there may be no answer to what you ask. To
God be the power and He does not need you as His advocate.
St. Jerome
“Don’t get me wrong Sisters. I am
sure your hearts are in the right place. OK, but you know, somebody has got to
lift the scab, the festering scab that is the Vatican.”
Jerry Fletcher, Conspiracy Theory,
addressing nuns in his cab, 1997
On the Infallible Word of God -
Perhaps “august body” should be in quotation marks
The premise on which my
paper is based is that over the last thirty-five years orthodox Catholic
Scripture scholarship has not simply lost a major battle; it has lost an entire
war. It has been devastated, and almost completely wiped off the map. Dissident,
rationalistic, neo-modernist biblical scholarship has been firmly in control
ever since the 1960s in nearly all the major Catholic institutions of higher
learning, and is clearly insinuated (although not openly spelt out) even in
recent documents of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, that august body of
twenty or so top-ranking exegetes [Scripture scholars] from round the world
which advises the Church's magisterium on biblical
Fr. Brian Harrison, O.S., On Rewriting the Bible, 2002
Catholics Worship the True God
Islam, Jews, and Catholics worship one God but not the same God. The
God of Catholics is the One God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, the most Holy
Trinity: "One God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of
all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the
only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages; God of God,
Light of Light, true God of true God; begotten, not made, being of one
substance with the Father, by whom all things were made." Both the Jews
and Islam reject Jesus Christ "by whom all things were made," and
therefore reject the natural order of creation and society that He has made.
The god of Islam, expressed in the first article of the five pillars of Islam,
is the god whose prophet is Muhammad. The god who Muhammad speaks for is not
the God "who made heaven and earth." Islam rejects natural law and
teaches that the will of God alone determines the morality of any act. Their
god could just as well make blasphemy a virtue as he has made it a vice. The
Jews also reject Jesus Christ, "by whom all things were made." The
Jews like Islam reject the natural law and the moral law which is man's
participation by his reason in the eternal law. Those Catholics who worship the
same god that the Jews and Muslims worship do not worship the God who is God.
They are idolaters open to any form of corruption. We should not be surprised
to see Pope Francis promoting the Gaia cult of earth worship.
“Today we see clericalism in many places; this being above the humble,
exploiting and beating them, feeling perfect. This is the evil of clericalism.
It’s a warning for all times, Church, and society: never take advantage of your
position to crush others.”
Pope Francis the Clericalist’s Clericalist or, depending on your
perspective, the Hypocrite’s Hypocrite, December 2021
No faithful subject of the Holy See, no man who is not cut away by
schism from the Body of Christ and the same Holy See, can submit to mandates,
precepts, or any other demonstrations of this kind, no, not even if the authors
were the most high body of angels. He must needs repudiate them and rebel
against them with all his strength. Because of the obedience by which I am
bound, and of my love of my union with the Holy See in the Body of Christ, as
an obedient son I disobey, I contradict, I rebel. You cannot take action
against me, for my every word and act is not rebellion but the filial honor due
by God’s command to father and mother. As I have said, the Apostolic See in its
holiness cannot destroy, it can only build. This is what the plenitude of power
means: it can do all things to edification. But these so-called provisions do
not build up, they destroy.
Bishop Robert Grosseteste (d. 1252) to Pope
Innocent IV in opposition to the pope’s crime of nepotism
do we pray for Pope Francis? Because we want to ‘perfect as our heavenly Father
is perfect’.
“But I say to you, Love your enemies: do good to them that hate you:
and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you. That you may be the
children of your Father who is in heaven, who maketh
his sun to rise upon the good, and bad, and raineth
upon the just and the unjust. For if you love them that love you, what reward
shall you have? do not even the publicans this? And if you salute your brethren
only, what do you more? do not also the heathens this? Be you therefore
perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matt 5:44-48).
Jesus Christ, addressing His faithful
And when eventually the world became Christian, this specifically
religious culture-tradition came to the surface and was accepted by the new
world as the source of the new Christian art and literature and liturgy The
same tradition exists today, for though the Church no longer inspires and
dominates the external culture of the modern world, it still remains the
guardian of all the riches of its own inner life and is the bearer of a sacred
tradition. If society were once again to become Christian, after a generation
or two or after ten or twenty generations, this sacred tradition would once
more flow out into the world and fertilize the culture of societies yet unborn.
Thus the movement toward Christian culture is at one and the same time a voyage
into the unknown, in the course of which new worlds of human experience will be
discovered, and a return to our own fatherland – to the sacred tradition of the
Christian past which flows underneath the streets and cinemas and skyscrapers
of the new Babylon as the tradition of the patriarchs and prophets flowed
beneath the palaces and amphitheaters of Imperial Rome.
Christopher Dawson, Catholic historian, The Outlook for Christian Culture, 1960
Hermeneutics of Continuity/Discontinuity
Pope Francis Teaches:
If someone comes to you and feels something
must be removed from him, but perhaps he is unable to say it, but you understand … it’s all right, he
says it this way, with the gesture of coming. First condition. Second, he is
repentant. If someone comes to you it is because he doesn’t want to fall into
these situations, but
he doesn’t dare say it, he is afraid to say it and then not be able to
do it. But if he cannot do it, ad impossibila nemo tenetur. And the Lord
understands these things, the language of gestures. Have open arms, to understand what is inside that
heart that cannot be said or said this way … somewhat because of shame … you
understand me. You must receive everyone with the language with which they can
speak. Pope Francis the Faithless
Catholic Church Teaches:
If any one denieth, that, for the entire and perfect remission of
sins, there are required three acts in the penitent, which are as it were the
matter of the sacrament of Penance, to wit, contrition, confession, and satisfaction, which
are called the three parts of penance; or saith that
there are two parts only of penance, to wit, the terrors with which the
conscience is smitten upon being convinced of sin, and the faith, generated (a)
by the gospel, or by the absolution, whereby one believes that his sins are
forgiven him through Christ; let him be anathema.
Council of Trent, Canon IV on the sacrament
of Penance
Pope Francis, endorsing the “Great Reset”
“This is a moment to dream
big, to rethink our priorities – what we value, what we want, what we seek….
God asks us to dare to create something new. We cannot return to the false
securities of the political and economic systems we had before the crisis.
Pope Francis, recently
published book, Let us Dream: A Path to a
Better Future
of Continuity/Discontinuity: The Novus Ordo patron
‘saint’ of Vatican II, John XXIII, and Jesus Christ traveled the same road,
only in different directions.
“The whole world
is my family. This sense of universal belonging must give tone and
vivacity to my mind, to my heart, to my actions” …… “I am the pope of all.”
John XXIII, (Journal of a Soul)
“I have given them thy word, and the world hath hated them, because
they are not of the world; as I also am not of the world. I pray not that thou shouldst take them out of the world, but that thou shouldst keep them from evil. They are not of the world, as
I also am not of the world.”
Jesus Christ, Prayer to His Father and Our Father (John 17:14-16)
Catholic Culture: It all
begins with the “received and approved” immemorial Roman Rite of Mass
Whatever we do in the political or social order, the indispensable
foundation is prayer, the heart of which is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the
perfect prayer of Christ Himself, Priest and Victim, recreating in an unbloody manner the bloody, selfsame Sacrifice of Calvary.
What is Christian culture? It is essentially the Mass.
That is not my or anyone’s opinion or theory or wish but the central fact of
2,000 years of history. Christendom, what secularists call Western
Civilization, is the Mass and the paraphernalia which protect and facilitate
it. All architecture, art, political and social forms, economics, the way
people live and feel and think, music, literature―all these things, when
they are right, are ways of fostering and protecting the Holy Sacrifice of the
To enact a sacrifice, there must be an altar, an altar has to have a roof
over it in case it rains; to reserve the Blessed Sacrament, we build a little
House of Gold and over it a Tower of Ivory with a bell and a garden round it
with the roses and lilies of purity, emblems of the Virgin Mary ―Rosa Mystica, Turris Davidica, Turris Eburnea, Domus Aurea, who carried His Body and His Blood in her
womb, Body of her body, Blood of her blood.
And around the church and garden, where we bury the faithful dead, the
caretakers live, the priests and religious whose work is prayer, who keep the
Mystery of Faith in its tabernacle of music and words in the Office of the
Church; and around them, the faithful who gather to worship and divide the
other work that must be done in order to make the perpetuation of the Sacrifice
possible—to raise the food and make the clothes and build and keep the peace so
that generations to come may live for Him, so that the Sacrifice goes on even
until the consummation of the world.
John Senior, Professor of Humanities, author of the Death of Christian Culture & The Restoration of Christian Culture
No faithful subject of the Holy See, no man who is not cut away by
schism from the Body of Christ and the same Holy See, can submit to mandates,
precepts, or any other demonstrations of this kind, no, not even if the authors
were the most high body of angels. He must needs repudiate them and rebel
against them with all his strength. Because of the obedience by which I am
bound, and of my love of my union with the Holy See in the Body of Christ, as
an obedient son I disobey, I contradict, I rebel. You cannot take action
against me, for my every word and act is not rebellion but the filial honor due
by God’s command to father and mother. As I have said, the Apostolic See in its
holiness cannot destroy, it can only build. This is what the plenitude of power
means: it can do all things to edification. But these so-called provisions do
not build up, they destroy.
Bishop Robert Grosseteste (d. 1252) to Pope
Innocent IV in opposition to the pope’s nepotism
Why do we pray for Pope Francis?
Because we want to be ‘perfect as our heavenly Father is
“But I say to you, Love your enemies: do
good to them that hate you: and pray for them that persecute and calumniate
you. That you may be the children of your Father who is in heaven, who maketh his sun to rise upon the good, and bad, and raineth upon the just and the unjust. For if you love them
that love you, what reward shall you have? do not even the publicans this? And
if you salute your brethren only, what do you more? do not also the heathens
this? Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matt
Jesus Christ, addressing His faithful
Pope demands humility in new zinger-filled Christmas speech
ROME (AP) | NICOLE WINFIELD | December 23,
2021 —
Pope Francis urged Vatican cardinals,
bishops and bereaucrats to embrace humility this
Christmas season, saying their pride, self-interest and the “glitter of our
armor” was perverting their spiritual lives and corrupting the church’s
As he has in the past, Francis used his annual Christmas address to
take Vatican administrators to task for their perceived moral and personal
failings, denouncing in particular those pride-filled clerics who “rigidly”
hide behind Catholic Church traditions rather than seek out the neediest with
As they have in the past, cardinals and
bishops sat stone-faced as they listened to Francis lecture them in the Hall of
Blessings, which was otherwise decked out in jolly twinkling Christmas trees
and poinsettias.
“The humble are those who are concerned not simply with the past but
also with the future, since they know how to look ahead, to spread their
branches, remembering the past with gratitude,” Francis told them. “The proud,
on the other hand, simply repeat, grow rigid and enclose themselves in that
repetition, feeling certain about what they know and fearful of anything new
because they cannot control it.”
The proud who are so inward-looking are consumed with their own
interests, the pontiff said.
“As a consequence, they neither learn from their sins nor are they
genuinely open to forgiveness. This is a tremendous corruption disguised as a
good. We need to avoid it,” he added.
Since becoming pope in 2013, Francis has
used his Christmas address to rail against the Curia, as the Holy See’s
bureaucracy is known, denouncing the “spiritual Alzheimer’s” that some members
suffer and the resistance he had encountered to his efforts to reform and
revitalize the institution and the broader Catholic Church.
Those reforms kicked into high gear this
year, and some of the top Catholic hierarchy bore the brunt Francis ordered a
10% pay cut for cardinals, imposed a 40-euro ($45) gift cap for Holy See
personnel and passed a law allowing cardinals and bishops to be criminally
prosecuted by the Vatican’s own tribunal.
On top of that, Francis added his Christmas
greetings in the form of another public brow-beating of Vatican clerics, who
normally are treated with the utmost deference by their underling and the
faithful at large.
Francis told them to stop hiding behind the
“armor” of their titles and to recognize that they, like the Biblical figure of
Naaman, a wealthy and decorated general, were lepers
in need of healing.
“The story of Naaman
reminds us that Christmas is the time when each of us needs to find the courage
to take off our armor, discard the trappings of our roles, our social
recognition and the glitter of this world and adopt the humility of Naaman,” he said.
Francis also repeated his call for tradition-minded clerics to stop living
in the past, saying their obsession with old doctrine and liturgy concealed a
“spiritual worldliness” that was corrupting.
“Seeking those kinds of reassurance is the most perverse fruit of
spiritual worldliness, for it reveals a lack of faith, hope and love; it leads
to an inability to discern the truth of things,” he said.
Francis this year took his biggest step yet
to rein in the traditionalist wing of the church, reimposing
restrictions on celebrating the old Latin Mass that Pope Benedict XVI had
relaxed in 2007.
He intensified those restrictions last
weekend with a new set of rules that forbids even the publication of Tridentine Mass times in parish bulletins.
Francis said the proud who remain stuck in the past, “enclosed in their
little world, have neither past nor future, roots or branches, and live with
the bitter taste of a melancholy that weighs on their hearts as the most
precious of the devil’s potions.”
“All of us are called to humility, because all of us are called to
remember and to give life. We are called to find a right relationship with our
roots and our branches. Without those two things, we become sick, destined to
disappear,” he warned.
“Christ told
us to pray for our enemies. He did not tell us to pretend they are not our
Joe Sobran
Father of Modernism: Novus Ordo
“Saint” John Henry Newman
has always been incomprehensible to me why Manning’s hostility to Newman should
be imputed to him as a sin, while Newman’s hostility to Manning is held to be a
virtue. [.....] Yet at the present hour, when the Modernists have claimed
Newman as their precursor, supporting their contention with many a passage from
his writings, it would seem that Manning, as the exponent of orthodox doctrine,
was justified in his appreciation of Newman’s teaching.[....] Manning had
everything to lose by becoming a Catholic, Newman had everything to gain.
[....]This is shown by the willingness with which (Manning) threw aside
ambition, comfort, and prosperity, when as the high road to the foremost and
pleasantest preferments in the Church of England, to
enter upon the tedious life of a Roman Catholic mission priest. His new durance
called forth from him no moaning such as Newman poured out when he was sent to
work in Ireland. [.... ] Manning’s religion was free from all pious
affectation. Yet in close contact with him one felt that he was always living
in the presence of an unseen Power, not as a pompous agent, but as its simple
and humble messenger. It has been my lot to witness some of the most imposing
religious ceremonies of modern Christendom; but nothing so impressive, so
faith-inspiring has ever met my eyes as the sight of the noble old Englishman in
his threadbare cassock kneeling alone before the altar of his bare chapel.”
“I became a Catholic off my own bat” (Manning) exclaimed to indicate the
lack of conviction in the Oxford converts. Afterwards the conversation moved to
theological ground, and Manning’s tone changed. “From an observation you made”,
he said, “I gather that you are under the impression that Doctor Newman is a
good Catholic.” I replied that such was my vague belief. He retorted: “Either
you are ignorant of the Catholic doctrine, or of the works of Doctor Newman” -
he always said ‘Doctor Newman’ in Oxford fashion, and never gave him the title
of Cardinal. After asking me which of Newman’s books I had read, he proceeded
to tick off on his tapering fingers, in his usual way, ten distinct heresies to
be found in the most widely-read works of Dr. Newman.” [.....] To Msgr. Talbot
Manning wrote, “. . an English Catholicism, of which Newman is the highest
type. It is the old Anglican, patristic, literary, Oxford tone transplanted into
the Church... In one word, it is a worldly Catholicism, and it will have the
worldly on its side, and will deceive many. [....] He is the most dangerous man
in England.”
Richard Sartino, Another Look at Cardinal Newman, quoting
J. E. C. Bodley, a Protestant and Mason, on Cardinal
Newman and Cardinal Manning
for the Blue Scapular, (the Scapular of the Immaculate Conception)
“As for me, I would take all scapulars. But above all
you must know that the scapular of the Immaculate Conception, which is blessed
by the Theatine Fathers, besides all its partial
indulgences, has all the indulgences granted to whatever religious order,
whatever devotion, whatever person there can be. And particularly that by
reciting six times Pater, Ave, and Gloria, in honor of the
Most Holy Trinity and Mary Immaculate, can be gained each time all the
indulgences of Rome, of Portiuncula, of Jerusalem,
and of Galicia, which amounts to 533 plenary indulgences, without speaking of
partial indulgences, which are innumerable.”
St. Alphonsus Liguori, Glories of
Mary. These indulgences have been confirmed by Gregory XVI in a decree dated
July 12, 18
Hermeneutics of Continuity/Discontinuity – Even JPII did
not deny this dogma!
Pope Francis Teaches:
We hold the Jewish
people in special regard because their covenant with God has never been
revoked, for “the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable” (Rom.11:29). The
Church, which shares with Jews an important part of the Sacred Scriptures,
looks upon the people of the covenant and their faith as one of the sacred
roots of her own Christian identity (cf. Rom. 11:16-18). As Christians, we
cannot consider Judaism as a foreign religion; nor do we include the Jews among
those called to turn from idols and to serve the true God (cf. 1 Thes. 1:9). With them, we believe in the one God who acts
in history, and with them we accept his revealed word. Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium
The Church
officially recognizes that the People of Israel continue to be the Chosen
People. Nowhere does it say: “You lost the game, now it is our turn.” It is a
recognition of the People of Israel. Pope Francis, On Heaven and Earth
The Catholic Church Teaches:
Hebrews 7:18:
“On the one hand, a former commandment is annulled because of its weakness and
Hebrews 10:9: “Then he says, ‘Behold, I come to do your will.’ He takes away the first [covenant] to establish the second [covenant]…”;
2 Corinthians 3:14: “For to this day when they [the Jews] read the Old Covenant, that same veil remains unlifted, because only through Christ is it taken away”;
Hebrews 8:7: “For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another”;
Colossians 2:14: “Having canceled the written code, with its decrees, that was against us and stood opposed to us; He took it away nailing it to the cross”;
Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis, para. 29: “…the New Testament took the place of the Old Law which had been abolished…but on the gibbet of His death Jesus made void the Law with its decrees fastened the handwriting of the Old Testament to the Cross”;
The Catechism of the Council of Trent: “…the people, aware of the abrogation of the Mosaic Law…”;
Council of Florence: [This council] firmly believes, professes, and teaches that the matter pertaining to the law of the Old Testament, of the Mosiac law, which are divided into ceremonies, sacred rites, sacrifices, and sacraments, because they were established to signify something in the future, although they were suited to the divine worship at that time, after our Lord's coming had been signified by them, ceased, and the sacraments of the New Testament began; and that whoever, even after the passion, placed hope in these matters of the law and submitted himself to them as necessary for salvation, as if faith in Christ could not save without them, sinned mortally. Yet it does not deny that after the passion of Christ up to the promulgation of the Gospel they could have been observed until they were believed to be in no way necessary for salvation; but after the promulgation of the Gospel it asserts that they cannot be observed without the loss of eternal salvation. All, therefore, who after that time observe circumcision and the Sabbath and the other requirements of the law, it declares alien to the Christian faith and not in the least fit to participate in eternal salvation, unless someday they recover from these errors. Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Cantate Domino
Council of Trent: “but not even the Jews by the very letter of the law of Moses were able to be liberated or to rise therefrom”;
Cardinal Ratzinger: “Thus the Sinai [Mosaic] Covenant is indeed superseded” (Many Religions – One Covenant, p. 70).
St. John Chrysostom: “Yet surely Paul’s object everywhere is to annul this Law….And with much reason; for it was through a fear and a horror of this that the Jews obstinately opposed grace” (Homily on Romans, 6:12); “And so while no one annuls a man’s covenant, the covenant of God after four hundred and thirty years is annulled; for if not that covenant but another instead of it bestows what is promised, then is it set aside, which is most unreasonable” (Homily on Galatians, Ch 3);
St. Augustine: “Instead of the grace of the law which has passed away, we have received the grace of the gospel which is abiding; and instead of the shadows and types of the old dispensation, the truth has come by Jesus Christ. Jeremiah also prophesied thus in God’s name: ‘Behold, the days come, says the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah…’ Observe what the prophet says, not to Gentiles, who had not been partakers in any former covenant, but to the Jewish nation. He who has given them the law by Moses, promises in place of it the New Covenant of the gospel, that they might no longer live in the oldness of the letter, but in the newness of the spirit” (Letters, 74, 4);
Justin Martyr: “Now, law placed against law has abrogated that which is before it, and a covenant which comes after in like manner has put an end to the previous one; and an eternal and final law – namely, Christ – has been given to us, and the covenant is trustworthy…Have you not read…by Jeremiah, concerning this same new covenant, He thus speaks: ‘Behold, the days come,’ says the Lord, ‘that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah…’” (Dialogue with Trypho, Ch 11).
John Paul II: “Christ fulfills the divine promise and supersedes the old law.” (Redemptoris Mater)
Taken from Robert Sungenis,
The Old Covenent:
Revoked or Not Revoked?
the Angel of the Church of Ephesus write: …
But I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first charity
(Apocalypse 2:4).
St. Timothy, Bishop of Ephesus for more than 40 years, showed himself to be
somewhat lax in preaching of the word of God to the Ephesians in the work for
their conversion. The reason for this was that he had to face the pertinacity
of both the Jews and adorers of Diana against his apostolate. Hence, moved in
part by pusillanimity and moderation and in part by human prudence, he
considered it more convenient to become softer so as not to disturb the life of
Religion by an excessive zeal or to provoke the fury of the Gentiles against
him and his flock, as happened with St. Paul, who had to face the mob shouting
against him: ‘Hail the great Diana of Ephesus’ (Acts 19: 34). So, the first
ardor of St. Timothy in preaching the Gospel grew weaker, and this was his sin,
not mortal but venial.
This also happens with persons who have authority. They sin more often by
tepidity disguised as prudence, than by imprudence under the appearance of
The counsel of Christ given through St. John to St. Timothy corrected his
fault, and he returned to his first fervor. Actually he reproved the adorers of
Diana so ardently that he received martyrdom by their hands in the year 109 of
the Lord, on the 24th day of January, whose memory is registered in the sacred
annals of the Church.
Rev. Cornelius a Lapide, Commentarii in Sacram Scripturam
Evil is the Depravation of a Necessary Good – Therefore,
the Novus Ordo is Objectively Evil
“Although God knows evil, still there is no
ideal of evil in the Divine Mind. For evil is not a positive formation, but a difformity or deformation of things; it is not a work of
the Divine Wisdom nor a work of God at all.”
Scheeban’s Manual of Catholic Theology
Reported exchange NOT yet confirmed by our Vatican
'Please accept this as an honest and sincere token of my undying passionate devotion to your
sweet person!'
'Oh thank you my snookems,
(wink, wink) I could just pinch your cheek!' (Smack, Smack, Smack)
On 13 June 1525, after weeks of speculation,
Martin Luther secretly married Katharina von Bora, a former nun, in a private
ceremony officiated by city preacher Johann Bugenhagen
and attended by jurist Johann Apel, professor Justus
Jonas, and artist Lucas Cranach and his wife. Over the last centuries,
scholars, writers, artists, Wittenberg citizens—in their popular, annual Lutherhochzeit [Luther’s wedding] festival—and even a
recent filmmaker have characterized this event as one of the iconic episodes of
the Lutheran Reformation. Yet Luther’s marriage neither legalized nor heralded
an immediate acceptance of priestly marriage even in reformed territories.
Luther certainly was not the first cleric to marry. Three of the witnesses at
his wedding—Apel, Bugenhagen,
and Jonas—were former Catholic clergy who had all married by mid-1523, a full
two years before this event. Only a few weeks prior to this event, Luther
expressed hesitation about marriage even for political reasons, suggesting
perhaps he would agree to a chaste marriage, a Josephehe, to support married
clergy. Luther’s marriage does illustrate many aspects of the ongoing reform
process. His mixed feelings about marrying, the atmosphere that led him to a
decision, the subsequent outcry about marriage, and the personal trials that
faced him and his wife in their married life had much in common with the many
clergy who married before and after him in the first decades of the German
Marjorie Elizabeth Plummer, Western
Kentucky University, From Priest’s Whore
to Pastor’s Wife: Clerical Marriage and the Process of Reform in the Early
German Reformation
The Poor Fool Paul VI who thought that he could
Catholicize Secular Humanism
But we cannot pass over one important
consideration in our analysis of the religious meaning of the council: it has
been deeply committed to the study of the modern world. Never before perhaps, so much as on this occasion,
has the Church felt the need to know, to draw near to, to understand, to
penetrate, serve and evangelize the society in which she lives; and to get to
grips with it, almost to run after it, in its rapid and continuous change. This
attitude, a response to the distances and divisions we have witnessed over
recent centuries, in the last century and in our own especially, between the
Church and secular society — this attitude has been strongly and unceasingly at
work in the council; so much so that some have been inclined to suspect that an
easy-going and excessive responsiveness to the outside world, to passing
events, cultural fashions, temporary needs, an alien way of thinking... may
have swayed persons and acts of the ecumenical synod, at the expense of the
fidelity which is due to tradition, and this to the detriment of the religious
orientation of the council itself. We do not believe that this
shortcoming should be imputed to it, to its real and deep intentions, to its
authentic manifestations.
[…..] Secular humanism, revealing itself in
its horrible anti-clerical reality has, in a certain sense, defied the council.
The religion of the God who became man has met the religion (for such it is) of
man who makes himself God. And what happened? Was there a clash, a battle, a
condemnation? There could have been, but there was none. The old story of the
Samaritan has been the model of the spirituality of the council. A feeling of
boundless sympathy has permeated the whole of it. The attention of our council
has been absorbed by the discovery of human needs (and these needs grow in
proportion to the greatness which the son of the earth claims for himself). But
we call upon those who term themselves modern humanists, and who have renounced
the transcendent value of the highest realities, to give the council credit at least for one quality and
to recognize our own new type of humanism: we, too, in fact, we more than any
others, honor mankind.
Paul VI, December 7, 1965, Concluding
comment closing Vatican II
COMMENT: Pope Francis Bergoglio celebrated the “Year of Mercy” in 2015. The
purpose of the Year of Mercy was not to actually extend mercy to Catholics
suffering under his pontificate but rather to celebrate the end of Vatican II
which closed in 1965. It is not possible for a true son of the Church to
“celebrate” its destruction! The purpose of Vatican II was to make the heresy
of Neo-Modernism, the belief that dogmatic truth can and should be reformulated
in new and modern terminology, normative for the faithful. That is impossible.
God is just as much the author of dogmatic terminology as He is the author of
dogmatic truth. Such an effort can only introduce pathology in the living
Mystical Body of Christ. Paul VI was a disciple of Jacques Maritain and after
his example Paul VI tried to reform the Catholic doctrine along the lines of a
Catholicized secular humanism – an attempt to Catholicize the Masonic French
revolution. The wreckage we see around
us is evidence that such a proposal was nothing more than a chimerical
dream. Humanism is by definition
necessarily directed toward man and not toward God.
clear explanation of the essential problem: What is for faithful Catholic the
“Rule of Faith”? Is it Dogma or the
Pope? Those who believe it is the Pope
will follow Pope Francis even if he takes them to Hell!
Maike Hickson:
Where does Prof. Rocco
Buttiglione (who defends the new morality of
Pope Francis and Amoris Laetitia), in
your eyes, leave the solid foundation of the Catholic moral teaching, perhaps
in order to maintain loyalty toward Pope Francis?
Professor Josef
Seifert: I think (1)
with respect to his “two principles” that separate us, they do not correspond
to sound Catholic teaching because it is Catholic teaching (and the basis for
all condemnation of heresies in the history of the Church) that a) truth has priority
over unity and b)
that no Catholic has an absolute duty to accept everything a Pope or Council
are saying if it is not dogmatic and de
fide, and if he has good reason to believe that it is contrary to
natural or revealed truth or to both (to claim otherwise would be papolatry). Besides, (2) I believe that Professor Buttiglione’ s concrete and brilliant but unsuccessful
efforts to reconcile the novelties of Amoris Laetitia with Familiaris Consortio, Veritatis Splendor,
Evangelium Vitae, Humanae Vitae, and the Tradition of the Church all fail and put him at the
risk of using overcomplicated and sophistical reasons and of contradicting
dogmas of the Church such as (a)
that God never commands things which we cannot obey, with the help of grace (a
Lutheran heresy denied this and was condemned in the Council of Trent), or (b) that extramoral evils (such that the partner of a second
“marriage” will leave me) can never be greater evils than a sin and the
intention to prevent them can never justify committing a sin (VS and Trent
affirmed this and condemned its negation as heretical), or (c) that weighing good
versus bad effects of any action can never justify committing one of the many
intrinsically evil acts (Veritatis Splendor made this very solemnly
Time is greater than space: A constant tension exists between
fullness and limitation. Fullness evokes the desire for complete possession,
while limitation is a wall set before us. Broadly speaking, “time” has to do
with fullness as an expression of the horizon which constantly opens before us,
while each individual moment has to do with limitation as an expression of
enclosure. People live
poised between each individual moment and the greater, brighter horizon of the
utopian future as the final cause which draws us to itself. Here we see a first
principle for progress in building a people: time is greater than space.
This principle enables us to work slowly but surely, without being obsessed with immediate results. It helps us patiently to endure difficult and adverse situations, or inevitable changes in our plans. It invites us to accept the tension between fullness and limitation, and to give a priority to time. One of the faults which we occasionally observe in sociopolitical activity is that spaces and power are preferred to time and processes. Giving priority to space means madly attempting to keep everything together in the present, trying to possess all the spaces of power and of self-assertion; it is to crystallize processes and presume to hold them back. Giving priority to time means being concerned about initiating processes rather than possessing spaces. Time governs spaces, illumines them and makes them links in a constantly expanding chain, with no possibility of return. What we need, then, is to give priority to actions which generate new processes in society and engage other persons and groups who can develop them to the point where they bear fruit in significant historical events. Without anxiety, but with clear convictions and tenacity.
Sometimes I wonder if there are people in today’s world who are really concerned about generating processes of people-building, as opposed to obtaining immediate results which yield easy, quick short-term political gains, but do not enhance human fullness. History will perhaps judge the latter with the criterion set forth by Romano Guardini: “The only measure for properly evaluating an age is to ask to what extent it fosters the development and attainment of a full and authentically meaningful human existence, in accordance with the peculiar character and the capacities of that age”.
This criterion also applies to evangelization, which calls for attention to the bigger picture, openness to suitable processes and concern for the long run. The Lord himself, during his earthly life, often warned his disciples that there were things they could not yet understand and that they would have to await the Holy Spirit (cf. Jn 16:12-13). The parable of the weeds among the wheat (cf. Mt 13:24-30) graphically illustrates an important aspect of evangelization: the enemy can intrude upon the kingdom and sow harm, but ultimately he is defeated by the goodness of the wheat.
Pope Francis, Evangellii Gaudium
COMMENT: This is a brief encapsulation of the philosophy of Pope
Francis. He is a pure Modernist who presupposes the Hegelian evolutionary
“process” as a given. All things, including doctrine, are in a state of
constant flux including the morality that doctrine determines. Francis admits
to being a “utopian” dreamer who believes that the “processes” created by
Vatican II will ultimately yield good fruit in the “utopian future.” The rotten
swill we are currently consuming is only an unfortunate but necessary part of
normal “processing”; ‘you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs’. Like all
liberals, it is always the theory that is normative, the facts are askew.
Whatever problems we are currently enduring is because the theory has not been
applied correctly, in all its purity, with sufficient rigor, for enough time,
something like the Elizabethan racking of Catholic saints. The prescription is
always more of the same rotten swill to “enhance human fullness.” But the truth
is that Francis has no idea where his “processes” are going. He is confident
that future “history” will judge his worth. We are confident of that as well.
Unfortunately for Francis, if he dies without repenting of this heretical
folly, he will not save his soul. And repentance is problematic for Francis
attributes these blind ‘processes’ that overturn revealed truth to the Holy
Ghost and, Jesus has said, “He that shall speak against the Holy Ghost, it
shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, nor in the world to come”
(Matt 12:32). No wonder that Francis offers his own interpretation to the
parable of the wheat and the cockle editing himself out of the narrative. But
again, unfortunately for Francis, Jesus Christ leaves us an explicit
interpretation of the parable to His apostles: The Lord of the harvest is Jesus
Christ; the field is His kingdom; the enemy is Satan. Those in the kingdom are
born of water and the Holy Ghost through Baptism. Those that slept are the
church hierarchy negligent in their duty to protect the “field.” Satan enters
through the negligence of the shepherds and sows the cockle which every Church
Father identifies with heresy. The “goodness of the wheat” do not destroy
heretics but rather endure them for the heretics are gathered up at the time of
the harvest and cast into eternal fires as it shall be on the Last Judgment.
Where is Francis in this parable? He is not the negligent sleeping shepherd but
rather the chief enemy sowing the cockle. It would be better for him to have a
millstone cast about his neck and thrown in the depths of the sea.
Joe Biden: Pope Francis Told Me ‘I Was a Good Catholic’ and to ‘Keep
Receiving Communion’
President Joe Biden said Friday that Pope Francis told him to keep
receiving communion — even though he publicly supports killing unborn children
through abortion.
Breitbart News | Charlie Spiering
| October 29, 2021
“We just talked about the fact that he was happy that I was a good
Catholic and to keep receiving communion,” Biden told reporters after
his private meeting with the pope at the Vatican. He said they did not discuss
the issue of abortion.
When asked by reporters if the pope told him
to keep receiving communion, Biden replied, “Yes.”
The pope met privately with Biden for about
90 minutes at the Vatican, but the America press was prevented from covering
the meeting.
Video footage released by the Vatican
showed that Biden told the pope the story about African-American baseball
player Satchel Paige when he first arrived.
The Vatican said the pope and Biden
discussed climate change, healthcare, the coronavirus
pandemic, and assisting refugees and migrants. They also spoke about freedom of
religion and conscience and the protection of human rights.
Biden’s claim about what the pope told him
privately about practicing his faith were not verified by the Vatican.
President Biden repeatedly claims to be a practicing Catholic, even
though he publicly defies church teaching on abortion.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that “human life must be
respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception.”
In September, Biden even contradicted Church teaching after
voicing his opinion that life did not begin at the moment of conception.
“I respect those who believe life begins at the moment of conception
and all … I respect that. Don’t agree. But I respect that,” he said.
The president typically attends Mass every
weekend and receives communion even though some Catholic bishops have
questioned whether public officials should be permitted to receive communion
while taking a public stance supporting abortion.
Biden has previously described his decision
to receive communion as a “private matter” that he would not discuss in public.
“That’s a private matter,” Biden said when
asked about the USCCB discussion of the issue. “And I don’t think that’s going
to happen.”
Therefore it
is Our duty to help men and nations who are in distress, and to eliminate all
present and threatening evils [...] If ever anything deters, prevents, or
delays any one of us from performing this task, what a disgraceful sin he will
commit! Therefore, omit no
watchfulness, diligence, care, and effort, in order to “guard the deposit” of
Christ’s teaching whose destruction has been planned, as you know, by a great
Pope Pius VII,
Diu Satis, On
the Return to Gospel Principles
“The Novelty of
“Religious Liberty” is elevated to a “Catholic Church….. Demand”
The Catholic Church firmly
that due recognition be given to the public dimension of religious adherence.
In an overwhelmingly pluralist society, this demand is not unimportant.
Care must be taken to guarantee that others are always treated with respect.
Mutual respect grows only on the basis of agreement on certain inalienable
values that are proper to human nature, in particular the inviolable dignity of
every single person. Such agreement does not limit the expression of individual
religions; on the contrary, it allows each person to bear witness explicitly to
what he believes, not avoiding comparison with others.
Pope Benedict XVI to the
Muslims in Germany, 10-2011
Religious Liberty is the
Keystone for “peace” in the New World Order Religion
Human rights, of
course, must include the right to religious freedom, understood as the
expression of a dimension that is at once individual and communitarian….. It
is inconceivable, then, that believers should have to suppress a part of
themselves – their faith – in order to be active citizens….. The full
guarantee of religious liberty cannot be limited to the free exercise of
worship, but has to give due consideration to the public dimension of religion,
and hence to the possibility of believers playing their part in building the
social order. …..
My presence at this Assembly is a sign of esteem for the United Nations,
and it is intended to express the hope that the Organization will increasingly
serve as a sign of unity between States and an instrument of service to the
entire human family…..The United Nations remains a privileged setting in
which the Church is committed to contributing her experience “of humanity”,
developed over the centuries among peoples of every race and culture, and placing
it at the disposal of all members of the international community. This
experience and activity, directed towards attaining freedom for every
believer, seeks also to increase the protection given to the rights of the
person. Those rights are grounded and shaped by the transcendent nature of the
person, which permits men and women to pursue their journey of faith and their
search for God in this world. Recognition of this dimension must be
strengthened if we are to sustain humanity’s hope for a better world and if we
are to create the conditions for peace, development, cooperation, and
guarantee of rights for future generations….. That is why the Church is
happy to be associated with the activity of this distinguished Organization,
charged with the responsibility of promoting peace and good will throughout the
earth. Dear Friends, I thank you for this opportunity to address you today,
and I promise you of the support of my prayers as you pursue your noble task.
Pope Benedict XVI, Address to the United
Nations, April 18, 2008
“Peace” requires a New World
Order political organization with “real teeth”!
In the face of the unrelenting growth of global interdependence, there
is a strongly felt need for….reform of the United Nations Organization….. so
that the concept of the family of nations can acquire real teeth…. for the
development of all peoples in solidarity. To manage the global economy…. to
bring about integral and timely disarmament, food security and peace….. for all
this, there is urgent need of a true world political authority.
Pope Benedict XVI, Caritas In Veritate, July 28, 2009
Peace Plan of
Our Lady of Fatima
At Fatima Our Lady said that God wished to establish in the world devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our Lady said that many souls would be saved from Hell and the annihilation of nations averted if, in time, devotion to Her Immaculate Heart were established principally by these two means:
A. the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Pope together with the world’s bishops in a solemn public ceremony,
B. the practice or receiving Holy Communion (and other specific devotions of about 1/2 hour in duration) in reparation for the sins committed against the Blessed Virgin Mary, on the first Saturdays of five consecutive months--a practice known to Catholics as “the First Saturday” devotion.
No, not entirely. A number of the Faithful practice the “First Saturday” devotion, but Russia has yet to be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in a solemn public ceremony conducted by the Pope together with the world’s Catholic bishops.
In 1982 the last Fatima seer, Lucia, when a cloistered nun living in Coimbra, Portugal, was asked if an attempted consecration by Pope John Paul II had sufficed. She replied that it did not suffice, because Russia was not mentioned and the world’s bishops had not participated. Another attempted consecration in 1984 likewise did not mention Russia or involve the participation of many of the world’s bishops, and Sister Lucia stated immediately afterwards that this consecration, too, had failed to meet Our Lady’s requirements.
It warns that if the requests of Our Lady of Fatima for the Consecration of Russia and the First Saturday devotion are not honored, the Church will be persecuted, there will be other major wars, the Holy Father will have much to suffer and various nations will be annihilated. Many nations will be enslaved by Russian militant atheists. Most important, many souls will be lost.
The Message of Fatima promises that if the requests of Our Lady of Fatima are carried out “My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will Consecrate Russia to Me, which will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to mankind.”
last, admission by Pope Francis that the purpose of ecumenical dialogue is to
make Catholics Lutherans!
Many members of our communities yearn to receive the Eucharist at one
table, as the concrete expression of full unity. We experience the pain of
those who share their whole lives, but cannot share God’s redeeming presence at
the Eucharistic table. We acknowledge our joint pastoral responsibility to
respond to the spiritual thirst and hunger of our people to be one in Christ.
We long for this wound in the Body of Christ to be healed. This is the goal of our
ecumenical endeavours, which we wish to advance, also
by renewing our commitment to theological dialogue.
Pope Francis and “Bishop” Munib A Younan, President of the Lutheran World Federation, joint
statement, Oct 31, 2017
“If God is nothing, everything is permitted; if God is nothing,
everything is a matter of indifference.”
Feodor Dostoyevsky, The Devils
(The Possessed)
is no difference between this example of Jewish “truth” and Novus Ordo theology and praxis?
Lying is now a “heightened version of reality” because it may be “true
in a higher metaphysical sense”!?
. . . . What anti-Semites
keep insisting are “fake Holocaust stories” need to be seen in a more positive
light as “the truth of imagination,” to quote the famous phrase of the poet
John Keats. If something is perceived as true by the mind, though strictly speaking it
may not have happened, and if that event is subsequently seen as a living truth
in the minds of millions of other good people who have been exposed to that
same heightened version of reality, then it must on no account be dismissed as
a “lie” ( . . . ) All such stories are true in a higher
metaphysical sense, and to deny them is a sacrilege ( . . . ) We
have a sacred obligation to the six million who died under the tyranny of the
evil Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler to remember the dead and dismiss with contempt
all attempts to deny the Holocaust by referring to “fake Holocaust stories.” I
repeat: there is no such thing as a
fake Holocaust story. Every Holocaust story is true, 100 per cent true, whether
it happened or not. ( . . . ) In
the sublime words of Elie Wiesel: “In literature,
certain things are true though they didn’t happen, while others are not true,
even if they did happen.”
Seymour Zak, defending “fake Holocaust stories” after Herman Rosenblat’s holocaust story, An Angel at the Fence, was publically exposed as pure
fabrication. Hollywood was unmoved. The film production based upon the book
proceeded as planned.
New Evangelization” – Without a foundation of repentance, prayer, and penance,
there will be no fruit, for “The Interior Life is the Soul of the Apostolate.”
The purpose of the struggle against our passions, the practice of the
virtues, recollection, prayer, the practice of the presence of God, and
frequent reception of the Sacraments, is to foster union with God and the
growth of charity. The interior life is
a secret hearth where a soul in contact with God is inflamed with His love, and
precisely because it is inflamed and forged by love, it becomes a docile
instrument which God can use to diffuse love into the hearts of others. Therefore, it is very important to recall
frequently this great principle: the
interior life is the soul of the apostolate. A deep interior life therefore, from it will
spring a fruitful apostolate, a true sharing in Christ’s work of saving souls…
Where there is little or no interior life, charity and friendship with God are
in danger of being extinguished; and if this interior flame be extinguished,
then the apostolate will be emptied of its substance and reduced to mere
external activity which may make a great noise, but will not bring forth and
Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D.,
Divine Intimacy
is the proximate Rule of Faith. Deny this Catholic truth and this is what
follows. So now we have an infallibly infallible magisterium
and an infallibly non-infallible magisterium! The
pope becomes the revealer of truth rather than its divinely appointed guardian!
This false accusation railed against Pope Francis, claiming that he is
teaching or prompting heresy in part of his Ordinary Magisterium
is in effect a denial of the one of the essential truths behind the teaching
authority of the Roman Pontiff, who is granted Divine assistance which prevents
him from erring in matters of faith and morals, even when teaching
So while there may be certain deficiencies present in the Ordinary Magisterium, the faithful are still required to submit
their will and intellect to its higher prudential judgment by giving religious
assent, and such deficiencies can never fall into error in matters of faith and
morals through the promise of Divine assistance accorded to even these
non-infallible pronouncements.
Emmett O'Regan, published by Vatican Insider
Religious Liberty from Vatican II has its root in the Americanist Heresy
On every side the dread phantom of war
holds sway: there is scarce room for another thought in the minds of men. The
combatants are the greatest and wealthiest nations of the earth; what wonder,
then, if, well provided with the most awful weapons modern military science has
devised, they strive to destroy one another with refinements of horror. There
is no limit to the measure of ruin and of slaughter; day by day the earth is
drenched with newly-shed blood, and is covered with the bodies of the wounded
and of the slain. Who would imagine as we see them thus filled with hatred of
one another, that they are all of one common stock, all of the same nature, all
members of the same human society? ....We implore those in whose hands are
placed the fortunes of nations to hearken to Our voice. Surely there are other
ways and means whereby violated rights can be rectified. Let them be tried honestly
and with good will, and let arms meanwhile be laid aside.
Benedict XV, Ad beatissimi apostolorum,
November 1, 1914
“We consider the establishment of our
country’s independence, the shaping of its liberties and laws, as a work of
special Providence, its framers ‘building better than they knew,’ the
Almighty’s hand guiding them. We believe that our country’s heroes were the
instruments of the God of nations in establishing this home of freedom; to both
the Almighty and to His instruments in the work we look with grateful
reverence. And to maintain the inheritance of freedom which they have left us,
should it ever–which God forbid—be imperiled, our Catholic citizens will be
found to stand forward as one man, ready to pledge anew ‘their lives, their fortunes,
and their sacred honor.’”
Archbishop (soon to be Cardinal) James
Gibbons, addressing the American bishops at the Third Plenary Council of
Baltimore, 1884 attended by 14 archbishops and 61 bishops.
Moved to the very depths of our hearts by
the stirring appeal of the President of the United States, and by the action of
our national Congress, we accept whole-heartedly and unreservedly the decree of
that legislative authority proclaiming this country to be in a state of war.
Inspired neither by hate nor fear, but by the holy sentiments of truest
patriotic fervor and zeal, we stand ready, we and all the flock committed to
our keeping, to cooperate in every way possible with our President and our
national government, to the end that the great and holy cause of liberty may
triumph and that our beloved country may emerge from this hour of test stronger
and nobler than ever. Our people, as ever, will rise as one man to serve the
Pledge of U.S. Catholic Archbishops, April
18, 1917; sent to President Woodrow Wilson by Cardinal James Gibbons,
Archbishop of Baltimore, the leading Catholic prelate in the United States.
“The primary duty of a citizen is loyalty
to country. It is exhibited by an absolute and unreserved obedience to his
country’s call.”
Cardinal James Gibbons, Archbishop of
Baltimore (1877-1921), April 1917 in support of the U.S. declaration of war
against Germany and Austria-Hungary. The Balfour Declaration agreement
committed the British to deliver Palestine into Jewish hands in return for the
Jews bringing the United States into WWI in support of the British. Cardinal
James Gibbons was the chief propagator of the heresy of Americanism which
became settled Novus Ordo doctrine after Vatican II
(religious liberty) primarily by the work of Fr. John Courtney Murray who
greatly admired Cardinal Gibbons. Gibbons did his best to align American
Catholics with Jewish interests to bring the United States into the Great War.
In doing so Gibbons worked directly to undermine the peace plans of Pope Benedict
XV. Pope Benedict devised a generous peace plan and contacted Cardinal Gibbons
to do what he could to influence the United States government to back his offer
of a negotiated peace. Gibbons did nothing of the sort. While giving lip
service to the Pope's peace plan six months too late, he in fact never
contacted President Wilson or any official of the government to even mention
Pope Benedict's peace plan. Gibbons was too busy building the National Catholic
War Council (NCWC) and supporting the call of universal military service. The
purpose of the NCWC as Gibbons said in a letter to all American bishops was to
form “the mental and moral preparation of our people for the war.”
Congar's credit, he at least told the truth about
what he helped destroy!
It cannot be denied that the Declaration on Religious Liberty does say
materially something else than the Syllabus of 1864; it even says just about
the opposite of Propositions 15 and 77
to 79 of this document..... I collaborated on the final paragraphs which left
me less satisfied. It involved
demonstrating that the theme of religious liberty was already contained in
Scripture. Now, it isn't there.
Cardinal Yves Marie
Joseph Congar,
O.P., forbidden to teach by the Church and whose books were suppressed in the
early 1950s, made a peritus at Vatican II by Novus Ordo St. John XXIII, and is considered by many to have been
the most influential of all the periti. He was raised
to the cardinalate by Novus Ordo
St. John Paul II. He rejected the dogmatic teaching of Trent which his teacher
and mentor, Fr. Marie-Dominique Chenu, O.P., derisively called “Baroque theology”.
Excerpts from the Diary of Msgr. Joseph Fenton:
[Cardinal Ottaviani, head of the CDF] remarked that
we were on the eve of the Council, and that no one knew who the Council’s
theologians were to be.” (Sept. 28, 1962)
v “It is a crime that we did not take the
Anti-Modernist Oath. Poor O[ttaviani] must have
failed to have our own profession passed by the central commission. It
contained his condemnation of [Fr. John Courtney] Murray [the Americanist heretic who structured the Council teaching on
Religious Liberty].” (Oct. 9, 1962)
v “I had always thought that this council was
dangerous. It was started for no sufficient reason. There was too much talk
about what it was supposed to accomplish. Now I am afraid that real
trouble is on the way.” (Oct. 13, 1962)
v “I started to read the material on the
Liturgy, and I was shocked at the bad theology. They actually have been stupid
enough [to say] that the Church is ‘simul humanam et divininam, visibilem et invisibilem’ [at the
same time human and divine, visible and invisible]. And they speak of the
Church working ‘quousque unum
ovile fiat et unus pastor’
[until there be one fold and one shepherd], as if that condition were not
already achieved.” (Oct. 19, 1962)
v “I do not think that any little work on our
part is going to bring good to the Church. We should, I believe, face the
facts. Since the death of [Pope] St. Pius X the Church has been directed by
weak and liberal popes, who have flooded the hierarchy with unworthy and stupid
men. This present conciliar set-up makes this all the
more apparent. [Fr.] Ed Hanahoe, the only
intelligent and faithful member of [Cardinal] Bea’s secretariat has been left
off the list of the periti.
Such idiots as [Mgr. John S.] Quinn and the sneak [Fr. Frederick] McManus have
been put on. [Fr. George] Tavard is there as an
American, God help us. From surface appearance it would seem that the Lord
Christ is abandoning His Church. The thoughts of many are being
revealed. As one priest used to say, to excuse his own liberalism, which,
in the bottom of his heart he knew was wrong, ‘for the last few decades
the tendency in Rome has been to favor the liberals.’ That is the policy
now. We can only do what we can to overt an ever more complete disloyalty
to Christ.” (Oct. 19, 1962)
v “[Fr.] Ed Hanahoe
gave me two books on Modernism. In one of them I found evidence that the
teaching in the first chapter of the new schema on the Church [that became the
Vatican II dogmatic constitution Lumen Gentium] and the language are those of [the
excommunicated Modernist Fr. George Tyrrell [who died outside the Catholic
Church and was denied ecclesiastical burial]. May God preserve His Church from
that chapter. If it passes, it will be a great evil. I must pray and act.”
(Sept. 24, 1963)
If the damned were asked 'Why are you in hell?', they would answer:
'For having resisted the Holy Ghost.' If
the Saints were asked: 'Why are you in heaven?', they would answer: 'For having
listened to the Holy Ghost.'
St. John Mary Vianney, Cure d'Ars
Paul VI declared a Novus Ordo
Saint. So just what is a “Novus Ordo Saint”?
A Novus Ordo
Saint is a man-made saint. Contrasted with Catholic saints who are God-made
saints. In virtue of their union with God they are sanctified, and therefore,
Catholic Saints exhibit heroic virtue in their lives. God confirms their
sanctity by working miracles through their intercession and thus, a cult of
veneration (dulia) develops and spreads throughout the Church. The Church
recognizes God's evidence that they are saints and declares this fact to the
universal Church. Contrary to this, Novus Ordo Saints
are man-made saints and their elevation to the title of sainthood is for the
purpose of promoting the human ideology exemplified in their lives. There is no
real cult of veneration (dulia) among the faithful to Novus Ordo
Saints. Since God does not work true miracles through the intercession of
man-made saints, only man-made miracles are required for the beatification of
man-made Novus Ordo Saints. Finally, the Novus Ordo beatification process does have a promotor fidei,
the so-called “devil’s advocate,” although his role has been change as the promotor ideologiae. The greatest difference between a Catholic Saint and a
Novus Ordo Saint is that the former is in heaven and
the latter, very well may not be.
The day when society, forgetting her (the Church’s) doctrinal
decisions, has asked the press and the tribune, newspapers and assemblies, what
is truth and what is error, on that day error and truth are confounded in all
intellects, society enters on the regions of shadows, and falls under the
empire of fictions….. The doctrinal intolerance of the Church has saved the
world from chaos. Her doctrinal intolerance has placed beyond question
political, domestic, social, and religious truths, - primitive and holy truths,
which are not subject to discussion, because they are the foundation of all
discussions; truths which cannot be called into doubt for a moment without the
understanding on that moment oscillating, lost between truth and error, and the
clear mirror of human reason becoming soiled and obscured… Doubt perpetually
comes from doubt, and skepticism from skepticism, as truth from faith, and
science from truth.
Donoso Cortes, Essays
Pope Francis opens Youth Synod with novel ferula that is
most fitting for his LGBT agenda!
Stang: The stang
is a straight branch with a fork or Y at one end, and is most used in ritual
circle as a type of centerpiece representing the magick
of the three –the trinity– in the following ways: Earth, Sea, and Sky; Body,
Mind and Spirit; God, Goddess and Unity; the three faced of the God; the three
faces of the Goddess; and the crossroads of life. Stangs
used today are normally five to six feet in height and are often decorated with
ribbons and flowers that match the seasonal ritual. The stang
also relates to the legend of the World Tree, and in some ritual groups it is
the pole of libation, where gifts of food and liquid are arranged or poured by
the base in honor of the Gods. This is similar to the pole erected in the
center of a Voodoo rite, dedicated to Damballah,
called the Ponteau Mitan.
The stang is normally place at the north (the seat of
all power) or directly behind the altar. A few groups, often with Druidic
leanings, place the stang in the center of the
Definition provided by "Magickal Necessities by Witches of the Craft"
A Forked Staff: Perfect Symbol for the Synod on Youth and with its “synodal” Blah, Blah, Blah
Fatima Perspectives #1239; By Chris Ferrara
As one website observes, when the
Antichrist arrives to preach his lies among men, seducing “(if it were
possible) even the elect” (Mk. 13:22), his forked tongue “will have the
eloquence of angels, his honeyed words will pierce to the very heart of those
who hear him. His arguments and positions will be so well presented that even
those who recognize him will be hard pressed to resist what he has to say.”
The Antichrist will make the devil’s
ultimate sales pitch. For now, however, the forked tongue belongs to
lesser voices, lacking all eloquence and nuance, including those who will be
spouting empty demagogic slogans and emotivist
rubbish at the Synod of Youth and Blah, Blah, Blah now underway in Occupied
We have heard it all before at the last
phony Synod, which was merely a disguise for what Francis wanted from the
beginning and shamelessly passed off as the voice of the Holy Ghost. And
now — bearing a forked staff, appropriately enough — Francis has said it all
again in his homily at the beginning of this elaborate stage show for further
subversion of the Church:
For we know that our young people will be capable of prophecy and
vision to the extent that we, who are already adult or elderly, can dream and
thus be infectious in sharing those dreams and hopes that we carry in our
May the Spirit grant us the grace to be synodal
Fathers anointed with the gift of dreaming and of hoping. We will then, in
turn, be able to anoint our young people with the gift of prophecy and vision…
Hope challenges us, moves us and shatters that conformism which says,
“it’s always been done like this”. Hope asks us to get up and look directly
into the eyes of young people and see their situations….
And this demands that we be really careful against succumbing to a
self-preservation and self-centredness which gives
importance to what is secondary yet makes secondary what is important.
The gift of that ability to listen, sincerely and prayerfully, as free
as possible from prejudice and conditioning, will help us to be part of those
situations which the People of God experience….
This disposition protects us from the temptation of falling into
moralistic or elitist postures, and it protects us from the lure of abstract
ideologies that never touch the realities of our people….
Here we go again: “prophesy and vision,”
“dreams and hopes,” “see their situations,” eschewing “conformism,” moving
beyond what is “secondary,” freedom from “prejudice and conditioning,”
rejecting “moralistic or elitist postures” versus “the realities of our
In other words: another poisonous dose of
situation ethics to follow the recent scandal of “permission” for Holy
Communion to be administered to people who intend to continue engaging in
sexual relations within “second marriages” which constitute “none other than
disgraceful and base concubinage, repeatedly
condemned by the Church,” to quote Blessed Pope Pius XI.
This preposterous sham of a Synod features
the attendance of two communist Chinese bishops handpicked by Beijing from the
ranks of the Catholic Patriotic Association, which, following the Vatican
sellout of the Underground Church, promptly declared its “independence” from
Rome. Francis ludicrously declared in his homily that the attendance of these
puppets of Beijing and its “independent” pseudo-Church means that “the
communion of the entire Episcopate with the Successor of Peter is yet more visible
thanks to their presence.”
The inevitable outcome of this sham
(barring a veritable miracle) will be a further erosion of the Church’s moral
foundations under the specious pretext of an expression of the “ordinary Magisterium” that takes into account “situations” and
“concrete realities” — as if reality and morality were somehow opposed, when in
fact it is conformity to God’s moral law that leads a soul to the reality of
true freedom.
God help us. God rescue us. Holy Mother of God, intercede for us and obtain for the Church that holy and courageous Pope who will put an end to this utter madness by doing at long last what You requested of the Roman Pontiff nearly a century ago at Tuy: the Consecration of Russia to Your Immaculate Heart.
A Place (in eternity)
is Greater than Time!
my Father's house there are many mansions. If not, I would have told you:
because I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I shall go, and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and will
take you to myself; that where I am, you also may be” (John 14:2-3).
Jesus Christ
“Time is Greater than Space: A constant tension exists between fullness
and limitation. Fullness evokes the desire for complete possession, while
limitation is a wall set before us. Broadly speaking, “time” has to do with
fullness as an expression of the horizon which constantly opens before us,
while each individual moment has to do with limitation as an expression of
enclosure. People live poised between each individual moment and the greater,
brighter horizon of the utopian future as the final cause which draws us to
itself. Here we see a first principle for progress in building a people: time
is greater than space.”
Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, “Time is Greater than Space”
manifests himself in historical revelation, in history. Time initiates processes, and space crystallizes
them. God is in history, in the processes. We must initiate processes,
rather than occupy spaces.”
Pope Francis, Interview with Anthony Spadaro
Since “time is greater than space,” I would make it clear that not all discussions of doctrinal, moral, or pastoral issues need to be settled by interventions of the magisterium. Unity of teaching and practice is certainly necessary in the Church, but this does not preclude various ways of interpreting some aspects of that teaching or drawing certain consequences from it. This will always be the case as the Spirit guides us towards the entire truth (cf. Jn 16:13), until he leads us fully into the mystery of Christ and enables us to see all things as he does. Each country or region, moreover, can seek solutions better suited to its culture and sensitive to its traditions and local needs. For “cultures are in fact quite diverse and every general principle…needs to be inculterated, if it is to be respected and applied.”
Pope Francis, Amoris Laetitia
“How many times do those who are prominent, like the Pharisee with
respect to the tax collector, raise up walls to increase distances, making
other people feel even more rejected. Or
by considering them backward and of little worth, they despise their
traditions, erase their history, occupy their lands, and usurp their goods…. Worship
of self carries on hypocritically with its rites and ‘prayers,’ forgetting the
true worship of God which is always expressed in love of one’s neighbor.”
Pope Francis, ending sermon from the Amazonian Synod
COMMENT: How the hypocrite Francis is blind to the ‘beam in his own
eye.’ The arrogant pretense that he and
his Novus Ordite cronies actually know anything about
the “worship of God” and the “love of one’s neighbor.” Catholic institutions of charity have
collapsed since Vatican II because these institutions were staffed by countless
vocations, men and women who gave their lives in the service of the love of
their fellow man for the love of God.
Vocations have dried up and these institutions have closed their doors
because without faith, there is no charity.
Furthermore, no one, absolutely no one, has been considered of “little
worth” more than Catholics faithful to our “received and approved” traditions
of the Catholic Church which produced these vocations. Faithful Catholics have had their “traditions
despised,” their “history erased,” their churches and shrines “occupied,” and
their “goods usurped,” by the philistines of Vatican II.
The Mission of Ss. Peter & Paul has set out to recover and restore
this despised heritage by which alone the faith can be known and communicated
to others, from which alone true charity may once more abound. May our Good God cleanse His Church from this
corrupt pontificate of Francis and everything he represents.
The first
suffering which the damned endure is that they are deprived of seeing Me. This suffering is so great that, if it were
possible, they would choose to endure fire and torments, if they could in the
meantime enjoy My vision, rather than to be delivered from other sufferings
without being able to see Me. This pain
is increased by a second, that of the worm of conscience, which torments them
without cessation. Thirdly, the view of
the demon redoubles their sufferings, because, seeing him in all his ugliness,
they see what they themselves are, and thus see clearly that they themselves
have merited these chastisements. The
fourth torment which the damned endure is that of fire, a fire which burns but
does not consume. Further, so great is
the hate which possesses them that they cannot will anything good. Continually they blaspheme Me. They can no longer merit. Those
who die in hate, guilty of mortal sin, enter a state which lasts forever.
Our Lord to St. Catherine of Siena, Dialogue
of St. Catherine of Siena
“The logic of
the Gospel!”
“If you love
me you will keep my commandments… He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them; he it is that loveth
me. And he that loveth me, shall be loved of my
Father: and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him… If you keep my
commandments, you shall abide in my love; as I also have kept my Father’s
commandments, and do abide in his love… In this we know that we love the
children of God: when we love God, and keep his commandments.” (John 14:15;
14:21; 15:10; 1 John 5:2)
Francis will learn, souls are “condemned for ever”
who teach the Lutheran heresy of justification & deny the Catholic dogma
that to abide in “true charity” is “conditional” upon keeping the commandments!
“The way of the Church is not to condemn anyone
for ever; it is to pour out the balm of God’s mercy on all those who ask for it
with a sincere heart… For true charity is always unmerited, unconditional and gratuitous….
It is a matter of reaching out to everyone, of
needing to help each person find his or her proper way of participating in the
ecclesial community and thus to experience being touched by an “unmerited, unconditional and gratuitous” mercy.
No one can be condemned for ever, because that is not the logic of the Gospel!”
Pope Francis, Amoris Laetitia,
paragraphs 296 and 297
May 13, 1820: I saw also the relationship
between the two popes. . . I saw how baleful would be the consequences of this
false church. I saw it increase in size; heretics of every kind came into the
city (of Rome). The local clergy grew lukewarm, and I saw a great darkness. . .
Then, the vision seemed to extend on every side. Whole Catholic communities
were being oppressed, harassed, confined, and deprived of their freedom. I saw
many churches close down, great miseries everywhere, wars and bloodshed. A wild
and ignorant mob took to violent action. But it did not last long.
Once more I saw that the Church of Peter
was undermined by a plan evolved by the secret sect, while storms were damaging
it. But I saw also that help was coming when distress had reached its peak. I
saw again the Blessed Virgin ascend on the Church and spread her mantle [over
it]. I saw a Pope who was at once gentle, and very firm. . . I saw a great
renewal, and the Church rose high in the sky.
Sept. 12, 1820: I saw a strange church
being built against every rule. . . No
angels were supervising the building operations. In that church, nothing came
from high above. . . There was only division and chaos. It is probably a church
of human creation, following the latest fashion, as well as the new heterodox
church of Rome, which seems of the same kind. . .
I saw again the strange big church that was
being built there (in Rome). There was nothing holy in it. I saw this just as I
saw a movement led by Ecclesiastics to which contributed angels, saints and
other Christians. But there (in the strange big church) all the work was being
done mechanically (i.e. according to set rules and formulae). Everything was
being done according to human reason. . .
I saw all sorts of people, things,
doctrines, and opinions. There was something proud, presumptuous, and violent
about it, and they seemed to be very successful. I did not see a single Angel
nor a single saint helping in the work. But far away in the background, I saw
the seat of a cruel people armed with spears, and I saw a laughing figure which
said: “Do build it as solid as you can; we will pull it to the ground.”
Blessed Anna Katherina
Emmerich, Catholic Prophecy by Ives DuPont
Knows No Law”
In 1976, the head of the UGCC, Cardinal Josef Slipyj,
living in exile in Rome after 18 years in the Soviet gulag, feared for the
future of the UGCC. Would it have bishops to lead it, given that Slipyj himself was now over 80? So he ordained three
bishops clandestinely, without the permission of the Holy Father, Blessed (sic)
Paul VI. At the time, the Holy See followed a policy of non-assertiveness
regarding the communist bloc; Paul VI would not give permission for the new
bishops for fear of upsetting the Soviets. The consecration of bishops without
a papal mandate is a very grave canonical crime, for which the penalty is
excommunication. Blessed (sic) Paul VI—who likely knew, unofficially, what Slipyj had done—did not administer any penalties.
Fr. Raymond J. DeSouza
"This is the moment of shame," pope says about France abuse
Reuters |VATICAN CITY | Angelo Amante | Oct 6, 2021 - Pope Francis said on Wednesday he
was saddened and ashamed by the Catholic Church's inability to deal with sexual
abuse of children in France and that the Church must make itself a "safe
home for everyone".
"I would like to express to the
victims my sadness, sorrow for the trauma they have suffered and also my shame,
our shame, for the church's inability, for too long, to put them at the centre
of its concerns," Francis said at his weekly general audience.
Speaking a day after a major investigation
revealed that French clergy had abused more than 200,000 children over 70 years,
the pontiff invited Catholics in France to take responsibility for what had
happened in order to make the Church a "safe home for everyone".
"This is the moment of shame," he
said, calling on bishops to make every efforts to ensure that "similar
tragedies do not happen again".
Before the audience began, the pope and
several visiting French bishops prayed silently for the victims of abuse, a
picture released by the Vatican showed.
French President Emmanuel Macron said lives
had "been shaken, sometimes broken" by the abuse and that the truth
was necessary.
"A society is judged by its ability to
denounce and punish such violence, to try to repair lives, but even more so to
prevent it," Macron said after a meeting of European leaders in Slovenia
in his first remarks on the investigation's findings.
Jean-Marc Sauve,
head of the commission that compiled the report, said the Church had shown
indifference towards the abuses for years, preferring to protect itself rather
than the victims, many of them aged between 10 and 13.
The height of the abuse was 1950-1970, the
commission said in its report, with an apparent resurgence in cases in the
early 1990s.
The pontiff added that he was close to
French priests dealing with a "hard, yet healthy" challenge.
The Pope had already expressed his
gratitude to victims for the courage they had in coming forward and denouncing
what they had been through.
Several hours after the pope spoke, a
Vatican court cleared two priests charged in connection with alleged sexual
abuse in a youth seminary in the Vatican between 2006 and 2012.
The trial is the first in the Vatican concerning sexual abuse that allegedly occurred on Vatican territory.
Gigantic Abuse Hoax: 200'000 Melt Down to 2700 Unverified (!)
"Victims" | October 14, 2021 The absurd French abuse report -
commissioned by suicidal bishops and drafted by the Socialist Jean-Marc Sauvé –
was only able to "identify" 2700 (!) alleged homosex
abuse victims in 70 years through a call for testimony, Sauvé admitted during
the report’s presentation.
These alleged “victims” had simply called a hotline and were accepted without
background checks or any follow up investigations.
Sauvé claims that there were “thousands” accusations more found in archives.
The widely reported figure of 216,000 homosex
“victims" was made up by polling groups.
COMMENT: Like the Pennsylvania Sex abuse scandal where Grand Jury findings were released publicizing unsubstantiated charges offered without evidence or cross examination, accepted without question by the public media, and the accused never given the opportunity to offer any defense. What is worse, the Novus Ordo Church accepts this calumny without complaint and yet never does anything to discover real sexual abuse cases by homosexual predators using the clerical collar as cover for their heinous crime of pederasty. Nothing has been done from Harrisburg to Rome to remove homosexuals from the clerical state and implement procedures to exclude homosexuals from entering seminaries and religious orders. This is in fact, a “moment of shame” by the shameful behavior of Pope Francis, the CEO of the Homolobby, who even now refuses to accept the resignation of the Archbishop of Hamburg Stefan Heße, who has admitted to protecting homosexual predators because, as Francis said, they “were not committed with intention.”
1) Whoever shall faithfully serve Me by the recitation of the Rosary shall receive signal graces.
2) I promise My special protection and the greatest graces to all who shall recite the Rosary.
3) The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against Hell. It will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies. (Actually, were that the only promise, we should pray it for that reason. Because what have we in our world today? We are surrounded by, wherever we are in the world, vice, sin and heresy.)
4) It will cause virtue and good works to flourish. It will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God. It will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.
5) The soul which recommends itself to Me by the recitation of the Rosary shall not perish.
6) Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its Sacred Mysteries, shall never be conquered by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided death. If he be just, he shall remain in the grace of God and become worthy of eternal life.
7) Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the Sacraments of the Church.
8) Those who are faithful in reciting the Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plenitude of His graces. At the moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the Saints in Paradise.
9) I shall deliver from Purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.
10) The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in Heaven.
11) You shall obtain all you ask of Me by the recitation of the Rosary.
12) All those who propagate the Holy Rosary shall be aided by Me in their necessities.
13) I have obtained from My Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire Celestial Court during their life and at the hour of death.
14) All who recite the Rosary are My sons, and brothers of My only Son, Jesus Christ.
15) Devotion to My Rosary is a great sign of predestination.
How to Pray the Rosary with
True Devotion
Before beginning a decade, pause for a
moment or two----depending upon how much time you have----and contemplate the
mystery that you are about to honor in that decade. Always be sure to ask of Almighty
God, by this mystery and through the intercession of the Blessed Mother, one of
the virtues that shines forth most in this mystery or one of which you stand in
particular need.
Take great care to avoid the two
pitfalls that most people fall into during the Rosary. The first is the danger
of not asking for any graces at all, so that if some people were asked their
Rosary intention they would not know what to say. So, whenever you say your
Rosary, be sure to ask for some special grace. Ask God's help in cultivating
one of the great Christian virtues or in overcoming one of your sins.
The second big fault a lot of people
make when saying the Holy Rosary is to have no intention other than that of
getting it over as quickly as possible! This is because so many of us look upon
the Rosary as a burden which is always heavier when we have not said
it----especially if it is weighing on our conscience because we have promised
to say it regularly or have been told to say it as a penance more or less against
our will.
It is really pathetic to see how most
people say the Holy Rosary----they say it astonishingly fast and mumble so that
the words are not properly pronounced at all. We could not possibly expect
anyone, even the most unimportant person, to think that a slipshod address of
this kind was a compliment and yet we expect Jesus and Mary to be pleased with
it! Small wonder then that the most sacred prayers of our holy religion seem to
bear no fruit, and that, after saying thousands of Rosaries, we are still no
better than we were before! Dear Confraternity members, I beg of you to temper
the speed which comes all too easily to you and pause briefly several times as
you say the Our Father and Hail Mary. I have placed a cross at each pause, as
you will see:
Our Father Who art in Heaven, hallowed
be Thy name,
kingdom come,
will be done
earth as it is in Heaven.
us this day
daily bread
forgive us our trespasses
we forgive those who trespass against us,
lead us not into temptation
deliver us from evil. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the
Lord is with Thee,
art thou among women
blessed is the Fruit of Thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray
for us sinners, now
at the hour of our death. Amen.
At first, you may find it difficult
to make these pauses because of your bad habit of saying prayers in a hurry;
but a decade that you say recollectedly in this way will be worth more than
thousands of Rosaries said all in a rush----without any pauses or reflection.
Saint Louis de Montfort, The Secret of the Rosary
very simple but profoundly True faithful Catholic observation that every bishop
at Vatican II failed to see!
The implications are wider than those applied to marriage and the
church. The partial/fullness breakdown implies that any good in anything can be considered “on the
way to fullness.” The problem is that, since evil simply is the privation of
good, and anything insofar as it has being
at all is good, everything falls into this category. Hence, according to the
Vatican II logic, any evil whatsoever can be regarded as, while not meeting the fullness of goodness, possessing a part of it and
perhaps some “element of sanctification.” Metaphysically, it is either a
meaningless analysis with no implications for morals or it covers (and in some
sense excuses?) literally everything; e.g., rape may not be the fullness of
conjugal union, but it expresses a part of the real desire for marital
unity..... We already see this language applied to the divorced and remarried,
but by the same logic it applies to any evil act you can think of. This is a
major problem of Lumen Gentium that
has to be rectified by a serious theological determination on the part of the
“BM”, posted on OnePeterFive commenting on the question of giving
communion to Catholics living in adultery because there exists some “good” in
their adulterous relationships.
COMMENT: Jacques Maritain was
Paul VI’s favorite philosopher. Maritain's reputation as a great philosopher is based on his supposed integration of the
Scholastic principles
of St. Thomas with the modern world. He had a world-wide reputation and
following that extending beyond his native France to hold visiting professorships
at Princeton and the University of Chicago, as well as a visiting
at Notre Dame, Yale, Harvard, and the University of Toronto. Pope Paul
VI publicly confessed his profound respect and influence by Maritain’s thought on
his Credo of the People of God (1968). At the close of the
Second Vatican Council on December 8, 1965, the pope’s “Address to Men of
Thought and Science” was dedicated to his “dear friend and mentor, Jacques
Pope Paul offered
Maritain a cardinal’s hat, but the philosopher declined it. Vatican II’s
on Religious Freedom—Dignitatis Humanae—which teaches that the
dignity of man is so exalted that he possesses the inalienable right to neither
conform his mind to God’s revealed truth nor obey God’s commandments, drew as
its inspiration Maritain’s book Man and the State (1951) which is
articulation of the language of “rights” that Dignitatis Humanae employs.
Good Night, Sweet Princeton! By Fr. Leonard Feeney, 1952
Maritainism is a system of thought which
allows Catholics to be both Catholic and acceptable in the drawing rooms of
Protestant and Jewish philosophers. Maritainism is not a seeking and a finding
of the Word made flesh. It is a perpetual seeking for un-fleshed truth in an
abstract scheme called Christianity. Maritainism is the scrapping of the
Incarnation in favor of a God Whose overtures to us never get more personal or
loving than the five rational proofs for His existence. This plot to encourage
only pre-Bethlehem interest in God takes its name from its perpetrator, that
highly respected religious opportunist, Jacques Maritain.
The slightest acquaintance with Maritain’s
history is sufficient to indicate how awry he must be in his Catholicism. He is
a former Huguenot who married a Jewish girl named Raïssa. During their student
days in Paris, both Jacques and Raïssa felt a double pull in the general
direction of belief. Intellectually they were attracted to the religious
self-sufficiency of a Jewish intuitionist named Henri Bergson. Sociologically
they were attracted to the spurious Catholicism of Leon Bloy, a French
exhibitionist who made a liturgy of his own crudeness and uncleaness and tried
to attach it to the liturgy of the Church. At some point in their association
with an unbaptized Bergson and an unwashed Bloy, the Maritains figured out that
there was a promising future ahead of them in Catholicism.
Jacques Maritain is noted for his
solemn-high, holier-than-thou appearance. For this reason, more than one priest
reports that by the time a Maintain lecture is over, any priest who is present
has been made to feel that the Roman collar is around the wrong neck and that
perhaps he, the priest, ought to put on a necktie and kneel for Maritain’s
One explanation of Maritain’s distant
expression is that he fancies himself to be the Drew Pearson of the Christian
social order. Judging by Maritain’s passion for the abstract, the fulfillment of
all his prophecies will come in an era when mothers can sing such songs as
“Rock-a-bye Baby, on the Dendrological Zenith,” and children recite such
bedtime prayers as “The Hail Mariology.”
Jacques Maritain prefers Thomism to Saint
Thomas Aquinas and, similarly, he much prefers the notion of the papacy to the
person of the Pope. He could not, however, turn down the prestige of an
appointment as French ambassador to the Vatican. Maritain went to Rome, but he
protected himself against over exposure to Italian faith by visits to Dr.
George Santayana. In Maritain, Santayana recognized a brother, the kind of
European intellectual cast-off that is annually being grabbed-up by American
That Jacques Maritain should now be found
preaching at Princeton University is not so strange. It did not require too
much insight on Princeton’s part to see that a Catholic who hates Franco,
speaks at Jewish seminaries, and favors “theocentricity” in place of Jesus,
would be a bizarre, but harmless, addition to anybody’s faculty club.
Perhaps Princeton realized also that a
Catholic’s admirers are a good measure of his militancy. Among Maritain’s more
prominent sympathizers are John Wild, Charles Malik and Mortimer Adler (N.B.
Adler was converted and received into the Catholic Church in 1999 only 18
months before he died at 98 years of age), who are, respectively, an Anglican,
a Greek schismatic, and a Jew. Naturally Maritain could not insult
intellectuals like these by telling them that although they are outside the Church
they can get into Heaven because of their “invincible ignorance.” It was
necessary that Maritain concoct a new way of getting around the dogma, “No
Salvation Outside the Catholic Church.”
After a lot of abstract deliberation,
Maritain decided that a man could be “invisibly, and by a motion of his heart,
a member of the Church, and partake of her life, which is eternal life.”
According to Maritain’s new covenant, the important salvation-actions in our
world are no longer a head bowed to the waters of Baptism, a hand raised in
Absolution, a tongue outstretched to receive Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. “A
motion of his heart,” says Maritain, is all that is required before a man may
partake of eternal life.
The Sacred Heart might have saved Himself a
lot of inconvenience had He only known this, one Friday afternoon on Calvary.
The proper understanding of this dogma from the Council
of Trent IS, as with all dogma, the literal meaning of the words:
Canon 4 on the
sacraments in general: If anyone
says that the sacraments of the New Law are not necessary for salvation but are
superfluous, and that without them or without the desire of them men
obtain from God through faith alone the grace of justification, though all are
not necessary for each one, let him be anathema.
The Dogma defines two revealed doctrinal truths:
1. If anyone says: that the sacraments of the
New Law are not necessary for salvation but are superfluous, let him be
2. If anyone says: that without the
sacraments or (if anyone says) without the desire of the sacraments
men obtain from God through faith alone the grace of justification, let him be
Both the Sacrament of Baptism and the will to
receive the Sacrament are necessary for salvation!
“But God desired that his confession should
avail for his salvation, since he
preserved him in this life until the time of his holy regeneration.”
St. Fulgentius
“If anyone is not baptized, not only in
ignorance, but even knowingly, he can in no way be saved. For his path to salvation was through the confession,
and salvation itself was in baptism.
At his age, not only was confession
without baptism of no avail: Baptism
itself would be of no avail for salvation if he neither believed nor
St. Fulgentius
are necessary for salvation, harkening back to Trent’s teaching that both the
laver AND the “votum” are required for justification, and harkening back to Our
Lord’s teaching that we must be born again of water AND the Holy Spirit.
In fact, you see the language of St. Fulgentius reflected in the Council of
Trent. Trent describes the votum (so-called “desire”) as the PATH
TO SALVATION, the disposition to Baptism, and then says that “JUSTIFICATION
ITSELF” (St. Fulgentius says “SALVATION ITSELF”) follows the dispositions in
the Sacrament of Baptism.
Yet another solid argument for why Trent is teaching that BOTH the votum
AND the Sacrament are required for justification.
“Hold most firmly and never doubt in the
least that not only all pagans but also all Jews and all heretics and
schismatics who end this present life outside the Catholic Church are about to
go into the eternal fire that was prepared for the Devil and his angels.”
St. Fulgentius
most Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that none of
those existing outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans, but also Jews and
heretics and schismatics, can have a share in life eternal; but that they will
go into the ‘eternal fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels.’”
Pope Eugene IV, Cantate Domino
Pew poll affirms that 95% of Jewish leaders support the crime of abortion. Similar numbers support same sex
marriages. Just who is this “one god”
that Pope Benedict, Pope Francis and the Jews, in “mutual esteem and
friendship,” adore?
Jews and Christians, growing in mutual esteem and friendship will be
able to witness in the world the values that spring from adoration of the One
Pope Benedict XVI
- The Formal Object of Divine and Catholic Faith
In theology some
want to reduce to a minimum the meaning of dogmas; and to free dogma itself
from terminology long established in the Church and from philosophical concepts
held by Catholic teachers, to bring about a return in the explanation of
Catholic doctrine to the way of speaking used in Holy Scripture and by the
Fathers of the Church. They
cherish the hope that when dogma is stripped of the elements which they hold to
be extrinsic to divine revelation, it will compare advantageously with the dogmatic
opinions of those who are separated from the unity of the Church and
that in this way they will gradually arrive at a mutual assimilation of
Catholic dogma with the tenets of the dissidents. … Some say they are not bound
by the doctrine, explained in Our Encyclical Letter of a few years ago, and
based on the Sources of Revelation, which teaches that the Mystical Body of
Christ and the Roman Catholic Church are one and the same thing. Some reduce to
a meaningless formula the necessity of belonging to the true Church in order to
gain eternal salvation. Others finally belittle the reasonable character of the
credibility of Christian faith.
These and like errors, it is clear, have crept in among certain of Our sons who
are deceived by imprudent zeal for souls or by false science. To them We are
compelled with grief to repeat once again truths already well known, and to
point out with solicitude clear errors and dangers of error.
Pope Pius XII, Humani Generis
NOTE: What
are “dogmatic opinions”? Dogma is a
revealed truth by God infallibly defined by the Magisterium of the Church and
proposed as a formal object of “divine and Catholic faith.” Dogma forms the
proximate rule of faith for all the faithful. It is the denial of any dogma
which makes one a heretic. An opinion
is an uncertain subjective human approximation of what is believed to be
possibly true. The rule of faith for Protestants is the individual’s subjective
opinions regarding his understanding of Sacred Scripture. When a Protestant
rejects the Magisterial teaching of the Church established by Jesus Christ
preferring his “opinions” above the Word of God, his opinion become “dogmatic”
in the sense that he prefers his opinions to God’s truth. A “dogmatic opinion”
is an opinion held by someone who thinks he is God! Unfortunatley, the Catholic
Church today is full of Neo-Modernists who believe that all Dogma is just
another Opinion. Therefore…..
presupposes possession of TRUTH; Dialogue presupposes possession of OPINION
“Don’t proselytize; respect others’ beliefs. We can inspire others
through witness so that one grows together in communicating. But the worst
thing of all is religious proselytism, which paralyzes: ‘I am talking with you
in order to persuade you,’ No. Each person dialogues, starting with his and her
own identity. The church grows by attraction, not proselytizing.” Pope
revealed truth of the Gospel are reduced to “opinions”, to “merely human
So many past
controversies between Christians can be overcome when we put aside all
polemical or apologetic approaches, and seek instead to grasp more fully what
unites us, namely, our call to share in the mystery of the Father’s love revealed
to us by the Son through the Holy Spirit. Christian unity – we are convinced –
will not be the fruit of subtle theoretical discussions in which each party
tries to convince the other of the soundness of their opinions. […..…] In the call to be evangelizers,
all the Churches and Ecclesial Communities discover a privileged setting for
closer cooperation. For
this to be effective, we need to stop being self-enclosed, exclusive, and bent
on imposing a uniformity based on merely human calculations. Our shared
commitment to proclaiming the Gospel enables us to overcome proselytism and
competition in all their forms. Pope
“And what is most remarkable is that the enemies of the
Church—the movements that rend and crucify her—are in a sense her own offspring
and derive their dynamic force from her.” This includes her current enemies who
attack from within the household. In the crucible of conflict, saints are
forged and crowns won.
Actually, however, Christianity has never
accepted these postulates, and the Christian ought to be the last person in the
world to lose hope in the presence of the failure of the right and the apparent
triumph of evil. For all this forms part of the Christian view of life, and the
Christian discipline is expressly designed to prepare us to face such a
Christianity, to a far greater degree than
any other religion, is a historical religion and it is knit up inseparably with
the living process of history. Christianity teaches the existence of a divine
progress in history which will be realized through the Church in the Kingdom of
God. But at the same time it recognizes the essential duality of the historical
process—the co-existence of two opposing principles, each of which works and
finds concrete social expression in history. Thus we have no right to expect
that Christian principles will work in practice in the simple way that a
political system may work. The Christian order is a supernatural order. It has
its own principles and its own laws which are not those of the visible world
and which may often seem to contradict them. Its victories may be found in
apparent defeat and its defeats in material success.
We see the whole thing manifested clearly and
perfectly once and once only, i.e. in the life of Jesus, which is the pattern
of the Christian life and the model of Christian action. The life of Jesus is
profoundly historical; it is the culminating point of thousands of years of
living historical tradition. It is the fulfillment of a historical purpose,
towards which priests and prophets and even politicians had worked, and in
which the hope of a nation and a race was embodied. Yet, from the worldly point
of view, from the standpoint of a contemporary secular historian, it was not
only unimportant, but actually invisible. Here was a Galilean peasant who for
thirty years lived a life so obscure as to be unknown even to the disciples who
accepted his mission. Then there followed a brief period of public action,
which did not lead to any kind of historical achievement but moved swiftly and
irresistibly towards its catastrophic end, an end that was foreseen and
deliberately accepted.
And out of the heart of this catastrophe
there arose something completely new, which even in its success was a deception
to the very people and the very race that had staked their hopes on it. For
after Pentecost—after the outpouring of the Spirit and the birth of the infant
Church—there was an event as unforeseen and inexplicable as the Incarnation
itself, the conversion of a Cilician Jew, who turned away from his traditions
and from his own people so that he seemed a traitor to his race and his
religion. So that ultimately the fulfillment of the hope of Israel meant the
rejection of Israel and the creation of a new community which was eventually to
become the State religion of the Roman Empire which bad been the enemy of Jew
and Christian alike.
If you look on all this without faith, from
the rationalist point of view, it becomes no easier to understand. On the
contrary it becomes even more inexplicable; credo
quia incredibile.
Now the life of Christ is the life of the
Christian and the life of the Church. It is absurd for a Christian who is a
weak human vehicle of this world changing force to expect a quiet life. A
Christian is like a red rag to a bull—to the force of evil that seeks to be
master of the world and which, in a limited sense, but in a very real sense,
is, as St. John says, the Lord of this world. And not only the individual but
the Church as an historic community follows the same pattern and finds its
success and failure not where the politician finds them, but where Christ found
The Church lives again the life of Christ.
It has its period of obscurity and growth and its period of manifestation, and
this is followed by the catastrophe of the Cross and the new birth that springs
from failure. And what is most remarkable is that the enemies of the Church—the
movements that rend and crucify her—are in a sense her own offspring and derive
their dynamic force from her. Islam, the Protestant Reformation, the liberal
Revolution, none of them would have existed apart from Christianity—they are
abortive or partial manifestations of the spiritual power which Christianity has
brought into history. “I have come to cast fire on the earth and what will I,
but that it be kindled.”
Christopher Dawson, Dynamics of World History
– the gate to heaven
“This fountain is life; it flows of Christ, and purifies the world.
Dive, O sinner, into this holy stream; it will wash away your sins and
transform old into new. O! if thou seekest innocence thou shalt find it in this
bath, even shouldest thou be burdened with Adam’s sin or thine own. No distance
can afterwards separate those who have been regenerated; henceforth they become
one through the action of one source, one spirit, one faith. Let not the number
and character of thy crimes alarm thee. He who seeks life in this stream shall
be made more holy.
Inscription on the marble architrave to the baptistery at St. John
Lateran placed by Pope Sixtus III in 434 AD
“To make the Church
beautiful and welcoming we need together to look to the future, not to restore
the past, which unfortunately is a fad. Restoring the past will kill us, it
will kill everyone.”
Pope Francis to Council of
Bishops’ Conferences of Europe
Francis Indulges In "Clericalism Pure": More Concelebrating
Bishops than Faithful | September 23, 2021 Francis
doesn’t want Europe to be comfortably within the existing structures and “in the security
provided by our traditions” while he admitted that the “churches are emptying.”
Preaching at the September 23 Eucharist for the Plenary Assembly of the Council
of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE), he gave his recipe to “make the Church
beautiful and welcoming.”
“We need to look together
to the future, not to restore the past, which unfortunately is a fad. Restoring
the past will kill us, it will kill everyone,” Francis said, although he is
stuck in the failed and outdated Vatican II of the past century.
He then warned of people who “instead of radiating the contagious joy of the
Gospel, keep speaking in outworn intellectualistic and moralistic religious
The eucharist was an extreme expression of Francis’ clericalism as more
co-presiding bishops were present than faithful. Cardinal Bagnasco, President
of CCEE, was absent, due to Covid despite being “vaccinated.”
COMMENT: Pope Francis is
addressing the European Council of Bishops. It is undoubtedly true that a
restoration of the Catholic Faith “will kill” them but nor “everyone.” The
fight for the Faith is a fight to the death. Either the Catholic Faith will die
or Pope Francis and his allies will die. Since God has promised to be with His
Church until the end assuring its ultimate victory, the smart money is betting
that Francis does not have long to live.
Vatican Council I listing the beneficial Fruits of the
Council of Trent which are in every detail exactly the opposite which we have
seen from Vatican Council II
Now this redemptive providence appears very
clearly in unnumbered benefits, but most especially is it manifested in the
advantages which have been secured for the Christian world by ecumenical
councils, among which the council of
Trent requires special mention, celebrated though it was in evil days.
1. a closer definition and more fruitful
exposition of the holy dogmas of religion and
2. the condemnation and repression of errors;
thence too,
3. the restoration and vigorous strengthening
of ecclesiastical discipline,
4. the advancement of the clergy in zeal for
learning and
5. the founding of colleges for the training
of the young for the service of religion; and finally
6. the renewal of the moral life of the
Christian people by
· a more accurate instruction of the faithful, and
· a more frequent reception of the sacraments. What is more, thence also
7. a closer union of the members with the
visible head, and an increased vigour in the whole Mystical Body of Christ.
Thence came:
1. the multiplication of religious orders and
other organisations of Christian piety; thence too
2. that determined and constant ardour for the
spreading of Christ’s kingdom abroad in the world, even at the cost of shedding
one’s blood.
While we recall with grateful
hearts, as is only fitting, these and other outstanding gains, which the divine
mercy has bestowed on the church especially by means of the last ecumenical
synod, we cannot subdue the bitter grief that we feel at most serious evils,
which have largely arisen either because
o the authority of the sacred synod was held in contempt by all too many,
or because
o its wise decrees were neglected.
First Vatican Council,
Dogmatic Constitution on the Faith, listing some of the manifold beneficial
fruits from the Council of Trent!
Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter Sings Swan Song
“If you know
the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also
suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb
in every battle.” Sun Tzu, The Art of War
“The Motu proprio Traditionis Custodes and its accompanying letter from Pope Francis
have shocked us all. We have not yet been informed of any definitive decisions
regarding the future of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter and its
apostolates….. The Roman Congregation for Religious Orders, which in the future
will be responsible for us instead of the Ecclesia
Dei Commission, will also begin its work in a few weeks and will also make
the first decisions concerning the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. [….] With
your help, the Rosary will be prayed without interruption during the month of
September. […..] Each rosary should be prayed with the following intention: We
pray for our Holy Father and for all the bishops, as well as all those in
authority in the Church who will have to make significant decisions regarding
the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter in the near future. We pray for all the
priests and seminarians of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, that they may
continue to carry out their ministry in the Church with fidelity, reverence and
obedience, giving guidance to the faithful through a clear ecclesial and humble
attitude. We pray for all the faithful in our apostolates and for all the
people attached to the traditional Mass, that they will not lose heart, but
will be able to accept this time of trial and, with the help of God’s grace, come
out of it stronger.”
Fr. Stefan Reiner, Chaplain General of the
Confraternity of St. Peter
COMMENT: The Priestly Fraternity of St.
Peter knows neither itself nor the enemy. They “will succumb in every battle.”
They have never understood that it is the faith itself that is under attack and
that the faith itself must firstly be defended even at the cost of one’s life.
They have never understood that Dogma is the proximate rule of faith and that
Dogma is irreformable in both its form and matter. They have never understood
that our immemorial traditions are images of the faith grounded in dogmatic
canons and that the destruction of these images is heresy, a neo-Iconoclasm,
already condemned. They have never understood that obedience is only a virtue
when properly regulated by the virtue of Religion which under the virtue of
Justice firstly “renders to God the things that are God’s”. When obedience is
not directed by the virtue of Religion, it is a sin. They have never understood
that subjecting what is of God in the faithful to what is of man in the
faithless is not humility but the act of a groveling spineless coward.
Only the
willfully blind would be “shocked” by the action of Pope Francis. Let’s suggest
a more manly intention for the continual Rosary recitation for the month of
Grant us our good God, Thine unworthy
servants, through the intercession of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Thy
beloved Mother, the gift of Understanding so as to know the Truth; the gift
Fortitude to defend the Truth and to withstand to the face any authority who
would betray the truths of our Faith even at the cost of life; the gift of
Knowledge to know the deep seated malice of any ecclesiastical authority who
would destroy the immemorial images of our Faith by which alone the Faith can
be known and communicated to others; the gift of Fear of God that we may give
no consideration to the strength of the enemy or his malice; the gift of Piety
that we may serve our good God without weight or measure but offer all to Him
who has given all for us; the gift of Counsel to reject any and every voice of
conciliation and accommodation with error; the gift of Wisdom to seek only the
glory of God and his holy will.
The Fraternity
of St. Peter was born in accommodation of error and it will be destroyed. May
its priests organize themselves under Our Lady of Battles for the war they have
yet to fight. Where is all this leading: Expect Rome to relent by offering the
SSPX a prelature and then herd all Indultist communities into one corral. The
hierarchy of the SSPX has already reached a sub
rosa accommodation with Rome and will be used as reeducation camps for
their followers. It is time to know yourself, to know the enemy, and to know
what the fight is about.
ahead: What is the ultimate goal of the ‘color revolution’ U.S. coup that
traces its support to the likes of George Soros, Norm Eisen, et al.?
me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder
leading upward and upward: Herzl, the Zionist Congress, the English Uganda
proposition (a planned temporary Jewish settlement in East Africa abandoned in
1905), the future World
War, the peace conference where, with the help of England, a free and Jewish
Palestine will be created.”
Nordau, co-founder with Theodor Herzl of the World Zionist Organization,
addressing the Sixth Zionist Congress in 1903 in Basle, Switzerland
Tikkun olam (Hebrew תיקון עולם, literally, 'repair of the world') is a concept in Judaism, often interpreted as aspiration to behave and act constructively and beneficially. Documented use of the term dates back to the Mishnaic period (ca. 10-220 AD), (that is, the time when the oral traditions of the Jews were committed to the written form in the Mishna, also called the Oral Torah). Since medieval times, kabbalistic literature has broadened use of the term. In the modern era, among the post-Haskalah (Jewish enlightenment, 1770-1880) movements, tikkun olam is the idea that Jews bear responsibility not only for their own moral, spiritual, and material welfare, but also for the welfare of society at large. For many contemporary pluralistic rabbis, the term refers to "Jewish social justice" or "the establishment of Godly qualities throughout the world". Wikipedia
COMMENT: Jews repeatedly since the time of Jesus Christ are the
passionate creators and principle instigators of ideological movements
conceived as necessary for the moral and material improvement of political and
social order. When one after the other proves to be a political and social
failure, it is simply dropped and they move on to another. They recognize a
‘fall from grace’ because they recognize the ‘world needs to be repaired.’
Since they have rejected Jesus Christ, the incarnate Logos, the eternal Wisdom
of the Father, they have rejected His divine plan for the ‘repair of the world’
and in its place offer what Fr. Denis Fahey, C.S.Sp. described as “Organized
Naturalism” in opposition to the Supernatural Order of Jesus Christ.
Unfortunately, the truth of the matter is that whoever is not working for God
is working for the Devil. There is no middle ground. As Jesus said, “He that is
not with me, is against me: and he that gathereth not with me, scattereth”
(Matthew 12:30).
“Don’t Jews still believe in a
Messias to come?” asks the credulous Christian. “And don’t they believe in the
same Biblical Heaven and Hell that we do?”
The answer to both these questions is — no.
And it is an emphatic “No!” as the subsequent Jewish testimony will verify.
Concerning the Messias: The Jews of today reject the notion of a
personal redeemer who will be born of them and lead them to the fulfillment of
the Old Testament prophecies. The Jews believe that the whole Jewish race is to
be elevated to a position of prosperity and overlordship and that, when this
happy day arrives (the Messianic Age), they will have achieved all that is
coming to them by way of savior and salvation. In his recent book, The Messianic Idea in Israel, Jewish
theologian Dr. Joseph Klausner explains: “Thus the whole people Israel in the
form of the elect of the nations gradually became the Messiah of the world, the redeemer of
Concerning Heaven and Hell: A succinct summary of Jewish teaching
on “life after death” was given in the May, 1958 issue of B’nai B’rith’s
National Jewish Monthly. Under the caption, “What Can A Modern Jew Believe?” there appeared:
“Judaism insists that ‘heaven’ must be established on this earth. The reward of
the pious is life and happiness in this world, while the punishment of the
wicked is misery on earth and premature death … By hitching its star to the
Messianic future on this earth, Israel became the eternal people.” The article goes
on: “The best Jewish minds have always held that a physical hereafter is a
detraction from mature belief.” And the conclusion: “There is neither hell nor
paradise, God merely sends out the sun in its full strength; the wicked are
consumed by its heat, while the pious find delight and healing in its rays.”
Fr. Leonard Feeney, MICM, The Point,
October 1958
Where Tikkun Olam can lead
Stalin’s Jews
Israel News | ynetnews | Sever Plocker
Here's a particularly forlorn historical
date: More than 100 years ago, between the 19th and 20th of December 1917, in
the midst of the Bolshevik revolution and civil war, Lenin signed a decree
calling for the establishment of The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for
Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage, also known as Cheka.
Within a short period of time, Cheka became
the largest and cruelest state security organization. Its organizational
structure was changed every few years, as were its names: From Cheka to GPU,
later to NKVD, and later to KGB.
We cannot know with certainty the number of
deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number
is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced
collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments,
executions, and mass death at Gulags.
Whole population strata were eliminated:
Independent farmers, ethnic minorities, members of the bourgeoisie, senior
officers, intellectuals, artists, labor movement activists, "opposition
members" who were defined completely randomly, and countless members of
the Communist party itself.
In his new, highly praised book "The
War of the World," Historian Niall Ferguson writes that no revolution in
the history of mankind devoured its children with the same unrestrained
appetite as did the Soviet revolution. In his book on the Stalinist purges, Tel
Aviv University's Dr. Igal Halfin writes that Stalinist violence was unique in
that it was directed internally.
Lenin, Stalin, and their successors could
not have carried out their deeds without wide-scale cooperation of disciplined
"terror officials," cruel interrogators, snitches, executioners,
guards, judges, perverts, and many bleeding hearts who were members of the
progressive Western Left and were deceived by the Soviet regime of horror and
even provided it with a kosher certificate.
All these things are well-known to some
extent or another, even though the former Soviet Union's archives have not yet
been fully opened to the public. But who knows about this? Within Russia
itself, very few people have been brought to justice for their crimes in the
NKVD's and KGB's service. The Russian public discourse today completely ignores
the question of "How could it have happened to us?" As opposed to
Eastern European nations, the Russians did not settle the score with their
Stalinist past.
And us, the Jews? An Israeli student
finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda,"
the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander
and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented
Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least
10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag
system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and
executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the
"bloodthirsty dwarf."
Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with
an active Jewish wife. In his Book "Stalin: Court of the Red Star",
Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of
terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was
surrounded by beautiful, young Jewish women.
Stalin's close associates and loyalists
included member of the Central Committee and Politburo Lazar Kaganovich.
Montefiore characterizes him as the "first Stalinist" and adds that
those starving to death in Ukraine, an unparalleled tragedy in the history of
human kind aside from the Nazi horrors and Mao's terror in China, did not move
Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the
Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We'll mention
just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD's special department and the
organization's chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist.
In 1934, according to published statistics,
38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security
apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually
eliminated in the next purges. In a fascinating lecture at a Tel Aviv
University convention this week, Dr. Halfin described the waves of soviet
terror as a "carnival of mass murder," "fantasy of purges",
and "essianism of evil." Turns out that Jews too, when they become
captivated by messianic ideology, can become great murderers, among the
greatest known by modern history.
The Jews active in official communist
terror apparatuses (In the Soviet Union and abroad) and who at times led them,
did not do this, obviously, as Jews, but rather, as Stalinists, communists, and
"Soviet people." Therefore, we find it easy to ignore their origin
and "play dumb": What do we have to do with them? But let's not
forget them. My own view is different. I find it unacceptable that a person
will be considered a member of the Jewish people when he does great things, but
not considered part of our people when he does amazingly despicable
Even if we deny it, we cannot escape the
Jewishness of "our hangmen," who served the Red Terror with loyalty
and dedication from its establishment. After all, others will always remind us
of their origin.
40 Years of Dialogue, Rabbi identifies papal “conundrum.”
The real conundrum that faces Benedict XVI on his visit to Israel… is
should he be loyal to the Gospels which claim that only acceptance of Christ
can bring the messianic age, or should he endorse Vatican II which acknowledges
that Jews… can find the kingdom of God via a different route? Should he look inwards, backwards or
Rabbi Jonathan Romain, The Pope’s Jewish Dilemma, The Guardian
What every normal person already knows! Anyone supporting
the novelty of Gender Ideology is de
facto guilty of child abuse!
Gender Ideology Leads to Child Abuse:
Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D. | NEW YORK, Center
for Family & Human Rights
“Facts – not ideology – determine reality,” the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) said in a warning to legislators and educators about the dangers of surgical and medical sex change operations to children.
“Conditioning children into believing that a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse,” the physicians said, “Rates of suicide are twenty times greater among adults who use cross-sex hormones and undergo sex reassignment surgery, even in Sweden which is among the most LGBTQ – affirming countries.”
The group, which aims at getting parents involved in their children’s health and education about health, said, “Gender (an awareness and sense of oneself as male or female) is a sociological and psychological concept; not an objective biological one,” and that, “A person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking.”
To the contrary, the group maintained that human sexuality is a “binary trait” and said the XY and XX chromosomes that determine female or male sex are “genetic markers of health” not “genetic markers of a disorder.”
“No one is born with a gender. Everyone is born with a biological sex,” the statement said.
The American Academy of Pediatricians, the larger professional society from which the ACP broke away in 2002, has surgical and medical interventions in youth to suppress the hormones that naturally cause girls to grow into women and boys to men.
The ACP says this change in position has put American teens at higher risk for physical and mental illness. ”Puberty is not a disease and puberty-blocking hormones can be dangerous…as many as 98% of gender confused boys and 88% of gender confused girls eventually accept their biological sex after naturally passing through puberty,” the ACP pointed out, and noted that children who use puberty blockers to “impersonate the opposite sex” will require cross-sex hormones in late adolescence that in turn can cause dangerous health risks such as high blood pressure, blood clots, stroke and cancer.
One of the statement’s authors is psychologist Paul McHugh. Drawing upon his clinical work with LGBTQ persons as chief psychologist at Johns Hopkins hospital and research as distinguished professor at the university’s medical school, McHugh has criticized what he sees as the American Psychological Association’s embracing of gender ideology at the expense of sound medical practice. McHugh authored an amicus brief filed in the U.S. Supreme Court case that overturned man-woman marriage laws in the U.S. last year.
Pro-LGBT groups criticized the ACP statement saying it would incite discrimination; one group called it an “attack on transgender children”. A public interest law firm labeled the ACP a “hate group” when it filed an amicus brief with the Alabama Supreme Court which favored exceptions to the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling knocking down U.S. laws protecting marriage as between a man and a woman.
Activists similarly criticized Pope Francis’ recent remarks to Polish bishops where he identified gender “ideology” as a form of “ideological colonization” and linked it to government corruption. He said, “Today children – children! – are taught in school that everyone can choose his or her sex. Why are they teaching this? Because the books are provided by the persons and institutions that give you money. These forms of ideological colonization are also supported by influential countries. And this is terrible!”
“This dialogue should serve to strengthen our common hope in God in the
midst of an increasingly secularized society. Without this hope, society loses
its humanity.”
Benedict XVI, addressing Jewish Community, Berlin, Germany, September
22, 2011
Our common hope in God”??? – Society lost “its humanity” after Vatican II
96% of Jewish Leaders Support Abortion, 93% believe that homosexuality
is not wrong!
The study also found that on a variety of issues involving sexual morality that have roiled other religious groups, Jews are much more liberal than other Americans. Jews take a less critical view of homosexuality, abortion, birth control and pornography than do Gentiles,” the study found. In each case, Jewish leaders are even more tolerant than the Jewish public.
For example, 48 percent of non-Jews say homosexuality is
wrong, compared to 23 percent of Jews and 7 percent of Jewish leaders. And
while 56 percent of non-Jews support abortion
rights, 88 percent of Jews and 96 percent of Jewish leaders do.
Only 38 percent of Jews support allowing the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public schools, compared to 65 percent of non-Jews; 39 percent of Jews would allow the teaching of creationism, compared with 63 percent of non-Jews; and 22 percent of Jews would support vouchers that could be used at religious schools, compared with 43 percent of non-Jews.
Pew Charitable Trusts, examining the contemporary role of religious
groups in the United States
The Rule of Faith was given to the Church in the very act of Revelation
and its promulgation by the Apostles. But for this Rule to have an actual and
permanently efficient character, it must be continually promulgated and
enforced by the living Apostolate, which must exact from all members of the
Church a docile Faith in the truths of Revelation authoritatively proposed, and
thus unite the whole body of the Church, teachers and taught, in perfect unity
of Faith. Hence the original promulgation is the remote Rule of Faith, and the
continuous promulgation by the Teaching Body, (i.e.: DOGMA) is the proximate
Rev. Scheeben’s Manual of Catholic Theology
Indultists have kept their mouths shut in the face of
some of the most egregious blasphemies committed by Pope Francis. They have
been unwilling to risk the loss of their grant of privilege by offending the
blasphemer, and now even that is being taken away. Those who don’t defend the
faith don’t deserve anything!
Ecclesia Dei communities issue official response to Pope Francis’
restrictions on the TLM
The superiors asked the pontiff to heed the promise of the 1988
document Ecclesia Dei that 'all measures would be taken to guarantee the
identity of their Institutes in the full communion of the Catholic
LifeSiteNews | Michael Haynes | COURTALAIN,
France | Sep 2, 2021
Superiors from twelve Latin Mass
communities have issued a joint official statement to Pope Francis and the
French bishops in response to Traditionis
The priests and abbots have asked for a
“humane, personal, trusting dialogue” and promised to “convert if party spirit
or pride has polluted our hearts.”
The joint statement, issued on September 2
in English and in French, addresses Pope Francis’ recent restrictions on
the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) in Traditionis
Custodes. It asks for security for the members of the traditional
communities in their way of life, something which Dr. Peter Kwasniewski
described as the statement’s “strongest argument,” as a substantial change to
the rule of such communities would be an “internal ecclesiological
A message of submission from Courtalain
The twelve superior-generals met on August
31 in Courtalain, France. They represented male and female Ecclesia Dei
communities, groups devoted to the celebration and promulgation of the Church’s
ancient liturgy. Courtalain is home to the seminary of one of the communities,
the Institute of the Good Shepherd (IBP).
Joining superiors from well-known
traditional communities – the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter, the Institute
of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, the Institute of the Good Shepherd – with
those from less known societies and with abbots from France’s traditional
Benedictine monasteries, the meeting was an extremely rare event.
“The signatory Institutes want, above all,
to reiterate their love for the Church and their fidelity to the Holy Father,”
the letter began before explaining that this love is “tinged with great
suffering today.”
“We feel suspected, marginalized,
banished,” wrote the signatories, adding that “we do not recognize ourselves in
the description” which Pope Francis gave of those devoted to tradition in the
letter accompanying Traditionis Custodes.
The papal letter has been described as
“worse than the MP [Traditionis Custodes]
itself.” In it, the Pope attacked “the instrumental use
of Missale Romanum of 1962” which, he said, “is often
characterized by a rejection not only of the liturgical reform, but of the
Vatican Council II itself, claiming, with unfounded and unsustainable
assertions, that it betrayed the Tradition and the ‘true Church’.”
Twelve signatories firmly denied the papal
accusation, writing: “We do not see ourselves as the ‘true Church’ in any way.
On the contrary, we see in the Catholic Church our Mother in whom we find
salvation and faith.”
In one passage, the signatories reaffirmed
their “adherence to the magisterium (including that of Vatican II and what
follows), according to the Catholic doctrine of the assent due to it (cf. in
particular Lumen Gentium, n ° 25, and Catechism of the Catholic Church , n °
891 and 892), as evidenced by the numerous studies and doctoral theses carried
out by several of us over the past 33 years.”
Education Ruins Literacy and Critical Thinking
It is interesting to remark
that in a society which scoffs at values, literacy is so imperiled....
Richard Weaver identified
three ways that academics have esteemed betterment and valued rhetoric and
composition over the course of history: speaking truth and an aptitude for
logic (vere loqui), speaking correctly and an aptitude for form and
decorum (recte loqui), and speaking pragmatically or usefully (utiliter
loqui) — that which is taught in our own day. In this mode, students at
the secondary and higher levels are taught to speak in terms of utility. By
utility, we can see two in particular being emphasized in various department
home pages: marketing and ‘business communication’ on the one hand and
politically correct attitude formation on the other.
The skills vere loqui
(logic) and recte loqui (rhetoric) differ from utility because they are
analytical. The trend over the last half century has been to discard both
dialectic truth (logic) and correct speech (rhetoric) as social constructions.
Speaking politically correct responses and the ability to write an advertising
line or grant proposal is the new rhetoric. This value is what is pushed in
the secondary school and university curricula and we wonder why analytic skills
are missing in graduates. One might say that utiliter loqui
represents the consensus and is most relevant to students’ education and job,
but then we should do away altogether with the idea of producing critical
thinkers. Critical thinkers speak in terms of truth, not of utility.
Good writers cannot emerge
from a system which teaches, either directly or implicitly, that language is a
personal matter and in its studied form is a pragmatic tool for buying
something or closing a deal.
Peter S. Borkowski, Ph.D., Composition as Epistemology, commenting from
Richard Weaver, essays ‘Education and the Individual’ (1959) and ‘To Write the
Truth’ (1948), In Defense of Tradition, Collected Shorter Writings of Richard M. Weaver, 1929-1963, edited
by Ted J. Smith III
When our Saviour conquered Satan He left him power over those who make
themselves slaves to the sensual pleasures, and thus there exists an evil force
against the Church, and it will exist to the end of time. This is a fact that
we must keep in view in order to fully understand and judge the conditions. The
realm darkness, Satan’s realm, stands opposed to the realm of Christ. Satan and
his adherents carry on the warfare against the Church of Christ, as they
assaulted Christ Himself. “As they have persecuted they will also persecute
you,” so did Christ prophecy. The Church of Christ demands the subjection of
the flesh; she preaches against luxury, pride and selfishness. She preaches
chastity submission to the commandments of God; she preaches penance to those
of high and low station in life. This angers all those who would indulge in the
evil things of this world. They cry: “Let us break her bonds asunder; and let
us cast away her yoke from us.” But as Christ foretold the persecution of His
Church, so He also foretold that the gates of hell would not prevail against
her. The Church of God will in due time conquer all her enemies, some will be
converted, while others who are obstinate will perish in the battle. In all
these battles and victories of the Church, Mary, blessed mother of her divine
Founder, co-operates with the Church through her intercession. Mary was already
spoken of in paradise as the one who would come to tread upon the head of the
serpent, the spirit of darkness. This she has done by becoming the mother of
God, by bringing forth the Redeemer. And as Jesus through Mary’s co-operation
came into this world, so He desires her cooperation in ruling the world. The
history of the contests and victories of the Church verify this throughout the
The evil spirit
has a twofold weapon with which he assails and combats God’s Church; namely,
the godless rulers of the world and heresy. Through the godless authorities of
the world Satan has endeavored since the beginning to crush the Church; through
heresy he attempts to destroy the Church by internal dissension. Both weapons
are used together, for heresy and calumny cannot prevail without substantial
support, and heretics seek worldly power and assistance. On every page
of Church history we find recorded , the clashes planned by these evil forces,
from which the Church always came out not conquered, but a conqueror.
The history of the veneration of Mary tells us that the Blessed Virgin
Mary helped to win these victories. During the early times, when fierce battles
against the Church were raging, bishops and priests knew of no more efficacious
means to avert these dangers than to exhort the faithful to pray to the Blessed
Cardinal Henry Edward Manning
What “Religious Submission” to the ‘Ordinary Authentic
Magisterium’ Actually Means
Nor must it be thought that what is expounded
in Encyclical Letters does not of itself demand consent just because in writing
such Letters the Popes do not exercise the supreme power [i.e., extra-ordinary
magisterium] of their Teaching Authority. For these matters are taught with the
ordinary Teaching Authority [ordinary and universal magisterium], of
which it is true to say: “He that heareth you, heareth Me.” [Luke 10:16].
Pius XII, Humani Generis, par. 20.
COMMENT: This quotation taken
from Pope Pius XII is now referenced to support the Novus Ordo Church’s claim
that every Catholic must give unconditional submission of his “mind and will to
the authentic magisterium” of Pope Francis.
Pope Pius XII in his encyclical is referring to the “ordinary and
universal magisterium” and this can be clearly seen for two reasons: The
examples provided by Pope Pius XII that follow this statement in his encyclical
refer specifically to modern theological novelties that reject, for example,
the infallible teaching of the Church on the inerrancy of sacred scripture, the
identity of the Church and the Mystical Body of Christ, and the nature of
Original Sin. These are all examples of
the “ordinary and universal” magisterium that Vatican I dogmatically defined as
The other reason is God cannot bind the
authority of His Truth to what can and have in the past contained errors. Fr. Joseph Fenton, in an article published in
the AER in 1949 entitled, On the Doctrinal Authority of Papal Encyclicals,
documents specific historical errors published in those documents. Whenever the
pope teaches by virtue of his grace of state from the ‘authentic ordinary
magisterium’, his teaching must be accepted by a religious submission which is
always and necessarily a prudent and conditional submission to the personal
teaching authority of the pope. Such
conditional acceptance of the word of God is not possible when the pope teaches
infallibly by engaging the “extra-ordinary magisterium” or the “ordinary and
universal magisterium” of the Church from which alone it can be said without
qualification whatsoever, “He that heareth you, heareth Me.” [Luke 10:16].
The modern encyclical by Pope Francis on
global warming/earth worship, for example, is wholly conscribed within a very
narrow and tenuous ideological framework that has little or nothing to do with
Catholic doctrine or morality. This document has nothing to do with the
“ordinary and universal” magisterium. It
is entirely a product of the personal authentic ordinary magisterium of Pope
Francis teaching by his grace of state.
Anyone to whom the document is addressed is free to toss the document in
the trash along with the junk mail if he, upon mature consideration, finds it
to be a novelty and, in its overall tone, an ideological screed divorced from
natural truth.
Novus Ordo Church in general and Pope Francis in particular, seeks unity as a
goal of “dialogue” at the expense of truth. In so doing, their “dialogue” is
not dialogue at all but one big “distortion of reality.”
I wish to sum up Plato's stance in three brief statements: The First
Statement: To perceive, as much as possible, all things as they really are and
to live and act according to this truth (truth, indeed, not as something
abstract and “floating in thin air” but as the unveiling of reality)- in this
consists the good of man; in this consists a meaningful human existence. The
Second Statement: All men are nurtured, first and foremost, by the truth, not
only those who search for knowledge- the scientists and the philosophers. Everybody who yearns to live as a true human being depends on this
nourishment. Even society as such is
sustained by the truth publicly proclaimed and upheld. The Third Statement: The natural habitat of truth is found in
interpersonal communication. Truth lives
in dialogue, in discussion, in conversation - it resides, therefore, in
language, in the word. Consequently, the
well-ordered human existence, including especially its social dimension, is
essentially based on the well-ordered language employed. A well-ordered language here does not
primarily mean its formal perfection, even though I tend to agree with Karl
Kraus when he says that every correctly placed comma is decisive. No, a language is well ordered when its words
express reality with as little distortion and as little omission as
Josef Pieper, Abuse of Language,
Abuse of Power
spokesman for the Homosexual Lobby responds to the suggestion that now is the
time to drive every homosexual out of the clergy and religious houses!
“The idea of a purge of gay priests is both ridiculous and dangerous.
Any purge would empty parishes and religious orders of the thousands of priests
(and bishops) who lead healthy lives of service and faithful lives of
Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit priest, homosexual apologist, and writer
whose book, “Building a Bridge,” who envisions a path toward warmer relations
between the Catholic Church and the LGBT community
in a state of general apostasy, God has preserved His Church from binding the
Catholic conscience to doctrinal or moral error!
Christ distinctly affirmed that He had asked for Peter stability of
faith; and who is so bereft of reason as to harbor the thought that His prayer
was not heard? The Lord intimated that a time of trial would come; but He also
promised that, like an anchor fixed in the bottom of the sea, the faith of
Peter would save the imperiled bark from destruction. The promise was not in
vain; for the Roman Pontiffs have invariably dispelled the hallucinations of
heretics, and strengthened the brethren in the faith of Peter, which has never
yet failed and which will never fail until the end. You may think of me as a
man whatever you please but never shall we permit that you should dare to
impair the Supreme Apostolical authority of the Roman See. He that attacks the
Church of Rome, aims at subverting not merely one Church, but all Christianity.
Because, how will the distressed children be able to breathe? To whom shall
they fly for refuge?
Pope Leo IX, 1047, addressing the schismatic Greeks
“He who does not keep the true Catholic faith whole
and without error will undoubtedly be lost.
He who is separated from the Catholic Church will not have life.”
Pope Gregory XVI, Perlatum Ad Nos
That the Mystical Body of Christ and the Catholic Church
in communion with Rome are one and the same thing is a doctrine based on
Revealed Truth. That we must
necessarily belong to the true Church if we are to attain everlasting salvation
is a statement which some people reduce to meaningless formula.
Pope Pius XII, Humani
Nature of DOGMA -
“A genuine supernatural message or communication from the living God Himself” -
and its Denial by Modernists
Thus, We have reached one of the principal
points in the Modernists’ system, namely the origin and the nature of dogma.
For they place the origin of dogma in those primitive and simple formulae,
which, under a certain aspect, are necessary to faith; for revelation, to be
truly such, requires the clear manifestation of God in the consciousness. But dogma
itself they apparently hold, is contained in the secondary formulae.
To ascertain the nature of dogma (for the modernist), we must
first find the relation which exists between the religious formulas and the
religious sentiment. This will be readily perceived by him who realises
that these formulas have no other purpose than to furnish the believer with a
means of giving an account of his faith to himself. These formulas (for the
modernist) therefore stand midway between the believer and his faith; in their
relation to the faith, they are the inadequate expression of its object,
and are usually called symbols; in their relation to the believer, they
are mere instruments.
Hence it is quite impossible (for the modernist) to maintain that
they express absolute truth: for, in so far as they are symbols, they are the
images of truth, and so must be adapted to the religious sentiment in its
relation to man; and as instruments, they are the vehicles of truth, and must
therefore in their turn be adapted to man in his relation to the religious
sentiment. But the object of the religious sentiment, since it embraces
that absolute, possesses an infinite variety of aspects of which now one, now
another, may present itself. In like manner, he who believes may pass through
different phases. Consequently, the formulae too, which we call dogmas, must be
subject to these vicissitudes, and are, therefore, liable to change. Thus the
way is open to the intrinsic evolution of dogma. An immense collection of
sophisms this, that ruins and destroys all religion. Dogma is not only able,
but ought to evolve and to be changed.
St.Pius X, Pascendi
If the teaching proposed by the Church
as dogma is not actually and really the doctrine supernaturally revealed by God
through Jesus Christ Our Lord, [........] then there could be nothing more
pitifully inane than the work of the Catholic Magisterium. [........]
This common basis of the false doctrinal Americanism and of the Modernist
heresy is, like doctrinal indifferentism itself, ultimately a rejection of
Catholic dogma as a genuine supernatural message or communication from the
living God Himself. It would seem impossible for anyone to be blasphemous
or silly enough to be convinced, on the one hand, that the dogmatic message of
the Catholic Church is actually a locutio Dei ad homines, and to
imagine, on the other hand, that he, a mere creature, could in some way improve
that teaching or make it more respectable. The very fact that a man would be so
rash as to attempt to bring the dogma of the Church up to date, or to make it
more acceptable to those who are not privileged to be members of the true
Church, indicates that this individual is not actually and profoundly convinced
that this dogmatic teaching of the Catholic Church is a supernatural
communication from the living and Triune God, the Lord and Creator of heaven
and earth. It would be the height of blasphemy knowingly to set out to improve
or to bring up to date what one would seriously consider a genuine message from
the First Cause of the universe.
Fr. Joseph C. Fenton, AER, The Sacrorum
Antistitum and the Background of the Oath Against Modernism
“Nothing occurs by chance in the whole course of our life. God overrules all. 'Good things and evil,
life and death, poverty and riches, are from God' (Ecclus. 11:14).”
St. Augustine
“[The pope’s] programme
(to destroy the traditional liturgy) would not have got as far as it has were
it not the case that theological liberals, generally of the closet variety
(i.e. homosexuals), have in the fairly recent past, been appointed to high
positions (by Pope Francis) both in the world episcopate and in the ranks of
the Roman Curia”.
Fr. Aidan Nichols, O.P., English academic at the University of Oxford,
forbidden by superiors to repeat this comment, so we do it for him.
A Catholic View on Religious Liberty
Among the slogans of “politically correct” language there is the term “religious liberty”, which is used incorrectly at times by Catholics as a synonym for freedom for the Church or freedom for Christians. In reality the terms and concepts are different and it is necessary to clarify them. The ambiguity present in the Conciliar declaration Dignitatis humanae (1965) arose from the lack of distinction between the internal forum, which is in the sphere of personal conscience, and the public space, which is in the sphere of the community, or rather the profession and propagation of one’s personal religious convictions.
The Church, with Pope Gregory XVI in Mirari Vos (1836), with Pope Pius IX in the Syllabus and in Quanta Cura (1864), but also with Pope Leo XIII in Immortale Dei (1885) and in Libertas (1888) teaches that:
· 1. No one can be constricted to believe in the private forum, because faith is a personal choice formed in the conscience of man.
· 2. Man has no right
· to religious freedom in the public space, or rather freedom to profess whatever religion, because only the true and the good have rights and not what is error and is evil.
· 3. Public worship of false religions may be, in cases, tolerated by the civil authorities, with the view of obtaining a greater good or avoiding a greater evil, but, in essence, it may be repressed even by force if necessary. But the right to tolerance is a contradiction, because, as is evident even from the term, whatever is tolerated is never a good thing, rather, it is always a purely bad thing. In the social life of nations, error may be tolerated as a reality, but never allowed as a right. Error “has no right to exist objectively nor to propaganda, nor action” (Pius XII Speech Ci Riesce 1953)
Further, the right of being immune to coercion, or rather the fact that the Church does not impose the Catholic Faith on anyone, but requires the freedom of the act of faith, does not arise from a presumed natural right to religious freedom or a presumed natural right to believe in any religion whatever, but it is founded on the fact that the Catholic Religion, the only true one, must be embraced in complete freedom without any constraints. The liberty of the believer is based on the truth believed and not on the self-determination of the individual. The Catholic and only the Catholic has the natural right to profess and practice his religion and he has it because his religion is the true one. Which means that no other believer apart from the Catholic has the natural right to profess his religion. The verification of this is in the fact that rights do not exist without responsibilities and duties and vice versa. The natural law, summed up in the ten commandments, is expressed in a prescriptive manner, that is, it imposes duties and responsibilities from which rights arise. For example, in the Commandment “Do not kill the innocent” the right of the innocent to life arises. The rejection of abortion is a prescription of natural rights which is separated from religion and whoever conforms to it. And this is the same for the seven Commandments of the Second Table. Comparing the right to religious liberty to the right to life, considering them both as natural rights, is however, nonsense.
The first three commandments of the Decalogue in fact do not refer to all and sundry divinities, but only to the God of the Old and the New Testaments. From the First Commandment, which imposes adoration of the Only True God, arises the right and the duty to profess not any religion but the only true one. This counts for both the individual and the State. The State, like each individual, has the duty to profess the true religion, also because the aims of the State are no different from those of the individual.
The reason the State cannot constrain anyone to believe does not arise from the religious neutrality of the State, but from the fact that adhering to the truth must be completely free. If the individual had the right to preach and profess publically any religion whatever, the State would have the obligation of religious neutrality. This has been repeatedly condemned by the Church.
For this reason we say that man has the right to profess, not any religion, but to profess the only true one. Only if religious liberty is intended as Christian liberty, will it be possible to speak of the right to it.
There are those who sustain that we live actually in a pluralistic and secularized society, that the Catholic States have disappeared and that Europe is a continent that has turned its back on Christianity. Therefore, the real problem is that of Christians persecuted in the world, and not that of a Catholic State. Nobody denies this, but the verification of a reality is not equivalent to the affirmation of a principle. The Catholic must desire a Catholic society and State with all his heart, where Christ reigns, as Pope Pius XI in the encyclical Quas Primas (1925) explains.
The distinction between the “thesis” (the principle) and the “hypothesis” (the concrete situation) is noted. The more that we are obliged to suffer under the hypothesis, the more we have to try to make the thesis known. Hence, we do not renounce the doctrine of the Social Kingship of Christ: let us speak of the rights of Jesus Christ to reign over entire societies as the only solution to modern evils. So, instead of fighting for religious liberty, which is the equalizing of the true religion with the false ones, let us fight in defense of liberty for Christians, today persecuted by Islam in the East and by the dictatorship of relativism in the West.
Roberto de Mattei, Roman Catholic Historian
As the greatest glory which we can render to God is obedience to his
commandments, to offer Him the sacrifice of ourselves, to offer all our actions
to his glory; charity obliges us to observe strictly all the commandments of
God, to avoid the least sin, to devote and to consecrate ourselves entirely to
the service of his divine Majesty, and to be careful to have no other intention
than to please Him in all our actions; in fine, to suffer, with submission and
resignation to his holy will, poverty, contempt, injustice, and all the other
crosses which we may meet with in this life. When, through charity, we offer to
God our actions, all that we do must be meritorious. It is not, therefore,
merely by our prayers, our fastings, and our alms, that we merit eternal glory.
Works of the most humble kind, even to drink and to eat, inasmuch as we do it
for the subsistence of the body, is meritorious, when we offer it to God
through a motive of charity. Happy the soul which comprehends well this great
virtue, and which studies to practice it!
St. John Eudes, Man’s Contract
With God in Baptism
“The great civilizations do not express from within the great religions
as a species of cultural by-product; the great religions are the base upon
which the great civilizations rest. A society that has lost its religion is
destined sooner or later to lose its culture.”
Christopher Dawson
this applies very well to the Oligarchy that drives the Deep State
A Power without limits is an essentially Anti-Christian Power and it is
simultaneously an outrage done the majesty of God and the dignity of man. A
Power without limits can never be a ministry or a service, and political Power
under the imperatives of Christian civilization can never be anything less.
Unlimited Power is also an idolatry lodged within both subject and king:
idolatry in the subject because he adores the king; idolatry in the king
because he worships himself.
Donoso Cortes, Catholic diplomat and apologist
“In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy
Father will consecrate Russia to Me, and she will be converted, and a period of
peace will be granted to the world.”
Blessed Virgin Mary to the children at Fatima
“DOGS” and the “SWINE” are Wearing Clerical Collars
not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine,
lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.” Matt 7:6
Let us see now what is the holy thing, what are the dogs, what the
pearls, what the swine? The holy thing is all that it were impiety to corrupt;
a sin which may be committed by the will, though the thing itself be undone.
The pearls are all spiritual things that are to be highly esteemed. Thus though
one and the same thing may be called both the holy thing and a pearl, yet it is
called holy because it is not to be corrupted; and called a pearl because it is
not be contemned.
The dogs are those that assault the truth; the swine we may not
unsuitably take for those that despise the truth. Therefore because dogs leap
forth to rend in pieces, and what they rend, suffer not to continue whole, He
said, “Give not that which is holy to the dogs;” because they strive to the
utmost of their power to destroy the truth. The swine though they do not assault
by biting as dogs, yet do they defile by trampling upon, and therefore He said,
“Cast not your pearls before swine.”
That which is despised is said to be trodden under foot: hence it is
said, “Lest perchance they tread them under foot.”
That which follows, “Turn again and rend you,” He means not the pearls
themselves, for these they tread under foot, and when they turn again that they
may hear something further, then they rend him by whom the pearls on which they
had trode had been cast. For you will not easily find what will please him who
has despised things got by great toil. Whoever then undertake to teach such, I
see not how they shall not be trode upon and rent by those they teach.
We must be careful therefore not to explain ought to him who does not receive
it; for men they rather seek that which is hidden than that which is opened. He
either attacks from ferocity as a dog, or overlooks from stupidity as swine.
But it does not follow that if the truth be kept hid, falsehood is
uttered. The Lord Himself who never spoke falsely, yet sometimes concealed the
truth, as in that, “I have yet many things to say unto you, the which ye are
not now able to bear” [John 16:12]. But if any is unable to receive these
things because of his filthiness, we must first cleanse him as far as lays in
our power either by word or deed.
St. Augustine, Serm. in Mont., ii, 20
Going on in Bergoglio's Pontifical Academy for Life Anyway?
Is there no end to the anti-life scandals at Pontifical Academy for
Life? Or is it Death?
Karolinska Institute is NOT a “Medical University.” It’s
a Big Auschwitz for unborn children.
In the selection of its members, the Vatican must also consider the
institution that the member represents. In the case of Katarina Le Blanc that
institution is the Karolinska Institute – one of the world’s foremost promoters
of abortion and abortifacients. The Institute also is involved in
non-therapeutic fetal experimentation and the provision of fetal tissues from
aborted babies. Its eugenic mind-set is illustrated by its pioneer
promotion of human embryo pre-implantation diagnosis and in-vitro
Either remove Le Blanc and all the other anti-life characters which infest the “academy” or just shut the growing hell-hole down! Enough is enough!
Randy Engel, U.S. Coalition for Life, July 19, 2017
“The words of Jesus Christ,” says (Bishop Jacques) Bossuet, “reflect something of the divine in their
simplicity, in their depth, by a certain gently authority with which they issue
forth. Never has man spoken like this man, because man has never been God, like
him. Nor has man had over all spirits that natural authority which pertains to
truth, and which speaks to the soul so sweetly and so intimately.” But this
Word, absolutely divine - divine by its own character, divine by its effects,
always subsisting - whose should it be if not Jesus Christ's? Who should be the
inventor of the wisdom of Jesus Christ? At a distance of nearly two thousand
years the Word of Jesus Christ remains the only true light of man on himself
and on God. It upholds the Catholic world, encompassed by fanatical enemies; it
sustains the natural law, infested and crushed by a man philosophy; it upholds
human reason, subject to madness and error; it not only preserves and repairs,
but it brings forth; it begets both priests and saints; it begets faith, and
from the most stony and sterile hearts it wrests admiration and love. Who could
have invented this Word?
Louis Veuillot, The Life of Our
Lord Jesus Christ
It is NOT the
position of the Roman Catholic Church that a pope is incapable of leading
people astray by false teaching as a public doctor…. He may be the
supreme appeal judge of Christendom… but that does not make him immune to
perpetrating doctrinal howlers. Surprisingly, or perhaps not so surprisingly,
given the piety that has surrounded the figures of the popes since the
pontificate of Pius IX, this fact appears to be unknown to many who ought to
know better…. (There is now) a danger of possible schism… (but, not as possible as) an immediate danger
as the spread of a moral heresy.
Fr Aidan Nichols, O.P., author of over 40 books of philosophy,
theology, apologetics and criticism who has lectured at Oxford and Cambridge and
the Angelicum in Rome, speaking at the annual conference in Cuddesdon of an
ecumenical society, the Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius, to a largely
non-Catholic audience
“Opinions opposed to reason
inevitably produce actions opposed to nature.”
Louis de Bonald, (1754-1840)
French counter-revolutionary, statesman, philosopher
I am glad that we are talking about “homosexual people” because before
all else comes the individual person, in his wholeness and dignity. And people
should not be defined only by their sexual tendencies: let us not forget that
God loves all his creatures and we are destined to receive his infinite love.
Pope Francis
and infanticide common pagan practice even among the most civilized before
Jesus Christ.
Those Jews believe that souls are immortal. They rejoice in becoming
fathers, and do not believe it lawful to take away the life of any of the
children which were given to them.
Tacitus, 56-120 AD, Roman senator and historian
Hermeneutics of Continuity/Discontinuity
Catholic Faith:
Physical substances come into being through
the union of substantial form and primary matter. The Soul is the Substantial
Form of the Human Body; it is immortal and will be judged after the death of
the person and directed to Heaven or Hell for all eternity awaiting to be
joined again to its Body at the Resurrection of the Dead for the Last Judgment.
“In order that all may know the truth of
the faith in its purity and all error may be excluded, we define that anyone
who presumes henceforth to assert defend or hold stubbornly that the rational
or intellectual soul is not the form of the human body of itself and
essentially, is to be considered a heretic.” Council of Vienne
Neo-Modernists Ideology: [Ratzinger quotes provided by James
Larson, War Against Being]
“The medieval concept of substance has long
since become inaccessible to us.”
Rev. Joseph Ratzinger, Faith and
the Future
“The proper Christian thing, therefore, is
to speak, not of the soul’s immortality, but of the resurrection of the
complete human being [at the Final Judgment] and of that alone… The idea that
to speak of the soul is unbiblical was accepted to such an extent that even the
new Roman Missal (i.e.: the Novus Ordo) suppressed the term anima in its
liturgy for the dead. It also disappeared from the ritual for burial.” Rev. Joseph Ratzinger, Eschatology: Death and Eternal Life
“‘The soul’ is our term for that in us which
offers a foothold for this relation [with the eternal]. Soul is nothing other
than man’s capacity for relatedness with truth, with love eternal.” Rev. Joseph Ratzinger, Eschatology: Death and Eternal Life
“The challenge to traditional theology
today lies in the negation of an autonomous, ‘substantial’ soul with a built-in
immortality in favor of that positive view which regards God’s decision and
activity as the real foundation of a continuing human existence.”
Rev. Joseph Ratzinger, Eschatology: Death and Eternal Life
And those who have denied the reality of substantial being are those who are
responsible for the “dictatorship of relativism.”
“Every day new sects are created and
what Saint Paul says about human trickery comes true, with cunning which tries
to draw those into error (Eph 4, 14). Having a clear faith, based on the
Creed of the Church, is often labelled today as a fundamentalism. Whereas,
relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and ‘swept along by every wind
of teaching,’ looks like the only attitude (acceptable) to today’s standards.
We are moving towards a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognise
anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one’s own ego and
one’s own desires.”
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Homily
of the Dean of the College of Cardinals, 2005
Remember? The SSPX
has been in “doctrinal” discussions with Rome since 1997. A faithful Catholic
who keeps DOGMA as his proximate Rule of Faith will exhaust any “doctrinal
discussions” with a Modernist in a few hours at most if he is patient. The SSPX
like the Modernists in Rome both hold that DOGMA is just a human axiom that
approximates the truth but must necessarily be continually purged of its human
accretions and purified as deeper theological insights are discovered!
The overheard plans are nearly identical to comments from an important
Italian liturgist in an interview published by France’s LaCroix earlier
this month. Andrea Grillo a lay professor at the Pontifical Athenaeum of St
Anselmo in Rome, billed by La Croix as “close to the Pope,” is intimately
familiar with Summorum Pontificum. Grillo in
fact published a book against Summorum Pontificum before the papal document
was even released.
Grillo told La Croix that Francis is considering abolishing Summorum
Pontificum. According
to Grillo, once the Vatican erects the Society of Saint Pius X as a Personal
Prelature, the Roman Rite will be preserved only within this structure. “But
[Francis] will not do this as long as Benedict XVI is alive.”
The plan, as related to LifeSite, involved making an agreement with the
Society of St. Pius X and, with that agreement in place, sequestering those
Catholics wanting the TLM to the SSPX. For most, that would strip them of
access to the TLM since there would not be nearly enough SSPX priests to
service Catholics wanting the TLM worldwide.
LifeSiteNews, 2017
COMMENT: We have been warning the faithful since 2012 that the SSPX
hierarchy has already been regularized within the Novus Ordo Church. They are
committed to bringing the priests and laity associated with them along for the ride.
Ultimately, the SSPX will be filled with Conservative Catholics who have not
and cannot defend the Catholic faith and tradition because they uniformly
reject DOGMA as the proximate Rule of Faith.
They will overwhelm the few faithful Catholics attending Mass at SSPX
chapels. The SSPX will then introduce the reform measures to the 1962 Bugnini
transitional Missal to bring about, in time, one expression of the “Roman
“The liturgical books promulgated by Saint (sic) Paul VI and Saint
(sic) John Paul II, in conformity with the decrees of Vatican Council II, are
the unique only expression of
the lex orandi of the Roman
Pope Francis, Traditionis
“Responding to your requests, I take the firm decision to abrogate all
the norms, instructions, permissions and customs that precede the
present Motu proprio, and declare that the liturgical books promulgated by
the saintly (sic) Pontiffs Paul VI and John Paul II, in conformity with the
decrees of Vatican Council II, constitute the unique only expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite. I take comfort in this decision
from the fact that, after the Council of Trent, St. Pius V also abrogated all
the rites that could not claim a proven antiquity, establishing for the whole
Latin Church a single Missale Romanum.”
Pope Francis, explanatory letter accompanying Traditionis Custodes
COMMENT: It has not occurred to Conservative Catholics that Pope Francis
is being brutally honest with them. They have accepted the false presuppositions
of Summorum Pontificum: that is, the
immemorial Roman rite is a simple matter of Church discipline subject to the
arbitrary will of the legislator; that the 1962 Bugnini Transitional Missal
(BTM) is the immemorial Roman rite; that the 1962 BTM has never been outlawed;
that the 1962 BTM is the “right” of all Catholics because it has not been
outlawed; that the BTM if the Extra-ordinary form and the Novus Ordo is the
Ordinary form of the Roman rite expressing a single lex orandi/lex credendi; etc.,
Pope Francis is being honest but not entirely forthcoming. He “takes
comfort in this decision” because St. Pius V suppressed all rites that had less
than 200 years of “proven antiquity.” Pope Francis is doing the same thing. The
BTM of 1962 has less traditional standing than the Novus Ordo! When are the
Conservative Catholics going to wake up! How many times do they have to be
told? The 1962 BTM is not the immemorial Roman rite and it is now legally
suppressed. Therefore, turn to the “received and approved” immemorial Roman
rite used before Bugnini ever touched it. This rite is established by
immemorial custom and Catholic DOGMA. Whomsoever says that this “received and
approved” rite may be changed or set aside for a new rite by any pastor of the
churches whomsoever, is condemned, anathematized. Pope Francis is a “pastor” of
the Church and this divine truth applies just as much to him and his
predecessors as to every other Catholic.
It is also true that the Novus Ordo Missae is the “only unique”
expression of the “lex orandi” of the Novus Ordo Church because it determines
the Novus Ordo’s “only unique” lex credendi. This is public confession
that the Novus Ordo and the Catholic Church do not have the same faith!
We recommend that all the faithful Catholics step aside and pray to God
to quickly and thoroughly cleanse His Church.
Pius XII - the man responsible for planting the seed of
liturgical destruction!
Fr. Annibale Bugnini had been making
clandestine visits to the Centre de Pastorale Liturgique (CPL), a progressivist
conference centre for liturgical reform which organized national weeks for
Inaugurated in Paris in 1943 on the private initiative of two Dominican priests
under the presidency of Fr. Lambert Beauduin, it was a magnet for all who
considered themselves in the vanguard of the Liturgical Movement. It would play
host to some of the most famous names who influenced the direction of Vatican
II: Frs. Beauduin, Guardini, Congar, Chenu, Daniélou, Gy, von Balthasar, de
Lubac, Boyer, Gelineau etc.
It could, therefore, be considered as the
confluence of all the forces of Progressivism, which saved and re-established
Modernism condemned by Pope Pius X in Pascendi.
According to its
co-founder and director, Fr. Pie Duployé, OP, Bugnini had requested a
“discreet” invitation to attend a CPL study week held near Chartres in
September 1946.
Much more was involved here than the issue of secrecy. The person whose
heart beat as one with the interests of the reformers would return to Rome to
be placed by an unsuspecting (?) Pope (Pius XII) in charge of his Commission
for the General Reform of the Liturgy.
But someone in the Roman Curia did know about the CPL – Msgr. Giovanni Battista Montini, the acting Secretary
of State and future Paul VI – who sent a telegram to the CPL dated January 3,
1947. It purported to come from the Pope with an apostolic blessing. If,
in Bugnini’s estimation, the Roman authorities were to be kept in the dark
about the CPL so as not to compromise its activities, a mystery remains. Was
the telegram issued under false pretences, or did Pius XII really know and
approve of the CPL? [.....]
This agenda (for liturgical reform) was set
out as early as 1949 in the Ephemerides
Liturgicae, a leading Roman review on liturgical studies of which Fr.
Annabale Bugnini was Editor from 1944 to 1965.
First, Bugnini denigrated
the traditional liturgy as a dilapidated building (“un vecchio edificio”), which
should be condemned because it was in danger of falling to pieces
(“sgretolarsi”) and, therefore, beyond repair. Then, he criticized it for its
alleged “deficiencies, incongruities and difficulties,” which rendered it
spiritually “sterile” and would prevent it appealing to modern sensibilities.
It is difficult to understand how, in the same year that he published this
anti-Catholic diatribe, he was made a Professor of Liturgy in Rome’s Propaganda
Fide (Propagation of the Faith) University. His solution was to return to the
simplicity of early Christian liturgies and jettison all subsequent
developments, especially traditional devotions.
These ideas expressed in 1949 would form the foundational principles of Vatican
II’s Sacrosanctum Concilium. For all practical purposes, the Roman Rite was
dead in the water many years before it was officially buried by Paul VI.
Dr. Carol Byrne, How Bugnini Grew Up under Pius XII
is only possible for those who hold DOGMA as the Rule of Faith!
Besides, every dogma of faith is to the Catholic cultivated mind not
only a new increase of knowledge, but also an incontrovertible principle from
which it is able to draw conclusions and derive other truths. They present an
endless field for investigation so that the beloved Apostle St. John could
write at the end of his Gospel, without fear of exaggeration: “But there are
also many other things which Jesus did: which if they were written every one,
the world itself, I think, would not be able to contain the books that should
be written.”
The Catholic Church, by enforcing firm belief in her dogmas—which are
not her inventions, but were given by Jesus Christ—places them as a bar before
the human mind to prevent it from going astray and to attach it to the truth;
but it does not prevent the mind from exercising its functions when it has
secured the treasure of divine truth, and a “scribe thus instructed in the
kingdom of heaven is truly like a man that is a householder, who bringeth forth
out of his treasure new things and old.” He may bring forth new illustrations,
new arguments and proofs; he may show now applications of the same truths,
according to times and circumstances; he may show new links which connect the
mysteries of religion with each other or with the natural sciences as there can
be no discord between the true faith and true science; God, being the author of
both, cannot contradict Himself and teach something by revelation as true which
He teaches by the true light of reason as false. In all these cases the householder
“brings forth from his treasure now things and old.” They are new inasmuch as
they are the result of new investigations; and old because they are contained
in the old articles of faith and doctrine as legitimate deductions from their
old principles.
Fr. Joseph Prachensky, S.J., The
Church of Parables and True Spouse of the Suffering Saviour, on the Parable of
the Scribe
Baptism imprints
in your soul a spiritual character, which no sin can efface. This character is
a proof that from this time you do not belong to yourself, but that you are the
property of Jesus Christ, who has purchased you by the infinite price of his
blood and of his death. You are not of yourself, but you are of Christ;
wherefore, St. Paul concludes, “that the Christian should no longer live for
himself, but for Him who died and rose again for him;” that is to say, that the
Christian should live a life of grace, and that he should consecrate to his
Redeemer his spirit, his heart, and all his actions. […..]
First, is true penance; for, as the holy Council of Trent teaches,
penance is no less necessary for those who have sinned after Baptism, than
Baptism is necessary for those who have not received it. The Holy Scripture
informs us, that there are two gates by which we are to enter into
heaven—baptismal innocence, and penance. When a Christian has shut against
himself the gate of innocence, in violating the holy promises of Baptism, it is
necessary that he should strive to enter by that of penance; otherwise there is
no salvation for him. On this account, Jesus Christ, speaking of persons who
have lost innocence, says to them: “Unless you do penance, you shall all
But in order that penance may prevent us from perishing—it must be true
Penance. Confessors may be deceived by the false appearance of conversion, and
it is too often the case; but God is never deceived. If, therefore, those who
receive absolution are not truly penitent and worthy of pardon, their sins are
not forgiven before God. In order to do true penance, it is not sufficient to
confess all our sins and to fulfill what is enjoined on us by the priest. There
are two other things which are necessary: First; to renounce sin with all your
heart, and for all your life… and second; to fly the occasions of sin, and to
use the means to avoid it.
St. John Eudes, Man’s Contract
with God in Baptism
In Public Calamities
We ought to conform to
God’s will in all public calamities such as war, famine and pestilence, and
reverence and adore His judgments with deep humility in the firm belief that,
however severe they may seem, the God of infinite goodness would not send such
disasters unless some great good were to result from them.
Consider how many souls
may be saved through tribulation which would otherwise be lost, how many
persons through affliction are converted to God and die with sincere repentance
for their sins. What may appear a scourge and punishment is often a sign of
great grace and mercy.
As far as we are
personally concerned, let us meditate well on this truth of our faith that the
very hairs of our head are numbered, and not one of them will fall except by
the will of God. In other words we cannot suffer the least harm unless He wills
and orders it. Relying on this truth we can easily understand that we have
nothing more or less to fear in times of public calamity than at any other
time. God can just as easily protect us in the midst of general ruin and
despair as He can deliver us from evil while all around is peace and content.
The only thing we need to be concerned about is to gain His favor, and this is
the inevitable effect of conforming our will to His. Let us therefore hasten to
accept from His hand all that He sends us, and as a result of our trustful
surrender He will either cause us to gain the greatest advantages from our
misfortunes or else spare us them altogether.
St. Claude de la
Colombiere, S.J., Trustful Surrender to
Divine Providence
Vatican Council II was NOT an act of the infallible Magisterium
of the Church but rather an extraordinary
exercise of the fallible magisterium of churchmen grounded upon their grace of
The first effect
of charity is joy in the goodness of God. But this joy can only live through
the union of man’s will with God in charity. And charity demands that man keep
all the commandments. Charity demands a fellowship in good between God and man.
When the effort to live in this fellowship in good begins to appear too
difficult to man he begins to be sorrowful about the infinite goodness of God.
This sorrow weighs down the spirit of man and leads him to neglect good. This
sorrow is the sin of sloth, sorrow about the goodness of God. Sloth is a
capital sin. It leads men into other sins. To avoid the sorrow or weariness of
spirit which is sloth men will turn from God to the sinful pleasures of the
When a man falls
victim to sloth and is sorrowful because of the goodness of God it is only
natural that he will begin to be grieved also at the manifestation of the
goodness of God in other men. He will resent good men simply because they are
good. This resentment is envy, hatred of someone else’s good. Since the love of
our neighbor flows from our love of God, it is natural that when we cease to
love God’s goodness, we will also begin to hate the goodness of men. Envy, like
sloth, is a capital sin. It will lead men to commit other sins to destroy the
goodness of their neighbors.
When a man’s
heart is filled with sloth and envy the interior peace of his soul which was
the effect of charity is destroyed. The loss of the interior peace leads to the
destruction of the peace of society. When a man’s heart is no longer centered in
God, then his life loses all proper direction. When the love of God is gone he
has nothing left but the love of himself. When a man loves himself without
loving God then he can brook no opposition to his own judgment or arbitrary
will. He can tolerate goodness in no one else. He will even, by the sin of
scandal, by his own words and example, lead other men into sin. He must
disagree with all men. He must dispute with them, separate himself from them,
quarrel with them, go to war with them, set the whole of the community at war
with itself.
Wherever the
goodness of God is most manifest, there will the heart of the man who no longer
loves God be most energetic in sowing the seeds of discord, contentiousness,
strife and war. That is why religion and the true Church of God are so
viciously attacked in the world today. Those who do not love God are driven by
sloth and envy to attack God’s tabernacle on earth.
Fr. Walter
Farrell and Fr. Martin Healy, My Way of
Life, Pocket Edition of St. Thomas
Atheists are really
anti-theists. They oppose the God who is God with an idol of their own making.
No atheist chooses
merely to deny God. For the atheist’s spiritual posture against God is at the
same time his posture in preference for some other Being above God. As he
dismisses the true God he is welcoming his New God. Why must this be so?
Because every personal commitment of man presupposes, deep in the metaphysical
core of his being, a hunger for being as truth and goodness. Man is
intrinsically burdened with an incurable hunger for transcendence. If being
abhors a vacuum, the vacuum it most violently shrinks from is the total absence
of Infinite Being. And history demonstrates that man is inconsolable without
the True God.
Fr. Vincent Miceli,
S.J., The Gods of Atheism
men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing,
they believe in anything.’
There are men who will
ruin themselves and ruin their civilization if they may ruin also this old
fantastic tale (of the Catholic faith). This is the last and most astounding
fact about this faith; that its enemies will use any weapon against it, the
sword that cuts their own fingers, and the firebrands that burn their own homes.
… (The atheist fanatic) sacrifices the very existence of humanity to the
non-existence of God. He offers his victims not to the altar, but merely to
assert the idleness of the altar and the emptiness of the throne. He is ready
to ruin even that primary ethic by which all things live, for his strange and
eternal vengeance upon some one who (he affirms) never lived at all.
G. K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy
Charity is a virtue. This means
that it is a power to act. Now the act of charity is love. To be
charitable is to love. The love of charity is more than good will. To love is
to achieve a union of affection. When two people are in love they have a unity
of affection. They love one another, they love what each loves. The love of
charity in act attains God immediately and other things as God loves them. When
a man loves God, he loves God first and then the things that God loves. He
loves God completely. He loves all that God is and all that God loves. In
addition he loves God as much as he can. In the love of God when it is perfect,
there are no reservations. Man loves God to the fullest extent of his
capacity…. The interior effects of charity are joy, peace and mercy in the
individual. The exterior effects are beneficence, almsgiving and fraternal
correction. … The corporal works of mercy are: to feed the hungry, to give
drink to the thirsty, to clothe the naked to harbor the harbourless, to visit
the sick, to ransom the captive, to bury the dead. The spiritual works of mercy
are: to instruct the ignorant, to counsel the doubtful, to comfort the
sorrowful, to reprove the sinner, to
forgive injuries, to bear with those who are in trouble and annoy us, and to
pray for all.
Fr. Walter Farrell and
Fr. Martin Healy, My Way of Life, Pocket
Edition of St. Thomas
Confidence in God is grounded
in His Goodness
“Cultivate a great
desire to be firmly rooted in the sublime virtue of confidence. Do not fear, but be courageous in
serving and loving our Most Adorable and Amiable Jesus, with great perfection
and holiness. Undertake courageously great tasks for His glory, in proportion
to the power and grace He will give you for this end. Even though you can do
nothing of yourself, you can do all things in Him and His help will never fail
you, if you have confidence
in His goodness. Place your entire physical and spiritual welfare in His
hands. Abandon to the paternal solicitude of His Divine Providence every care
for your health, reputation, property and business, for those near to you, for
your past sins, for your soul’s progress in virtue and love of Him, for your
life, death, and especially for your salvation and eternity, in a word, all
your cares. Rest in the
assurance that, in His pure goodness, He will watch with particular
tenderness over all your responsibilities and cares and dispose all things for
the greatest good.”
St. John Eudes, The Life and Kingdom of Jesus in Christian
Maybe the common ground is “does not care
for doctrine”?
”A pope (Francis) who does not care for doctrine, who looks at
the people, and who has known us in Argentina. And he appreciated our work in
Argentina. And that's why he sees us with a good disposition while in the same
time he is against conservatism. This is like a contradiction. But I have been
able to verify several times that he really does things personally for us.”
Bishop Bernard Fellay, SSPX, 2017
A Personal Prelature for SSPX: comment from
Bishop Fellay then commented on a project of Personal Prelature which
had been offered to the SSPX in the summer of 2015. As he already said on
January 26, 2016, such a canonical structure fits the needs and the actual
apostolate and presence of the Society all over the world. He revealed that the
written proposal given to the SSPX foresees that prelate should be a bishop.
How would the prelate be designated? The Pope would choose amongst the three
names presented by the SSPX through its own elections. It is also foreseen,
said Bishop Fellay, that other auxiliary bishops would be given to the Society.
Everything that exists now will be recognized all over the world. And
the faithful also! They will be in this Prelature with the right to receive the
sacraments and teachings from the Society’s priests. It will be also possible
to receive religious congregations, as it is in a diocese: Capuchins,
Benedictines, Carmelites, and others. This prelature is a Catholic structure
which is not under the [authority of the local] bishops. It is autonomous.”
The Angelus, SSPX publication for United States District, 2017
And what is most certain of all, the Pope is
not the “rule of faith”!
It is not the magisterium (churchmen teaching by virtue of
their grace of state) as such that is the rule of faith, but the definitions of
the Magisterium (churchmen teaching by virtue of the Church’s attribute of
infallibility) that are the rule.
Fr. Chad Ripperger, The
Binding Force of Tradition
“Those who indulge in impurities are wont to hold
spiritual things in disgust.”
Msgr. Gerard Van Noort, S.T.D., Dogmatic Theology
Parable of the Net and the Fishes: Only baptized Catholics are caught in the
Augustine says: ‘Every sinner is permitted to live either that he may
be converted or that the just man may be exercised through him” in all virtues.
If sinners were not tolerated in the Church of Jesus Christ there would be
little chance to practise patience, forbearance, clemency, charity, forgiveness
of injuries, zeal, love, etc. In fact, if “the just man falleth seven times,”
and if a “man knoweth not whether he be worthy of love or hatred,” there would
not be many left in the Church of Christ on earth, if every sinner was
excluded. The Church on earth is the Church militant, not triumphant; and as long
as the final victory is not gained over all the enemies of salvation, and the
measure of the elect not completed, there will always be those who fight nobly
and those who are cowards, who sometimes give up the combat for a time, are
wounded, even deadly, but restored again to health and vigor by the grace of
the holy sacraments and other means which the Church employs to re-establish in
the grace of God the poor sinners who still remain within her communion –
within the net.
Only when the net shall be filled,
and the number of the elect preordained to enjoy eternal happiness shall be
complete, then will it be drawn out: “And sitting by the shore they chose out
the good into vessels, but the bad they cast forth.” Our Saviour Himself
explains this text: “So shall it be at the end of the world. The angels shall
go out to separate the wicked from among the just.” Remark here that the
commencement will be made with the good and bad fishes in the net that is to
say, those who have been not only good men,
but also good, practical Christians in the true Church of Christ, shall be
chosen into vessels of divine election, whilst the bad Christians, those
members of the true Church who were unfaithful to their holy calling and
committed sin like the heathen and publican, shall be cast forth as those who
never entered the Church of the living God, but lived and died in the sea of
sin and unbelief. “Their portion shall be with the unbelievers.” Yes, they
“shall cast them into the furnace of fire; there shall be weeping and gnashing
of teeth.”
Were this parable only meant for those in the net, whether they be good
or bad fishes, our explanation would not be condemned; but it also points out
too clearly the unfortunate lot of those who refuse to be caught in the net, in other words, all those who
refuse to believe “the Church of the living God, the pillar and ground of
truth,” out of which there is no salvation. This apparently severe doctrine of
the Catholic Church is loudly censured by those whose disadvantage is concerned.
But let them remember that it is not the Church but her Divine Founder who has
said: “He that believeth not shall be condemned.” She does not invent or shape
her dogmas according to human fancy, but proposes them as she received them
from Jesus Christ Himself, as times and circumstances may require. She cannot
betray the trust confided to her, nor listen to the advice of those who speak
as the revolting Jews of old: “Who say to the seers: See not: and to them that
behold: Behold not for us those things. . . . Speak unto us pleasant things,
see errors for us.” For “thus saith the Lord God: Woe to them that sew cushions
under every elbow, and make pillows for the heads of person of every age, to
catch souls. Why lull to sleep troubled consciences on cushions and pillows of
new fangled systems and theories that are founded on error, and deliver those
who rest on them to eternal death? The Lord God has said: “Behold I declare
against your cushions, wherewith you catch flying souls, . . . and I will tear
your pillows.’
If mankind could be saved outside of the Church just as well as in it,
why was the Church of Jesus Christ established? If there are good fishes
outside of the net that are to be chosen into the vessels of divine election as
well as those that have been good within it, for what purpose was the net cast
into the sea? And if heaven can be attained on easier terms outside of the
Church than within it, then the work of Jesus Christ and of his Apostles was
altogether unnecessary, and the promises of Him whose word “shall not pass
away” false and worthless. From this it is evident that they who condemn this
doctrine of the Church condemn the doctrine of Christ; and to do this is to
deny alike His holiness, His veracity, and His divinity. Hence, is it not an
infinitely great act of charity to arouse souls that are asleep on such cushions and pillows, by warning in time of the danger to which they are exposed
if remain voluntarily outside the pale of salvation?
Fr. Joseph Parchensky, S.J., The
Church of the Parables and True Spouse of the Suffering Saviour
Pope Francis abrogates Summorum Pontificum
end of this Motu Proprio is to terminate all Indult communities and drive their
members into the SSPX fold. The SSPX has already been regularized sub rosa. Their guiding lights have
already made the JPII ‘Profession of Faith’ and ‘Oath of Fidelity’ which is
required to be admitted into the Novus Ordo communion and to hold any office
within the Novus Ordo structure. This betrayal has not been shared with its
members or with the faithful who attend their Masses. Once the conservatives
have been driven into the SSPX fold, the SSPX will then gradually drive them to
compromise on every immemorial tradition. The SSPX cannot defend traditional
Catholicism because they deny that Dogma is the proximate rule of faith for all
faithful Catholics and that our immemorial ecclesiastical traditions are
necessary attributes of the faith and not mere matters of Church discipline
subject to the free and independent will of the legislator. They have already
sworn unconditional obedience to the “authentic magisterium” of Pope Francis
and have nothing to offer in opposition to an abuse of authority.
Francis abrogates Summorum Pontificum: Indult crowd in panic. Why? These
conservative Catholics would oppose Francis to Benedict and JPII, but only a
casual examination of this Motu Proprio and the accompanying letter reveals
that Francis is wholly consistent with the intent of his predecessors. This
apostolic letter is an act of the “authentic magisterium” of Pope Francis, that
is, it is his personal directive based upon his grace of state and has nothing
to do with the Magisterium of the Church and divine intervention of the Holy
Ghost. This Motu Proprio is just as much an act of his “authentic magisterium”
as was his worship of Pachamama, or JPII’s pagan exhibition at Assisi, or
Benedict’s “fellowship” in the Jewish synagogue in Rome.
this will be a wakeup call to some, but like before, most conservative
Catholics will betray the faith under the pretext of ‘obedience.’ We remind
them again: ‘We must obey God rather than man.’ For those faithful who keep
Dogma as their proximate rule of faith this presents no problem. The faith is the
essential sign and cause of unity in the Church. The pope is only secondarily
and accidentally the cause and sign of unity in the Church. When the pope falls
from the faith, he must be ‘withstood to his face.’
can rejoice in that this Motu Proprio buries the 1962 Bugnini transitional
Missal. It has been on life support for far too long and for pulling the plug
we can extend our gratitude to Pope Francis. Every Catholic faithful to the
true worship of God will necessarily, in time, embrace the “received and
approved” rite of Catholic worship before Bugnini ever laid his filthy Masonic
hands on it. As far as the rest of the document, he displays, like his
predecessors, an ideological agenda that is remarkable for its ignorance of
historical fact and fundamental alienation to Catholic Tradition.
Burke offers the correction for two mistranslations in the English publication
of the Motu proprio of Pope Francis, “TRADITIONIS CUSTODES.”
Art. 1. The liturgical books promulgated by Saint Paul VI (sic) and
Saint John Paul II (sic), in conformity with the decrees of Vatican Council II,
are the unique only expression of
the lex orandi of the Roman Rite.
Art. 4. Priests ordained after the publication of the present Motu
Proprio, who wish to celebrate using the Missale Romanum of 1962, should must submit a formal
request to the diocesan Bishop who shall consult the Apostolic See before
granting this authorization.
Pope Francis abrogates Summorum Pontificum: Indult crowd
in panic.
Guardians of the tradition, the bishops in
communion with the Bishop of Rome constitute the visible principle and foundation
of the unity of their particular Churches.[1] Under the guidance of the
Holy Spirit, through the proclamation of the Gospel and by means of the
celebration of the Eucharist, they govern the particular Churches entrusted to
In order to promote the concord and unity
of the Church, with paternal solicitude towards those who in any region adhere
to liturgical forms antecedent to the reform willed by the Vatican Council II,
my Venerable Predecessors, Saint John Paul II and Benedict XVI, granted and
regulated the faculty to use the Roman Missal edited by John XXIII in
1962.[3] In this way they intended “to facilitate the ecclesial communion
of those Catholics who feel attached to some earlier liturgical forms” and not
to others.[4]
In line with the initiative of my Venerable
Predecessor Benedict XVI to invite the bishops to assess the application of the
Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum three years after its publication,
the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith carried out a detailed consultation
of the bishops in 2020. The results have been carefully considered in the light
of experience that has matured during these years.
At this time, having considered the wishes
expressed by the episcopate and having heard the opinion of the Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith, I now desire, with this Apostolic Letter, to
press on ever more in the constant search for ecclesial communion. Therefore, I
have considered it appropriate to establish the following:
Art. 1. The liturgical books promulgated by
Saint Paul VI and Saint John Paul II, in conformity with the decrees of Vatican
Council II, are the unique only expression of
the lex orandi of the Roman Rite.
Art. 2. It belongs to the diocesan bishop,
as moderator, promoter, and guardian of the whole liturgical life of the
particular Church entrusted to him,[5] to regulate the liturgical
celebrations of his diocese.[6] Therefore, it is his exclusive competence
to authorize the use of the 1962 Roman Missal in his diocese, according to the
guidelines of the Apostolic See.
Art. 3. The bishop of the diocese in which
until now there exist one or more groups that celebrate according to the Missal
antecedent to the reform of 1970:
§ 1. is to determine that these groups do
not deny the validity and the legitimacy of the liturgical reform, dictated by
Vatican Council II and the Magisterium of the Supreme Pontiffs;
§ 2. is to designate one or more locations
where the faithful adherents of these groups may gather for the eucharistic
celebration (not however in the parochial churches and without the erection of
new personal parishes);
§ 3. to establish at the designated
locations the days on which eucharistic celebrations are permitted using the
Roman Missal promulgated by Saint John XXIII in 1962.[7] In these
celebrations the readings are proclaimed in the vernacular language, using
translations of the Sacred Scripture approved for liturgical use by the
respective Episcopal Conferences;
§ 4. to appoint a priest who, as delegate
of the bishop, is entrusted with these celebrations and with the pastoral care
of these groups of the faithful. This priest should be suited for this
responsibility, skilled in the use of the Missale Romanum antecedent
to the reform of 1970, possess a knowledge of the Latin language sufficient for
a thorough comprehension of the rubrics and liturgical texts, and be animated
by a lively pastoral charity and by a sense of ecclesial communion. This priest
should have at heart not only the correct celebration of the liturgy, but also
the pastoral and spiritual care of the faithful;
§ 5. to proceed suitably to verify that the
parishes canonically erected for the benefit of these faithful are effective
for their spiritual growth, and to determine whether or not to retain them;
§ 6. to take care not to authorize the
establishment of new groups.
Art. 4. Priests ordained after the
publication of the present Motu Proprio, who wish to celebrate using
the Missale Romanum of 1962, should must submit a formal request to the diocesan
Bishop who shall consult the Apostolic See before granting this authorization.
Art. 5. Priests who already celebrate
according to the Missale Romanum of 1962 should request from the
diocesan Bishop the authorization to continue to enjoy this faculty.
Art. 6. Institutes of consecrated life and
Societies of apostolic life, erected by the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia
Dei, fall under the competence of the Congregation for Institutes of
Consecrated Life and Societies for Apostolic Life.
Art. 7. The Congregation for Divine Worship
and the Discipline of the Sacraments and the Congregation for Institutes of
Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, for matters of their
particular competence, exercise the authority of the Holy See with respect to
the observance of these provisions.
Art. 8. Previous norms, instructions,
permissions, and customs that do not conform to the provisions of the
present Motu Proprio are abrogated.
Everything that I have declared in this
Apostolic Letter in the form of Motu Proprio, I order to be observed in
all its parts, anything else to the contrary notwithstanding, even if worthy of
particular mention, and I establish that it be promulgated by way of
publication in “L’Osservatore Romano”, entering immediately in force and,
subsequently, that it be published in the official Commentary of the Holy
See, Acta Apostolicae Sedis.
Given at Rome, at Saint John Lateran, on 16
July 2021, the liturgical Memorial of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, in the ninth
year of Our Pontificate.
[1] Cfr Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Dogmatic Constitution
on the Church “Lumen Gentium”, 21 november 1964, n. 23 AAS 57 (1965) 27.
[2] Cfr Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Dogmatic Constitution
on the Church “Lumen Gentium”, 21 november 1964, n. 27: AAS 57 (1965) 32;
Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Decree concerning the pastoral office of
bishops in the Church “Christus Dominus”, 28 october 1965, n. 11: AAS 58 (1966)
677-678; Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 833.
[3] Cfr John Paul II, Apostolic Letter given Motu
proprio ”Ecclesia Dei”, 2 july 1988: AAS 80 (1988) 1495-1498; Benedict
XVI, Apostolic Letter given Motu proprio ”Summorum Pontificum”, 7
july 2007: AAS 99 (2007) 777-781; Apostolic Letter given Motu
proprio ”Ecclesiae unitatem”, 2 july 2009: AAS 101 (2009) 710-711.
[4] John Paul II, Apostolic Letter given Motu
proprio ”Ecclesia Dei”, 2 july 1988, n. 5: AAS 80 (1988) 1498.
[5] Cfr Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Costitution on the sacred
liturgy “Sacrosanctum Concilium”, 4 december 1963, n. 41: AAS 56 (1964)
111; Caeremoniale Episcoporum, n. 9; Congregation for Divine Worship and
the Discipline of the Sacrament, Instruction on certain matters to be observed
or to be avoided regarding the Most Holy Eucharist “Redemptionis Sacramentum”,
25 march 2004, nn. 19-25: AAS 96 (2004) 555-557.
[6] Cfr CIC, can. 375, § 1; can. 392.
[7] Cfr Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Decree “Quo
magis” approving seven Eucharistic Prefaces for the forma
extraordinaria of the Roman Rite, 22 february 2020, and Decree “Cum
sanctissima” on the liturgical celebration in honour of Saints in
the forma extraordinaria of the Roman Rite, 22 february
2020: L’Osservatore Romano, 26 march 2020, p. 6.
Accompanying Letter
Rome, 16 July 2021
Dear Brothers in the Episcopate,
Just as my Predecessor Benedict XVI did
with Summorum Pontificum, I wish to accompany the Motu proprio
Traditionis custodes with a letter explaining the motives that prompted my
decision. I turn to you with trust and parresia, in the name of that
shared “solicitude for the whole Church, that contributes supremely to the good
of the Universal Church” as Vatican Council II reminds us.[1]
Most people understand the motives that
prompted St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI to allow the use of the Roman
Missal, promulgated by St. Pius V and edited by St. John XXIII in 1962, for the
Eucharistic Sacrifice. The faculty — granted by the indult of the Congregation
for Divine Worship in 1984[2] and confirmed by St. John Paul II in
the Motu Proprio Ecclesia Dei in 1988[3] — was above all
motivated by the desire to foster the healing of the schism with the movement
of Mons. Lefebvre. With the ecclesial intention of restoring the unity of the
Church, the Bishops were thus asked to accept with generosity the “just
aspirations” of the faithful who requested the use of that Missal.
Many in the Church came to regard this
faculty as an opportunity to adopt freely the Roman Missal promulgated by St.
Pius V and use it in a manner parallel to the Roman Missal promulgated by St.
Paul VI. In order to regulate this situation at the distance of many years,
Benedict XVI intervened to address this state of affairs in the Church. Many
priests and communities had “used with gratitude the possibility offered by
the Motu proprio” of St. John Paul II. Underscoring that this development
was not foreseeable in 1988, the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum of
2007 intended to introduce “a clearer juridical regulation” in this area.[4] In
order to allow access to those, including young people, who when “they discover
this liturgical form, feel attracted to it and find in it a form, particularly
suited to them, to encounter the mystery of the most holy
Eucharist”,[5] Benedict XVI declared “the Missal promulgated by St. Pius V
and newly edited by Blessed John XXIII, as a extraordinary expression of the
same lex orandi”, granting a “more ample possibility for the use of
the 1962 Missal”.[6]
In making their decision they were
confident that such a provision would not place in doubt one of the key
measures of Vatican Council II or minimize in this way its authority:
the Motu proprio recognized that, in its own right, “the Missal
promulgated by Paul VI is the ordinary expression of the lex
orandi of the Catholic Church of the Latin rite”.[7] The recognition
of the Missal promulgated by St. Pius V “as an extraordinary expression of the
same lex orandi” did not in any way underrate the liturgical reform, but
was decreed with the desire to acknowledge the “insistent prayers of these
faithful,” allowing them “to celebrate the Sacrifice of the Mass according to
the editio typica of the Roman Missal promulgated by Blessed John
XXIII in 1962 and never abrogated, as the extraordinary form of the Liturgy of
the Church”.[8] It comforted Benedict XVI in his discernment that many
desired “to find the form of the sacred Liturgy dear to them,” “clearly
accepted the binding character of Vatican Council II and were faithful to the
Pope and to the Bishops”.[9] What is more, he declared to be unfounded the
fear of division in parish communities, because “the two forms of the use of
the Roman Rite would enrich one another”.[10] Thus, he invited the Bishops
to set aside their doubts and fears, and to welcome the norms, “attentive that
everything would proceed in peace and serenity,” with the promise that “it
would be possible to find resolutions” in the event that “serious difficulties
came to light” in the implementation of the norms “once the Motu
proprio came into effect”.[11]
With the passage of thirteen years, I
instructed the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to circulate a
questionnaire to the Bishops regarding the implementation of the Motu
proprio Summorum Pontificum. The responses reveal a situation that preoccupies
and saddens me, and persuades me of the need to intervene. Regrettably, the
pastoral objective of my Predecessors, who had intended “to do everything
possible to ensure that all those who truly possessed the desire for unity
would find it possible to remain in this unity or to rediscover it
anew”,[12] has often been seriously disregarded. An opportunity offered by
St. John Paul II and, with even greater magnanimity, by Benedict XVI, intended
to recover the unity of an ecclesial body with diverse liturgical
sensibilities, was exploited to widen the gaps, reinforce the divergences, and
encourage disagreements that injure the Church, block her path, and expose her
to the peril of division.
At the same time, I am saddened by abuses
in the celebration of the liturgy on all sides. In common with Benedict XVI, I
deplore the fact that “in many places the prescriptions of the new Missal are
not observed in celebration, but indeed come to be interpreted as an
authorization for or even a requirement of creativity, which leads to almost
unbearable distortions”.[13] But I am nonetheless saddened that the
instrumental use of Missale Romanum of 1962 is often characterized by
a rejection not only of the liturgical reform, but of the Vatican Council II itself,
claiming, with unfounded and unsustainable assertions, that it betrayed the
Tradition and the “true Church”. The path of the Church must be seen within the
dynamic of Tradition “which originates from the Apostles and progresses in the
Church with the assistance of the Holy Spirit” (DV 8). A recent stage of
this dynamic was constituted by Vatican Council II where the Catholic
episcopate came together to listen and to discern the path for the Church
indicated by the Holy Spirit. To doubt the Council is to doubt the intentions
of those very Fathers who exercised their collegial power in a solemn
manner cum Petro et sub Petro in an ecumenical council,[14] and,
in the final analysis, to doubt the Holy Spirit himself who guides the Church.
The objective of the modification of the
permission granted by my Predecessors is highlighted by the Second Vatican
Council itself. From the vota submitted by the Bishops there emerged
a great insistence on the full, conscious and active participation of the whole
People of God in the liturgy,[15] along lines already indicated by Pius
XII in the encyclical Mediator Dei on the renewal of the
liturgy.[16] The constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium confirmed
this appeal, by seeking “the renewal and advancement of the
liturgy”,[17] and by indicating the principles that should guide the
reform.[18] In particular, it established that these principles concerned
the Roman Rite, and other legitimate rites where applicable, and asked that
“the rites be revised carefully in the light of sound tradition, and that they
be given new vigor to meet present-day circumstances and needs”.[19] On
the basis of these principles a reform of the liturgy was undertaken, with its
highest expression in the Roman Missal, published in editio typica by
St. Paul VI[20] and revised by St. John Paul II.[21] It must
therefore be maintained that the Roman Rite, adapted many times over the course
of the centuries according to the needs of the day, not only be preserved but
renewed “in faithful observance of the Tradition”.[22] Whoever wishes to
celebrate with devotion according to earlier forms of the liturgy can find in
the reformed Roman Missal according to Vatican Council II all the elements of
the Roman Rite, in particular the Roman Canon which constitutes one of its more
distinctive elements.
A final reason for my decision is this:
ever more plain in the words and attitudes of many is the close connection
between the choice of celebrations according to the liturgical books prior to
Vatican Council II and the rejection of the Church and her institutions in the
name of what is called the “true Church.” One is dealing here with comportment
that contradicts communion and nurtures the divisive tendency — “I belong to
Paul; I belong instead to Apollo; I belong to Cephas; I belong to Christ” —
against which the Apostle Paul so vigorously reacted.[23] In defense of
the unity of the Body of Christ, I am constrained to revoke the faculty granted
by my Predecessors. The distorted use that has been made of this faculty is
contrary to the intentions that led to granting the freedom to celebrate the
Mass with the Missale Romanum of 1962. Because “liturgical
celebrations are not private actions, but celebrations of the Church, which is
the sacrament of unity”,[24] they must be carried out in communion with
the Church. Vatican Council II, while it reaffirmed the external bonds of
incorporation in the Church — the profession of faith, the sacraments, of
communion — affirmed with St. Augustine that to remain in the Church not only
“with the body” but also “with the heart” is a condition for salvation.[25]
Dear brothers in the
Episcopate, Sacrosanctum Concilium explained that the Church, the
“sacrament of unity,” is such because it is “the holy People gathered and
governed under the authority of the Bishops”.[26] Lumen gentium, while
recalling that the Bishop of Rome is “the permanent and visible principle and
foundation of the unity both of the bishops and of the multitude of the
faithful,” states that you the Bishops are “the visible principle and foundation
of the unity of your local Churches, in which and through which exists the one
and only Catholic Church”.[27]
Responding to your requests, I take the
firm decision to abrogate all the norms, instructions, permissions and customs
that precede the present Motu proprio, and declare that the liturgical
books promulgated by the saintly Pontiffs Paul VI and John Paul II, in
conformity with the decrees of Vatican Council II, constitute the unique
expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite. I take comfort in
this decision from the fact that, after the Council of Trent, St. Pius V also
abrogated all the rites that could not claim a proven antiquity, establishing
for the whole Latin Church a single Missale Romanum. For four centuries
this Missale Romanum, promulgated by St. Pius V was thus the principal
expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite, and functioned to
maintain the unity of the Church. Without denying the dignity and grandeur of
this Rite, the Bishops gathered in ecumenical council asked that it be
reformed; their intention was that “the faithful would not assist as strangers
and silent spectators in the mystery of faith, but, with a full understanding
of the rites and prayers, would participate in the sacred action consciously,
piously, and actively”.[28] St. Paul VI, recalling that the work of
adaptation of the Roman Missal had already been initiated by Pius XII, declared
that the revision of the Roman Missal, carried out in the light of ancient
liturgical sources, had the goal of permitting the Church to raise up, in the
variety of languages, “a single and identical prayer,” that expressed her
unity.[29] This unity I intend to re-establish throughout the Church of
the Roman Rite.
Vatican Council II, when it described the
catholicity of the People of God, recalled that “within the ecclesial
communion” there exist the particular Churches which enjoy their proper
traditions, without prejudice to the primacy of the Chair of Peter who presides
over the universal communion of charity, guarantees the legitimate diversity
and together ensures that the particular not only does not injure the universal
but above all serves it”.[30] While, in the exercise of my ministry in
service of unity, I take the decision to suspend the faculty granted by my
Predecessors, I ask you to share with me this burden as a form of participation
in the solicitude for the whole Church proper to the Bishops. In the Motu
proprio I have desired to affirm that it is up to the Bishop, as
moderator, promoter, and guardian of the liturgical life of the Church of which
he is the principle of unity, to regulate the liturgical celebrations. It is up
to you to authorize in your Churches, as local Ordinaries, the use of
the Missale Romanum of 1962, applying the norms of the present Motu
proprio. It is up to you to proceed in such a way as to return to a unitary
form of celebration, and to determine case by case the reality of the groups
which celebrate with this Missale Romanum.
Indications about how to proceed in your
dioceses are chiefly dictated by two principles: on the one hand, to provide
for the good of those who are rooted in the previous form of celebration and
need to return in due time to the Roman Rite promulgated by Saints Paul VI and
John Paul II, and, on the other hand, to discontinue the erection of new
personal parishes tied more to the desire and wishes of individual priests than
to the real need of the “holy People of God.” At the same time, I ask you to be
vigilant in ensuring that every liturgy be celebrated with decorum and fidelity
to the liturgical books promulgated after Vatican Council II, without the
eccentricities that can easily degenerate into abuses. Seminarians and new
priests should be formed in the faithful observance of the prescriptions of the
Missal and liturgical books, in which is reflected the liturgical reform willed
by Vatican Council II.
Upon you I invoke the Spirit of the risen
Lord, that he may make you strong and firm in your service to the People of God
entrusted to you by the Lord, so that your care and vigilance express communion
even in the unity of one, single Rite, in which is preserved the great richness
of the Roman liturgical tradition. I pray for you. You pray for me.
[1] Cfr. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Dogmatic Constitution
on the Church “Lumen Gentium”, 21 november 1964, n. 23 AAS 57 (1965) 27.
[2] Cfr. Congregation for Divine Worship, Letter to the Presidents
of the Conferences of Bishops “Quattuor abhinc annos”, 3 october 1984: AAS 76
(1984) 1088-1089.
[3] John Paul II, Apostolic Letter given Motu
proprio ”Ecclesia Dei”, 2 july 1988: AAS 80 (1998) 1495-1498.
[4] Benedict XVI, Letter to the Bishops on the occasion of the
publication of the Apostolic Letter “Motu proprio data” Summorum Pontificum on
the use of the Roman Liturgy prior to the reform of 1970, 7 july 2007: AAS 99
(2007) 796.
[5] Benedict XVI, Letter to the Bishops on the occasion of the
publication of the Apostolic Letter “Motu proprio data” Summorum
Pontificum on the use of the Roman Liturgy prior to the reform of 1970, 7
july 2007: AAS 99 (2007) 796.
[6] Benedict XVI, Letter to the Bishops on the occasion of the
publication of the Apostolic Letter “Motu proprio data” Summorum
Pontificum on the use of the Roman Liturgy prior to the reform of 1970, 7
july 2007: AAS 99 (2007) 797.
[7] Benedict XVI, Apostolic Letter given Motu
proprio ”Summorum Pontificum”, 7 july 2007: AAS 99 (2007) 779.
[8] Benedict XVI, Apostolic Letter given Motu
proprio ”Summorum Pontificum”, 7 july 2007: AAS 99 (2007) 779.
[9] Benedict XVI, Letter to the Bishops on the occasion of the
publication of the Apostolic Letter “Motu proprio data” Summorum
Pontificum on the use of the Roman Liturgy prior to the reform of 1970, 7
july 2007: AAS 99 (2007) 796.
[10] Benedict XVI, Letter to the Bishops on the occasion of the
publication of the Apostolic Letter “Motu proprio data” Summorum
Pontificum on the use of the Roman Liturgy prior to the reform of 1970, 7
july 2007: AAS 99 (2007) 797.
[11] Benedict XVI, Letter to the Bishops on the occasion of the
publication of the Apostolic Letter “Motu proprio data” Summorum
Pontificum on the use of the Roman Liturgy prior to the reform of 1970, 7
july 2007: AAS 99 (2007) 798.
[12] Benedict XVI, Letter to the Bishops on the occasion of the
publication of the Apostolic Letter “Motu proprio data” Summorum
Pontificum on the use of the Roman Liturgy prior to the reform of 1970, 7
july 2007: AAS 99 (2007) 797-798.
[13] Benedict XVI, Letter to the Bishops on the occasion of the
publication of the Apostolic Letter “Motu proprio data” Summorum
Pontificum on the use of the Roman Liturgy prior to the reform of 1970, 7
july 2007: AAS 99 (2007) 796.
[14] Cfr. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Dogmatic Constitution
on the Church “Lumen Gentium”, 21 november 1964, n. 23: AAS 57 (1965) 27.
[15] Cfr. Acta et Documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II
apparando, Series I, Volumen II, 1960.
[16] Pius XII, Encyclical on the sacred liturgy “Mediator Dei”, 20
november 1947: AAS 39 (1949) 521-595.
[17] Cfr. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Costitution on the
sacred liturgy “Sacrosanctum Concilium”, 4 december 1963, nn. 1, 14: AAS 56
(1964) 97.104.
[18] Cfr. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Costitution on the
sacred liturgy “Sacrosanctum Concilium”, 4 december 1963, n. 3: AAS 56 (1964)
[19] Cfr. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Costitution on the
sacred liturgy “Sacrosanctum Concilium”, 4 december 1963, n. 4: AAS 56 (1964)
[20] Missale Romanum ex decreto Sacrosancti Oecumenici Concilii
Vaticani II instauratum auctoritate Pauli PP. VI promulgatum, editio
typica, 1970.
[21] Missale Romanum ex decreto Sacrosancti Oecumenici Concilii
Vaticani II instauratum auctoritate Pauli PP. VI promulgatum Ioannis Pauli PP.
II cura recognitum, editio typica altera, 1975; editio typica tertia,
2002; (reimpressio emendata 2008).
[22] Cfr. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Costitution on the
sacred liturgy “Sacrosanctum Concilium”, 4 december 1963, n. 3: AAS 56 (1964)
[23] 1 Cor 1,12-13.
[24] Cfr. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Costitution on the
sacred liturgy “Sacrosanctum Concilium”, 4 december 1963, n. 26: AAS 56 (1964)
[25] Cfr. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Dogmatic Constitution
on the Church “Lumen Gentium”, 21 november 1964, n. 14: AAS 57 (1965) 19.
[26] Cfr. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Costitution on the
sacred liturgy “Sacrosanctum Concilium”, 4 december 1963, n. 6: AAS 56 (1964)
[27] Cfr. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Dogmatic Constitution
on the Church “Lumen Gentium”, 21 november 1964, n. 23: AAS 57 (1965) 27.
[28] Cfr. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Costitution on the
sacred liturgy “Sacrosanctum Concilium”, 4 december 1963, n. 48: AAS 56 (1964)
[29] Paul VI, Apostolic Constitution “Missale Romanum” on new
Roman Missal, 3 april 1969, AAS 61 (1969) 222.
[30] Cfr. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Dogmatic Constitution
on the Church “Lumen Gentium”, 21 november 1964, n. 13: AAS 57 (1965) 18.
And now, a reaction posted by the voice of Conservative
Catholicism that has done less the nothing to defend the faith and preserve the
immemorial traditions of the Catholic Church.
RORATE: Our comment?
The attack on Summorum is the strongest
rebuke any Pontiff has done to any predecessor in living memory. Shocking, and
terrifying. Francis HATES US. Francis HATES Tradition. Francis HATES all that
is good and beautiful.
Francis HATES the Catholicism practiced by
his mother and grandmother. Francis by this action shows himself to be the most
prominent Anti-Christical (in the sense of AGAINST JESUS CHRIST) figure for
this age.
We were also asked if this is “huge”. Yes,
it is huge.
It is the most stinging rebuke by a Pope
against his predecessor in living memory -- there has never been anything like
it. Remember that the document itself is just 14 years old, and that Benedict
XVI is still alive.
Legally, it's a complete mess. Benedict had
made clear in Summorum that it is basically impossible for an ancient rite to
be simply abolished. Paul VI had never truly abolished it, it was implied,
because he could not do it. And the commission of cardinals that advised John
Paul II had basically said the same.
Now, in the article 1 of his document,
Francis basically abolishes it.
You will forgive if Traditional Catholics
who withstood much more difficult times under Paul VI are skeptical. Basically,
what we believe is that Francis IS NOT ENTITLED TO DO what he has just done.
And our inexorable growth will eventually force a future pope to do to Francis
what Francis THINKS he has done to Benedict: the impossible abolition of
something that has refused to die even under the direst of circumstances.
In practical terms, it will mean little in
the beginning, but much more in the years ahead. It will probably lead to a considerable
strengthening in the long term of the Society of Saint Pius X and its position.
God, who is the perfect and infinite intelligence—that is, the infinite
and perfect reason—created man to His own likeness, and gave him a reasonable
intelligence, like His own. As the face in the mirror answers to the face of
the beholder, so the intelligence of man answers to the intelligence of God. It
is His own likeness. What, then, is the revelation of faith, but the
illumination of the Divine reason poured out upon the reason of man? The
revelation of faith is no discovery which the reason of man has made for
himself by induction, or by deduction, or by analysis, or by synthesis, or by
logical process, or by experimental chemistry. The revelation of faith is a
discovery of itself by the Divine Reason, the unveiling of the Divine
Intelligence, and the illumination flowing from it cast upon the intelligence
of man; and if so, I would ask, how can there be variance or discord? How can
the illumination of the faith diminish the stature of the human reason? How can
its rights be interfered with? How can its prerogatives be violated? Is not the
truth the very reverse of all this? Is it not the fact that the human reason is
perfected and elevated above itself by the illumination of faith?
Cardinal Henry Edward Manning, The
Revolt of the Intelligence Against God
time goes by, there are fewer and fewer Novus Ordo Catholics every year!
St. John himself, the Apostle of love, who seems in his Gospel to have
revealed the secrets of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and who never ceased to
impress upon the memory of his disciples the new commandment “to love one
another,” nevertheless strictly forbade any intercourse with those who
professed a mutilated and corrupt form of Christ’s teaching: “If any man come
to you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the house, nor say to
him, God speed you” (II John 1:10). Therefore, since the foundation of charity is faith pure and inviolate,
it is chiefly by the bond of one faith that the disciples of Christ are to be
united. A federation of Christians, the, is inconceivable in which each
member retains his own opinions and private judgment in matters of faith, even
though they differ from opinions of all the rest. How can men with opposite convictions belong to one and
the same federation of the faithful: those who accept sacred Tradition as a
source of revelation and those who reject it; those who recognize as
divinely constituted the hierarchy of bishops, priests and ministers in the
Church, and those who regard it as gradually introduced to suit the conditions
of the time; those who adore Christ really present in the Most Holy Eucharist
through that wonderful conversion of the bread and wine, Transubstantiation,
and those who assert that the body of Christ is there only by faith or by the
signification and virtue of the Sacrament; those who in the Eucharist recognize
both Sacrament and Sacrifice, and those who say that it is nothing more than
the memorial of the Lord’s Supper; those who think it right and useful to pray
to the Saints reigning with Christ, especially to Mary the Mother of God, and
to venerate their images, and those who refuse such veneration as derogatory to
the honor due Jesus Christ, “the one mediator of God and men” (I Tim 2:5).
Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos
Providence of God is unfailing!
“If you wish to be a Catholic, do not venture to believe, to say, or to
teach that they whom the Lord has predestinated for baptism can be snatched
away from his predestination, or die before that has been accomplished in them
which the Almighty has predestined. There is in such a dogma more power than I
can tell assigned to chances in opposition to the power of God, by the
occurrence of which casualties that which He has predestinated is not permitted
to come to pass. It is hardly necessary to spend time or earnest words in
cautioning the man who takes up with this error against the absolute vortex of
confusion into which it will absorb him, when I shall sufficiently meet the
case if I briefly warn the prudent man who is ready to receive correction
against the threatening mischief.”
St. Augustine, On the Soul and Its Origin, 3, 13
Aberosexual Clerics may be the Novus Ordo Norm
John Vennari:
According to a news report, a Catholic attorney in Florida recently said, “The
good priests who keep in contact with me say that 70 percent of the U.S.
bishops are homosexual.” That statement would have shocked many Catholics, but
I am sure it did not shock you.
Randy Engel:
No. The existence of a large and dominant homosexual contingent in the American
hierarchy and within the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (formerly
the National Conference of Catholic Bishops/United States Catholic Conference)
in Washington, D.C. is one of the dominant themes of my book.
The rise of this phenomenon, that is, the emergence of a large number of
homosexual cardinals and bishops in AmChurch (American Church), has been a
gradual process covering more than 100 years and closely parallels the rise of
the secular Homosexual Movement in the United States and abroad. It is the
presence of the Homosexual Collective within Am-Church’s hierarchy that has
made possible the wholesale homosexual colonization of many dioceses in the
United States, and the subsequent cover-up of clerical sexual abuse cases by
the American hierarchy with the co-operation of the Holy See. When shepherds
turn into wolves, not only are seminarians, priests and religious under their
care at risk, but their flock as well.
John Vennari:
Is there a difference between the Homosexual Collective within the Church and
the secular Homosexual Collective?
Randy Engel:
Generally speaking, no. Catholic homosexual clergy and religious toe the
secular party line. They use the same language, promote the same rhetoric and
advance the same political agenda. This becomes startling clear in the chapter
devoted to the so-called Catholic pro-homosexual organization New Ways
I think there are many Catholics who think that a self declared “gay” bishop,
priest or religious doesn’t behave like other homosexuals, that is, he’s not
into sodomy, porn, drugs, or sexual seduction, etc., but this is just wishful
thinking. The odds are that he is.
Catholic Family News, excerpt of interview
of Mrs. Randy Engel, author of The Rite of Sodomy, Homosexuality, Satanism, and
the Roman Catholic Church, interview published in April 2011
from those who have read the Third Secret of Fatima:
Ø “I
cannot say anything of what I learned at Fatima concerning the third Secret,
but I can say that it has two parts: one concerns the Pope.
The other, logically – although I must say nothing – would have to be the continuation of the words: In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always
be preserved.” [3]
[emphasis added] – Joseph Schweigel,
S.J., d. 1964 (interrogated Sister Lucia about the Third
Secret on behalf of Pope Pius XII on Sept. 2, 1952)[4]
Ø “In the period preceding the great triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, terrible things are to happen. These form the content of the third part of the Secret. What are they? If ‘in Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved,’ … it can be clearly deduced from this that in other parts of the Church these dogmas are going to become obscure or even lost altogether. Thus it is quite possible that in this intermediate period which is in question (after 1960 and before the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary), the text makes concrete references to the crisis of the Faith of the Church and to the negligence of the pastors themselves.” [5] [emphasis added] – Fr. Joaquin Alonso, C.M.F., d. 1981 (Cleratian priest and official Fatima archivist for over sixteen years; had unparalleled access to Sister Lucia)
Ø “The Secret of Fatima speaks neither of atomic bombs, nor nuclear warheads, nor Pershing missiles, nor SS-20’s. Its content concerns only our faith. To identify the Secret with catastrophic announcements or with a nuclear holocaust is to deform the meaning of the message. The loss of faith of a continent is worse than the annihilation of a nation; and it is true that faith is continually diminishing in Europe.” [6] [emphasis added] – Bishop Alberto Cosme do Amaral, d. 2005 (former bishop of Fatima-Leiria; remarks made in Vienna, Austria on Sept. 10, 1984)
Ø “It [the Third Secret] has nothing to do with Gorbachev. The Blessed Virgin was alerting us against apostasy in the Church.” [emphasis added] – Cardinal Silvio Oddi, d. 2001 (Vatican diplomat and personal friend of Pope John XXIII, from whom he knew certain details concerning the Third Secret) [7]
Ø “In the Third Secret it is foretold, among other things, that the great apostasy in the Church will begin at the top.” [emphasis added] – Cardinal Mario Luigi Ciappi, O.P., d. 1996 (personal theologian to Popes John XXIII-John Paul II) [8]
Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité, The Whole Truth about Fatima, [2], Volume 3.
Posted by OnePeterFive
Vatican-backed interfaith comples to open in 2022”
LifeSiteNews | June 17, 2021
”The ‘Abrahamic Family House,’ a
juxtaposition of three places of worship on Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi – one
Muslim, one Jewish and one Christian – will open in 2022, according to a
release from Higher Committee of Human Fraternity echoed by the Abu Dhabi
Government Media Office and by Vatican News, the Vatican’s own media service
run by the Dicastery for Communication.
The ‘Abrahamic Family House’ is an
architectural complex in which the three so-called ‘Abrahamic’ religions, or
(abusively), the ‘religions of the Book’ born of God’s promise to Abraham, are
presented side by side in places of worship of equal proportions, set in a
triangle around a ‘common ground,’ a garden where believers can meet and enter
into ‘dialogue’ with each other.
The projected interfaith complex presents
itself as an embodiment of the Abu Dhabi Document on Human Fraternity signed by
Pope Francis and Imam Al-Tayeb of the Sunni Al-Azhar University of Cairo, and
the ‘Higher Committee for Human Fraternity’ to which the joint declaration gave
birth, and has been ‘endorsed’ and is being ‘closely followed’ both by Pope
Francis and the Grand Imam.
Together with photos of the construction
site, which show the foundations of the three religious buildings while one of
them appears to be nearing completion, the release revealed the names
officially chosen for the three religious buildings.”
Abp. Viganò rebukes pro-LGBT Cardinals Cupich, Gregory, Tobin: They’re
‘unworthy to celebrate’ Mass
'It is a suicidal gesture in which the leaders of the Church surrender
unconditionally to the antichristic ideology of globalism and hand over the
entire flock of Christ as a hostage to the Enemy, abdicating their role as
Pastors and showing themselves for who they really are: mercenaries and
traitors,' the archbishop said.
LifeSiteNews | John-Henry Westen | July 8,
2021– In a new exclusive written interview with LifeSiteNews, former U.S.
nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò condemns Pope Francis’s recent endorsement
of homosexuality-promoting priest Father James Martin.
“It is a suicidal gesture in which the
leaders of the Church surrender unconditionally to the antichristic ideology of
globalism and hand over the entire flock of Christ as a hostage to the Enemy,
abdicating their role as Pastors and showing themselves for who they really
are: mercenaries and traitors,” he said.
It is, said Archbishop Viganò, “outrageous
towards God, scandalous for the honor of the Church, a matter of grave scandal
for the faithful and a desolating abandonment for priests and confessors that a
voice can be given to a Jesuit [Fr. James Martin] who bases his personal
success not on proper pastoral action seeking the conversion of individual
homosexuals with respect to Morality, but on the illusory promise of some
change in Catholic doctrine that would legitimize people’s sinful behavior.”
The former Vatican representative to the
U.S., who is known internationally for his exposing of the cover up of the
abuses of now-ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, shows himself in the interview to
be an outstanding teacher of the faith able to reach the simple and the erudite
simultaneously with a truth which, while stark, is imbued with charity.
Explaining the teaching of the Church on
the touchy subject of homosexuality, Archbishop Viganò said, “The Church,
faithful to the teaching of her Head, is Mother and not stepmother: she does
not indulge her children’s weaknesses and inclination to sin, but she
admonishes them, exhorts them, and punishes them with medicinal sanctions in
order to lead every soul to the purpose for which it has been created, that is,
eternal beatitude.”
is necessary to show, with patient but firm spiritual direction,” he said,
“that every human being has a supernatural destiny and a path of suffering and
sacrifices that temper him and make him worthy of his eternal reward. There is
no Resurrection without Calvary, no victory without a fight!”
“This is true,” he added, “for every soul
redeemed by Our Lord: both the married person and the celibate, the priest and
the layperson, the man and the woman, the child and the elder.”
“The battle against one’s own nature
corrupted by Original Sin unites us all: the one who manages money must fight
against the temptation to steal, the one who is married must fight against the
temptation to betray his or her spouse, the one who lives in chastity must
fight against temptations against purity, the one who eats nice food must fight
against the temptation to gluttony, and the one who is exposed to public
applause must fight against the temptation to pride.”
“Thus, with humility and trust in the Grace
of God, and having recourse to the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin, every
person whom the Lord puts to the test – even in the painful situation of
homosexuality – must understand that it is in the battle against sin that one
conquers one’s place in eternity.”
And while his words for those struggling
with tendencies to sin were clear, firm, and loving, his commentary on the
shepherds who would mislead the sheep was severe.
Viganò praised pastors who in charity use
discipline to call wayward Catholics back to the truth by refusing them Holy
Communion: “Pastors who are faithful to the mandate conferred on them by Our
Lord not only recognize their situation of public sin but also do not wish to
aggravate it with the profanation of the Blessed Sacrament,” he said.
However, he said, those prelates who
advocate the opposite, “like Cupich, Tobin, Gregory, and their followers” are
“even more rebellious” than the pro-abortion politicians that they grant Holy
Communion and are themselves “unworthy of celebrating the Sacred Mysteries.”
the treat of the abrogation of Summorum Pontificum, Neo-Traditionalists are all
stirred up. They have professed their ‘faith’ in the inerrancy of Vatican II
and their faith that the Novus Ordo and the traditional Roman rite are but one
and the same liturgy in two grossly divergent forms in return for the Indult,
and then grant of legal privilege, to worship according to the immemorial
traditions of the Church, which they hold as simple accidents of the faith
subject to the arbitrary will of the legislator. These crumbs that have fallen
from the table of Benedict/Ratzinger can be swept away without fear because, it
is a fact of law, that what is accepted as a privilege can no longer be claimed
as a right.
For several decades now, we have lived in the “Tyranny of the Present.”
Tradition is forgotten and, precisely because it is forgotten, our
responsibilities for the future are also dismissed. The liturgical
experimentation that led to the Novus Ordo was the epitome of Vatican II: it
has given the Catholic hierarchy the liturgical-theological basis for their
current promotion of the “here and now” as the supreme aim of the Church.
With Summorum Pontificum, the
most consequential pontifical legislative act since 1969, Benedict XVI upended
this new materialistic logic: by opening the gates of the past, he once again
placed the Church on the path of eternity and immortality (sic).
Summorum Pontificum is now under threat, with the survey being conducted
whose consequences are uncertain. There was a Church before the present
reality, there will be a Church forever: and the Sacred Liturgy she celebrates
here, with true Traditional and Apostolic imprint, has always been and should
always be, not a reflection of the banality of the moment, but a prefiguration
of her immortality as Bride of Christ and her Paschal Feast with the Lord for
all Eternity, outside the limitations of our present existence.
Rorate Caeli, July 2020
All law proceeds from the reason and will of the lawgiver; the Divine
and natural laws from the reasonable will of God; the human law from the will
of man, regulated by reason. Now just as human reason and will, in practical
matters, may be made manifest by speech, so may they be made known by deeds:
since seemingly a man chooses as good that which he carries into execution. But
it is evident that by human speech, law can be both changed and expounded, in so
far as it manifests the interior movement and thought of human reason.
Wherefore by actions also, especially if they be repeated, so as to make a
custom, law can be changed and expounded; and also something can be established
which obtains force of law, in so far as by repeated external actions, the
inward movement of the will, and concepts of reason are most effectually
declared; for when a thing is done again and again, it seems to proceed from a
deliberate judgment of reason. Accordingly, custom has the force of a law,
abolishes law, and is the interpreter of law.
St. Thomas Aquinas
The Abolition of Summorum Pontificum could come within days or weeks —
declarations from Bishops and Cardinals
After faithful of the abolished FSSP
mission in Dijon came to complain in front of the Archdiocesan office building,
on June 26, Abp. Roland Minnerath came to talk to them and had ominous menacing
From Paix
“You will have a new motu proprio in the
upcoming days or weeks,” Abp. Minnerath, Archbishop of Dijon, said on June 26
to the faithful of the Traditional Mass who came to display their discontent
before the archdiocesan building.
But even before the publication of this
text, if it comes to be published, the testimonials on the intentions of the
enemies of the previous motu proprio, that of Benedict XVI, grow:
- Cardinal Parolin, the Secretary of State,
affirmed thus before a group of Cardinals: “We must put an end to this mass
- And Abp. Roche, new Prefect of the Congregation
for Divine Worship, explained, while laughing, to those responsible for [some]
seminaries in Rome and members of the Curia, all English-speaking: “Summorum
Pontificum is practically dead! We will give back to the bishops power on this
matter, but particularly not to conservative bishops.”
It must be known additionally that Abp.
Minnerath, who opened the hostilities against the traditional community of
Dijon, is a member of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith [curently
in charge of the application of Summorum] and due to this is present every
month in Rome, surrounded by the Curial milieux that have prepared the
offensive against Summorum Pontificum.
Just insider confirmation to what is common
knowledge: Pope Francis, the CEO of the HomoLobby
Francis is the first ever pope to use the word “gay.” He has LGBTQ
friends, and he has appointed many LGBTQ friendly and supportive cardinals,
archbishops and bishops.... Catholics who reject LGBTQ are “homophobic.”
Fr. James Martin, S.J., Homosexual Jesuit priest sermon at a LGBTQ
Novus Ordo celebration
Abp. Viganò issues ‘severe warning’ to Pope Francis in wake of his
support for Fr. James Martin
'The one who sits in Rome is surrounded by immoral persons who wink at
LGBTQ+ movements and hypocritically simulate a welcome and an inclusivity that
betrays their choice of field and their sinful tendencies. There is no more
courage; there is no more fidelity to Christ...'
LifeSiteNews | June 29, 2021 – The
following text comes from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò.
Scitote quoniam Dominus
ipse est Deus:
Ipse fecit nos, et non ipsi nos.
Know that the Lord is
He made us, and not we ourselves.
Ps 99:3
The enemies of our soul are always the
same, and the snares they set for us are always the same. The world, with its
seductions; the flesh, corrupted by original sin and inclined to evil; and the
Devil, the eternal enemy of our salvation who uses the flesh to besiege us. Two
external enemies and one internal one, always ready to make us fall in a moment
of distraction, of weakness. These spiritual enemies accompany each one of us
from infancy to old age, and all of humanity down the generations and ages.
The allies we can count on to defeat the
world, the flesh, and the Devil are the Grace of God, the frequent reception of
the Sacraments, the exercise of the Virtues, prayer, penance, the consideration
of the Last Things, meditation on the Passion of the Lord, and living in His
In this rebellious and de-Christianized
age, in which society not only does not help us in the pursuit of our ultimate
goal but actually does everything to drive us away from it, civil authority
makes us follow the world, indulge the desires of the flesh, and serve the Enemy
of the human race. It is a perverse and perverting authority, which has
failed in its duty to rule and govern the social body in order to lead
individuals to eternal salvation. On the contrary, it denies eternal salvation,
rejects the Divine Author, and adores the Adversary.
It is therefore no wonder if this apostate
modernity, in which unlawful action is the norm and vice is offered as an
example to be imitated, wants to cancel every trace of God and the Good in
society and in individuals, making a hellish pact with the world, the flesh and
the devil. This is what we see happening in the brazen promotion of sodomy, the
perversion of vice in all of its most abject forms, and in the derision,
delegitimization and condemnation of purity, righteousness, and virtue.
But if today our daily struggle against our
enemies must also include a titanic effort to fight against the State as well,
which we ought to be able to consider our friend but which instead works to
corrupt us from an early age, it is painful and tragic to see other traitors
and mercenaries join in this siege: wicked Shepherds who abuse the sacred
authority that they have received from Our Lord to push us towards damnation,
to convince us that what up until yesterday was considered sinful and unworthy
of those who have been redeemed by the Blood of Christ has now become licit and
The worldly spirit, the enslavement to
concupiscence, and – what is even more grave – the refusal to fight against the
Evil One have infected a large part of the Hierarchy of the Catholic Church, up
to its highest levels, making it the enemy of God, His Law, and our souls. As
has happened with civil authority, so also religious authority has abdicated
its proper role, disowning the very purpose for which it was willed by Divine
The novelty of this perversion of
authority, which heralds the epochal clash of the End Times, lies precisely in
the corruption of the Shepherds and in the fact that the individual members of
the faithful, as a flock without a leader, find themselves having to heroically
resist an assault on the Citadel on several fronts, in which they have been
abandoned by their leaders, who are opening the gates and allowing the enemy
hordes to enter in order to exterminate us.
The discussion about the proposed Zan bill,
the imposition of LGBTQ+ ideology, and the indoctrination of gender theory in
Italy follows a targeted plan organized on the global level, which in many
nations has already been brought to completion. Nations in which, even after two
centuries of revolutions, the imprint of Catholicism had survived in the social
fabric, have now become completely paganized. Rainbow flags fly not only on the
front of public institutions but even on the facades of Cathedrals, the
balconies of Bishops’ residences, and even inside churches.
In recent times – even only thirty years
ago – it was said by some that in order to support a minority of people misled
by vice and to defend them from discrimination, the State had to intervene with
forms of protection and guarantees of their liberty. In hindsight, this was an
unreasonable and illogical statement, because the freedom of the human person
consists in adherence of the will to the good to which its nature is ordered
and in the pursuit of its material and supernatural purpose. But in the great
deception with which the Devil has always tried to entice man, that apparent
pretext has seduced many. It seemed that courage was needed to claim the right
to vice and sin against the cruel harshness of a “respectable majority” still
tied to the precepts of Religion. The Pride of being diverse in a world of
equals was claimed, of having the right to a space for vice in a “virtuous
In those years, the Church still raised,
perhaps with less conviction but still always faithful to her divine mandate,
the voice of the immutable Magisterium to condemn the legitimization of
intrinsically disordered behaviors. Attentive to the eternal salvation of
souls, she saw what disasters would befall society with the approval of lifestyles
totally antithetical to the Natural Law, the Commandments, and the Gospel. The
Shepherds knew how to be courageous defenders of the Good, and the Popes were
not afraid to become the object of indecorous attacks from those who saw in
them the katechon which prevented the definitive corruption of the world and
the establishment of the Reign of the Antichrist.
Today that heroic battle – which we have
learned is already weakened by an extensive internal corruption of Bishops and
priests – seems to no longer make sense, just as the teaching of Sacred
Scripture, the Fathers of the Church, and the Roman Pontiffs no longer seems to
make sense. The one who sits in Rome is surrounded by immoral persons who wink
at LGBTQ+ movements and hypocritically simulate a welcome and an inclusivity
that betrays their choice of field and their sinful tendencies. There is no
more courage; there is no more fidelity to Christ; and it has reached the point
of insinuating that, if Bergoglio was able to change the doctrine on capital
punishment – an unheard of and absolutely impossible thing – he will certainly
also be able to make sodomy licit in the name of a charity which has nothing
Catholic about it and which is repugnant to Divine Revelation.
The blasphemous processions that parade
through the streets of the capitals of the world, and which have reached the
point of blaspheming and wickedly mocking the Sacrifice of Our Lord in the Holy
City consecrated by the blood of the Apostles Peter and Paul, are greeted by
the mercenaries of the conciliar sect, which is silent before the sacrilegious
blessings of homosexual couples but condemns those who want to remain faithful
to the Savior’s teaching as “rigid.” And while the good Bishops and priests are
daily confronted with the demolition that comes from above, we see published
the enchanting and seductive words written by Bergoglio to James Martin, S.J.,
in support of a perverse and perverting ideology that offends the Majesty of
God and humiliates the mission of the Church and the sacred authority of the
Vicar of Christ.
As a Successor of the Apostles and a
Teacher of the Faith, in a spirit of true communion with the See of Most
Blessed Peter and with the Holy Church of God, I address a severe warning to
them, recalling that their authority derives from Jesus Christ, and that it has
strength and value only if it remains oriented to the end for which He has
constituted it. Let these Shepherds consider the scandals which they cause to
the faithful and the simple, and the wounds they inflict on the tormented
ecclesial body – scandals and wounds for which they will have to answer to
Divine Justice on the day of their Particular Judgment and also before the
entire human race on the day of the Universal Judgment.
I exhort the many members of the faithful
who are scandalized and bewildered by the apostasy of the Shepherds to multiply
their prayers with a supernatural spirit of prayer and penance, imploring the
Lord that He may deign to convert the mercenaries, leading them back to Himself
and to fidelity to His divine teaching. Let us pray to the Most Pure Mother,
the Virgin of Virgins, to inspire sentiments of repentance in the ministers who
have been corrupted by sin and impurity, so that they may consider the horror
of their sins and the terrible pains that await them: may they take refuge in
the Most Holy Wounds of Christ and be purified by the laver of the Blood of the
To our brothers seduced by the world, the
flesh, and the Devil, I address a heartfelt appeal, so that they may understand
that there is no pride in offending God, in knowingly contributing to the
torments of His Passion, in perverting one’s own nature and wickedly refusing
the salvation that He won from His Father through his Death on the Wood of the
Cross. Make your weaknesses an occasion of holiness, a reason for conversion,
an opportunity to make the greatness of God shine forth in your lives. Do not
allow yourselves to be deceived by an Enemy who today seems to indulge your
vices with the sole intention of stealing your souls and damning you for
eternity. Be proud, truly proud: not of enslavement to sin and perversion, but
of having known how to resist the seductions of the flesh for love of Jesus
Christ. Think of your immortal soul, for which the Lord did not hesitate to
suffer and die. Pray! Pray to Mary Most Holy, that she may intercede with Her
Divine Son, giving you the Grace to resist, to fight, and to conquer. Offer
your sufferings, your sacrifices, and your fasting to the Lord in order to
obtain that freedom from Evil which the Seducer wants to take away from you by
deceit. This will be your true pride, and ours as well.
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
June 29, 2021
SS. Apostolorum Petri et Pauli
Pope calls for an end to ‘intransigent defense of tradition’
In his homily for the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, the Pope appeared
to compare ‘rigid’ Catholics to St. Paul’s persecution of the Church
LifeSiteNews | Michael Haynes | VATICAN
CITY, June 29, 2021 — In his homily for the feast of Saints Peter and Paul,
Pope Francis has once again launched an attack on so-called “rigid” Catholics,
seemingly comparing them to the way St. Paul acted before his conversion,
claiming that Paul was freed by God from his “rigid and inflexible” religious
Pope Francis celebrated Mass in the Vatican
today — with the largest congregation since the start of COVID-19 restrictions.
His homily focused on the concept of freedom, as pertaining to Peter and Paul,
and provided an opportunity for another attack on those Catholics he describes
as “rigid.”
Both Apostles were described by the Pope as
having a “Passover experience,” being set free by God, and thus able to lead
lives following Christ.
St. Paul was liberated from “the most
oppressive form of slavery, which is slavery to self,” stated the Pope. Not
only this, but Paul was “set free from the religious fervour that had made him
a zealous defender of his ancestral traditions (cf. Gal 1:14) and a cruel
persecutor of Christians.”
Francis alluded to St. Paul’s persecution
of the early Church, describing it as a defense of tradition which turned him
against God: “Formal religious observance and the intransigent defence of
tradition, rather than making him open to the love of God and of his brothers
and sisters, had hardened him: he was a fundamentalist.”
“God set him free from this,” declared the
Highlighting the importance of the two
great saints of the Church, the Pope stated that they could only “set free the
power of the Gospel” because they had already been “set free by their encounter
with Christ.”
“Jesus did not judge them or humiliate
them,” declared Francis. “Instead, he shared their life with affection and
closeness.” However, he continued by noting that Christ in fact “reproached
them to make them change.”
Such freedom from “formal religious
observance and the intransigent defence of tradition” is something the Pope
wished to be extended to the whole Catholic Church.
“We too have been touched by the Lord; we
too have been set free. Yet we need to be set free time and time again, for
only a free Church is a credible Church.”
Addressing the assembled clergy, the Pope
urged them “to be set free from a sense of failure before our occasionally
disastrous fishing,” which was an imitation of St. Peter, he claimed.
Pope Francis then launched into what has
become a regular attack on the “rigid” Catholics, seeming to suggest that
“rigid” Catholics are like St. Paul in his anti-Catholic zeal.
“Like Paul, we are called to be set free
from hypocritical outward show, free from the temptation to present ourselves
with worldly power rather than with the weakness that makes space for God, free
from a religiosity that makes us rigid and inflexible; free from dubious
associations with power and from the fear of being misunderstood and attacked.”
Dissident Jesuit-run America Magazine
highlighted this aspect of the Pope’s homily, reporting that he had issued a
call for the Church to be freed from the “intransigent defence of tradition.”
Nevertheless, it was St. Paul himself who
wrote: “Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have
learned, whether by word, or by our epistle.” (2 Thessalonians 2:14)
Then, in his letter to Titus, St. Paul
stipulated that bishops must faithfully adhere to the doctrine of the Church:
“Embracing that faithful word which is according to doctrine, that he may be
able to exhort in sound doctrine, and to convince the gainsayers.”
Commenting on the Pope’s interpretation of
St. Paul’s theology, popular author Deacon Nick Donnelly wrote:”Pope Bergoglio
interprets every page of the Bible through the prism of himself. This is not a
St. Paul I recognise, this is Bergoglio Paul.”
Donnelly’s concern was echoed by Eric
Sammons, editor-in-chief of Crisis Magazine, who took issue with the Pope’s
biblical knowledge: “This sounds like the most fundamentalist Protestant
interpretation of St. Paul’s life imaginable. I take that back: even
fundamentalist Protestants would cringe at this interpretation.”
Recent attacks against “rigid” Catholics
Pope Francis’ attacks on those he describes
as “rigid” have increased in regularity of late, with today’s being the third
such attack in as many weeks.
In his general audience last week, the Pope
denigrated online preachers he described as “rigid” and who seek “solutions to the
crises of today.”
“It is precisely the way of the evil one,
of these people who divide, who do not know how to build,” he said.
“Today too there is no shortage of
preachers who, especially through the new means of communication, can disturb
communities,” continued Pope Francis. “They present themselves not
primarily to announce the Gospel of God who loves man in Jesus, Crucified and
Risen, but to insist, as true ‘keepers of the truth’ — so they call themselves
— on the best way to be Christians.”
Conservative Catholics Get Weak Kneed in the Face of
Catholic TRUTH!
The Viganò Case: The Archbishop and His Double
By Dr. Roberto De
Mattei; June 21, 2021
The pontificate of
Pope Francis is heading into the sunset, as many admit by now, but a sunset can
be stormy and no one knows how deep a night will follow it before the dawn
finally comes up.
Cardinal Marx’s
resignation from the archdiocese of Munich is one of the signs of the gathering
storm, but there is another threatening cloud, all the more troubling in that
it is brought not by the wind of progressivism, but by the wind of what is
called traditionalism. The cloud has the shape, if not the identity, of an
illustrious prelate: the Most Reverend Carlo Maria Viganò, titular archbishop
of Ulpiana and former apostolic nuncio in the United States. So what is
Archbishop Viganò
has distinguished himself in service to the Church, always carried out with
generosity and a spirit of dedication. After a brilliant diplomatic career,
from 2009 to 2011 he was secretary of the Governorate of Vatican City, making
many enemies through the decisiveness with which he acted to rehabilitate the
finances of the Holy See. In 2011, Benedict XVI appointed him apostolic nuncio
in the United States of America. He performed brilliantly in this position
until April 12 of 2016, after he had reached the age of 75, when Pope Francis
accepted his resignation. As Archbishop Viganò himself revealed on June 23 of
2013, he was received by the new pontiff and with his customary frankness
brought him up to speed on the disastrous situation of part of the clergy in
the United States, with particular reference to the case of Cardinal McCarrick.
The pope listened
to him but did nothing, and on the contrary allowed the situation to get worse.
The Bergoglian pontificate reached the acme of its crisis after the
promulgation of the Exhortation Amoris Laetitia of March 19 2016.
Archbishop Viganò’s growing concern drew him closer to the Catholics who were
showing a spirit of filial resistance toward Pope Francis. Finally, on August
22, 2018, the former nuncio of the United States published a dramatic testimony
in which he brought to light the existence of a network of corruption in the
Church, calling out those responsible, starting with the highest ecclesiastical
authorities. Archbishop Viganò’s revelations were never denied, but on the
contrary confirmed by the measures that Pope Francis took against Cardinal
McCarrick. Fearing for his safety but also for the sake of discretion
Archbishop Viganò withdrew to a secret location where he still resides. Other
statements followed the courageous first declaration, from the
document Scio cui credidi of September 28, 2018 to the long interview
with the Washington Post of June 10, 2019. What characterized these statements
was that they were rare and circumscribed in their contents. Archbishop Viganò
expressed himself firmly, but only on matters of which he had direct knowledge,
with simplicity and nobility of language. This was the basis of his
In 2020, the year
of the pandemic, something unexpectedly changed and a new Archbishop Viganò
appeared onstage. When we speak of a “new” Archbishop Viganò, we are naturally
not referring to his private persona but to his public identity, as
appears from the barrage of statements that he began to publish, starting with
the May 8 2020 appeal against the “New World Order.” This appeal did not fail
to raise serious doubts in the Catholic world close to him, to the point of
driving some of his friends and admirers not to endorse it. The tone of his
ever more numerous publications became pompous and sarcastic, and the topics
expanded to the fields of theology and liturgy, in which he had always said he
had no expertise, stretching even to considerations of geopolitics and the
philosophy of history, extraneous to his way of thinking and expressing
himself. Two themes dear to the traditionalists, the liturgy and Vatican
Council II, became his hobbyhorse, in the context of a philosophy of history
dominated by the idea of a “great reset,” which through medical dictatorship
and mass vaccination would lead to the extermination of humanity. Pope Francis,
generally referred to as “Bergoglio,” would be one of the architects of this
To those who knew
him best, or those who had paid close attention to his statements, it was
immediately clear that there were discrepancies between Archbishop Viganò’s
statements of 2020-2021 and those of 2018-2019. One question keeps growing more
insistent: is Archbishop Viganò really the author of the writings of the past
At this point a
clarification has to be made. Using contributors for one’s own statements does
not in itself have anything terrible about it. Popes and heads of state
routinely use “ghost writers” who carry out research for them or give literary
form to their ideas. Often athletes and performers also turn to journalists
when writing their books of impressions or memoirs.
But there are two
risks to keep in mind. First of all, someone who signs a text, whether he is
the author or not, takes responsibility for it in terms of both the form and
the content of the statement, and must be very careful to keep his thought and
language from coming across as distorted.
In the second place,
someone who acknowledges paternity of a text should give general guidelines so
that the writer may act as his arm and not as his mind. It would in fact be
dangerous for the “ghost writer” to be the one to determine the line of thought
of the text’s signatory. And this can happen when the invisible author
overshadows the visible one, on account of greater expertise or power of
An even more
dangerous situation would be the creation of such a relationship of dependence
that the visible author could no longer do without the invisible one, whose
disappearance or desire to push unacceptable content would create for the
visible author a dramatic “communication void.”
The question we
pose is therefore this: analysis of the language and content of the documents
produced by Archbishop Viganò during the years 2020-2021 reveals an author
different from that of the years 2018-2019. But if Archbishop Viganò is not the
author of his writings, who now is filling in his words, and perhaps even his
We would never have
opened the case if so many good traditionalists were not presenting as a
quasi-magisterium the statements, not of Archbishop Viganò, but of his
“double.” A clarification is necessary for the good of the Church and of souls
who have in Archbishop Viganò a point of reference, but also for the sake of
the prelate who has served the Church so well and could continue to serve
Roberto de Mattei
P.S. Archbishop
Carlo Maria Viganò has already been informed in private, by several persons, of
the existence of this problem, for more than a year now.
Archbishop Viganò’s Response:
Concerning some declarations of Professor Roberto de Mattei
which recently appeared at Corrispondenza Romana
”If I have spoken evil, give testimony of the
evil; but I have spoken well, why do you strike me? —Jn 18:23
By Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
article The Viganò Case: The Archbishop and His Double, which
appeared yesterday at Corrispondenza Romana in both Italian and
English, signed by Professor Roberto de Mattei, has been pointed out to
I am unable not to
express my amazement at the statements that an illustrious Catholic
intellectual, hailed as a champion of Tradition and who has not spared the
Hierarchy criticism that is at times severe but always carefully
considered and just, felt that he had to make in my regard.
In reality, it
would have been enough to consult me verbally or by letter in order to
dispel his suspicions and feel reassured that all of my writings, declarations,
and interviews which I have given are the fruit of a maturation of
convictions of which I proudly claim full paternity.
The idea that I
have a “double” must be the fruit of some adviser to whom Professor de
Mattei has improvidently lent his faith, without realizing that by doing
so he has exposed himself to the public refutation of completely
unfounded allegations, which also sound, if I may be allowed to say so,
not very charitable in my regard.
I am therefore
taking the opportunity afforded by his article to deny his impudent and
fanciful theses, reassuring those who have the goodness to read me and
listen to me that there is no ghost writer, and that by the grace of God I
still have full possession of my faculties, I am not manipulated by anyone, and
I am absolutely determined to continue my apostolic mission for
the salvation of souls.
In other times, de
Mattei would have been proud to be at my side in the common
battle for Catholic truth, for the defense of the
immutable Magisterium and of the venerable Traditional Liturgy
against the assaults of the Modernists. He would have probably also
been at my side in denouncing the pandemic fraud and the intrinsic
immorality of experimental vaccines produced with fetal material derived
from abortions.
His recent
interventions – published with his own name or under a pseudonym – have
demonstrated, not without heartfelt sorrow, that if there is a “double”
it must be sought in the recent writings of the Professor; writings that
seem to be composed by a dull regime official who is obedient to the
mainstream narrative, and not by the sharp mind and genuine faith of the
de Mattei I once knew. Quantum mutatus ab illo. [“How much he has changed
since that time.”]
+ Carlo Maria
Viganò, Archbishop
June 22, 2021
S. Paulini,
Episcopi et Confessoris
Roberto De Matei, despite all his
education, knowledge and experience, is just another Conservative Catholic.
This means he holds the pope as his proximate rule of faith; he holds that the
source and sign of unity in the Church is first and foremost the person of the
pope; he regards our immemorial ecclesiastical traditions as mere accidents of
the faith and therefore as proper questions of Church discipline subject to the
free and independent will of the legislator to do with whatever he pleases. He
further believes that obedience to authority will necessarily excuse him from
the imputation of guilt for any crime.
Archbishop Viganò has become a true
faithful Catholic grounded in Church's immemorial traditions. For him the
proximate rule of faith is dogma, that is, divine revelation formally defined
by the Magisterium. For Archbishop Viganò the source and sign of unity of the
Church is essentially and primarily the faith and only secondarily and
accidentally the person of the pope. He now knows that the immemorial
ecclesiastical traditions of the Catholic Church are not and have never were
merely matters of Church discipline but are necessary attributes of the faith
by which alone the faith is known and communicated to others.
While Conservative Catholics applauded
Archbishop Viganò when he first exposed the McCarrick homosexual network
cover-up scandal, they have become increasingly uncomfortable with his
expositions of the heresies of Vatican II and the Bugnini-Montini liturgical
revolution and its corruption of true worship. So what can Conservative
Catholics do to discredit Archbishop Viganò? The Conservative Catholic is an
intellectual and moral dwarf when confronted by Traditional Catholic arguments
so they do what they have always done over the last fifty years - resort to
De Matei believes that the COVID “vaccine,”
derived in part from cell lines harvested from tissue taken from a murdered
fetus, is morally licit because it is approved by Pope Francis and the
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Archbishop Viganò embraces the
Catholic moral truth that it is always illicit to employ evil means to obtain a
good end. De Matei like all Conservative Catholics believes that human
authority of the Pope can overturn Catholic truth, while Archbishop Viganò
holds that all human authority is itself subject to and regulated by Catholic
truth. This present conflict between the Conservative Matei and the Traditional
Archbishop Viganò exemplifies why the true enemy of Catholic Tradition is not
the liberal Catholic or the Modernist Catholic, but Conservative Catholic who
will ultimately trample upon truth in the name of authority.
So then De Matei attempts to discredit
Archbishop Viganò accusing him of not being the true author of his published
letters. The evidence for this conclusion is based upon De Matei's himself and
his textual critique of the letters. Archbishop Viganò has directly denied this
to De Matei yet De Matei publishes his accusations giving greater weight to his
own personal intellectual prowess above the word of Archbishop Viganò. He is publically accusing
Archbishop Viganò of being a liar. This shameless act of De Matei is typical of
Conservative Catholics. They have no intellectual arguments and can only attack
traditional Catholics by slander. There is not a single traditional Catholic
over the past fifty years that does not carry the scars from being stabbed in
the back countless times by Conservative Catholics.
Let this be clearly understood. The sorry
state of the Church today is not due to liberal Catholics or Modernist
Catholics doing what they always do. The collapse of the Church since Vatican
II is due entirely to cowardly spineless Conservative Catholics who have stood
by with their hands in their pockets and done less than nothing to defend
Catholic truth while the neo-Iconoclasts have trampled upon the sanctuary of
God and destroyed every image of the true faith they could lay their filthy
hands on.
are Deconstructionalists - they deny the intentionality of words and thus
destroy the ability of language to convey truth! They are our myodern
“sophists.” They attack the revelation of God at its very source.
Plato’s literary activity extended over fifty years, and time and again
he asked himself anew: What is it that makes the sophists so dangerous? Toward
the end he wrote one more dialogue, the Sophist,
in which he added a new element to his answer: “The sophists,” he says, “fabricate
a fictitious reality.” That the existential realm of man could be taken over by
pseudorealities whose fictitious nature threatens to become indiscernible is
truly a depressing thought. And yet this Platonic nightmare, I hold, possesses
an alarming contemporary relevance. For the general public is being reduced to
a state where people not only are unable to find out about the truth but also
become unable even to search for the
truth because they are satisfied with deception and trickery that have determined
their convictions, satisfied with a fictitious reality created by design
through the abuse of language. This, says Plato, is the worst thing that the
sophists are capable of wreaking upon mankind by their corruption of the word.
Josef Pieper, Abuse of Language- Abuse of Power, 1974
Abp. Viganò discusses ‘failure’ of
Vatican II, Novus Ordo Mass
The next Pope will have to restore all
the liturgical books and banish from Catholic churches their unseemly parody,
in whose realization notorious modernists and heretics collaborated.
| Jun 15, 2021
Excerpt: Abp. Carlo Maria Viganò
interviewed by Abbé Claude Barthe
Abbé Claude Barthe: The liturgical reform,
which began in 1964 and produced a new missal in 1969, may seem more radical
than its programmatic document, the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on
the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum
Concilium. Do you think that Archbishop Bugnini’s Consilium betrayed
Vatican II, as some say, or that it developed it, as others suggest?
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò:
Archbishop Annibale
Bugnini was one of the collaborators in the drafting of the Ordo Hebdomadae Sanctae instauratus promulgated
during the pontificate of Pius XII. The serious deformations of the new Missal are
in nuce [essentially] contained in
the rite of Holy Week, demonstrating that the demolition plan had already
begun. There is therefore no betrayal of the Council, so much so that
none of its architects ever considered the liturgical reform inconsistent with
the mens of Sacrosanctum Concilium. A
careful study of the genesis of the Ordo
Hebdomadae Sanctae instauratus allows us to understand that the innovators’
demands were only partially accepted but were re-proposed with Montini’s Novus
However, it must be
clearly said that, unlike all the other Ecumenical Councils, this Council
deliberately used its authority to sanction a systematic betrayal of faith and
morals, pursued through pastoral, disciplinary and liturgical means. The
transitional Missals between the 1962 rubrics and the 1970 Editio typica, and
the one that immediately followed — the Editio typica altera of 1975 — show how
the process was carried out in small steps, accustoming clergy and faithful to
the provisional nature of the rite, to continuous innovation, and to the
progressive loss of many elements that initially made the Novus Ordo closer to
the last Missale Romanum of John XXIII. I am thinking, for example, of the
recitation submissa voce of the Roman
Canon in Latin, with its sacrificial Offertory and the Veni Sanctificator, which in the course of adaptation led to the
recitation of the Roman Canon aloud, with its Talmudic Offertory and the
suppression of the invocation of the Holy Spirit.
Those who prepared the conciliar documents to have them approved by the Council
Fathers acted with the same malice that the drafters of the liturgical reform
adopted, knowing that they would interpret ambiguous texts in a Catholic way,
while those who were to disseminate and utilize them would interpret them in
every sense except that.
In fact, this concept is confirmed in everyday practice. Have you ever seen a
priest who celebrates the Novus Ordo with the altar facing East, entirely in
Latin, wearing the fiddleback (Roman) chasuble and distributing Communion at
the Communion rail, without this arousing the ire of his Ordinary and
confreres, even though, strictly speaking, this way of celebrating would be
perfectly legitimate? Those who have tried — certainly in good faith — have
been treated worse than those who habitually celebrate the Tridentine Mass. This demonstrates that the
continuity hoped for in the Council’s hermeneutic does not exist, and that the
break with the pre-conciliar Church is the norm to which one must conform, to
the satisfaction of conservatives.
Lastly, I would like to
point out that this awareness of the doctrinal incompatibility of the ancient
rite with the ideology of Vatican II is claimed by self-styled theologians and
progressive intellectuals, for whom the “Extraordinary Form” of the rite can be
tolerated as long as the entire theological framework that it implies is not
adopted. This is why the liturgy of the Summorum
Pontificum communities is tolerated, provided that in preaching and
catechesis one is careful not to criticize Vatican II or the new Mass.
On the method of
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò:
I ask myself: if Paul VI had no problem recklessly abolishing the Tridentine
liturgy between one day and the next, replacing it with cobbled-together excerpts
from the Book of Common Prayer, and imposing this new rite despite the protests
of clergy and laity, why exactly should we today use any more consideration in
restoring the ancient Roman Rite to its place of honor, by prohibiting the
celebration of the Novus Ordo? Why such delicacy of mind today, and such ruthless iconoclastic fury
yesterday? And why this cosmetic surgery, if not to hold together the last
conciliatory frill by giving it the appearance of what it did not intend to be?
The next Pope will have to restore all the liturgical books previous to the
conciliar reform and banish from Catholic churches its unseemly parody, in
whose realization notorious modernists and heretics collaborated.
On the Indultists who
betray the faith:
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò:
I do not believe that Bergoglio has any interest in the liturgy tout court, and
a fortiori in the Tridentine liturgy,
which is as alien to him and disliked as anything remotely reminiscent of
Catholicism. His approach
is political: he tolerates the Ecclesia Dei communities because they keep the
conservatives out of the parishes, and at the same time he maintains control
over them, forcing them to limit their dissent solely to the liturgical level,
while ensuring their fidelity to the conciliar ideology……
The canonical position of the Ecclesia
Dei communities has always been at risk. Their survival is linked to their at
least implicit acceptance of the conciliar doctrine and liturgical reform.
Those who do not conform, by criticizing Vatican II or refusing to celebrate or
attend the reformed rite, ipso facto
put themselves in a position of being expelled. The superiors of these
societies of apostolic life themselves end up being the overseers of their
clerics, who are strongly advised to refrain from criticism and to give
tangible signs of alignment from time to time, for example, by taking part in
celebrations in the “Ordinary Form.” Paradoxically, a diocesan parish priest has greater freedom of speech
in doctrinal matters than a member of one of these institutes. [….]
the celebration of the Catholic Mass “normal”—according to the dictates of the
Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum —
without “liturgical reservations” and dedicated spaces, would give the
impression that it is really possible for any faithful to attend Mass without
any other title of belonging than being a Catholic. On the contrary, this Kafkaesque bureaucratic
castle forces all conservatives into an enclosure, obliging them to follow the
rules of confinement and to demand nothing more than what the sovereign grace
deigns to grant them, almost always with the ill-concealed opposition of the
diocesan bishop.
Bergoglio’s actions are now clearly exposed: his latest encyclical theorizes
about heterodox doctrines and a scandalous subservience to the dominant
ideology, which is profoundly anti-Catholic and anti-human. From this
perspective, questions about the liturgical sensitivity of this or that
institute seem to me frankly negligible: not because the liturgy is not important,
but because once one is willing to remain silent on the doctrinal front, the
complex ceremonies of the Pontifical end up being reduced to a manifestation of
aestheticism that poses no real danger to the magic circle of Santa Marta.
Modernism vs. Neo-Modernism: What is the Difference?
The overarching principle of post-conciliar
theology is not modernism, properly speaking. Let us get our terms straight.
Modernism is
the idea that there are no eternal truths, that truth is the correspondence of
the mind with one's lifestyle (adaequatio intellectus et vitae), and
that, therefore, old dogmas must be abandoned and new beliefs must arise that
meet 'the needs of modern man'. This is a radical denial of the traditional and
common sense notion of truth: the correspondence of the mind with reality (adaequatio
intellectus et rei), which is the basis of the immutability of Catholic
No, the post-conciliar theological
principle is neo-modernism, and the
theology that is based on it is known as the nouvelle theologie.
It is the idea that old dogmas or beliefs must be retained,
yet not the traditional 'formulas': dogmas must be expressed and
interpreted in a new way in every age so as to meet the 'needs of modern man'.
This is still a denial of the traditional and common sense notion of
truth as adaequatio intellectus et rei (insofar as it is still an
attempt to make the terminology that expresses the faith correspond with
our modern lifestyle) and consequently of the immutability of
Catholic dogma, yet it is not as radical as modernism. It is more subtle
and much more deceptive than modernism because it claims that the faith
must be retained; it is only the 'formulas' of faith that must be
abandoned--they use the term 'formula' to distinguish the supposedly
mutable words of our creeds, dogmas, etc. from their
admittedly immutable meanings. Therefore,
neo-modernism can effectively slip under the radar of most pre-conciliar
condemnations (except Humani Generis, which condemns it
directly) insofar as its practitioners claim that their new and
unintelligible theological terminology really expresses the same faith of all
times. In other words, neo-modernism is supposed to be 'dynamic
orthodoxy': supposedly orthodox in meaning, yet always changing in expression
to adapt to modern life (cf. Franciscan University of Steubenville's mission
Take extra ecclesiam nulla salus as
a clear example of a dogma that has received a brutal neo-modernist
re-interpretation: they claim that the old 'formula' that ”there is no
salvation outside the Church” must be abandoned; rather it is more meaningful
to modern man to say that salvation is not in, but through, the
Church; people who are not in the Church may still be saved
through the Church; thus, to them the dogma that “there is no
salvation outside the Church” means that there is salvation outside
the Church. Hence see Ven. Pope Pius XII condemning those “reduce to a
meaningless formula the necessity of belonging to the true Church in order to
gain eternal salvation.” (Humani generis 27).
Yet this mentality of reinterpreting everything anew in order to 'meet the needs of the times' is generally tends to be found in different degrees among different post-conciliar sources:
It tends to be (1) rampant in men like De Lubac, Von Balthasar, Congar, etc.: it is the ultimate goal of their writings, teachings, and activities as churchmen. To achieve this end, they employ the technique of 'resourcement', the neo-modernist strategy of fishing for the few dubious, questionable, or idiosyncratic teachings of some Fathers of the Church and other authoritative writers, and gather them into a massive, heterodox theological argument against the traditional understanding of the faith (which they like to relativize by giving it names such as “Counter-Reformation” Theology, “Tridentine” Theology, or “Scholastic” Theology, instead of just admitting that it is Catholic Theology plain and simple). This technique accomplishes three things that go hand-in-hand: (a) offers a refutation of traditional Catholicism, (b) defends an interpretation that meets the needs of modern times, and (c) gives it a semblance of being traditional, because it appears to be based in the Fathers et al. This type of argument is used, for example, by Von Balthasar in his nearly heretical book, Dare We Hope that All Men be Saved? to 'prove', not that Hell does not exist (that is a dogma), but that it is empty. But this technique and its neo-modernistic underpinnings is not only practiced in almost all of these men's writings; it is also defended in theory by many of them, particularly in Von Balthasar's daring little book, Razing the Bastions, where he demonstrates that “Tridentine” theology must be rejected in our times because it is 'boring'.
It also tends to be (2) present in a more moderate way in the non-binding statements by post-conciliar popes, since they themselves were deeply involved in the developing of the nouvelle theologie. Just to give one of a million possible examples, see Pope Benedict's evolutionistic re-interpretation of the Resurrection of Our Lord. Nothing here obviously contradicts the dogma of the Resurrection (it may be interpreted as a simple analogy, even if a bad one, and nothing more), but it is a novelty that can be easily understood as claiming that the Resurrection is part of the natural development of nature (thus giving credence to some of the nouvelle theologie's pet doctrines, such as De Lubac's heterodox notion of the supernatural and De Chardin's pantheistic evolutionism). This happens almost on a daily basis in what comes out of the Vatican, not to mention what comes from local bishops.
And finally, neo-modernism tends to be
present (3) mostly implicitly or behind-the-scenes in the Council,
the Catechism, etc., even though it seldom comes out more explicitly.
Things are done at this level under the pretext
of 'aggiornamento', a euphemism for neo-modernism. That is
usually all the justification provided since at this authoritative level, there
is no need to justify things theologically. Hence, Vatican II and the
Catechism are not outright neo-modernistic. Rather, they (like most of
post-conciliar doctrine) tend in that direction and/or are inspired
by that mentality. In other words, most of the time these documents do
not explicitly teach neo-modernist errors (the kind of errors you hear
explicitly from neo-modernist theologians and priests). Rather, they are full
of dangerous ambiguities: statements that in a technical sense could be
interpreted as being in harmony with the traditional faith, but that, in their
natural, non-forced, interpretation are heterodox. One clear example of
this is Dignitatis humanae, par. 2; entire monographs have been written
in order to prove that, despite appearances, this document does not contradict
previous teaching. Maybe in fact it ultimately does not, but it is
obvious that the prima facie meaning does; otherwise there would be no
need to write so many volumes to prove it.
It must be noted that these are
general tendencies, and that in some documents (cf. Gaudium et Spes) and
every now and then in papal and episcopal statements neo-modernist principles
come out more explicitly.
For a more detailed philosophical and theological critique of neo-modernism, and how it is nothing but a re-hashing of modernism, see Garrigou-Lagrange's Where is the New Theology Leading Us? and his The Structure of the Encyclical Humani Generis.
Francisco J. Romero Carrasquillo, Ph.D.,
Professor of Theology and Philosophy
pluralism and the diversity of religions, color, sex, race and language
are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created human beings.....
An insincere stance of openness to the
other, as well as a corporatist attitude, which reserves salvation exclusively
to one’s own creed, is destructive of the same creed. In the parable of the
Good Samaritan, Jesus explained this to the inquiring lawyer. Love lived in any
religion pleases God. ‘Through an exchange of gifts, the Spirit can lead us
ever more fully into truth and goodness.’”
Pope Francis approved Abu Dhabi document
all the gods of the Gentiles are devils”
(Ps. 96:5). Pope Francis is affirming
that the worship of idols is “willed by God in His wisdom.” This is blasphemy but
not a surprising blasphemy from Francis the Blasphemer. What Pope Francis calls a “corporatist attitude, which reserves salvation exclusively
to one's own creed” is the denial of a revealed truth of God
that has been dogmatically defined by the Catholic Church on three separate
occasions. It is a dogma that there is “no salvation outside the Catholic Church.” The denial of this
dogma is heresy by definition and anyone holding this heresy cannot be
saved. Furthermore, membership in the
Catholic Church also dogmatically requires profession of the true faith and
reception of the sacrament of Baptism.
In the parable of the Good Samaritan,
Jesus may very well have had in mind a specific Samaritan man who received him
as the Messiah through the calling by the Samaritan Woman at the Well. Be that as it may, are good works alone
sufficient for salvation? Those that
affirm this are Pelagian heretics which is a favorite calumny that Francis
mindlessly smears Catholics faithful to tradition. But unlike Francis, who accuses traditional
Catholics of Pelagianism without a shred of evidence, our accusations are
supported with the bile that flows routinely from Francis' mouth. The recognition of Logos, “which enlighteneth every man that cometh
into this world” (John 1:9), leads
to the regulation of life according to the natural law and is an essential
prerequisite to receiving the truth of the Gospel and the sacrament of Baptism,
but of itself, it with all the good works in the world, insufficient for
salvation. Jesus' conversation with the
Samaritan Woman itself destroys this heretical claim of Francis. According to Francis, the Samaritan Woman
could have been saved in her idolatrous and adulterous state.
What every faithful Catholic must know is
that the faith is the necessary and sufficient cause of and the sign of unity
in the Catholic Church. The pope is only
secondarily and accidentally the cause and sign of unity in the Catholic Church. When the pope falls from the faith he is to
be opposed to his face as St. Paul did to St. Peter (Galatians 2:11). Those who make the pope their proximate rule
of faith will follow Francis in his heresy and eventual apostasy. Those who keep dogma as their proximate rule
of faith will save their souls.
Jesus Christ, Highpriest according to the order of
Melchisedech, both Priest and King.
It is God Himself who imparts His powers to
the priest. No one can and no one may venture to exercise the priestly office,
if he has not been chosen and invested therewith by God. “Neither doth any man
take the honor (of priesthood) to himself, but he that is called by God, as
Aaron was” (Heb. 5, 4). It is self-evident that Christ is a priest, not
according to His divine, but according to His human nature; for it is only by
acts of His sacred humanity that He can perform the part of mediator and
priest. “So Christ also did not glorify Himself that He might be made a
highpriest” (Heb. 5, 5), but God has constituted Him a highpriest forever, and
that with solemn oath: “The Lord hath sworn, and He will not repent: Thou art a
priest forever according to the order of
Melchisedech (Ps. 109, 4).
The vocation and selection of Christ for
the dignity of highpriest was already contained in the eternal decree of God
that His divine Son should redeem the world by means of the Sacrifice of the
Cross. His installation into the office of highpriest took place at the first
moment of the Incarnation. Namely, as soon as the human nature was created and
hypostatically (personally) united to the Eternal Word, the God-Man undertook,
in cheerful obedience to the will and decree of His Heavenly Father, the task
and mission of offering His precious life on the Cross as a sacrifice for the world,
whereby the ancient sacrifices were not only replaced but far surpassed. This
is touchingly expressed by St. Paul quoting and explaining the words of the
Prophet (Ps. 39, 7-9; Heb. 10, 5-7).
After depicting the impotency and the
inadequateness of the priesthood of the Old Law and of its sacrifices, the
apostle continues: “Wherefore when Christ cometh into the world (that is, at
the first moment of the Incarnation) He saith to God: Sacrifice and oblation
(these empty figures of future goods) Thou wouldst not; but a body Thou hast
fitted to Me (for sacrifice). Holocausts for sin did not please Thee. Then,
said I, behold I come: at the head of the book it is written of Me: that I
should do Thy will, O God (by the sacrifice of Myself)!” These words constitute
the vow of Christ’s sacrifice, that is, the solemn formula in which He vowed to
His Heavenly Father, by the Sacrifice of the Cross “to re-establish all things
that are in heaven and on earth” (Eph. 1, 10). Therefore, the Apostle adds: “In
this will we were sanctified once for all by the Sacrifice of the Body of Jesus
Christ,” that is, by the one offering of His bloody atoning sacrifice, which
was of infinite value and merit. Christ has acquired for us all grace and
sanctification, in obeying with His human will the Divine will of His Father
even to the death of the Cross.
Jesus Christ was infinitely worthy of being
clothed and adorned with the most eminent dignity of highpriest. The priest, by
his office, is mediator between God and man: it is chiefly by the offering of
Sacrifice that he is to glorify God and to reconcile man to Him, and to obtain
for man in return the favor and friendship of God, applying to him the fruits
and graces of the Sacrifice. To be enabled to exercise, in a perfect manner, the
office of mediator, he must also take a medium position, namely, be related and
united to God as well as to men, in order to transact the affairs of both
properly and successfully. The priest “is ordained for men in all things that
appertain to God,” to appease God’s anger and to draw down His blessing upon
the earth: therefore, he must be pleasing in the sight of God by being free
from sin and by exalted sanctity; but he is also “ordained for men” to care for
their salvation, to pray, to labor and to suffer: hence “he is taken from among
men, that he may have compassion on them that are ignorant and that err;
because he himself is also encompassed with infirmity” (Heb. 5, 1-2). In this
twofold relation Christ unites in His person, in the most perfect manner, all
that can render the priest acceptable to God and powerful with Him, full of
compassion and mercy toward men.
Rev. Nicholas Gihr, The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: Dogmatically, Liturgically and
Ascetically Explained
When Pope Francis teaches that Catholics living in a state of adultery
can under certain circumstances receive Holy Communion without repenting of
Sin, he overturns the First Principle of Catholic Moral Theology and thus
destroys all Morality permitting any and every kind of sin.
St. Thomas lists the following as principles or sources of morality: 1)
the moral object, that is, that to which the action tends of its very nature primarily and necessarily; 2) the circumstances of the act; 3) the purpose of the
The primary and essential morality of a human act is derived from the object
considered in its moral aspect.
The primary and essential morality of a human act is that which acts as
the invariable basis of any additional morality. Now it is the moral object
which provides such a foundation. This will be clear from an example. The moral
object of adultery is the transgression of another’s marriage rights. This moral object remains the
invariable basis of the moral character of the act, no matter what further
circumstances or motives accompany the act. It cannot be objected that
in human acts the first consideration should be given to the motive rather than
to the object of the act. For this motive is either the objective purpose of
the act itself which is identical with the moral object, or the subjective
purpose (the end of the agent) which presupposes moral goodness or evil in the
Rev. Dominic Prummer, O.P., Handbook
of Moral Theology
Far Modern Judaism is identified with Freemasonry
Although the Jewish role in Freemasonry is for many reasons difficult
to deal with, some acquaintance with that aspect of the subject is essential
for an intelligent grasp of the whole. It is a common belief among Catholics
and others that Freemasonry is somehow or other closely associated with modern
Judaism. Our present purpose is to discuss how far such a belief is
well-founded, and what is the nature of the relations between the two. We may
say at once that the available evidence points at least to the following
general conclusions: 1) That much of the external trappings of Freemasonry,
such as its ritual, its terminology, its legends, etc., are of Jewish origin;
2) that the philosophy or religion of esoteric Freemasonry (that is of the inner
circles and controlling power) is practically identical with the doctrines of
the Jewish Cabala, which is the religion of philosophy of a certain section of
the Jews; 3) that a certain group, probably very few in number, but of immense
influence and power, are leading Freemasons; and 4) that a somewhat larger
group of very influential Jews pursue the same ends as Freemasons, and use
similar means, and are at least in close alliance with them.
Rev. E. Cahill, S.J., Freemasonry and the anti-Christian Movement,
“Naturalism is more than a
heresy: it is pure undiluted anti-christianism. Heresy denies one or more
dogmas; Naturalism denies that there are any dogmas or that there can be any.
Heresy alters more or less what God has revealed; Naturalism denies the very
existence of revelation. It follows that the inevitable law and the obstinate
passion of Naturalism is to dethrone Our Lord Jesus Christ and to drive Him
from the world. This will be the task of Antichrist and it is Satan's supreme
ambition.... The great obstacle to the salvation of the men of our day, a the
Vatican I Council points out in the first Constitution of Doctrine, what hurls
more people into hell nowadays than at any other epoch, is Rationalism or
Naturalism... Naturalism strives with all its might to exclude Our Lord Jesus
Christ, Our One Master and Saviour, from the minds of men as well as from the
daily lives and habits of peoples, in order to set up the reign of reason or of
nature. Now, wherever the breath of Naturalism has passed, the very source of
Christian life is dried up. Naturalism means complete sterility in regard to
salvation and eternal life.”
Cardinal Pie of Poitiers (1850-1880), considered as principle
theologian of the social Kingship of Jesus Christ, his writing were on the
night stand of St. Pius X.
COMMENT: Politics is concerned with the
organization of life within a community. Liberalism is Naturalism in politics.
It begins by denying Original Sin and presupposes natural goodness. It is then
faced with the reality of fallen human nature and objective sin for which it is
at a loss to comprehend. It consequently is constantly theorizing alternative
causes for sin such as racism, sexism, feminism, etc. and proposing legal and
social solutions such as communism which necessarily lead to ruin. Yet never to
be dismayed, the Liberal always blames the failure of his programs on others
who did not follow their plan of action with enough purity, with enough rigor,
for sufficient time. Current articles from the Jesuit magazine, America, posted
on their web site include: The Devastating Effect of Conversion Therapy on LGBT
Catholics; Should Catholic Schools Teach Critical Race Theory?; Father James
Martin (homosexual advocate) reviews a new little show called 'Friends.'; What
Catholics can do to fight Islamophobia; Is it safe to bring my unvaccinated,
unmasked 10-month-old to Mass? The Jesuits, who are responsible for the
spiritual formation of Pope Francis, are Catholic apostates who have embraced
Naturalism. Baptism should be considered an absolute impediment to joining the
Behold, then, the
whole of Christian perfection: - love
and sacrifice. Who cannot, with God's grace, fulfill this
twofold condition? Is it, indeed, so difficult to love Him Who is infinitely
lovable and infinitely loving? The love that He asks of us is nothing
extraordinary; it is the devotedness of love - the gift of oneself - consisting
chiefly in conformity to the divine will. To want to love is to love. To keep
the commandments for God's sake is to love. To pray is to love. To fulfill our
duties of state in view of pleasing God, this is likewise to love. Nay more, to
recreate ourselves, to take our means with the like intention is to love. To
serve our neighbor for God's sake is to love. Nothing then is easier, God's
grace helping, than the constant exercise of divine love and through this,
steady advance toward perfection.
As for sacrifice, doubtless
it seems hard. But we are not asked to love it for its own sake. It is enough
if we love it for God's sake, or, in other words if we realize that here on
earth one cannot love God without renouncing whatever is an obstacle to His
love. Then sacrifice becomes first tolerable and soon even lovable. Does not a
mother passing long, sleepless nights at the bedside of her son joyously
undergo fatigue when she entertains the hope and, more especially, when she has
the certainty of thereby saving his life? Now, when we accept for the sake of
God the sacrifices He demands, we have not only the hope, but the certainty
itself, of pleasing Him, of giving His glory and of working out the salvation
of our own souls. In this, have we not for our encouragement the example and
the help of the God-Man? Has He not suffered as much as and even more than we ourselves
suffer, for the glory of His Father and the salvation of our souls. Shall we,
His disciples, incorporated into Him in Baptism, nourished with His Body and
Blood, shall we hesitate when we are to suffer together with Him, for His love
and for His intentions? Is it not true that in the Cross there is gain,
especially for loving heats? “In the Cross” says the author of the Imitation,
“is salvation; in the Cross is life; in the Cross is protection from enemies.
In the Cross is infusion of heavenly sweetness.” We shall conclude with the
words of St. Augustine: “There are no labors too great for loving heats. In
fact, one finds pleasure therein, as we observe in the case of the fisherman
fishing, the hunter at the chase, the merchant at the mart. For where there is
love, there is no labor, or if there be labor, it is a labor of love.” Let us
then hasten toward perfection by this path of love and sacrifice.
Rev. Adolphe Tanquerey, The
Spiritual Life
Modernists and Neo-Modernists
are willfully blind to Essence, that
is, they are in the end the most heatless of all!
Here is my secret. It
is very simple. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to
the eye. Antoine de Saint Exupéry, The Little Prince
Authority of the Pope, as it is with every one of the faithful, is subject to
the Faith and not vice versa as the Neo-Modernists would have it!
v “Peter is called a rock, and the
foundations of the Church are planted in his faith.” St. Gregory of Nazianzen
“Faith is
the groundwork of the Church, because of the faith, and not of the person of
Peter, it was said, that the gates of death should never prevail against it.”
St. Ambrose
(Christ) called him Peter, that is, the rock, and praised the foundations of
the Church which was built on the Apostle’s faith. St. Augustine
was made for us a living rock, on which, as on a foundation, the faith of the
Lord rests, and on which the Church is erected.” St. Epiphanius
(Christ) did not say Petrus, but Petra, because He did not build His
Church upon the man, but upon the faith of Peter.” St. John Chrysostom
“Peter so
pleased the Lord by the sublimity of his faith, that, after being admitted to
the fruition of bliss, he received the solidity of an immovable rock, on which
the Church was so firmly built, as to bid defiance to the gates of hell and the
laws of death. St. Leo the Great
“On this
rock, namely, on the unshaken faith, to which thou owest thy name, I will built
my Church.” Caesarius the Cistercian
Quotations taken from Fr. F. X. Weninger, D.D., On the Apostolical and Infallible Authority of the Pope when teaching
the faithful and on his relation to a General Council
cannot be offered anything less than everything!
God is Sufficient
to Himself and Does Not Need Any Creature:
Let us consider that the first reason why we are useless servants
arises from the greatness, sufficiency and plenitude of God, Who calls Himself Sadai, that is, “sufficient to Himself,”
because He is so sufficient to Himself and replete with good, that He has no
need of us nor of any creature of heaven or earth. Even the God-Man, Jesus
Christ our Lord, says: “I have said to the Lord: Thou art my God, for thou hast
no need of my goods” (Ps 15, 2).
The fact that God has no need of our goods is an infallible mark of His
divinity. That is why, when we offer or give anything to God, we sacrifice
it to Him, that is, annihilate it before Him, to testify thereby that He has no
need of anything. If anyone presented a valuable horse to a governor and were
to kill the animal when offering it, the governor would not be pleased because
the gift would be useless to him. But the greatest service we can render to God
is to sacrifice and annihilate our offerings, to testify thereby that He has no
need of them. This why Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself on the Cross. Now, if
Jesus Christ is not necessary to God, and if all the angels and saints and the
Blessed Virgin can say: ”We are unprofitable servants,” with how much
greater truth can we say it?
Let us rejoice that God is so replete with every conceivable good; let
us be glad to be useless because He is quite sufficient to Himself.
St. John Eudes, Meditations on Various Subjects: 8th Meditation on
“Neither Jewish ethics nor Jewish tradition can disqualify
terrorism as a means of combat. We are very far from having any moral qualms as
far as our national war goes. We have before us the command of the Torah, whose
morality surpasses that of any other body of laws in the world: ‘Ye shall blot
them out to the last man.’”
Yitzhak Shamir, Israeli
Prime Minister 1986-1992, 1943 Quote taken from “Document: Shamir on Terrorism (1943)” Middle East Report 152
“With them that hated peace I was peaceable: when I spake
unto them, they fought against me without cause.” (Ps. cxix) “Forty years long
was I nigh unto that generation, and said: They do always err in their heart;
and they have not known My ways to whom I swore in My wrath that they should
not enter into My rest.” (Ps. xciv)
“In the later editions of the Talmud the
allusions to Christianity are few and cautious compared with the earlier or
unexpurgated copies. The last of these was published at Amsterdam in 1645. In
them our Lord and Saviour is ‘that One,’ ‘such a One,’ ‘a fool,’ ‘the leper,’
‘the deceiver or Israel,’ &c.; efforts are made to prove that He is the son
of Joseph Pandira before his marriage with Mary. His miracles are attributed to
sorcery, the secret of which He brought in a slit in his flesh out of Egypt.
His teacher is said to have been Joshua, the son of Perachlah. This Joshua is
said to have afterwards excommunicated Him to the sound of 800 rams’ horns,
although he must have lived seventy years before His time. Forty days before
the death of Jesus a witness was summoned by public proclamation to attest his
innocence, but none appeared. He is said to have been first stoned and then
hanged on the eve of the Passover. His disciples are called heretics, and
opprobrious names. They are accused of immoral practices; and the New Testament
is called a sinful book. The
references to these subjects manifest the most bitter aversion and hate.”
Dr. Joseph Barclay, LL.D, Rector of
Stapleford, Herts, London, The Talmud,
1878, from Introduction, p. 30
“If any one saith,
that the received and approved rites of the Catholic Church, wont to be used in
the solemn administration of the sacraments, may be contemned, or without sin
be omitted at pleasure by the ministers, or be changed, by every pastor of the
churches, into other new ones; let him be anathema.”
Council of Trent,
Canon XIII, On the Sacraments
“The favorite
comeback of progressives is that ‘the liturgy kept developing over time, so you
can’t say that Catholics ‘always’ worshiped this or that way.’ But that is a
superficial response. The deeper truth is that Catholics have always worshiped
according to the liturgy they have received, and any development occurred
within this fundamental assumption of the continuity of the rituals, chants,
and texts. The work of the Consilium of the 1960s rejected (actually, rejected
by Rev. Annibale Bugnini in 1948) this assumption in altering almost every
aspect of the liturgy, adding and deleting material according to their own
theories. Therefore what they produced is not and can never be an expression of
Catholic tradition; it will always remain a foreign body.”
Kwasniewski, Ph.D.
St. John Eudes: “That there is a special contract made between God and
man in Baptism.”
THE name of contract is given to any agreement entered into by two or more persons, in which the parties contracting incur mutual obligations. This clearly shows that a contract. has been entered into by the most Blessed Trinity and you in Baptism; since you have incurred many obligations towards the Blessed Trinity, and the Blessed Trinity has also obliged itself in regard to you. What is the nature of this contract? It is a reciprocal contract of gifts, the highest and most entire that can “enter into the heart of man to conceive;” for in making it you are obliged to give yourself entirely and forever to God; you have renounced all things to be united to Him, and for Him, and God on his part has given Himself entirely to you. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, come to you and take up their abode in your soul, in order to confer honors and benefits on you. They enrich you ‘with spiritual treasures to render you worthy of their three divine Persons.
It is a contract of adoption, since God the Father has taken you for his child, and has conferred on you the right of his inheritance with his only Son, and you have taken God for your Father, and have promised to entertain for him all the love and respect which a child owes to a so good a parent. “Consider,” writes St. John the Evangelist, “what love the Father has testified to you in wishing that you should be called, and that you should, really, be his children.”
Behold the admirable effect of the contract which you have made with God in Baptism, from being the child of wrath and an heir of hell, you have become the child of God and an heir to heaven! What you should not do to acknowledge the infinite goodness of God in your regard?
It is a contract of alliance with the Son of God, since in receiving Baptism you have united yourself to him as to your head, your master, and your sovereign, and since the Son has taken you for His servant and one of the members of his body, which is his Church. How great is the goodness of God, says St. Paul to the newly converted Christians of Corinth; “By whom you arc called unto the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord.”
What were you before Baptism but the unhappy slave of Satan, and subject like him to eternal punishment? But by Baptism you have been delivered from this unhappy subjection, through the divine alliance which you have contracted with Jesus Christ, which procures you the enjoyment of eternal happiness, if you observe all its conditions.
Finally, it is a contract of alliance with the Person of the Holy Ghost; for faith teaches us, that the Holy Ghost takes the Christian soul as his spouse, and that the Christian reciprocally takes the Holy Ghost for his spouse. In consequence of this sacred alliance, the Holy Ghost calls you “his sister and his spouse,” and as, of yourself, you are poor indeed, he adorns your soul with all the gifts necessary to render it worthy of him, and he comes to take up his abode in it, and to consecrate it as his temple and his sanctuary. […..]
When you had been presented to the church to receive Baptism, you were treated as a person in the possession of the devil, for the priest pronounced over you the exorcism of the church, commanding the wicked spirit to depart from you, and to give place to the Holy Ghost.
This ceremony teaches you that by original sin you were really in possession of the devil, and that he abided in you, but that, through Baptism, he has been cast out of you; that your soul has been purified from the horrible stain which disfigured it, and that the Holy Ghost, having sanctified and ornamented it with his grace, comes to take up his abode in it. […..]
That Baptism imprints in your soul a spiritual character, which no sin can efface. This character is a proof that from this time you do not belong to yourself, but that you are the property of Jesus Christ, who has purchased you by the infinite price of his blood and of his death. You are not of yourself, but you are of Christ’s therefore, St. Paul concludes, “that the Christian should no longer live for himself, but for Him who died and rose again for him;” that is to say, that the Christian should live a life of grace, and that he should consecrate to his Redeemer his spirit, his heart, and all his actions. […..]
The Priest introduced you into the Church, by saying, “Enter into the house of God, that you may have eternal life.” This ceremony teaches you that Baptism enables you to enter into the Society of Jesus Christ, and of all the faithful who compose the house or family of God. By this entry, you begin to partake of all the good works of the faithful and you acquire a right to the sacraments, to the prayers, and to all the other good works which are done in the Church. Moreover, in entering into the Church, you have become her child, and have been made a child of God, the heir of God, and co-heir of Jesus Christ; you entered into society and communion with the angels and all the blessed who are in Heaven. By this ceremony you are likewise taught that, in order to be united to Jesus Christ, and to have eternal life, it is necessary to be a member of the Church, and to persevere therein to the end, believing all she teaches, obeying all she commands.
St. John Eudes, excerpt from Man’s Contract with God in Baptism
COMMENT: St. John Eudes makes
clear what every faithful Catholic should already know, that is, it is by
virtue of the sacrament of Baptism received with Faith that makes a person a
Child of God. The Neo-modernist popes since Vatican II heretically teach that
everyone is a child of God by virtue of the Incarnation of the Logos, the Word
becoming flesh, where the second Person of the Trinity, by personally uniting
Himself with our human nature, thereby elevated all humanity to being children
of God by virtue of this shared humanity. For them, Baptism is only an outward sign signifying what has already taken
place. It reduces Baptism from a performative
sign that is necessity of means
for salvation to a simple necessity of
precept which obligates only those who feel some inner compulsion to obey.
It is this fundamental corruption of revealed truth that makes modern ecumenism
with such events as the blasphemous “Prayer Meeting at Assisi” possible. For
them the “spiritual character” imprinted on the soul at Baptism is meaningless.
The “spiritual character” is both the sign of and cause of the adoption as Sons
of God. The character is like a receptacle that makes the reception of the
sacramental grace of adoption possible. Those who have the character of the
sacrament without the sanctifying grace of adoption will suffer the greatest
torments of all in hell.
It is an unfortunate fact that the many
traditional Catholics and conservative Catholics believe this tripe and profess
that any “good-willed” Protestant, Jew, Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist, etc., etc. can
be a child of God, a member of the Church, a temple of the Holy Ghost and an
heir to heaven by virtue of being a “good” Protestant, Jew, Moslem, Hindu,
Buddhist, etc., etc. This error is
derived essentially from the more fundamental error of denying Dogma as Dogma, by overturning Dogma in its very nature. For these
Neo-modernists, Dogma is not the revealed truth of God but only a human axiom
open to unending refinement and new interpretations.
But the truth is that Dogma is divine
revelation formally and infallibly defined by the Magisterium of the
Church. It is irreformable in both the
truth it declares (its form) and the words that it uses to define (its matter).
It constitutes the formal object of
divine and Catholic faith and is the
proximate rule of faith for every faithful child of God. Not until every
traditional Catholic recognizes and defends this truth will any effective
resistance to Neo-modernist error be effectively mounted.
Viganò on the Great Reset Religion
The Great Reset is not only the last stage prior to the establishment
of the reign of the Antichrist but it has acquired all of the connotations of a
true religion, borrowing its language, creating ceremonies, appointing its own
The rituality of the present pandemic is quite obvious, especially in
the way they have wanted to give the vaccine a sacramental value, to the point
of resorting to priests to promote it, even preaching that it is indispensable
for salvation, identifying it as a moral duty...
Thus, in prohibiting the Holy Sacrifice to the true God & banning
the administration of the true Sacraments, the new COVID religion has imposed
itself with new hygienic rituals & new sacraments of health.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Abp. Viganò offers
considerations on the Great Reset
It is our duty to uncover the Great
Reset's deception, because the same deception may be attributed to all the
other assaults that have sought to nullify the work of Redemption and establish
the tyranny of the Antichrist.
Great Reset Shutterstock
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
| May 18, 2021— I offer heartfelt thanks to dear Professor Massimo Viglione,
who wanted to invite me to take part — remotely so to speak — in the conference
he has organized as President of the Confederation of the Triarii. I also
extend my warmest greetings to each of the illustrious participants in this
event. Please allow me to express to you my profound esteem and my fervent
thanks for your courageous testimony, for the enlightening contributions and
the tireless commitment you have not ceased to display in the most pressing and
incisive way, beginning in February of last year. I encourage you not to retreat
and not to disarm in this deadly battle that we are called to fight in this
fatal hour of history as never before.”Be strengthened in the Lord and in the
might of his power. Clothe yourselves in the armor of God, that you may be able
to stand against the deceits of the devil. Our battle is not against flesh and
blood but against the Principalities and Powers, against the rulers of this
world of darkness, against the spirits of evil that dwell in the high places.
Take up therefore the armor of God, so that you may be able to resist on the
day of evil and remain standing after having endured all trials” (Eph 6:10-13).
The brief reflection I am about to offer you is in some manner a shortened
preview of my presentation at the Venice Summit which will take place on May
30, organized by Professor Francesco Lamendola, in which some of you will
Stalin decided in 1932 to eliminate millions of Ukrainians in the genocide of
the Holodomor, he planned a famine by seizing food supplies, forbidding
commerce, prohibiting travel, and censoring those who reported the facts. This
crime against humanity, recently recognized as such by many nations around the
world, was conducted with methods not unlike those that have been adopted
during the so-called “emergency pandemic” as part of the Great Reset.
Ukrainian peasant could have asked: “Why doesn’t Stalin send provisions,
instead of forbidding shops to open and forbidding travel? Doesn’t he realize
that he is making everyone starve to death?” Yet an observer who was not
influenced by communist propaganda would have responded to him: “Because Stalin
wants to eliminate all the Ukrainians, and he is blaming a famine he knowingly
caused for this purpose.” The peasant who asked the question would have
committed the same error as many today who, in the presence of an alleged
pandemic, ask why governments have pre-emptively undermined public health,
weakened national pandemic plans, forbidden effective cures, and administered
harmful if not deadly treatments. Furthermore, they are now forcing citizens —
using the blackmail of perpetual lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, and
unconstitutional “green passes” — to submit to vaccines that not only do not
guarantee any immunity, but rather involve serious short-term and long-term
side effects, as well as further spreading more resistant forms of the virus.
for any logic in what we are told by the mainstream media, government
officials, virologists, and so-called “experts” is practically impossible, but
this enchanting unreasonableness will disappear and turn into the most cynical
rationality if we only reverse our point of view. That is, we must renounce
thinking that our rulers are acting with our good in mind, and more generally
we must stop believing that those who speak to us are honest, sincere, and
motivated by good principles.
course, it is easier to think that the pandemic is real, that a mortal
virus exists that is killing millions of victims, and that our leaders and
doctors should be appreciated for the effort they have made in the face of an
event that caught all of them unprepared; or that the “invisible enemy” has
been effectively defeated by the amazing vaccine which the pharmaceutical
companies, with the purest humanitarian spirit and without any economic
self-interest, have produced in record time. And then there are the relatives,
friends, and colleagues who look at us as if we are crazy, calling us
“conspiracy theorists” or — as a certain conservative intellectual has begun to
do with me — they will accuse us of exasperating the tones of a debate which,
if moderated, they say, would help us to better understand the terms of the
matter. And if our friends also attend our parish, we will hear them say that
even Francis has recommended the vaccines, which Professor So-and-So has
declared to be morally acceptable even if they are produced with aborted
fetuses, since — he admonishes us — those who today criticize the COVID vaccine
accept other vaccines that have been administered up until now, even if those,
too, were also obtained with abortions.
lie seduced many, even among conservatives and traditionalists themselves. We
too, at times, find it difficult to believe that the traders of iniquity are so
well-organized, that they have succeeded in manipulating information,
blackmailing politicians, corrupting doctors, and intimidating businessmen in
order to force billions of people to wear a useless muzzle and consider the
vaccine as the only way to escape certain death. And yet all it takes is one
read through the guidelines that the WHO wrote in 2019 — regarding the
“Covid-19” that was still to come — to understand that there is a single script
under a single direction, with actors who stick to the part assigned to them
and a claque of mercenary journalists who shamelessly distort reality.
us observe the entire operation from the outside, trying to identify the
recurring elements: the unconfessability of the criminal design of the elite,
the need to cloak it with acceptable ideals, the creation of an emergency
situation for which the elite have already planned a solution that would
otherwise be unacceptable. It could be an increase in funding for weapons or a
tightening of controls such as happened immediately after the attack on the
Twin Towers, the exploitation of Iraq’s energy resources with the pretext that
Saddam Hussein possesses chemical and biological weapons, or the transformation
of society and work in the wake of a pandemic. There is an always an excuse
behind these actions, an apparent cause, something false that hides reality, a
lie; in short: a fraud.
is the trademark of the architects of the Great Reset of the last few
centuries: the Protestant pseudo-reformation, the French Revolution, the
Italian Risorgimento, the Russian Revolution, the two World Wars, the
Industrial Revolution, the Revolution of 1968, and the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Each time, if you notice, the apparent reasons for these revolutions never
corresponded to the real one.
this long series of Great Resets organized by the same elite of conspirators,
not even the Catholic Church has managed to escape. Think about it: What did
the liturgists of the Council tell us when they wanted to impose the reformed
Mass on us? That the people did not understand, that the liturgy had to be made
understandable in order to allow for a greater participation of the faithful.
And in the name of that prophasis, of that false pretext, they did not simply
translate the Apostolic Mass into the vernacular, but instead they invented a
different Mass altogether, because they wanted to cancel the primary doctrinal
obstacle to ecumenical dialogue with the Protestants, indoctrinating the
faithful into the new ecclesiology of Vatican II.
all frauds, those that are hatched by the devil and his servants are based on
false promises that will never be kept, in exchange for which we give up a
certain good that will never be restored to us. In Eden, the prospect of
becoming like gods led to the loss of friendship with God and to eternal
damnation, which only the redemptive Sacrifice of Our Lord was able to repair.
And Satan also tempted Our Lord, lying as usual: “I will give you all this
power and the glory of these kingdoms, because it has been placed in my hands
and I give it to whomever I will. If you will prostrate yourself before me, all
this will be yours” (Lk 4:6-7). But nothing that Satan offered to Our Lord was
really his, nor could he give it to whomever he wanted, least of all to the One
who is Lord and Master of all. The temptation of the devil is based on
deception: What can we ever expect from the one who is “a murderer from the
beginning,” “a liar and the father of lies” (Jn 8:44).
the pandemic, little by little they told us that isolation, lockdowns, masks,
curfews, “live-streamed Masses,” distance-learning, “smartworking,” recovery
funds, vaccines, and “green passes” would permit us to come out of the
emergency, and, believing in this lie, we renounced the rights and lifestyles
that they warned us would never return: “Nothing will be the same again.” The
“new normal” will still be presented to us as a concession that will require us
to accept the deprivation of freedoms that we had taken for granted, and
accordingly we will compromise without understanding the absurdity of our
compliance and the obscenity of the demands of those who command us, giving us
orders so absurd that they truly require a total abdication of reason and
dignity. At each step there is a new turn of the screw and a further step
towards the abyss: If we do not stop ourselves in this race towards collective
suicide we will never go back.
is our duty to uncover the deception of this Great Reset, because the same
deception may be attributed to all the other assaults that over the course of
history have sought to nullify the work of Redemption and establish the tyranny
of the Antichrist. Because, in reality, this is what the architects of the
Great Reset are aiming for. The New World Order — a name which significantly
echoes the conciliar Novus Ordo — overturns the divine cosmos in order to
spread infernal chaos, in which everything that civilization has painstakingly
constructed over the course of millennia under the inspiration of Grace is
overturned and perverted, corrupted and cancelled.
of us must understand that what is happening is not the fruit of an unfortunate
sequence of chance occurrences, but corresponds rather to a diabolical plan —
in the sense that the Evil One is behind all this — which over the centuries
pursues a single goal: destroying the work of Creation, nullifying the
Redemption, and cancelling every trace of Good on the earth. And in order to
obtain this, the final step is the establishment of a synarchy in which command
is seized by a few faceless tyrants who thirst for power, who are given over to
the worship of death and sin and to the hatred of Life, Virtue, and Beauty
because in them shines forth the greatness of that God against whom they still cry
out their infernal “Non serviam.” The members of this accursed sect are not
only Bill Gates, George Soros, or Klaus Schwab, but also those who for
centuries have been plotting in the shadows in order to overthrow the Kingdom
of Christ: the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Warburgs, and those who today
have formed an alliance with the highest levels of the Church, using the moral
authority of the Pope and Bishops to convince the faithful to get vaccinated.
know that the lie is the emblem of the devil, the distinctive sign of his
servants, the hallmark of the enemies of God and the Church. God is Truth; the
Word of God is true, and He Himself is God. Speaking the Truth, shouting it
from the rooftops, uncovering the deception and its creators is a sacred work,
and no Catholic — nor anyone who has still preserved a shred of decency and
honor — may shrink from this duty.
of us was thought of, desired, and created in order to give glory to God and to
be part of a great design of Providence: from all eternity the Lord has called
us to share with Him in the work of Redemption, to cooperate in the salvation
of souls and the triumph of Good. Each of us today has the possibility of
choosing to take sides either with Christ or against Christ, either to fight
for the cause of Good or to become an accomplice to the workers of iniquity.
The victory of God is most certain, as is the reward that awaits those who make
the choice to enter the battle on the side of the King of kings, and the defeat
of those who serve the Enemy is also certain, as is their eternal damnation.
farce will collapse; it will collapse inevitably! Let us all commit ourselves,
with renewed zeal, to return to our King the Crown which His enemies have
snatched from Him. I exhort you to make Our Lord reign in your souls, your
families, your communities, in the Nation, in the workplace, in the schools, in
the laws and courts, in the arts, in the media, in all areas of private and
public life.
have just celebrated the anniversary of the Apparitions of the Immaculate
Virgin to the shepherd children of Fatima: Let us recall Our Lady’s warning
about the dangers and punishments that await the world if it does not convert
and do penance. “This sort of demon is cast out only by prayer and fasting” (Mt
17:21), says the Lord. As we wait for a Pope to fully obey the requests of the
Mother of God by consecrating Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, let us consecrate
ourselves and our families, persevering in the life of Grace under the standard
of Christ the King. May our Most Holy Mother and Queen, Mary Most Holy, also
reign with Him.
Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
May 2021
Sabbato post Ascensionem
Pope Francis denies our Lady's
title, “Co-redemptrix”; Our Lord affirms it!
“O Mary, Mary, bearer of the fire of love,
and dispenser of mercy! Mary, co-redemptrix of the human race, when you clothed the Word with
your flesh, the world was redeemed. Christ paid its ransom with His Passion,
and you paid it with the sorrows of your body and soul.”
St. Catherine of Siena, Doctor of the Church, Instructed by God Himself
must learn to distinguish between on the one hand revealed truths, which all
require the same assent of faith, and on the other hand the manner of stating
those truths and theological doctrines. As far as the formulation of revealed
truths is concerned, account will be taken of what is said by, among others,
the declaration of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s Mysterium
Ecclesiae, n. 5: “The truths which the Church intends actually to teach
through its dogmatic formularies are, without doubt, distinct from the changing
conceptions proper to a given age and can be expressed without them, but it can
nonetheless happen that they will be expressed by the magisterium, in terms
that bear traces of those conceptions. Account having been taken of these
considerations, it must also be said that from the beginning the dogmatic
formularies of the magisterium have always been appropriate for communicating
revealed truth and that, remaining unchanged, they will always communicate it
to those who interpret them properly”. Students should therefore learn to make
the distinction between the “deposit of faith itself or the truths which are
contained in our venerable doctrine”, and the way in which these truths are
formulated; between the truths to be proclaimed and the various ways of
perceiving them and shedding light upon them; between the apostolic Tradition
and strictly ecclesiastical traditions, and at the same time they should learn
to recognize and respect the permanent value of dogmatic formulations. From the
time of their philosophical formation, students should be prepared to
appreciate the legitimate diversity in theology which derives from the
different methods and language theologians use in penetrating the divine
mysteries. From which it follows that different theological formulations are
often more complementary than contradictory.”
full title of the “Ecumenical Directory” is Directory for the Application of
Principles and Norms on Ecumenism. It was approved by Pope John Paul II on
March 25, 1993 and published on June 8 by the Pontifical Council for Promoting
Christian Unity as a general executive decree of the Catholic Church. It
supplanted the Directory for the Application of the Decisions of the Second
Vatican Council Concerning Ecumenical Matters, issued during the pontificate of
Pope Paul VI.
and our times!
An unhappy time is coming of revolt and dissension in the Church.
Oh my children, do not let yourselves be led astray by innovations. Rally
and hold fast. Stay on the same road, the same footpaths as your pious
fathers trod. Preserve and maintain what they have taught you. It
will be enough if you resist the attacks, the tempests, the hurricanes that
will arise with such violence.
The Church will be punished because the majority of her members, high
and low, will become so perverted. The Church will sink deeper and deeper
until she will at last seem to be extinguished, and the succession of Peter and
the Apostles to have expired. But, after this, she will be victoriously
exalted in the sight of all doubters.
St. Nicholas of Flu, 15th Century
During the fifth period, we saw only calamities and devastation;
oppression of Catholics by tyrants and heretics; execution of Kings, and
conspiracies to set up republics . . . Are we not to fear, during this period,
that the Mohammedans will come again, working out their sinister schemes
against the Latin Church? . . . During this period men will abuse the freedom
of conscience conceded to them . . . there will be laxity in divine and human
precepts. Discipline will suffer. The holy canons will be
completely disregarded, and the clergy will not respect the laws of the
Church. Everyone will be carried away and led to believe and to do what
he fancies, according to the manner of the flesh. . . But, by the hand of God
Almighty, there occurs so wondrous a change during the sixth period that no one
can humanly visualize it.
The sixth period of the Church will begin with the powerful Monarch and
the holy Pontiff . . . and it will last until the revelation of
Antichrist. In this period, God will console His Holy Church for the
affliction and great tribulation she has endured during the fifth period.
All nations will become Catholic. Vocations will be abundant as never
before, and all men will seek only the Kingdom of God and His justice.
Men will live in peace, and this will be granted because people will make their
peace with God. They will live under the protection of the Great Monarch
and his successors.
All nations will come to worship God in the true Catholic and Roman
faith. There will be many Saints and Doctors on earth. Peace will
reign over the whole earth because God will bind Satan for a number of years
until the days of the Son of Perdition. No one will be able to
pervert the Word of God since, during the sixth period, there will be an
Ecumenical Council which will be the greatest of all councils. By the
grace of God, by the power of the Great Monarch, by the authority of the Holy
Pontiff, and by the union of all the most devout princes, atheism and every
heresy will be banished from the earth. The Council will define the true
sense of Holy Scripture, and this will be believed and accepted by everyone.
Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser, holy priest of the seventeenth
In the twentieth century there will be a time of great corruption of
customs, and this devotion will be the safeguard of this land during the times
to come when it will no longer be a colony, but a free and libertine
republic. Let us weep, pray, and do penance so that this time will not be
of long duration.
The secular clergy will leave much to be desired because priests will
become careless in their sacred duties. Lacking the divine compass, they
will stray from the road traced by God for the priestly ministry, and they will
become attached to wealth and riches, which they will unduly strive to
obtain. How the Church will suffer during this dark night! Lacking
a Prelate and Father to guide them with paternal love, gentleness, strength,
wisdom and prudence, many priests will lose their spirit, placing their souls
in great danger. This will mark the arrival of My hour.
Therefore, clamor insistently without tiring and weep with bitter tears
in the privacy of your heart, imploring the Celestial Father that, for love of
the Eucharistic Heart of my Most Holy Son and His Precious Blood shed with such
generosity and the profound bitterness and sufferings of His cruel Passion and
Death, He might take pity on His ministers and bring to an end those Ominous
times, sending to this Church the Prelate who will restore the spirit of its
priests. . . [When all seems lost, it will be] the happy beginning of the
complete restoration. This will mark the arrival of my hour, when I, in a
marvelous way, will dethrone the proud and cursed Satan, trampling him under my
feet and fettering him in the infernal abyss.
Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Good Success, to Venerable Marianne de
Jesus Torres (1563-1635)
It was revealed to me that through the intercession of the Mother of
God all heresies will disappear. The victory over heresies has been reserved by
Christ for his Blessed Mother… The power of Mary in the latter days will be
very conspicuous. Mary will extend the reign of Christ over the heathens and
the Mohammedans, and it will be a time of great joy when Mary is enthroned as
Mistress and Queen of hearts.
Venerable Maria of Agreda, seventeenth century
Descartes, the Catholic, and Immanuel Kant, the Protestant, the twin pillars of
modern philosophical atheism!
“I cannot forgive Descartes; in all his philosophy he did his best to
dispense with God. But he could not avoid making Him set the world in motion
with a flip of His thumb; after that he had no more use for God.”
Blaise Pascal, Pensees
“France loses a religious building every 2 weeks – Arson, Demolition
are among reasons for lost churches”
CatholicWeekly | May 11, 2021
”One religious building is disappearing in
France every two weeks.” That is the conclusion of Edouard de Lamaze, president
of the Observatoire du patrimoine religieux (Observatory of Religious Heritage)
in Paris.
He is raising the alarm in the French media
about the gradual disappearance of religious edifices in a country known as the
‘eldest daughter of the Church’ because the Frankish King Clovis I embraced
Catholicism in 496.
Lamaze’s appeal for increased awareness
came after a fire destroyed the 16th-century Church of Saint-Pierre in
Romilly-la-Puthenaye, Normandy, northern France. The fire, deemed accidental,
took place on April 15, exactly two years after the blaze that devastated
Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris.
The unforgettable image of the burning
cathedral, which circled the planet in 2019, pointed to a deeper issue within
French society: serious shortcomings in the preservation system of religious
monuments, coupled with increasing hostility toward religion.
Lamaze told Catholic News Agency in an
interview that in addition to one religious building disappearing every two
weeks, by demolition, transformation, destruction by fire, or collapse,
two-thirds of fires in religious buildings are due to arson.
While these statistics include buildings
belonging to all religious groups, most of them concern Catholic monuments,
which still represent a large majority in France, where there are roughly
45,000 Catholic places of worship.
‘Although Catholic monuments are still
ahead, one mosque is erected every 15 days in France, while one Christian
building is destroyed at the same pace,’ Lamaze said. ‘It creates a tipping
point on the territory that should be taken into account.’
Lamaze believes that on average more than
two Christian monuments are targeted every day. Two-thirds of these incidents
concern theft, while the remaining third involve desecration. According to the
most recent figures from France’s central criminal intelligence unit, 877 attacks
on Catholic places of worship were recorded across the country in 2018 alone.
‘These figures have increased fivefold in
only 10 years,’ Lamaze said, noting that 129 churches were vandalised in
Although French cathedrals benefit from a
special status and are owned by the state, they have not been spared in the
wave of fires that have hit Catholic sites in recent years. The blaze at
Notre-Dame de Paris in 2019 was preceded by a fire at the Cathedral Saint-Alain
of Lavaur in Tarn, southern France, and followed by fires at the cathedrals of
Rennes and Nantes in 2020.
‘The current minister of culture is seeking
to establish a protection charter, but the situation is extremely serious and,
alas, I don’t see any real awareness growing, nor any sense of responsibility
in the face of this crucial challenge for our national heritage,’ Lamaze said.”
of Continuity/Discontinuity
Catholic Church Teaches:
“That the mystical body of Christ and the Catholic Church in communion with Rome are one and the same thing, is a doctrine based on revealed truth.”
Pius XII, Humani Generis
(Modernism teaches that) “the formulas which
we call dogma must be subject to these vicissitudes, and are, therefore, liable
to change. Thus the way is open to the
intrinsic evolution of dogma. Here we
have an immense structure of sophisms which ruin and wreck all religion.”
Pope St. Pius X, Pascendi, 1907
With truly lamentable results, our age,
casting aside all restraint in its search for the ultimate causes of things,
frequently pursues novelties so ardently that it rejects the legacy of the
human race. Thus it falls into very serious errors, which are even more serious
when they concern sacred authority, the interpretation of Sacred Scripture, and
the principal mysteries of Faith. The fact that many Catholic writers also go
beyond the limits determined by the Fathers and the Church herself is extremely
regrettable. In the name of higher knowledge and historical research (they say),
they are looking for that progress of dogmas which is, in reality, nothing but
the corruption of dogmas.
Pope St. Pius X, Lamentabili Sane, 1907
The Vatiacan II Church Teaches:
“Church of Christ… subsits
in the Catholic Church.”
Lumen Gentium, Vatican
NOTE: The author of
this term, “subsist in,” was Pastor Wilhelm Schmidt, a Protestant minister who
made the suggestion to Cardinal Augustin Bea, the ecumenist, modernist biblical
scholar, patron of Fr. Annibale Bugnini, and confessor to Pope Pius XII, who in
turn recruited the support of Fr. Joseph Ratzinger who then convinced Cardinal
Josef Frings of Cologne to bring the matter to the Council. This story was personally verified by Fr. Franz Schmidberger,
First Assistant to the Superior General of the SSPX, by directly contacting
Pastor Schmidt.
The problem remains if Lumen Gentium strictly and exclusively identifies the Mystical Body of Christ with the Catholic Church, as did Pius XII in Mystici Corporis. Can we not call it into doubt when we observe that not only is the attribute “Roman” missing, but also that one avoids saying that only Catholics are members of the Mystical Body. Thus they are telling us that the Church of Christ and of the Apostles subsistit in, is found in the Catholic Church. There is consequently no strict identification, that is exclusive, between the Church of Christ and the “Roman” Church. Vatican II admits, fundamentally, that non-Catholic Christians are members of the Mystical Body and not merely ordered to it.
Yves Cardinal Congar
Church of Christ is not exclusively identical to the Roman Catholic Church. It does indeed subsist in Roman Catholicism but it is also present in varying modes and degrees in other Christian communities. (Bold face in original).
Avery Cardinal Dulles, a member of the International Theological Commission
It is difficult to say that the Catholic Church is still one, Catholic, apostolic, when one says that the others (other Christian communities) are equally one, Catholic and apostolic, albeit to a lesser degree. ---- at Vatican Council II, the Roman Catholic Church officially abandoned its monopoly over the Christian religion.
Fr. Edward Schillebeeckx
Concretely and actually the Church of Christ may be realized less, equally, or even more in a Church separated from Rome than in a Church in communion with Rome. This conclusion is inescapable on the basis of the understanding of Church that emerges from the teaching of Vatican Council II.
Fr. Gregory Baum
And we now ask: What does it mean to restore the unity of all Christians?... This unity, we are convinced, indeed subsists in the Catholic Church, without the possibility of ever being lost (Unitatis Redintegratio) the Church in fact has not totally disappeared from the world. On the other hand, this unity does not mean what could be called ecumenism of the return: that is, to deny and to reject one’s own faith history. Absolutely not!
Pope Benedict XVI, addressing Protestants at World Youth Day, August 19, 2005
Congregation for the Doctrine
of the Faith Offers Clarification (?):
QUESTION: What is the meaning of the affirmation that
the Church of Christ subsists in the Catholic Church?
Christ “established here on earth” only one Church and instituted it as a
“visible and spiritual community”, that from its beginning and throughout the
centuries has always existed and will always exist, and in which alone are
found all the elements that Christ himself instituted. “This one Church of
Christ, which we confess in the Creed as one, holy, catholic and apostolic […].
This Church, constituted and organized in this world as a society, subsists in
the Catholic Church, governed by the successor of Peter and the Bishops in
communion with him”.
In number 8 of the Dogmatic Constitution Lumen
Gentium ‘subsistence’ means this perduring, historical continuity and the
permanence of all the elements instituted by Christ in the Catholic Church, in
which the Church of Christ is concretely found on this earth.
Lutherans, Methodists, Anglicans, and many
other Protestant groups recite the Nicene Creed professing a belief in the
“one, holy, catholic, apostolic Church.”
They clearly do not define the word “catholic” in the same sense as
Roman Catholics do. Is the CDF giving a
Catholic or Protestant meaning to the word “catholic” when it explains the
words “subsist in”? Is the comment of Cardinal Congar explaining
the significance of the failure to use the word “Roman” important to our
understanding of the CDF’s response? Is this a cleaver corruption of dogmatic
truth through corruption of language? Should we be grateful to Cardinal Congar
for his open and honest comments? Since
the “ecumenism of return” is rejected then, do Protestants that do not have to “return”
to the Roman Catholic Church already belong to the “Church of Christ”? Is there salvation in the “Church of
Christ” separated from the Roman Catholic Church? It is a Dogma, an article of
divine and Catholic faith, that there is one universal Church of the faithful
outside of which there is no salvation.
Every best gift, and every perfect gift, is from above, coming down
from the Father of lights, with whom there is no change, nor shadow of
James 1:17
For amen I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot, or one tittle
shall not pass of the law, till all be fulfilled.
Matt 5:18
Paradoxically precisely because one remains [in the Church], precisely
if one is faithful, one changes. One
does not remain faithful, like the traditionalists or the fundamentalists, to
the letter. Fidelity is always a change,
a blossoming, a growth. The Lord brings
about a change in those who are faithful to Him.
Cardinal Bergoglio, interview with Stefani Falasca, 2007
More distantly, this view comes from the German transcendental
philosophies that value becoming more than being and therefore value perennial
doubt more than certainty and seeking more than finding..... The mistake in
this position lies in regarding as humble an attitude that is really an intense
form of pride. What is someone really preferring when he prefers searching for
the truth to truth itself? He is
preferring his own subjective movement and the activity of the Ego more than
the good that his powers of acting are given him to attain. In short the Object is being valued less than
the subject and an anthropocentric view is being adopted that is irreconcilable
with religion, which seeks the creature's subjection to the Creator and teaches
that in being thus subjected the creature finds its own satisfaction and
perfection. The false view that values
searching more than the truth is really a form of indifferentism.
Romano Amerio, Iota Unum, The Virtue of
“The Devil is fighting a decisive battle”
Sr. Lucy also told me:
“Father, the Devil is fighting a decisive
battle against the Virgin and, as you know, what most offends God and what will
gain him the greatest number of souls in the shortest time is to gain the souls
consecrated to God. For this also leaves unprotected the field of the laity and
the Devil can more easily seize them.
“Also, Father, tell them that my cousins Francisco and Jacinta made sacrifices
because they always saw the Blessed Virgin was very sad in all her apparitions.
She never smiled at us. This anguish that we saw in her, caused by offenses to
God and the chastisements that threaten sinners, penetrated our souls. And
being children, we did not know what measures to devise except to pray and make
sacrifices. …”
Referring to the
vision of Hell that Our Lady showed her and Jacinta and Francisco, she said:
“For this reason, Father, it is my mission not just to tell about the material
punishments that will certainly come over the earth if the world does not pray
and do penance. No, my mission is to tell everyone the imminent danger we are
in of losing our souls for all eternity if we remain fixed in sin.
“Father, we should not wait for a call to the world from Rome on the part of
the Holy Father to do penance. Nor should we wait for a call for penance to
come from the Bishops in our Dioceses, nor from our Religious Congregations.
No, Our Lord has often used these means, and the world has not paid heed. So,
now each one of us must begin to reform himself spiritually. Each one has to
save not only his own soul, but also all the souls that God has placed on his
“Father, the Blessed Virgin did not tell me that we are in the last times of
the world, but I understood this for three reasons:
“The first is because she told me that the Devil is engaging in a battle with
the Virgin, a decisive battle. It is a final battle where one party will be
victorious and the other will suffer defeat. So, from now on, we are either
with God or we are with the Devil; there is no middle ground.
“The second reason is
because she told me, as well as my cousins, that God is giving two last
remedies to the world: the Holy Rosary and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of
Mary. And, being the last remedies, that is to say, they are the final
ones, means that there will be no others.
“And the third, because in the plans of the
Divine Providence, when God is going to chastise the world He always first
exhausts all other remedies. When He sees that the world pays no attention
whatsoever, then, as we say in our imperfect way of talking, with a certain
fear He presents us the last means of salvation, His Blessed Mother.
If we despise and reject this last means, Heaven will no longer pardon
us, because we will have committed a sin that the Gospel calls a sin against
the Holy Spirit. This sin consists in openly rejecting – with full knowledge
and will – the salvation that is put in our hands.
”Also, since Our Lord is a very good Son, He will not permit that we
offend and despise His Blessed Mother. We have as obvious testimony the history
of different centuries where Our Lord has shown us with terrible examples how
He has always defended the honor of His Blessed Mother.
”Prayer and sacrifice are the two means to save the world. As for the
Holy Rosary, Father, in these last times in which we are living, the Blessed
Virgin has given a new efficacy to the praying of the Holy Rosary. This in such
a way that there is no problem that cannot be resolved by praying the Rosary,
no matter how difficult it is - be it temporal or above all spiritual - in the
spiritual life of each of us or the lives of our families, be they our families
in the world or Religious Communities, or even in the lives of peoples and
”I repeat, there is no problem, as difficult as it may be, that we cannot
resolve at this time by praying the Holy Rosary. With the Holy Rosary we will
save ourselves, sanctify ourselves, console Our Lord and obtain the salvation
of many souls.
”Then, there is devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, our Most Holy
Mother, holding her as the seat of mercy, goodness and pardon and the sure door
to enter Heaven. This is the first part of the Message referring to Our Lady of
Fatima, and the second part, which is briefer but no less important, refers to
the Holy Father.”
Sister Lucy of Fatima to Fr. Augustin
Fuentes in 1957
Tolerance is the last virtue of a depraved society. When an immoral
society has blatantly and proudly violated all the commandments, it insists upon
one last virtue, tolerance for its immorality. It will not tolerate
condemnation of its perversions. It creates a whole new world in which only the
intolerant critic of intolerable evil is evil.
Hutton Gibson, died 5-12-2020
Francis: 'No concession' to those who deny Vatican II teachings
National Catholic Reporter | Joshua J. McElwee | Vatican | Feb 1, 2021
Rome — Pope Francis on Jan. 30 urged those
charged with passing on the principles of the Catholic faith to consider the
teachings of the Second Vatican Council as sacrosanct, saying that to be
Catholic one must adhere to the reforms brought about by the landmark
“You can be with the church and therefore
follow the council, or you can not follow the council or interpret it in your
own way, as you want, and you are not with the church,” the pontiff said in a
meeting with a group of catechists connected to the Italian bishops'
“The council is the magisterium of the
church,” said the pope. “On this point we must be demanding, severe. The
council cannot be negotiated.”
“Please, no concession to those who seek to
present a catechesis that does not accord with the magisterium of the church,”
he told the catechists.
The Second Vatican Council, called by Pope
John XXIII and held in Rome from 1962 to 1965, brought about a number of
reforms for the global Catholic Church, including the use of vernacular
languages during liturgies and the redefinition of the church as the “People of
The council's effect has been hotly debated by Catholics in the decades
since the event, with some movements now even choosing to go back to a
Latin-language celebration of the Mass.
Francis told the catechists that the church
is living through a problem of “selectivity” with regard to the council's
teachings, and said it was a similar problem to one experienced after earlier
church councils.
The pope mentioned a group of Catholic
bishops who decided to create their own church because of disagreements after
the First Vatican Council, held in Rome from 1869 to 1870, in an apparent
reference to what is now known as the Old Catholic Church.
“I think often about a group of bishops
who, after Vatican I, left … to continue the 'true doctrine' that wasn't that
of Vatican I,” said the pontiff.
“Today, they ordain women,” the pope
continued, adding: “The severest attitude, to guard the faith without the
magisterium of the church, brings you to ruin.
COMMENT: The authority of Vatican II is no greater
than of an exercise of the ordinary magisterium, that is, churchmen teaching by
virtue of their grace of state. This particular council declared before, during
and after its convocation that it made no greater pretensions above that of a
“pastoral” council that repudiated any claim to be offering any definitive
teaching on Catholic doctrine or morals. They therefore repudiated any claim to
be engaging the Magisterium of the Church, that is, the power conferred on the
Church by Jesus Christ to teach infallibly in His name by the power of the Holy
Ghost. Pope Francis, besides being a heretic, is a shameless liar. He is using
the word, “magisterium”, equivocally in an attempt to deceive conflating the
magisterium of churchmen with the Magisterium of God. In equating the authority of Vatican II with
Vatican I, he just adding another lie. Vatican I was an exercise of the
Magisterium of the Church and engaged to Holy Ghost to definitively define
Catholic doctrine. The fruit of the Vatican I was DOGMA. Those who did not
accept the DOGMA were therefore heretics who left the Church. If Pope Francis
wants to pretend that that the “teaching” of Vatican II constitute articles of
Divine and Catholic faith they denial of which makes a person a heretic and removes
them from the Church. Pope Francis is shameless liar. If he wants to impose the
“teachings of Vatican II” on Catholic faithful, he must:
1) Articulate the doctrines of Vatican II in
clear categorical propositions.
2) He must place himself in the “Chair of Peter”
a) Demonstrate that the doctrines from Vatican
II that he wants to define are contained in the Deposit of Divine Revelation
and have therefore, always been objects of Divine Faith.
b) He must engage the Extra-ordinary
Magisterium of the Church and declare that be virtue of his apostolic authority
as the Vicar of Christ he is formally defining these doctrines of Divine Faith
making them articles of Divine and Catholic Faith, that is, making them DOGMAS
of the Church.
c) He must declare that whoever rejects these
DOGMAS as part of Divine and Catholic Faith are declared: ANATHAMA
3) Take care of his funeral arrangements for
God has promised to preserve His Church from a pope ever imposing a false
teaching as an article of Divine and Catholic faith.
Abp. Viganò: Upcoming Vatican Conference “Disturbing Departure from
Catholic Orthodoxy”
Declaration of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò with regard to the “Fifth
International Vatican Conference”
From May 6-8, 2021, the fifth International
Vatican Conference will take place, entitled Exploring the Mind, Body &
Soul. Unite to Prevent & Unite to Cure. A Global Health Care Initiative:
How Innovation and Novel Delivery Systems Improve Human Health. The event is
being hosted by the Pontifical Council for Culture, the Cura Foundation, the
Science and Faith Foundation, and Stem for Life.
Michael Haynes of LifeSiteNews has reported
on the topics to be addressed and the participants, including the infamous
Anthony Fauci, whose scandalous conflicts of interest did not prevent him from
taking over the management of the pandemic in the United States; Chelsea
Clinton, a follower of the Church of Satan and a staunch abortion advocate; the
New Age guru Deepak Chopra; Dame Jane Goodall, environmentalist and chimpanzee
expert; the CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna; representatives of Big Tech; and a
whole slew of abortionists, Malthusians, and globalists known to the general
public. The conference has recruited five prominent journalists to be
moderators, who are exclusively from left-wing media outlets such as CNN,
MSNBC, CBS and Forbes.
This Conference – along with the Council
for Inclusive Capitalism of Lynn Forester de Rothschild, the Global Compact on
Education, and the inter-religious Pantheon to be held in June in Astana,
Kazakhstan – is the umpteenth scandalous confirmation of a disturbing departure
of the current Hierarchy, and in particular its highest Roman members, from
Catholic orthodoxy. The Holy See has deliberately renounced the supernatural
mission of the Church, making itself the servant of the New World Order and
Masonic globalism in an antichristic counter-magisterium. The same Roman
Dicasteries, occupied by people ideologically aligned with Jorge Mario
Bergoglio and protected and promoted by him, now continue unrestrained in their
implacable work of demolishing Faith, Morals, ecclesiastical discipline, and
monastic and religious life, in an effort as vain as it is unprecedented to
transform the Bride of Christ into a philanthropic association enslaved to the
Strong Powers. The result is the super-imposition over the true Church of a
sect of heretical and depraved Modernists who are intent on legitimizing
adultery, sodomy, abortion, euthanasia, idolatry, and any perversion of the
intellect and will. The true Church is now eclipsed, denied and discredited by
her very Pastors, betrayed even by the one who occupies the highest Throne.
The fact that the deep church has managed
to elect its own member so as to carry out this infernal plan in agreement with
the deep state is no longer a mere suspicion, but a phenomenon which it is now
essential to ask questions about and shed light on. The submission of the
Cathedra veritatis to the interests of the Masonic elite is manifesting itself
in all its evidence, in the deafening silence of the Sacred Pastors and in the
bewilderment of the People of God, who have been abandoned to themselves.
Further demonstration of this degenerate
libido serviendi of the Vatican towards the globalist ideology is the choice of
speakers to give testimonials and lectures: supporters of abortion, of the use
of fetal material in research, of demographic decline, of the pan-sexual LGBT
agenda, and last but not least, of the narrative of Covid and the so-called
vaccines. Cardinal Ravasi, the President of the Pontifical Council for Culture,
is certainly one of the leading representatives of the deep church and
Modernist progressivism, as well as an advocate of dialogue with the infamous
Masonic sect and a promoter of the famous Courtyard of the Gentiles. It is
therefore not surprising that included among the organizers of the event is the
Stem for Life Foundation, which proudly defines itself as “a nonsectarian,
nonpartisan, tax-exempt organization focused on creating a movement to
accelerate development of cell therapies.”
On closer inspection, the sectarianism and
partisanship of the Vatican Conference are made evident by the topic it
addresses, the conclusions it seeks to draw, its participants, and its
sponsors. Even the image chosen to promote the Conference is extremely
eloquent: a close-up of Michelangelo’s fresco of Creation on the Sistine Chapel
ceiling, in which the hand of God the Father reaches out towards the hand of
Adam, but with both hands covered by disposable surgical gloves, recalling the
regulations of the new “health liturgy” and implying that even the Lord Himself
might spread the virus.
In this sacrilegious representation, the
order of Creation is subverted into therapeutic anti-creation, in which man
saves himself and becomes the mad author of his own health “redemption.”
Instead of the purifying laver of Baptism, the Covid religion proposes the
vaccine, the bearer of disabilities and death, as the only means of salvation.
Instead of Faith in the Revelation of God, we find superstition and the
irrational assent to precepts that have nothing scientific about them, with
rites and liturgies that mimic true Religion in a sacrilegious parody.
This choice of imagery has an aberrant and
blasphemous ring to it, because it uses a well-known and evocative image to insinuate
and promote a false and tendentious narrative that says that in the presence of
a seasonal flu, whose virus has still not been isolated according to Koch’s
postulates and that can be effectively cured using existing treatments, it is
necessary to administer vaccines that are admitted to be ineffective and that
are still in the experimentation phase, with unknown side-effects, and whose
producers have obtained a criminal shield of immunity for their distribution.
The victims immolated on the altar of the health Moloch, from children
dismembered in the third month of pregnancy in order to produce the gene serum
to the thousands of people who have been killed or maimed, do not stop the
infernal machine of Big Pharma, and it is to be feared that there will be a
resurgence of the phenomenon over the next few months.
One wonders if Bergoglio’s zeal for the
dissemination of the gene serum is not also motivated by base economic reasons,
as compensation for the losses suffered by the Vatican and the Dioceses following
the lockdown and the collapse of attendance by the faithful at Mass and the
Sacraments. On the other hand, if Rome’s silence about the violation of human
and religious rights in China has been paid for by the Beijing dictatorship
with substantial prebends, nothing prevents the replication of this scheme on a
large scale in exchange for the Vatican’s promotion of the vaccines.
The Conference will obviously take great
care not to mention even indirectly the perennial teaching of the Magisterium
on moral and doctrinal questions of the greatest importance. Conversely, the
sycophantic praise of the worldly mentality and the prevailing ideology will be
the only voice, along with the amorphous ecumenical repertoire inspired by the
New Age.
I note that in 2003 the same Pontifical
Council for Culture condemned yoga meditation and, more generally, New Age
thought as being incompatible with the Catholic faith. According to the Vatican
document, New Age thought “shares with a number of internationally influential
groups the goal of superseding or transcending particular religions in order to
create space for a universal religion which could unite humanity. Closely
related to this is a very concerted effort on the part of many institutions to
invent a Global Ethic, an ethical framework which would reflect the global
nature of contemporary culture, economics and politics. Further, the
politicization of ecological questions certainly colors the whole question of
the Gaia hypothesis or worship of mother earth” (2.5). It goes without saying
that the pagan ceremonies with which Saint Peter’s Basilica was profaned in
honor of the pachamama idol fit perfectly into that “politicization of
ecological questions” denounced by the 2003 Vatican document, and which today
is instead promoted sine glossa by the so-called Bergoglian magisterium,
beginning with Laudato Sì and Fratelli Tutti.
At La Salette, Our Lady warned us: “Rome
will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.” It will not be the
Holy Church, indefectible by the promises of Christ, that will lose the Faith:
it will be the sect that occupies the See of Most Blessed Peter and which today
we see propagating the anti-gospel of the New World Order. It is no longer
possible to remain silent, because today our silence would make us accomplices
of the enemies of God and of the human race. Millions of faithful are disgusted
by the countless scandals of the Pastors, by the betrayal of their mission, by
the desertion of those who by Holy Orders are called to bear witness to the
Holy Gospel and not to support the establishment of the kingdom of the
I beg my Brothers in the Episcopate,
priests, religious, and in a particular way the faithful laity who see
themselves being betrayed by the Hierarchy, to raise their voices so as to
express with a spirit of true obedience to Our Lord, Head of the Mystical Body,
a firm and courageous denunciation of this apostasy and its authors. I invite
everyone to pray that the Divine Majesty may be moved to compassion and intervene
in our aid. May the Most Holy Virgin, terribilis ut castrorum acies ordinata,
intercede before the Throne of God, compensating with Her merits for the
unworthiness of Her children who invoke Her with the glorious title of Auxilium
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
20 April 2021
Feria Tertia infra Hebdomadam II post Octavam Paschae
The Kingdom of God is not the work of man and does not emerge by a
natural law of progress from the course of human history. It makes a violent
interruption into history and confounds the work of man, like the stone hewn
from the mountain without human agency which crushes the image of the four
world empires into dust.
Christopher Dawson, Dynamics of World History
Hermeneutics of Continuity/Discontinuity
Martin Luther:
“God does not save factious sinners. Be a
sinner and sin boldly, but believe and rejoice in Christ every more boldly. No
sin will separate us form the Lamb, even though we commit fornication and
murder a thousand times a day.” Martin
“When I awoke last night the Devil came and
wanted to debate with me arguing that I was a sinner. To this I replied, “Tell
me something new, Devil! I already know that perfectly well; I have committed
many a solid and real sin. Indeed there must be good honest sins not fabricated
and invented ones for God to forgive.”
Martin Luther
In translating St. Paul, “We account a man
to be justified by faith” (Romans 3:28), Luther added the word, “alone.” In answer to those who objected to his mutilating
Sacred Scripture, he answered: “If your
Papist annoys you with the word (alone), tell him straightway: Dr. Martin
Luther will have it so. Whoever will not have my translation, let him give it
the go-by; the devil’s thanks to him who censures it without my will and
knowledge. Dr. Martin Luther will have it so, and he is a doctor above all the
doctors in Popedom.” Martin Luther
Pope Francis the Lutheran:
“I think that Marin Luther's intentions were not mistaken. He was a reformer.... And today, Luther and
Catholics, Protestants, all of us agree on the doctrine of justification. On
this point which is very important, he did not err.”
Pope Francis, public interview, June 26,
Catholic Faith: Council of Trent: Selected Canons on
CANON IX.-If any one saith, that by faith
alone the impious is justified; in such wise as to mean, that nothing else is
required to co-operate in order to the obtaining the grace of Justification,
and that it is not in any way necessary, that he be prepared and disposed by
the movement of his own will; let him be anathema.
CANON XII.-If any one saith, that
justifying faith is nothing else but confidence in the divine mercy which
remits sins for Christ's sake; or, that this confidence alone is that whereby we
are justified; let him be anathema.
CANON XIV.-If any one saith, that man is
truly absolved from his sins and justified, because that he assuredly believed
himself absolved and justified; or, that no one is truly justified but he who
believes himself justified; and that, by this faith alone, absolution and
justification are effected; let him be anathema.
CANON XV.-If any one saith, that a man, who
is born again and justified, is bound of faith to believe that he is assuredly
in the number of the predestinate; let him be anathema.
CANON XII.-If any one saith, that
justifying faith is nothing else but confidence in the divine mercy which
remits sins for Christ's sake; or, that this confidence alone is that whereby
we are justified; let him be anathema.
CANON XIII.-If any one saith, that it is
necessary for every one, for the obtaining the remission of sins, that he
believe for certain, and without any wavering arising from his own infirmity
and disposition, that his sins are forgiven him; let him be anathema.
CANON XIV.-If any one saith, that man is
truly absolved from his sins and justified, because that he assuredly believed
himself absolved and justified; or, that no one is truly justified but he who
believes himself justified; and that, by this faith alone, absolution and
justification are effected; let him be anathema.
CANON XV.-If any one saith, that a man, who
is born again and justified, is bound of faith to believe that he is assuredly
in the number of the predestinate; let him be anathema.
CANON XIX.-If any one saith, that nothing
besides faith is commanded in the Gospel; that other things are indifferent,
neither commanded nor prohibited, but free; or, that the ten commandments
nowise appertain to Christians; let him be anathema.
CANON XXIX.-If any one saith, that he, who
has fallen after baptism, is not able by the grace of God to rise again; or,
that he is able indeed to recover the justice which he has lost, but by faith
alone without the sacrament of Penance, contrary to what the holy Roman and
universal Church-instructed by Christ and his Apostles-has hitherto professed,
observed, and taugh; let him be anathema.
CANON XXXIII.-If any one saith, that, by
the Catholic doctrine touching Justification, by this holy Synod inset forth in
this present decree, the glory of God, or the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ
are in any way derogated from, and not rather that the truth of our faith, and
the glory in fine of God and of Jesus Christ are rendered (more) illustrious;
let him be anathema.
with Lutherans requires abandoning both Reason and Free Will which helps
explain why Modernists are both stupid and reckless!
“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes
to the aid of spiritual things, but more frequently than not struggles against
the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God.”
Martin Luther
“This error of free will is a special doctrine of the antichrist.”
Martin Luther
Worth Reading Again from Last Year for fans of the
Open Letter by “Papal
favorite” calling for End of Summorum
the “State of Liturgical Exception” | Andrea Grillo, April 29, 2020
To all
theologians, scholars, and students of theology:
The great
liturgical tradition, which has always accompanied and supported the Church in
her history of grace and sin, hears the groaning of individuals and nations in
this pandemic crisis, which brings suffering and affliction to those who are
sick, and fear, isolation and loneliness to everyone else. The ordinary
rhythm of the Lenten and Paschal journey is altered and subverted, in
solidarity with our common suffering. We would never have thought, however,
that a small but not marginal suffering would also come at the same time
through the exercise of ecclesial authority and through the decrees Quo
magis e Cum sanctissima, which the Congregation for
the Doctrine of the Faith published on 25 March 2020.
It is no
surprise that This Congregation should devote its attention to the liturgy. But
special and singular is the fact that it modifies the ordines, introduces prefaces
and formularies for feasts, and modifies calendars and criteria of precedence.
And it does this on a 1962 missal. How is this possible? The Congregation, as is known,
in this case moves in the space of an exceptional authority, which dates
back 13 years, in accordance with motu proprio Summorum
pontificum. But
since time is greater than space, what is possible on the regulatory level is
not always appropriate. Therefore, it is crucial to engage in critical
reflection on the logic of this development.
Time, in fact,
has unveiled to us the paradox of a competence on the liturgy being taken away
from the Bishops and the Congregation of Worship: this was arranged, in Summorum
pontificum, with an intention of solemn pacification and generous
reconciliation, but soon it changed into a serious division, a widespread
conflict, and became the symbol of a “liturgical rejection” of the Second
Vatican Council. The greatest distortion of the initial intentions of the motu
proprio can be seen today in those diocesan seminaries where it is expected
that the future ministers will be trained at the same time in two different
rites: the conciliar rite and the one that denies it. All this reached its most
surreal point the day before yesterday, when the two Decrees were released.
They mark the culmination of a distortion which is no longer tolerable, and
which can be summed up as follows:
the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith acts as a
substitute in exercising competences conferred by the Second Vatican
Council on Bishops and the Congregation for Divine Worship;
it undertakes to elaborate ”liturgical
variants” of the ordines without having the
historical, textual, philological and pastoral competences;
· it seems to ignore, precisely on the dogmatic
level, a grave conflict between the lex orandi and
the lex credendi, since it is inevitable that a dual,
conflictual ritual form will lead to a significant division in the faith;
it seems to underestimate the disruptive effect this
“exception” will have on the ecclesial level, by immunizing a part of the
community from the “school of prayer” that the Second Vatican Council and the
liturgical reform have providentially given to the common ecclesial journey.
A “state of
exception” is also happening today on the civil level, in its harsh necessity,
and this fact allows us greater ecclesial foresight. To return to an ecclesial
normality, we must overcome the state of liturgical exception established 13
years ago in another world, with other conditions and with other hopes, by Summorum pontificum. It
no longer makes sense to deprive diocesan bishops of their liturgical powers;
neither does it make sense to have an Ecclesia Dei Commission (which has in fact already been
suppressed), or a Section of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
which take away authority from diocesan Bishops and the Congregation of Divine
Worship; it no longer makes sense to enact decrees to “reform” a rite that is
closed in the historical past, inert and crystallized, lifeless and without
vigor. There can be no resuscitation for it. The double regime is over; the
noble intention of SP has waned; the Lefebvrians have raised the barhigher and
higher and then run away, insulting the Second Vatican Council and the present
pope along with all three of his predecessors. Continuing to nourish a
“state of liturgical exception” – one that was born to unite, but does nothing
but divide – only leads to the shattering, privatization, and distortion of the
worship of the Church. On the basis of these considerations, we
resolve together to request that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
immediately withdraw the two decrees of 25/03/2020 and restore all powers concerning
the liturgy to the diocesan Bishops and the Congregation for Divine Worship. Obviously, we ask this
without prejudice to the powers that this Congregation retains in doctrinal
So let
us leave the “state of liturgical exception”. If not now, when?
With best
wishes to all colleagues and students, besieged but not conquered in life,
during these bitter yet still generous times.
“Time is greater than space” – The
ideological lynchpin of Pope Francis the Great Equivocator
This liturgical OPEN LETTER structures its
argument around the phrase: Time is Greater Than Space.” This slogan of Pope
Francis, “Time is greater than space” (TGTS), appeared in his first two
encyclicals, Lumen Fidei and Laudato Si’. It surfaced again in
the apostolic exhortations, Evangelii Gaudium and Amoris Laetitia.
From Lumen
“Let us refuse to be robbed of hope, or to allow our hope to be dimmed
by facile answers and solutions which block our progress, ‘fragmenting’ time
and changing it into space. Time is always much greater than space. Space
hardens processes, whereas time propels towards the future and encourages us to
go forward in hope.”
Evangelii Gaudium is more revealing as to the cryptic meaning
of this phrase:
222. A constant tension exists between fullness and limitation.
Fullness evokes the desire for complete possession, while limitation is a wall
set before us. Broadly speaking, “time” has to do with fullness as an
expression of the horizon which constantly opens before us, while each
individual moment has to do with limitation as an expression of enclosure.
People live poised between each individual moment and the greater, brighter
horizon of the utopian future as the final cause which draws us to itself. Here
we see a first principle for progress in building a people: time is greater
than space.
223. This principle enables us to work slowly but surely, without being
obsessed with immediate results. It helps us patiently to endure difficult and
adverse situations, or inevitable changes in our plans. It invites us to accept
the tension between fullness and limitation, and to give a priority to time.
One of the faults which we occasionally observe in sociopolitical activity is that
spaces and power are preferred to time and processes. Giving priority to space
means madly attempting to keep everything together in the present, trying to
possess all the spaces of power and of self-assertion; it is to crystallize
processes and presume to hold them back. Giving priority to time means being
concerned about initiating processes rather than possessing spaces. Time
governs spaces, illumines them and makes them links in a constantly expanding
chain, with no possibility of return. What we need, then, is to give priority
to actions which generate new processes in society and engage other persons and
groups who can develop them to the point where they bear fruit in significant
historical events. Without anxiety, but with clear convictions and tenacity.
St. Pius X said in Pascendi that Evolution
is the fundamental principle of the heresy of Modernism. This error is
practically applied when Modernists embrace Becoming
and reject Being. This neologism of
Francis, TGTS, is just a repacking of this old philosophical error of
Modernism. Francis is trying to sound clever by putting a little make-up and
bow-tie on the pig. But the pig remains a pig because that is his Being. Fr. Réginald Marie Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. explained this error in his great
essay, Where is the New Theology Leading
Us?, that was published in the Angelicum
in 1946.
It should be remembered that on December 1, 1924, the Holy Office
condemned 12 propositions taken from the philosophy of action, among which was
number 5, or the new definition of truth: “Truth is not found in any particular
act of the intellect wherein conformity with the object would be had, as the
Scholastics say, but rather truth is always in a state of becoming, and
consists in a progressive alignment of the understanding with life, indeed a
certain perpetual process, by which the intellect strives to develop and
explain that which experience presents or action requires: by which principle,
moreover, as in all progression, nothing is ever determined or fixed.” The last
of these condemned propositions is: “Even after Faith has been received, man
ought not to rest in the dogmas of religion, and hold fast to them fixedly and
immovably, but always solicitous to remain moving ahead toward a deeper truth
and even evolving into new notions, and even correcting that which he
Many, who did not heed these warnings, have now reverted to these errors.
It revisits modernism. Because it accepted the proposition which was
intrinsic to modernism: that of substituting, as if it were illusory, the
traditional definition of truth: aequatio rei et intellectus (the adequation of
intellect and reality), for the subjective definition: adequatio realis mentis
et vitae (the adequation of intellect and life). That was more explicitly
stated in the already cited proposition, which emerged from the philosophy of
action, and was condemned by the Holy Office, December 1, 1924: “Truth is not
found in any particular act of the intellect wherein conformity with the object
would be had, as the Scholastics say, but rather truth is always in a state of
becoming, and consists in a progressive alignment of the understanding with
life, indeed a certain perpetual process, by which the intellect strives to
develop and explain that which experience presents or action requires: by which
principle, moreover, as in all progression, nothing is ever determined or
fixed” (v. Monitore ecclesiastico, 1925. t. I; p. 194.)
The truth is no longer the conformity (of judgment) to the intuitive
reality and its immutable laws but the conformity of judgment to the exigencies
of action, and of human life which continues to evolve. The philosophy of being
or ontology is substituted by the philosophy of action which defines truth as
no longer a function of being but of action.
Thus is modernism reprised: “Truth is no more immutable than man himself,
inasmuch as it is evolved with him, in him and through him. As well, Pius X
said of the modernists, “they pervert the eternal concept of truth.”
The traditional definition truth is no longer for them the conformity of
judgment to intuitive being and the immutable laws of non-contradiction, of
causality, etc. For them, the truth is no longer that which is but that which
is becoming — and is constantly and always changing.
For the Modernist heretic, Pope Francis,
“Time is greater than space,” “Time” means the process of becoming through evolution
and “Space” is the limitation of static being.
A library could be filled with analyzing the implications of this error but
suffice for the present there are two obvious to everyone: Firstly, the very
definition of heresy is the rejection of DOGMA. For the faithful Catholic,
DOGMA is NECESSARILY the proximate rule of faith. This is directly rejected by
the Modernists. They replace Dogma with the person of the pope as the proximate
rule of faith and he is free to corrupt the revealed truth in whatever manner
he pleases. The second obvious error is that they deny the philosophical
meaning of substance. They follow
modern reductionist Scientism that resurrected the Greek philosopher
Democritus’ (460-370 B.C.) theory that the fundamental nature of all that
existed is “atoms and the void.” Since all reality is just the recombination of
atoms and the void between them, then there cannot be such thing as a fixed substance in which accidents adhere. Consequently, we have Benedict/Ratzinger denying substance and making the accident of relationship the fundamental ground of all reality. It is therefore
not surprising when he denies the Dogma of Transubstantiation. And what becomes
of the Dogma that the Father and the Son are Consubstantial? Francis follows in
the same manner and never kneels before the Blessed Sacrament. No argument can
touch these blighted minds, if you call something that never thinks a “mind.”
It matters not what wreckage and ruin that has followed since Vatican II
because the being of the wreckage
cannot overcome their ideological fantasy of becoming as Pope Francis looks to his “brighter horizon of the utopian future… for progress in
building a people.”
The truth is just the opposite, ‘Space is
Greater than Time.’ God revealed His name to Moses, “I AM.” Jesus applied this
name to Himself. God is perfect BEING; He is perfect ACT: “Every best gift, and
every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with
whom there is no change, nor shadow of alteration” (James 1:17). Ultimately
time will end in a changeless eternity where the faithful will be with God in a
space prepared by Him for each one of us. “In my Father's house there
are many mansions. If not, I would have told you: because I go to prepare a place
for you. And if I shall go, and prepare a place for you, I will come
again, and will take you to myself; that where I am, you also may be” (John
Andrea Grillo gives as a reason for the
suppression of the Latin Mass granted to the Indult crowd:
· it seems to ignore, precisely on the dogmatic level, a
grave conflict between the lex orandi and the lex credendi,
since it is inevitable that a dual, conflictual ritual form will lead to a
significant division in the faith;
He too believes with Francis that TGTS.
Latin Mass Catholics are stuck in space
while the Catholic Church is moving in time
to a new “dogmatic level”
that will inevitably “lead
to a significant division in the faith.”
The two rites he says represent a “grave conflict between
the lex orandi and the lex credenda.”
Are we to congratulate Grillo for this insight?Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani,
Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine for the Faith with his Interventionin in 1969 said
the same thing! This is a truth that faithful Catholics have known for more
than 50 years! Yet Indultists publicly deny this truth professing that both the
Novus Ordo and the traditional Latin rite express an identity of “lex orandi /lex credendi.”
This is the price they have paid for their Indult; a mind that turns its back
on the first principle of the understanding cannot even be called a “mind”!
Ss. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic
Mission’s purpose is to make a public profession of the Catholic faith before
our local ordinary and Rome. Foundational to this purpose is that DOGMA IS
divine revelation infallibly defined by the Magisterium of the Church, which is
irreformable both in its truth (form) and its terminology employed (matter), IS
the “formal object of divine and Catholic faith” and constitutes the proximate
rule of faith for all the faithful. Furthermore, our immemorial ecclesiastical
traditions are necessary attributes of the faith by which alone the faith can
be known and communicated to others. Since God has imposed a duty upon His
faithful to profess their faith and worship Him in the public forum, every
Catholic possesses the inalienable right to our immemorial traditions by which
alone these duties can be fulfilled. Those who have accepted the Latin Mass by
virtue of Indult and/or grant of legal privilege want a non-confrontational modus vivendi with Modernist heretics.
This has never worked in the past and it will not work now. Being neither ‘cold
nor hot’, they please no one and will soon learn that having traded their birth
right for bowl of pottage there is nothing left to eat.
of Continuity/Discontinuity
Example of the Heresy of Neo-Modernism
It is not enough to find a new language in which to articulate our
perennial faith; it is also urgent, in the light of the new challenges and
prospects facing humanity, that the Church be able to express the ‘new things’
of Christ’s Gospel, that, albeit present in the word of God, have not yet come
to light.
Pope Francis the Destroyer, Address, October 11, 2018
Example of the Catholic Faith
If there are any present-day teachers making every effort to produce
and develop new ideas, but not to repeat “that which has been handed down,” and
if this is their whole aim, they should reflect calmly on those words which
Benedict XV proposes for their consideration: “We wish this maxim of our elders
held in reverence: Nihil innovetur nisi quod traditum — let nothing new be introduced,
but only what has been handed down; it must be held as an inviolable law in
matters of faith, and should also control those points which allow of change,
though in these latter for the most part the rule holds: non nova sed noviter—not new
things but in a new way.”
Pope Pius XII,
Si Diligis, Allocution to
Cardinals, Archbishops, and Bishops on the Canonization of St Pius X, May 31,
The Church that knows how to celebrate Easter is synodal
Insider | Paolo Scarafoni and Filomena
Rizzo | 4-20-21
“It is a matter of putting Jesus Christ at
the centre of community life and of living a new Pentecost. The paradigm
remains the Second Vatican Council: once it began, at the moment of real sharing, precisely on the
subject of the «liturgical celebration», it was no longer possible to harness
the Holy Spirit and keep him under the control of a few, and so the novelty
could enter the world.”
The blasphemy never ends. These Modernist heretics have the effrontery to say
that before Vatican II, that Holy Spirit was “harnessed” and “kept under
control” to prevent Him from inflicting His liturgical “novelty” on the Church.
The “received and approved” Roman rite of Mass is the object of Dogma. It is
therefore the work of the Holy Ghost as all true worship of God is and always
has been from the beginning to this day. For these heretics, the countless
saints, martyrs and confessors that fill the history of the Church never “put
Jesus Christ at the centre of community life and the living a new Pentecost.”
The Novus Ordo Church knows nothing about the celebration of Easter because
they know nothing about a penitential exercise of Lent. They want the joy of
the Resurrection without the contradiction of the Cross and Passion of Jesus
Christ. That is the “novelty” they pursue. It is the same that the Pharisees
wanted: “Let Christ the king of Israel come down now from the cross, that we
may see and believe” (Mark 15:32). These constitute the “many” who will one day
hear our Lord say: “Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter
into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in
heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. Many will say to me in that
day: Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in thy name, and cast out devils in thy
name, and done many miracles in thy name? And then will I profess unto them, I
never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity” (Matt 7:21-23). They
have betrayed the Faith and yet promise themselves heaven as if it were
possible that the Truth of Christ could be immaterial to His friendship. Jesus
Christ said that there is a sin that will not be forgiven in this world or the
next: the sin against the Holy Ghost. Why? It may very well be because the
“many” believe they possess the grace of God and therefore cannot repent of a
sin they are blind to. Pray God to deliver us sins of ignorance.
Making fertile what is by nature sterile
Antonio: Or is your gold and silver ewes and rams?
Shylock: I cannot tell. I make it breed as fast.
Shakespeare, The Merchant of
If we are disciples of Jesus Christ, a new mind, new loves, new
hatreds, new fears, new hopes, new aspirations, new affections, new desires
have sprung up in us. ‘If any man be in
Christ Jesus, he is a new creature’ and in a new creation. A change has passed
upon him so great that he may feel day after day the words of our Divine Lord
fulfilled in him: ‘In that day ye shall know that I am in My Father, and you in
Me, and I in you.’
Cardinal Henry Edward Manning, Sin
and Its Consequences
There is one other truth - that no men see
the nature of sin so clearly as those who are freest from sin; just as no
intelligence knows sin with such an intensity of knowledge as God Himself. Our
Divine Lord Jesus Christ, the sinless Son of God, knew sin in all its
hatefulness so as no other human heart has ever known it. His Immaculate
Mother—because sinless—knew the sinfulness of sin by the light of her
intelligence, and by a pure horror of her whole spiritual nature. So in like
manner the Saints of God, each one of them in the proportion of his sanctity;
and so you likewise in the measure in which you are free from sin, in that
measure will you hate it, in that measure you understand and estimate its
sinfulness. And if at any time in your life you have committed sin—in the
measure in which you are separated from your past life, in the measure in which
that old character of yours has been taken off, and you can see ‘the old man’
which you have sloughed off, that old being and nature of yours which cleaves
to you no longer, which you look on as a thing hideous and horrible, belonging
to you no more, belonging to your childhood, boyhood, or youth, but yours no
longer now—in that measure you understand the sinfulness of sin. You can look
back on your past life, and understand your sins as you did not understand Them
then; and when you come to die, your present character and your present life
will be seen by you in a light, brighter and more intense than that under which
you see them now. Look up, therefore, into the light of God’s presence, and
pray God to make you to know yourselves as He knows you, and to see yourselves
as He sees you now; for when you have seen the worst of your sins, what are
they compared with those which God sees in you? Therefore do not let us ever
think that we know all our sins yet, do not let us imagine that we fully know
our own sinfulness. We are only beginning to learn it, and we shall have to
learn it all our life. There are three great depths which no human line can
sound—the depth of our sinfulness, the depth of our unworthiness, and the depth
of our nothingness. If you are beginning to learn those three things, happy are
you. Be not afraid, the more you see your own sinfulness; and for this reason.
Who is showing it to you? It is the light of the Spirit of God. It is He Who
alone searches the heart, Who alone makes us know ourselves; and the more you
see of your own sinfulness; the truer pledge you have of His presence; that He
is with you, that He is within you, that He is busied about your salvation. He
is giving you a pledge and a promise that every sin you see He will help you to
repent of and every sin you repent of shall be washed away in the Precious
Blood of Jesus Christ.
Cardinal Henry Edward Manning, Sin and Its Consequences
If we are disciples of Jesus Christ, a new mind, new loves, new
hatreds, new fears, new hopes, new aspirations, new affections, new desires
have sprung up in us. ‘If any man be in
Christ Jesus, he is a new creature’ and in a new creation. A change has passed
upon him so great that he may feel day after day the words of our Divine Lord
fulfilled in him: ‘In that day ye shall know that I am in My Father, and you in
Me, and I in you.’
Cardinal Henry Edward Manning, Sin
and Its Consequences
one can be condemned forever, because that is not the logic of the Gospel!”
Francis, Amoris Laetitia
While St. Francesco de Geronimo
(Francis Jerome), S.J. (1642-1716, feast day May 11) was preaching to
abandoned women in the streets of Naples, one of their number insulted him from
her window and ridiculed his discourse.
The Saint warned her that within eight days God would punish her, and on
the eighth day he invited his audience, who had assembled at the same place, to
visit the woman that had interrupted him.
She was found by them lying dead upon the floor of her room. 'Catherine,' said the Saint, addressing the
dead body, 'for the greater glory of God and the edification of those standing
by, answer me, Where are you?' The
departed soul returned for an instant, and gave an answer distinctly heard by
all present - 'In hell, for eternity.'
Rev. Henry S. Bowden, St. Francesco
de Geronimo, The Apostle of Naples, Lives of the Saints
“It is the nature of man to need external
assistance to enable him to rise to the meditation of divine things. Internal
piety, therefore, requires to be excited and nourished by ceremonies, or
certain sensible signs. Moreover, every man ought to be religious and pious…to
the extent of promoting the piety and instruction of his fellow men…and this
cannot be done, unless we profess by some external sign the intimate sense of
religion with which we are animated.”
Fr. Michael Muller, The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Pope Francis calls for ‘global governance’ and ‘universal vaccines’ in
letter to globalist financial summit
‘There remains an urgent need for a global plan that can create new or
regenerate existing institutions, particularly those of global governance, and
help to build a new network of international relations for advancing the
integral human development of all peoples.’
LifeSiteNews - Michael Haynes - VATICAN
CITY-April 8, 2021– Pope
Francis has addressed the World Bank and International Monetary Fund at their
spring meeting, calling for “global governance” in light of COVID-19, strongly
advocating for universal vaccines, and bemoaning the “ecological debt” which is
owed to “nature itself.”
His letter is the latest in a series of
recent acts in which Francis has aligned himself with global corporations
committed to anti-Catholic agendas.
The letter was delivered via Peter Cardinal
Turkson, Prefect of the Holy See’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human
Development, to the spring 2021 meeting between the World Bank and the
International Monetary Fund (IMF), which is currently being held online from
April 5 - 11.
Dated April 4, the letter mentioned God
just once, in the final line.
Instead, Francis focussed on calling for a
system of global government which would implement a new societal order upon the
world, based upon climate change policies and universal vaccination.
Referencing “the Covid-19 pandemic,”
Francis declared that the world had been forced to “confront a series of grave
and interrelated socio-economic, ecological, and political crises.”
Such inter-connected crises, he placed
before the World Bank and IMF, hoping that their meetings would provide the
basis for a re-ordering of world affairs: “It is my hope that your discussions
will contribute to a model of ‘recovery’ capable of generating new, more
inclusive and sustainable solutions to support the real economy, assisting
individuals and communities to achieve their deepest aspirations and the
universal common good.”
Francis repeated the claim that COVID has
shown how “no one is saved alone,” and hence “new and creative forms of social,
political and economic participation” must be drawn up.
Quoting from his recent encyclical Fratelli
Tutti, which has been described as “blasphemous” by Archbishop Carlo Maria
Viganò, Francis mentioned “trust” as the “cornerstone of all
relationships,” a point which he believed the World Bank and IMF would “know
well” due to being “experts in finance and economics.”
He urged that the two financial giants
foster such relationships, and engage in “building bridges, and envisioning
long-term inclusive projects.”
Francis also renewed his frequent call for a paradigm shift in global
politics, saying: “there remains an urgent need for a global plan that can
create new or regenerate existing institutions, particularly those of global
governance, and help to build a new network of international relations for
advancing the integral human development of all peoples.”
A principal effect of the desired global
government, would be the reduction of debt in order to enable easy access
primarily to “vaccines,” followed by “health, education and jobs.”
However, Pope Francis did not miss the
opportunity to instruct the IMF and World Bank on another of his regular areas of
concern issues, namely “climate change.” He warned about overlooking
“ecological debt,” a phenomena which he described as affecting the whole world,
and pitting the “global north” against the “south.”
“We are, in fact, in debt to nature itself,
as well as the people and countries affected by human-induced ecological
degradation and biodiversity loss,” wrote Francis.
“In this regard, I believe that the
financial industry, which is distinguished by its great creativity, will prove
capable of developing agile mechanisms for calculating this ecological debt, so
that developed countries can pay it, not only by significantly limiting their
consumption of non-renewable energy or by assisting poorer countries to enact
policies and programmes of sustainable development, but also by covering the
costs of the innovation required for that purpose.”
These lines seem to echo the sentiments
expressed by key globalist and founder of the World Economic Forum, Klaus
Schwab, whose proposed anti-Catholics “Great Reset,” is underpinned by a focus
on a green financial agenda, as he mentions the “withdrawal of fossil-fuel
subsidies,” and a new financial system based on “investments” which advance
“equality and sustainability,” and the building of a “‘green’ urban
Schwab, the IMF, and scores of the world’s
most influential banks (including the World Bank), have in fact already
committed themselves to enforcing the green agenda of the Great Reset, and look
set to make adherence to such green policies a criteria for access to finance
in the future.
Francis has already signalled his intimacy
with Schwab, by sending an address to the WEF four time in his eight-year
pontificate, and allowing an annual Vatican roundtable at Davos, the WEF’s
annual conference site in Switzerland.
Francis also made reference to the “common
good,” several times in his letter, which he linked intimately to finance and a
form of secular fraternity of the kind described in Fratelli Tutti.
“It follows that public money may never be
disjoined from the public good, and financial markets should be underpinned by
laws and regulations aimed at ensuring that they truly work for the common
good. A commitment to economic, financial and social solidarity thus entails
much more than engaging in sporadic acts of generosity.”
Such goals, for Francis, include “a justly financed vaccine
solidarity,” which he said was part of the “the law of love and the health of
“Here, I reiterate my call to government leaders, businesses and
international organizations to work together in providing vaccines for all,
especially for the most vulnerable and needy.”
Closing his letter, Francis repeated his
wish for a world focussed on a new style of fraternity, underpinned by a focus
on green policies, urging the World Bank and IMF to develop solutions for “a
more inclusive and sustainable future.”
It would be a future “where finance is at
the service of the common good, where the vulnerable and the marginalized are
placed at the centre, and where the earth, our common home, is well cared for.”
There was no mention in the letter of Christ, the Catholic Church or
the Catholic teaching on the common good.
Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could
lead to your death.’
‘Look out the window, and think, “why is my government lying to me
about something so fundamental?” Because, I think the answer is, they are going
to kill you using this method. They’re going to kill you and your family.’
LifeSiteNews – Patrick Delaney - April 7,
2021 — Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer's former Vice President and Chief
Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory who spent 32 years in the industry
leading new medicines research and retired from the pharmaceutical giant with
“the most senior research position” in his field, spoke with
He addressed the “demonstrably false”
propaganda from governments in response to COVID-19, including the “lie” of
dangerous variants, the totalitarian potential for “vaccine passports,” and the
strong possibility we are dealing with a “conspiracy” which could lead to
something far beyond the carnage experienced in the wars and massacres of the
20th century.
His main points included:
There is
“no possibility” current variants of COVID-19 will escape immunity. It is “just
a lie.”
governments around the world are repeating this lie, indicating that we are
witnessing not just “convergent opportunism,” but a “conspiracy.” Meanwhile
media outlets and Big Tech platforms are committed to the same propaganda and
the censorship of the truth.
companies have already begun to develop unneeded “top-up” (“booster”) vaccines
for the “variants.” The companies are planning to manufacture billions of
vials, in addition to the current experimental COVID-19 “vaccine” campaign.
agencies like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines
Agency, have announced that since these “top-up” vaccines will be so similar to
the prior injections which were approved for emergency use authorization, drug
companies will not be required to “perform any clinical safety studies.”
this virtually means that design and implementation of repeated and coerced
mRNA vaccines “go from the computer screen of a pharmaceutical company into the
arms of hundreds of millions of people, [injecting] some superfluous genetic
sequence for which there is absolutely no need or justification.”
Why are
they doing this? Since no benign reason is apparent, the use of vaccine
passports along with a “banking reset” could issue in a totalitarianism unlike
the world has ever seen. Recalling the evil of Stalin, Mao, and Hitler, “mass
depopulation” remains a logical outcome.
The fact
that this at least could be true means everyone must “fight like crazy to make
sure that system never forms.”
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Interviewed by Aldo Maria Valli
April 5, 2021
With respect to the affairs of the world and the Church there is a radically
divided judgment, with a polarization that seems to admit no mutual
understanding. It is as if two different cultures have emerged, two different
anthropologies, and even two different faiths. Thus, how should we behave in
this situation if we wish to safeguard love for the truth?
Viganò: You are right:
the establishment of the New Order, begun under the pretext of the so-called
pandemic, makes the loss of inner peace and serenity perceptible to many; it makes
us perceive an evil that overwhelms us and before which we feel powerless; it
sharpens divisions and disputes between family members, relatives, and friends.
Very often we are saddened to see how the lie succeeds in convincing people
close to us whom we had believed to be mature and capable of discerning good
from evil. It seems incredible to us that our friends have allowed themselves
to be deceived, indeed I would almost say to be hypnotized, by the drumbeat of
the mainstream media: doctors whom we considered conscientious seem to have
cancelled their own scientific knowledge by abdicating rationality in the name
of a sort of crazy superstition; acquaintances who up until yesterday condemned
the horrors of Nazism and Communism do not realize how much the horrors of
those dictatorships are being re-proposed in an even more inhuman and ruthless
form, replicating on a wider scale the experimentation of the concentration
camps and the violation of the natural rights of the world population. We
cannot understand how it can be that our parish priest speaks to us about Covid
as if it were a plague, that the mayor behaves like a hierarch, that a neighbor
calls the police because a family organizes a barbecue on the terrace. Elderly
people who once fought valiantly and risked their lives are now literally
terrorized by a treatable flu. Fathers of families with solid moral principles
tolerate their children being indoctrinated into vice and perversion, as if
what has been passed on to them and what they believe in no longer has any
value. Speaking about love of one’s country, the defense of national borders,
and national sovereignty is now considered fascist. And we ask ourselves: where
is the Italy that we have loved? Where is the Church that instructed us in the
Faith and made us grow in the Grace of God? Is it possible that all of this has
been cancelled in just a few years?
It is obvious that what is now happening
has been planned for decades, both in the civil sphere as well as the
religious. And many people, very many, have been deceived: first by convincing
them to grant rights to those who share neither our Faith nor our values, then
by making them feel almost guilty for the fact of being Catholic, for their
ideas, for their past. Today we have reached the point of being barely
tolerated as retrogrades and fanatics, while there are those would like to make
it a crime to do what has constituted the basis of civilized life for millennia
and declare every behavior against God, against nature, and against our identity
not only licit but obligatory.
In the face of this upheaval that involves
our entire society, the division that emerges between the children of light and
children of darkness appears increasingly clear: this is a grace that is
granted to us by God in order to make a courageous and decisive choice. Let us
recall the words of Our Lord: “Do not believe that I have come to bring peace
upon the earth; I have not come to bring peace but a sword” (Mt 10:34). The
pacifism we have been hearing about for decades only serves to disarm the good
and set the wicked free to do their iniquitous works. Therefore even the
division and polarization between those who belong to the City of God and those
who serve the prince of this world is welcome, if it serves to open our eyes.
Love for the truth necessarily implies hatred of lies, and it would be
ill-considered and illusory to believe that two masters can be served. If today
we are asked to choose between the Kingdom of Christ and the tyranny of the New
World Order, we cannot avoid this choice and must carry it out consistently,
asking the Lord for the strength to bear witness to Him even to the point of
martyrdom. Whoever tells us that the Gospel can be reconciled with the
anti-Gospel of globalism is lying, just as those who offer us a world without
wars in which all religions can live together in peace also lie. There is no
peace except in the Kingdom of Christ: pax Christi in regno Christi. Of course,
in order to conduct our combat successfully we should be able to count on
generals and commanders who guide us: if almost all of them have preferred
desertion and betrayal, we can however count on an invincible Leader, the Most
Holy Virgin, invoking Her protection over Her children and the entire Church.
Under Her powerful guidance we should not fear anything, because it is She who
will strike the head of the ancient serpent, restoring the order that the pride
of Satan has broken.
Valli: We
are approaching Easter: despite everything, the Lord rises. We want to find
reasons for hope. This is a difficult undertaking, but can we try?
Viganò: Not only can we
try: we must have Faith and also exercise the virtue of Hope, according to
which we know that the Lord grants us the Graces necessary to avoid sin, carry
out the good, and merit the eternal beatitude of Heaven. Let’s not forget that
we are pilgrims in hac lacrimarum valle,
and that our homeland is the heavenly Jerusalem, along with the Angels and
Saints, in the glory of the Most Holy Trinity. Surrexit Dominus vere, the Easter liturgy proclaims: He has Risen
once and for all, conquering Satan and snatching from him the chirograph that
Adam signed with original sin. The present trials, the fear of being abandoned
and alone against a powerful alignment that seems to crush us and overcome us,
should not frighten us but spur us on to renew our trust in Him who said of
Himself: “I have told you
these things, so that you may have peace in Me. In the world you will have
tribulation; but take courage, I have conquered the world” (Jn 16:33).
[Modernism is the] synthesis of all heresies [whose] system means the
destruction not of the Catholic religion alone, but of all religion.... [Modernists] partisans of error are to be
sought not only among the Church’s open enemies; but what is to be most dreaded
and deplored, in her very bosom, and are all the more mischievous the less they
keep in the open.... They put themselves forward as reformers of the Church
[though they are] thoroughly imbued with the poisonous doctrines taught by the
enemies of the Church.... They assail
all that is most sacred in the work of Christ.... [They are] the most
pernicious of all the adversaries of the Church... They lay the axe not to the
branches and shoots, but to the very root, that is, to the Faith and its
deepest fibers.... The most absurd tenet of the Modernists, that every
religion according to the different aspect under which it is viewed, must be
considered as both natural and supernatural.
It is thus that they make consciousness and revelation synonymous. From this they derive the law laid down as
the universal standard, according to which religious consciousness is to be put
on an equal footing with revelation, and that to it all must submit, even the
supreme authority of the Church.
St. Pius X, Pascendi
In the Novus Ordo Church of Sweet Dreams where harshness is always frowned upon
Religious Liberty is the doctrinal validation of
“Religious Consciousness.”
Ecumenism is the collectivization and synthesis through
dialogue of the individual’s “Religious Consciousness.”
“Faith” is the affirmation of the subjective
“Religiousness Consciousness” on the authority of the believer.
“Dogma” is the historical and transitory expression of
“Religiousness Consciousness” for a particular age.
“Tradition” is the historical perceptions from which the
present “Religious Consciousness” has evolved.
Hermeneutics of Continunity/Discontinunity
Blessed Virgin Mary, Co-Redemptrix, “The Mother of all
the living”!
Pope Francis theological tripe:
“Being faithful to her Master, who is her
Son, the only Redeemer, she never wanted to take anything for herself from her
Son. She never presented herself as a co-redemptrix…. When they come to us with
the story according to which we should declare this, or that other dogma, let
us not get lost in foolishness.”
Pope Francis, denying the title of the
Blessed Virgin as Co-Redemptrix
Wisdom of Catholic Truth:
“Just as
Eve, wife of Adam, yet still a virgin, became by her disobedience the cause of
death for herself and the whole human race, so Mary, too, espoused yet a
virgin, became by her obedience the cause of salvation for herself and the
whole human race.”
St. Irenaeus, 2nd
through Eve, life through Mary.”
St. Jerome, 4th century
“Through the
Blessed Virgin Mary, we are redeemed from the tyranny of the devil.”
Modestus of Jerusalem,
7th century
thou, through whom we are redeemed from the curse.”
St. John Damascene, 8th
her (the Blessed Virgin Mary), man was redeemed.”
St. Bernard of
Clairvaux, 12th century
woman (namely Eve), drove us out of Paradise and sold us; but this one (Mary)
brought us back again and bought us.”
St. Bonaventure, 13th
Blessed Virgin merits for us de congruo what Christ merited de condign.”
Pope St. Pius X, Ad diem
Blessed Virgin Mary) offered Him on Golgotha to the Eternal Father together
with the holocaust of her maternal rights and her motherly love like a new Eve
for all children of Adam.”
Pope Pius XII, Mystici
Many date the title of the Blessed Virgin
Mary as Co-Redemptrix to the 16th century. It is actually much older than that
but the theological truth that the title describes is found in Scripture, the
Church Fathers and the constant tradition of the Catholic Church. It may have
become more evident in the 16th century only because the Protestants deny it.
Pope Francis denies the title because he is
a Protestant heretic. He is on public record affirming his belief in Luther’s
heretical doctrine of Justification which denies any incorporation of the
baptized into Jesus Christ with the end to share in His sanctification and
glorification. Catholic truth teaches that every Catholic “who has been
baptized in Christ, has put on Christ” (Gal 3:27). And every Catholic who has
“put on Christ” must then “deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow
(Jesus Christ)” (Matt 16:24) so that he can “fill up those things that are
wanting of the sufferings of Christ, in my flesh, for his body, which is the
church” (Col 1:24). Every baptized Catholic is called upon to be a co-redemtrix
with Jesus Christ and this constitutes the greatest honor for any of the
faithful. Pope Pius XII said:
Because Christ the Head holds such an eminent position, one must not
think that he does not require the help of the Body. What Paul said of the
human organism is to be applied likewise to the mystical Body: “The head cannot
say to the feet: I have no need of you.” It is manifestly clear that the
faithful need the help of the Divine Redeemer, for He has said: “Without me you
can do nothing,” and according to the teaching of the Apostle every advance of
this Mystical Body towards its perfection derives from Christ the Head. Yet
this, also, must be held, marvelous though it may seem: Christ has need of His
members. First, because the person of Jesus Christ is represented by the
Supreme Pontiff, who in turn must call on others to share much of his
solicitude lest he be overwhelmed by the burden of his pastoral office, and
must be helped daily by the prayers of the Church. Moreover as our Savior does
not rule the Church directly in a visible manner, He wills to be helped by the
members of His Body in carrying out the work of redemption. This is not because
He is indigent and weak, but rather because He has so willed it for the greater
glory of His spotless Spouse. Dying on the Cross He left to His Church the
immense treasury of the Redemption, towards which she contributed nothing. But
when those graces come to be distributed, not only does He share this work of
sanctification with His Church, but He wills that in some way it be due to her
action. This is a deep mystery, and an inexhaustible subject of meditation,
that the salvation of many depends on the prayers and voluntary penances which
the members of the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ offer for this intention and
on the cooperation of pastors of souls and of the faithful, especially of fathers
and mothers of families, a cooperation which they must offer to our Divine
Savior as though they were His associates.
Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis
salvation of many depends on the prayers and voluntary penances which the
members of the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ offer for this intention.” Those
who will not “take up their cross” and enter into applying this “treasury of
the Redemption” for the salvation of others are not “worthy of Jesus Christ.”
“No, I say to you: but unless you shall do penance, you shall all likewise
perish” (Luke 13:3).
Now if it can be predicated that every one
of the faithful is called upon to be a co-redemptrix, a fortiori, what can be
predicated concerning the Mother of God, the ever Blessed Virgin Mary, the new
Eve, the new Mother of all the Living who are reborn of God to the life of
grace? The Blessed Virgin, our Lady of Sorrows, is the exemplar Co-Redemptrix sine qua non there would no others. It
was her fiat at the Annunciation and
repeated at the foot of the cross that brought Christ from the Father and
offers Him again to the Father as a sacrificial reparation for the salvation of
For Pope Francis our Lady’s title is
“foolishness.” And why? “But the sensual man perceiveth not these things that
are of the Spirit of God; for it is foolishness to him, and he cannot understand, because it is
spiritually examined” ( 1 Cor 2:14).
Cursed by the man who denies the Blessed
Virgin Mary, our Lady of Sorrows, her rightful title conferred upon her by God
as Co-Redemptrix.
of the Novus Ordo shares a common end with Modernism!
opening of Vatican II John XXIII declared that there existed a disjunction
between dogma and its “external formula or terminology”!
is condemned because it virtually destroys Christian dogma by denying that the
dogmas of faith are contained in the revelation made by the Holy Spirit to the
Catholic Church and subsequently defined through the supreme authority of the
same Ecclesia docens{1}.
Once the Holy Spirit, speaking through the supreme magisterium{2}
of the Church, defines a doctrine as de fide{3}
the dogma in question remains, both in se{4}
and in its external formula or terminology, unchanged and
unchangeable, like God, Whose voice it communicates to us, in the shape of
definite truth. Modernism tells us quite the reverse.
{1} Ecclesia docens
-- i.e., 'the teaching Church.'
Magisterium = 'teaching authority.'
De fide = 'what is of faith.'
In se = 'in itself.'
Father Norbert Jones, C.R.L., Old Truths, Not Modernist Errors, Exposure of
Modernism and Vindication of its Condemnation by the Pope, 1908
Confirms what is Common Knowledge!
Francis “reveals his thought” by his “actions, gestures, attitudes, and
One cannot say that Pope Francis did not actually answer the cardinals’
Dubia, at least indirectly. His actions,
gestures, attitudes and omissions reveal his thought as much as explicit words. And the support he has given to bishops’
conferences that interpret Amoris
Laetitia as a
permission, at least in principle, for divorced and civilly “remarried”
Catholics to receive sacramental absolution and Communion makes clear his own
interpretation of Chapter 8 of Amoris
Francesco Cardinal Coccopalmerio, president of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts
Around four
o’clock in the afternoon on January 3rd 1944, in the convent chapel
of Tuy, in front of the Tabernacle, Our Lady urged Sister Lucia to write the
text of the Third Secret and Sister Lucia recounts:
“I felt my spirit inundated by
a mystery of light that is God and in Him I saw and heard the point of a lance
like a flame that is detached touch the axis of the earth and it trembles:
mountains, cities, towns and villages with their inhabitants are buried. The
sea, the rivers and clouds exceed their boundaries, inundating and dragging
with them in a vortex, houses and people in a number that cannot be counted; it
is the purification of the world from the sin in which it is immersed. Hatred,
ambition, provoke the destructive war. After I felt my heart racing and in my
spirit a soft voice that said: ‘In time, one faith, one baptism, one Church, Holy, Catholic,
Apostolic. In eternity, Heaven!’ This word ‘Heaven’ filled my heart with
peace and happiness in such a way that, almost without being aware of it, I
kept repeating to myself for a long time: Heaven, Heaven!!”
Path Under the Eyes of Mary (Um Caminho
sob o olhar de Maria), published in 2013
by the Carmel of Coimbra
Pope Francis – his “most gentle manner”!
They (our most holy predecessors) knew the
capacity of innovators in the art of deception. In order not to shock the ears
of Catholics, the innovators sought to hide the subtleties of their tortuous
maneuvers by the use of seemingly innocuous words such as would allow them to
insinuate error into souls in the most gentle manner. Once the truth had been compromised, they could, by
means of slight changes or additions in phraseology, distort the confession of
the faith that is necessary for our salvation, and lead the faithful by subtle
errors to their eternal damnation. This manner of dissimulating and
lying is vicious, regardless of the circumstances under which it is used. For
very good reasons it can never be tolerated in a synod of which the principal
glory consists above all in teaching the truth with clarity and excluding all
danger of error. Moreover, if all this is sinful, it cannot be excused in the
way that one sees it being done, under the erroneous pretext that the seemingly
shocking affirmations in one place are further developed along orthodox lines
in other places, and even in yet other places corrected; as if allowing for the
possibility of either affirming or denying the statement, or of leaving it up
the personal inclinations of the individual – such has always been the
fraudulent and daring method used by innovators to establish error. It allows
for both the possibility of promoting error and of excusing it. It is a most
reprehensible technique for the insinuation of doctrinal errors and one
condemned long ago by our predecessor St. Celestine, who found it used in the
writings of Nestorius, bishop of Constantinople, and which he exposed in order
to condemn it with the greatest possible severity. Once these texts were
examined carefully, the impostor was exposed and confounded, for he expressed
himself in a plethora of words, mixing true things with others that were
obscure; mixing at times one with the other in such a way that he was also able
to confess those things which were denied while at the same time possessing a
basis for denying those very sentences which he confessed.
Pope Pius VI, Auctorem Fidei, 1794 papal
bull addressed to all the faithful condemning 85 propositions from the Council
of Pistoia, 1786
Ethics: PEW POLL: 95% of Jewish
Leaders support abortion and “same-sex marriage” for the U.S. but not for
The Jewish question of our time does not differ greatly from the one
which affected the Christian peoples of the Middle Ages. In a foolish way it is
said to arise from hatred towards the Jewish tribe. Mosaism in itself could not
become an object of hate for Christians, since, until the coming of Christ, it
was the only true religion, a prefiguration of and preparation for
Christianity, which, according to God’s Will, was to be its successor. But the
Judaism of the centuries [after Christ] turned its back on the Mosaic law,
replacing it with the Talmud (ii.),
the very quintessence of that Pharisaism which in so many ways has been
shattered through its rejection by Christ, the Messiah and Redeemer. And
although Talmudism is an important element of the Jewish question, it cannot be
said, strictly speaking, to give that question a religious character, because
what the Christian nations despise in Talmudism is not so much its virtually
non-existent theological element, but rather, its morals, which are at variance
with the most elementary principles of natural ethics.
On the Jewish Question in Europe; La
Civiltà Cattolica, Series XIV, Vol. VII, 23;10; October 1890
Judgment of the Church against a Heretical Pope
“Further we declare that there are two wills and principles of action, in
accordance with what is proper to each of the natures in Christ, in the way
that the sixth synod, that at (6)Constantinople, proclaimed, when it also publicly rejected
Sergius, Honorius,
Cyrus, Pyrrhus, Macarius, those
uninterested in true holiness, and their like-minded followers.
“To summarize, we
declare that we defend free from any innovations all the—written and—unwritten
ecclesiastical traditions that have been entrusted to us.”
Seventh Ecumenical Council, reaffirming the condemnation of Monothelitism and the monothelite heretics by
the Sixth Ecumenical Council, including Pope Honorius
“Further, we accept the sixth, holy and universal synod (6
Constantinople III), which shares the same beliefs and is in harmony with the
previously mentioned synods in that it wisely laid down that in the two natures
of the one Christ there are, as a consequence, two principles of action and the
same number of wills. So, we anathematize Theodore who was bishop of Pharan,
Sergius, Pyrrhus, Paul and Peter, the unholy prelates of the church of
Constantinople, and with
these, Honorius of Rome, Cyrus of Alexandria as well as Macarius of
Antioch and his disciple Stephen, who followed the false teachings of the unholy heresiarchs
Apollinarius, Eutyches and Severus and proclaimed that the flesh of God, while
being animated by a rational and intellectual soul, was without a principle of
action and without a will, they themselves being impaired in their senses and
truly without reason.” [……]
Eight Ecumenical Council, reaffirming the condemnation of Monothelitism and the monothelite heretics by
the Sixth Ecumenical Council which included the Councils judgment and
condemnation of Pope Honorius
preserved “the basic elements, the bread, the wine,” but so did every
Protestant sect. The question is, ‘Did
he preserve the Sacrifice? Did he
preserve the True Presence?
“Certainly, we will preserve the basic elements, the bread, the wine,
but all else will be changed according to local traditions: words, gestures,
colours, vestments, chants, architecture, decor. The problem of liturgical
reform is immense.”
Msgr. Mieczyslaw Malinksi, Mon
Ami: Karol Wojtyla, Le Centurion, 1980, p.220, quoting Cardinal Karol
Wojtyla during informal meeting with fellow Poles during the Vatican II Council
That fabled (Judeo-Christian) tradition does not exist, nor does the
“Judeo-Christian ethic.” Though sharing a common origin in the Hebrew
Scriptures, the two faiths read the scriptural texts differently. They believe
in God, but view Him through different lenses. They each have a story, but they
are not the same. They each have a concept of man, but they are not the same.
They are both ethical religions, but with separate ideas of man’s nature,
salvation and destiny.
Raymond Apple, emeritus rabbi of the Great Synagogue, Sydney,
Australia. Published in Jerusalem Post
“On earth, no mortal should presume to reproach (redarguere) any
faults to the Pontiff, because he who has to judge (judicaturus) others,
should not be judged (judicandus) by anyone, unless he is found deviating from the Faith.”
Gratian, the ‘Father of Canon Law,’ Decree of Gratian, (Pars I, D 40, c. 6)
Anti-Semitism’s “Working Definition”
The International
Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)
(until January 2013, known as the Task
Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance, and
Research or ITF) is an intergovernmental organization founded in 1998
which unites governments and experts to strengthen, advance and promote
Holocaust education, research and remembrance worldwide and to uphold the
commitments of the Declaration of the Stockholm International Forum on the
Holocaust. The IHRA has 34 member countries, one liaison country
and seven observer countries. (Wikipedia)
The IHRA’s working definition for
Antisemitism that has been adopted by member countries:
is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews.
Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward
Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community
institutions and religious facilities.”
This “working definition,” although worded a
little differently in light of their differing perspectives, is very close to
the definition coined by Joe Sobran who said: “An anti-Semite used to mean a man who
hated Jews. Now it means a man who is hated by Jews.” The IHRA’s definition it
not grounded on any objective standard but solely on the subjective “perception
of Jews.” You can expect this “working definition,” which has been adopted by
U.S. government agencies to work its way into the United States legal code
notwithstanding any legal niceties such as freedom of speech, equal protection
under the law, etc. The Jewish religion is a race base belief that Jews possess
a special salvific relationship with God because of their DNA irrespective of
what they believe or what they do. Jesus Christ was killed by the Jews in part
because he told them that this was not so. And like Jesus our Lord, the
Catholic Church will necessarily fall under this definition of Anti-Semitism as
well. Soon enough, the Novus Ordo Church of the New Advent will be calling
faithful Catholics anti-Semites.
of Continuity/Discontinuity
“The medieval concept of substance has long since
become inaccessible to us. In so far as we
use the concept of substance at all today we understand thereby the ultimate
particles of matter, and the chemically complex mixture that is bread certainly
does not fall into that category.”
Faith and the Future
If anyone does not confess that the world and all things which are
contained in it, both spiritual and material, were produced, according to their whole
substance, out of nothing by God; or holds that God did not create by
his will free from all necessity, but as necessarily as he necessarily loves
himself; or denies that the world was created for the glory of God: let him be
Vatican Council I, Dogmatic
Constitution on the Catholic Faith
“At this time the
idea of salvation history had moved to the focus of inquiry posed by Catholic
theology and this had cast new light on the notion of revelation, which
neo-scholasticism had kept too confined to the intellectual realm. Revelation now appeared no
longer simply as a communication of truths to the intellect but as a historical
action of God in which truth becomes gradually unveiled.”
Benedict/Ratzinger, Milestones (Memoirs 1927-1977), published 1998
For the doctrine of faith which God has revealed has not been
proposed, like a philosophical invention, to be perfected by human ingenuity;
but has been delivered as a divine deposit to the Spouse of Christ, to be
faithfully kept and infallibly declared. Hence also, that meaning of the sacred
dogmas is perpetually to be retained which our holy Mother the Church has once
declared; nor is that meaning ever to be departed from, under the pretext of a
deeper comprehension of them.
Vatican I
“Fourthly, I sincerely hold that the doctrine of faith was
handed down to us from the apostles through the orthodox Fathers in exactly the
same meaning and always in the same purport. Therefore, I entirely reject the
heretical misrepresentation that dogmas evolve and change from one meaning to
another different from the one which the Church held previously. I also condemn
every error according to which, in place of the divine deposit which has been
given to the spouse of Christ to be carefully guarded by her, there is put a
philosophical figment or product of a human conscience that has gradually been
developed by human effort and will continue to develop indefinitely.”
Oath Against Modernism
is the most perfect knowledge, of the most important things, in their right
order of reference. Without the “right
order of reference”, Wisdom is impossible. Pope Francis has no Wisdom. He does not even know the “greatest
commandment in the law”!
Master, which is
the greatest commandment in the law? Jesus said to him: Thou shalt love the
Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole
mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment.
Matt. 22:36-38
Along with the virtues, this means above all the new commandment, the first and the greatest of
the commandments, and the one that best identifies us as Christ’s disciples:
“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you”
(Jn. 15:12).
Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium,
(161) On the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today’s World
Francis Besmirches and Humiliates our Spotless Mother, the Holy
Catholic Church
The technique is old: the criminal accuses the
innocent in order to create the impression that all are to blame. “In this they
are accusing the Church of something for which their own conscience plainly
reproaches them,” as Saint Pius X warned about the Modernists in Pascendi.
In a meeting with the clergy of
Rome in the Lateran Basilica yesterday, the Bishop of the City, Francis, had
the temerity to say this while discussing the abuse crisis, of which he is
surely a protagonist:
“It is saving us from hypocrisy, from the spirituality of appearances. He is blowing his Spirit to restore beauty to his Bride, surprised in flagrant adultery.” (“Ci sta salvando dall’ipocrisia, dalla spiritualità delle apparenze. Egli sta soffiando il suo Spirito per ridare bellezza alla sua Sposa, sorpresa in flagrante adulterio.”)
No, the Church is not and cannot
be compared to unfaithfulness of the Old Testament chosen people, whose
infidelity warranted even a writ of “divorce” (cf. Jeremiah, ch. 3). She is
spotless and without wrinkle, as Saint Paul explained to the Ephesians:
Husbands, love your wives, as Christ also loved the church, and delivered himself up for it: That he might sanctify it, cleansing it by the laver of water in the word of life: That he might present it to himself a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy, and without blemish. So also ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife, loveth himself. For no man ever hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, as also Christ doth the Church: Because we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall be two in one flesh. This is a great sacrament; but I speak in Christ and in the Church.
The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, our Holy Mother Church, is spotless, without wrinkle and without blemish. She is holy, immaculate, absolutely untouched in her purity washed by the Blood of the Lamb by the unfaithfulness of the laity and of the clergy, in particular of the careless popes of the past few decades, who let the hierarchy be taken by a volcanic wave of immorality and debauchery.
She remains spotless! Those who besmirch her accusing her of adultery when they are the adulterers themselves -- may Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom, who calls her “my sister, my love, my dove, my Undefiled,” punish them mightily for their horrid defamation!
Posted from Rorate Caeli
THE IDOLATRY OF VATICAN II: Francis and the War on Tradition
Similes illis fiant qui faciunt ea, et omnes qui confidunt in eis.
Their makers will come to be like them, and so will all who trust in
them. - Ps 113:16
the Idolatry of Vatican II
While nations that were once Catholic
introduce laws that promote abortion and euthanasia, gender theory and
sodomitical “marriages;” while in the United States a legitimately elected
President is seen to be usurped in the White House by a corrupt, depraved, and
pro-abortion “President” placed in power by a gigantic fraud to the sycophantic
applause of Bergoglio and progressive bishops; while the world population is
held hostage by plotters and conspirators who profit from the psycho-pandemic
and the imposition of ineffective and dangerous pseudo-vaccines, the solicitude
of Francis is focused on catechesis, in a monologue staged on January 30 for the selected audience of the National
Catechetical Office of the Italian Bishops’ Conference [CEI]. The show was
presented on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Catechetical Office,
“an indispensable instrument for catechetical renewal after the Second Vatican
In this monologue, written in all
probability by some grey functionary of the CEI in an outline form and then
developed off the cuff thanks to the improvisation in which the august orator
excels, all the words that are dear to the followers of the conciliar church
are used: first and foremost the word “kerygma” that every good modernist can
never omit in his homilies, despite the fact he is almost always ignorant of the
meaning of the Greek term, which with all probability he does not even know how
to decline without stumbling on accents and endings. Obviously the ignorance of
those who repeat the refrain of Vatican II is the instrumentum regni ever since
the Clergy were forced to set aside Catholic doctrine in order to privilege the
creative approach of the new way. Certainly, using the word announcement
instead of kerygma would trivialize the speeches of the initiates, and also
reveal the contemptuous intolerance of this elite caste towards the majority
who stubbornly cling to the forbidden post-Tridentine notionism.
It is no coincidence that the Innovators
detest with all their strength the Catechism of Saint Pius X, which in the
brevity and clarity of its questions and answers does not leave any margins for
the catechist’s creativity. The catechist should be – but for sixty years no
longer has been – the one who transmits that which he has received, not an
elusive “personal recollection” of salvation history that from time to time
chooses which truths to transmit and which ones to leave aside in order not to
offend his listeners.
In the merciful Bergoglian church, the heir
of the post-conciliar church (which are both variants of a spirit that no
longer has anything Catholic about it), it is licit to discuss, contest, and
reject any dogma, any truth of the Faith, any magisterial document, and any
papal pronunciation prior to 1958. Since, according to the words of Francis,
one can be “brothers and sisters of everyone, independently of faith.” Any
believer can clearly understand the very grave implications of the present
pseudo-magisterium, which brazenly contradicts the constant teaching of Sacred
Scripture, the Divine Tradition, and the apostolic Magisterium. However, the
naive victim of decades of conciliar reprogramming of Catholics could believe
that, in this composite babel of heretics, protesters, and those given over to
vice, there remains at least some space for those who are orthodox, devoted
subjects of the Roman Pontiff, and virtuous.
All brothers, independently of faith? This
principle of tolerant and indistinct acceptance knows no limits... except for
actually being Catholic. In fact, we read in the monologue given by Bergoglio
in the Sala Clementina on January 30:
This is magisterium: the Council is the
magisterium of the Church. Either you are with the Church and therefore you
follow the Council, and if you do not follow the Council or you interpret it in
your own way, as you wish, you are not with the Church. We must be demanding
and strict on this point. The Council should not be negotiated in order to have
more of these... No, the Council as it is. And this problem that we are
experiencing, of selectivity with respect to the Council, has been repeated
throughout history with other Councils.
May the reader have the goodness not to
dwell on the uncertain prose of Our orator, who in his “off the cuff”
improvisation combines doctrinal chaos with the slaughter of syntax. The
message of the speech to Catechists precipitates the merciful words of Fratelli
Tutti into contradiction, forcing a necessary change of the title of the
“encyclical” letter to: “All Brothers, with the exception of Catholics.” And if
it is very true and acceptable that the Councils of the Catholic Church are
part of the Magisterium, the same cannot be said for the only “council” of the
new church, which – as I have stated many times – constitutes the most colossal
deception that was ever carried out by the Shepherds of the Lord’s flock; a
deception – repetita juvant – which occurred in the moment in which a clique of
conspiring experts decided to use the instruments of ecclesiastical governance
– authority, magisterial acts, papal discourses, documents of the
Congregations, texts of the Liturgy – with a purpose opposed to that which the
Divine Founder established when he instituted the Holy Church. In so doing, the
subjects were forced to adhere to a new religion, ever more blatantly
anti-Catholic and ultimately antichristic, usurping the sacred Authority of the
old, despised and deprecated pre-conciliar religion.
We therefore find ourselves in the
grotesque situation of hearing the denial of the Most Holy Trinity, the
divinity of Jesus Christ, the doctrine of Suffrages for the dead, the purposes
of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Transubstantiation, and the perpetual
Virginity of Mary Most Holy without incurring any canonical sanction (if this
were not the case, almost all the consultors of Vatican II and the present
Roman Curia would already have been excommunicated); but “if you do not follow
the Council or you interpret it in your own way, as you wish, you are not with
the Church.” Bergoglio’s gloss on this demanding condemnation of any criticism
of the Council leaves us truly incredulous:
It makes me think of a group of bishops who
left after Vatican I, a group of lay people, groups, to continue the “true
doctrine” that was not that of Vatican I: “We are the true Catholics.” Today
they ordain women.
It should be noted that “a group of
bishops, a group of lay people, groups” that refused to adhere to the
infallibly defined doctrine of the First Vatican Ecumenical Council were
immediately condemned and excommunicated, while today they would be welcomed
with open arms “regardless of faith,” and that the Popes who at that time
condemned the Old Catholics would today condemn Vatican II and would be accused
by Bergoglio of “not being with the Church.” On the other hand, the lectresses
and acolytesses of recent invention are not a prelude to anything else except
the place of “Today they ordain women” where those who abandon the teaching of
Christ invariably end up.
Curiously, ecumenical openness, the synodal
path and the pachamama do not prevent the showing of intolerance towards
Catholics whose only fault is that they do not want to apostatize from the
Faith. And yet, when Bergoglio speaks of “no concession to those who try to
present a catechesis that does not agree with the Magisterium of the Church,”
he disavows himself and the alleged primacy of the pastoral over doctrine that
is theorized in Amoris Lætitia as the conquest of those who build bridges and
not walls, to use an expression dear to the courtiers of Santa Marta.
So from now on we could update the incipit
of the Athanasian Creed: Quicumque vult salvus esse, ante omnia opus est, ut
teneat Modernistarum hæresim.
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
from Open Letter from Catholic prelates on the morality of the Covid vaccine
published in full on LifeSiteNews
On the moral illicitness of the use of
vaccines made from cells derived from aborted human fetuses
'Vaccines derived from the cells of cruelly
murdered unborn children are clearly apocalyptic in character and may possibly
foreshadow the mark of the beast (see Rev. 13:16).'
the case of vaccines made from the cell lines of aborted human fetuses, we see
a clear contradiction between the Catholic doctrine to categorically, and
beyond the shadow of any doubt, reject abortion in all cases as a grave moral
evil that cries out to heaven for vengeance (see Catechism of the Catholic
Church n. 2268, n. 2270), and the practice of regarding vaccines derived from
aborted fetal cell lines as morally acceptable in exceptional cases of “urgent
need” — on the grounds
of remote, passive, material cooperation. To argue that such vaccines can be
morally licit if there is no alternative is in itself contradictory and cannot
be acceptable for Catholics…
…The theological principle of material
cooperation is certainly valid and may be applied to a whole host of cases
(e.g. in paying taxes, the use of products made from slave labor, and so on).
However, this principle can hardly be applied to the case of vaccines made from
fetal cell lines, because those who knowingly and voluntarily receive such
vaccines enter into a kind of concatenation, albeit very remote, with the
process of the abortion industry. The crime of abortion is so monstrous that
any kind of concatenation with this crime, even a very remote one, is immoral
and cannot be accepted under any circumstances by a Catholic once he has become
fully aware of it. One who uses these vaccines must realize that his body is
benefitting from the “fruits” (although steps removed through a series of
chemical processes) of one of mankind’s greatest crimes…”
…More than ever, we need the spirit of
the confessors and martyrs who avoided the slightest suspicion of collaboration
with the evil of their own age. The Word of God says: “Be simple as children of
God without reproach in the midst of a depraved and perverse generation, in
which you must shine like lights in the world” (Phil. 2, 15)…”
December 12, 2020, Memorial of the Blessed
Virgin Mary of Guadalupe
Cardinal Janis Pujats, Metropolitan
archbishop emeritus of Riga
Bishop Tomash Peta, Metropolitan archbishop of the archdiocese of Saint Mary in
Bishop Jan Pawel Lenga, Archbishop/bishop emeritus of Karaganda
Bishop Joseph E. Strickland, Bishop of Tyler (USA)
Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Saint Mary
in Astana
COMMENT: Archbishop Viganò recently published a defense of the
Oath Against Modernism and the crime of its suspension. Below is an excerpt
censoring Benedict/Ratzinger for his part in that crime suggesting that he, in
“consideration of the Divine Judgment that awaits him,” should “distance
himself from those theologically erroneous positions.” But why mince words with niceties? It is not
a question of “theologically erroneous positions” but rather of frank heresy
for that is what Modernism is. There is no evidence whatsoever that
Benedict/Ratzinger has repented from the theological errors of his youth. There
is no evidence that he will make any abjuration of heresy and profession of
faith necessary to be reconciled with God and His Church. Benedict/Ratzinger’s
book, Introduction to Christianity,
is full of heresy from its theological presuppositions to its erroneous
conclusions. The book would have merited for Benedict/Ratzinger burning at the
stake during a more sober period in Church history. We can be thankful that
Archbishop Viganò is looking in the right direction.
It is obvious that Joseph Ratzinger is to
be counted among those who swore the Oath; that he “played a crucial role in overturning the preparatory schemas of
the Council and initiating a completely new approach,” and that in doing
so he violated the Oath, is equally indisputable. Whether in doing this
Ratzinger had full knowledge of committing sacrilege, only God knows, who
scrutinizes the depths of the heart.
It also seems to me undeniable that there
are many of his writings in which both his Hegelian formation as well as the
influence of Modernism emerge, as Professor Enrico Maria Radaelli has
illustrated very well in his essays and as the new biography of Pope Benedict
XVI by Peter Seewald confirms with an abundance of particulars and numerous
sources. In this regard, I believe it is obvious that the declarations of the
young Joseph Ratzinger reported by Seewald largely contradict the hermeneutic of continuity which
Benedict XVI later theorized, perhaps as a prudent retraction of his former
I think, however, that the passage of time,
his role as Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, and
finally his election to the Throne have contributed to at least some sort of a
change of heart about the mistakes he committed and the ideas he professed. It
would, however, be desirable that he, above all in consideration of the Divine
Judgment that awaits him, would definitively distance himself from those
theologically erroneous positions – I am referring in particular to those in Introduction to Christianity –
which are still disseminated today in universities and seminaries which boast
to call themselves Catholic. Delicta
juventutis meae et ignorantias meas ne memineris Domine (Ps 25: 7).
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
of Continuity/Discontinuity
“The medieval concept of substance has long since
become inaccessible to us. In so far as we
use the concept of substance at all today we understand thereby the ultimate
particles of matter, and the chemically complex mixture that is bread certainly
does not fall into that category.”
and the Future
If anyone does not confess that the world and all things which are
contained in it, both spiritual and material, were produced, according to their whole
substance, out of nothing by God; or holds that God did not create by
his will free from all necessity, but as necessarily as he necessarily loves
himself; or denies that the world was created for the glory of God: let him be
Vatican Council I, Dogmatic
Constitution on the Catholic Faith
“At this time the
idea of salvation history had moved to the focus of inquiry posed by Catholic
theology and this had cast new light on the notion of revelation, which
neo-scholasticism had kept too confined to the intellectual realm. Revelation now appeared no
longer simply as a communication of truths to the intellect but as a historical
action of God in which truth becomes gradually unveiled.”
Benedict/Ratzinger, Milestones (Memoirs 1927-1977), published 1998
For the doctrine of faith which God has revealed has not been proposed,
like a philosophical invention, to be perfected by human ingenuity; but has
been delivered as a divine deposit to the Spouse of Christ, to be faithfully
kept and infallibly declared. Hence also, that meaning of the sacred dogmas is
perpetually to be retained which our holy Mother the Church has once declared;
nor is that meaning ever to be departed from, under the pretext of a deeper
comprehension of them.
Vatican I
“Fourthly, I sincerely hold that the doctrine of faith was
handed down to us from the apostles through the orthodox Fathers in exactly the
same meaning and always in the same purport. Therefore, I entirely reject the
heretical misrepresentation that dogmas evolve and change from one meaning to
another different from the one which the Church held previously. I also condemn
every error according to which, in place of the divine deposit which has been
given to the spouse of Christ to be carefully guarded by her, there is put a
philosophical figment or product of a human conscience that has gradually been
developed by human effort and will continue to develop indefinitely.”
Oath Against Modernism
of Papal Authority imposed by the Faith itself!
“The gravity of sin is
determined by the interval which it places between man and God; now sin against
faith, divides man from God as far as possible, since it deprives him of the
true knowledge of God; it therefore follows that sin against faith is the
greatest of all sins.”
St. Thomas Aquinas
“If the Faith were endangered, a subject ought to rebuke his prelate
even publicly.”
St. Thomas Aquinas
“Were the pope to command
anything against Holy Scripture, or the articles of faith, or the truth of the
Sacraments, or the commands of the natural or divine law, he ought not to be
obeyed, but in such commands is to be ignored.”
Juan Cardinal de Torquemada (1388–1468)
“You must resist, to his face, a pope who is openly tearing the Church
apart—for example, by refusing to confer ecclesiastical benefices except for
money, or in exchange for services… A
case of simony, even committed by a pope, must be denounced.”
Thomist Cardinal Cajetan (1469–1534)
“If the Pope lays down an order contrary to right customs one does not have to
obey him; if he tries to do something manifestly opposed to justice and to the
common good, it would be licit to resist him; if he attacks by force, he could
be repelled by force, with the moderation characteristic of a good
Francisco Suárez, S.J. (1548–1617)
“In answer to the question, ‘What should be done in cases where the Pope
destroys the Church by his evil actions?’ [I reply]: ‘He would certainly sin;
he should neither be permitted to act in such fashion, nor should he be obeyed
in what was evil; but he should be resisted with a courteous reprehension.… He
does not have the power to destroy; therefore, if there is evidence that he is
doing it, it is licit to resist him. The result of all this is that if the Pope
destroys the Church by his orders and acts, he can be resisted and the
execution of his mandate prevented. The right of open resistance to prelates’
abuse of authority stems also from natural law.’”
Sylvester Prieras, O.P. (1456–1523), Dominican theologian, appointed
master of the Sacred Palace by Pope Leo X who wrote the rebuttal to Luther’s 95
“As it is lawful to resist the pope, if he assaulted a man’s person, so it is
lawful to resist him, if he assaulted souls, or troubled the state, and much
more if he strove to destroy the Church. It is lawful, I say, to resist him, by
not doing what he commands, and hindering the execution of his will; still, it
is not lawful to judge or punish or even depose him, because he is nothing
other than a superior.”
St. Robert Bellarmine (1542–1621), Doctor of the Church
And then, pure papalolatry! So is
there any wonder why Cardinal Bacci failed to defend Catholic tradition?
“There is in the world … one man in whom the greatness of God is reflected in
the most outstanding way of all. He participates in the authority and in a
certain sense in the personality of Christ. This man is the Vicar of Jesus
Christ, the Pope. … His power extends to the ends of the world and is under the
protection of God, Who has promised to confirm in Heaven whatever he will decree
upon earth. His dignity and authority, then, are almost divine. Let us bow
humbly before such greatness. Let us promise to obey the Pope as we would
Christ. … We cannot dispute or murmur against anything which he teaches or
decrees. To disobey the Pope is to disobey God. To argue or murmur against the
Pope is to argue or murmur against Jesus Himself. When we are confronted with
His commands, we have only one choice—absolute obedience and complete
Cardinal Antonio Bacci (1885-1971), the Vatican’s chief Latinist under
four successive popes (Pius XI, Pius XII, John XXIII, and Paul VI) and the
co-author of the Ottaviani Intervention with Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, the
head CDF. Which, explains why the Intervention failed.
friends like Pope Francis, who needs enemies?
“Pope Francis asked me not to convert.”
Eugenio Scalfari, nearly 95 year old atheist, journalist, former editor of L’espresso, former member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, founder of La Repubblica newspaper, friend of the pope.
The ‘Bergoglio Business Plan’! Now that “apologetics” is
nothing more than “subtle theoretical discussions” over “opinions” and
“proselytism is solemn nonsense,” how do they measure “strong Christian witness,” “effective
evangelization,” “fruitful ecumenical
spirit,” and “constructive dialogue”?
If the “Mission of the Church in the World” is the supreme law… the salus animarum, how does any of this
contribute towards fulfilling this “Mission”? It is never “easy to achieve such
a goal” under the best of conditions because to obtain salvation is to enter by
the “narrow gate.” Now that every material sign to measure success toward this
goal has been destroyed by the modern Church how can they possibly have any
idea what they are doing?
Today we will present a summary of the work done in recent months to
develop the new Apostolic Constitution for the reform of the Curia. The goal to
be reached is always that of promoting greater harmony in the work of the
various Dicasteries and Offices, in order to achieve a more effective
collaboration in that absolute transparency which builds authentic synodality
and collegiality.
The reform is not an end in itself, but a means to give a strong
Christian witness; to promote a more effective evangelization; to promote a
more fruitful ecumenical spirit; to encourage a more constructive dialogue with
The reform, strongly advocated by the majority of the Cardinals in the
context of the general congregations before the conclave, will further perfect
the identity of the same Roman Curia, which is to assist the Successor of Peter
in the exercise of his supreme pastoral office for the good of and in the
service of the universal Church and the particular Churches. This exercise serves
to strengthen the unity of faith and communion of the people of God and promote
the mission of the Church in the world.
Certainly, it is not easy to achieve such a goal. It requires time,
determination and above all everyone’s cooperation. But to achieve this we must
first entrust ourselves to the Holy Spirit, the true guide of the Church,
imploring the gift of authentic discernment in prayer.
It is in this spirit of collaboration that our meeting begins, which
will be fruitful thanks to the contribution which each of us can express with
parrhesía, fidelity to the Magisterium and the knowledge that all of this
contributes to the supreme law, that being the salus animarum. Thank You.
Pope Francis, on the agenda of the
Consistory for the Reform of the Roman Curia
what do you suppose happened in the 1960s that started this “erosion of the
Catholic Faith in Germany”?
One notes in particular in traditionally Catholic regions a very strong
decline in participation at Sunday Mass, not to mention the sacramental life.
Where in the 1960s everywhere just about all the faithful still
participated at Holy Mass every Sunday, today there are often less than 10
percent. Ever fewer people seek the sacraments. The Sacrament of Penance has
almost disappeared. Ever fewer Catholics receive Confirmation or
contract Catholic Matrimony. The number of vocations to priestly ministry
and the consecrated life has sharply diminished. In consideration of these
facts, one can speak truly of an erosion of the Catholic Faith in
Pope Francis, addressing the German bishops, Nov. 2015
Hermeneutics of
Explains why Novus Ordo Catholics
have dumped the season of Septuagesima and do not do penance for Lent – they
have ‘dialogued’ themselves out of Original Sin!
Original Sin:
The account (of Genesis 3) tells
us that sin begets sin, and that therefore all the sins of history are
interlinked. Theology refers to this state of affairs by the
certainly misleading and imprecise term ‘original sin’. What does this mean? Nothing seems to us today to
be stranger or, indeed, more absurd than to insist upon original sin, since,
according to our way of thinking, guilt can only be something very personal,
and since God does not run a concentration camp, in which one’s relatives are
imprisoned because he is a liberating God of love, who calls each one by name. What does original sin mean, then, when we
interpret it correctly?
Finding an answer to this requires nothing less
than trying to understand the human person better. It must once again be stressed
that no human being is closed in upon himself or herself and that no one can
live of or for himself or herself alone. We receive our life not only at the
moment of birth but every day from without – from others who are not ourselves
but who nonetheless somehow pertain to us. Human beings have their selves not
only in themselves but also outside of themselves: they live in those whom they
love and in those who love them and to whom they are ‘present.’ Human beings
are relational, and they possess their lives –
themselves – only by way of relationship. I alone am not myself, but only
in and with you am I myself. To be truly a human being means to be related in love, to be of and for. But
sin means the damaging or the destruction of relationality. Sin is a rejection of relationality because it wants to make the
human being a god. Sin is loss of relationship, disturbance of relationship, and therefore it is not
restricted to the individual. When I destroy a relationship, then this event – sin – touches
the other person involved in the relationship. Consequently sin is always an
offense that touches others, that alters the world and damages it. To the
extent that this is true, when the network of human relationships is damaged from the very
beginning, then every human being enters into a world that is marked by relational damage. At the very moment that
a person begins human existence, which is a good, he or she is confronted by a
sin- damaged world. Each of us enters into a situation in which relationality has been hurt. Consequently each
person is, from the very start, damaged in relationships and does not engage in them as
he or she ought. Sin pursues the human being, and he or she capitulates to it.”
Benedict XVI/Ratzinger, Catholic Understanding of the Story of
Creation and the Fall
Catholic Church teaches divine Truth with precision and
“For that which the Apostle has said, ‘By one man, sin entered into this world, and by sin death, and so death passed upon all men in whom all have sinned.’ (Rom 5:12), is not to be understood otherwise than as the Catholic Church spread everywhere hath always understood it. For, by reason of this rule of faith, from a tradition of the Apostles, even infants who could not as yet commit any sin of themselves, are for this cause truly baptized for the remission of sins, that in them that may be cleansed away by regeneration which they have contracted by generation. For, ‘unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.’” (John 3:5).
Council of Trent, Decree on Original Sin
“I was under a necessity to
write unto you: to beseech you to contend earnestly for the faith once
delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3).
(B/R) heretical theology presupposes modern doctrine of scientism that material
reality consists of atoms and the void in constant evolutionary progress. He
therefore denies the existence of substantial
reality in the place of substance,
he offers the accident of relationship
as the fundamental essence of all reality beginning with the reality of
God. Being
is rejected for becoming. The
pursuit of Truth is favored over its possession. This theology of B/R is
applied to man and sin including Original Sin. For the Catholic, sin is a
transgression of the will of God in a more or less serious degree. A serious
violation of God’s will is a mortal sin ending the life of grace in the substantial soul of an individual man.
The relationship of friendship with God is ended but God remains in a
relationship with all creatures including sinners because without a
relationship with God they would not exist. But while sin ends the life of
grace in the soul, the sin itself does not touch God.
And where does
“relationality” lead? B/R’s “essential” Christianity is a religion of fantasy
that has no real doctrinal or moral impediments and offers ‘dialogue’ as a
nostrum for healing all problems of “relationality.”
But who in
their right mind would want to join the ‘Church of Relationality’, which
explains why the Novus Ordo Church has massive defections and few conversions.
It also explains why for Francis/Bergoglio “proselytism is solemn
nonsense.” How can you “proselytize” for
a religion that does not know what it believes or for what end it was
As for
“relations,” if we want to “essentialize our faith,” Jesus Christ makes
perfectly clear just what is really “essential”: “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and
mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea and his own life
also, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26). The “essential… relation”
is with Jesus Christ, not man, and this “relation” is only possible by
believing what Jesus Christ has revealed and doing what Jesus Christ commands.
Seewald: “The Church
prays for Christians to be reunited. But who ought to join up with whom?”
Benedict/Ratzinger: “The formula that the great ecumenists
have invented is that we go forward together. It’s not a matter of our wanting
to achieve certain processes of integration, but we hope that the Lord will
awaken people’s faith everywhere in such a way that it overflows from one to
the other, and the one Church is there. As Catholics, we are persuaded that the
basic shape of this one Church is given us in the Catholic Church, but that she
is moving toward the future and will allow herself to be educated and led by
the Lord. In that sense we do not picture for ourselves any particular modes of
integration, but simply look to march on in faith under the leadership of the
Lord – who knows the way.”
“We can only humbly seek to essentialize
our faith, that is, to recognize what are the really essential elements in it –
the things we have not made but have received from the Lord – and in this
attitude of turning to the Lord and to the center, to open ourselves in this essentializing
so that he may lead us onward, he alone.”
Benedict/Ratzinger, God and the World, interviewed by Peter Seewald, pp 452-453
Lastly, if there is no Original Sin and the Church of
Jesus Christ lies somewhere in the unknown future, the sacrament of Baptism
becomes meaningless! What the Church has taught always and everywhere is now
regarded as “unenlightened” and “problematic” for him.
Mr. Seewald:
“In canon 849 of Church canon law it says: ‘Baptism… [is] necessary to
salvation in fact or at least in intention.’ But what happens, when a man dies
unbaptized? And what happens to the millions of children who are killed in
their mothers’ wombs?”
Benedict/Ratzinger: “The question of what it means to say
that baptism is necessary for salvation has become ever more hotly debated in
modern times. The Second Vatican Council said on this point that men who are
seeking for God and who are inwardly striving toward that which constitutes
baptism will also receive salvation. That is to say that a seeking after God
already represents an inward participation in baptism, in the Church, in
To that extent, the
question concerning the necessity of baptism for salvation seems to have been
answered, but the question about children who could not be baptized because
they were aborted then presses upon us that much more urgently.
Earlier ages had devised a teaching that seems to me
rather unenlightened. They said that baptism endows us, by means of sanctifying
grace, with the capacity to gaze upon God. Now, certainly, the state of
original sin, from which we are freed by baptism, consists in a lack of
sanctifying grace. Children who die in this way are indeed without any personal
sin, so they cannot be sent to hell, but, on the other hand, they lack
sanctifying grace and thus the potential for beholding God that this bestows.
They will simply enjoy a state of natural blessedness, in which they will be
happy. This state people called limbo.
In the course of our century, that has gradually come to
seem problematic to us.
This was one way in which people sought to justify the necessity of baptizing
infants as early as possible, but the solution is itself questionable. Finally,
the Pope made a decisive turn in the encyclical Evangelium Vitae, a change
already anticipated by the Catechism of the Catholic Church (Note: Not so, even
the compromised CCC teaches the necessity of Baptism for salvation), when he
expressed the simple hope that God is powerful enough to draw to himself all
those who were unable to receive the sacrament.”
God and the World, interviewed by
Peter Seewald, pp 401-402
Catholic Church teaches divine Truth with precision and
Amen, amen I say to thee, unless a man be
born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God….. Amen, amen I say to thee,
unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into
the kingdom of God.”
Jesus Christ, (John 3:3, 5)
If any one saith, that true and natural
water is not of necessity for baptism, and, on that account, wrests, to some sort
of metaphor, those words of our Lord Jesus Christ; Unless a man be born again
of water and the Holy Ghost; let him be anathema.
Council of Trent, Canon II on the sacrament
of Baptism
If anyone saith, that Baptism is optional,
that is, not necessary for salvation, let him be anathema.
Council of Trent, Canon V on the sacrament
of Baptism
unless there come a revolt first,
and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition…. 2 Thes 2:3
“The divorced and
remarried, de facto couples, those cohabitating, are certainly
not models of unions in sync with Catholic Doctrine, but the Church cannot look
the other way. Therefore, the
sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion should be given even
to those so-called wounded families and to however many who, despite living in
situations not in line with traditional matrimonial canons, express the sincere
desire to approach the sacraments after an appropriate period of discernment.”
Francesco Coccopalmerio, president of the Pontifical Council for
Legislative Texts, his new book entitled, The Eighth Chapter of the
Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia
expectation,” such as, the Church hierarchy might actually identify the cause
of the sex abuse problem as a homosexual clergy problem, adapt effective
policies to prevent homosexuals from entering the religious state, and
implement effective procedures to get the homosexuals out of the clerical
state. Unfortunately, the HomoLobby is running the Synod!
“I permit myself to say that I’ve perceived a bit of an inflated
expectation. We need to deflate the expectations to these points that I’m
saying, because the problem of abuse will continue. It’s a human problem, but
human everywhere.”
Pope Francis, commenting before the sex-abuse synod that did nothing to
end the homosexual crisis in the Church
Francis: 'No concession' to those who deny Vatican II teachings
Catholic Reporter | Joshua McElwee | Feb 1, 2021
Rome — Pope Francis on Jan. 30 urged those charged with passing
on the principles of the Catholic faith to consider the teachings of the Second
Vatican Council as sacrosanct, saying that to be Catholic one must adhere to
the reforms brought about by the landmark event.
“You can be with the church and therefore follow the council, or you
can not follow the council or interpret it in your own way, as you want, and
you are not with the church,” the pontiff said in a meeting with a group of
catechists connected to the Italian bishops' conference.
“The council is the magisterium of the church,” said the pope. “On this
point we must be demanding, severe. The council cannot be negotiated.”
“Please, no concession to those who seek to present a catechesis that
does not accord with the magisterium of the church,” he told the catechists.
The Second Vatican Council, called by Pope
John XXIII and held in Rome from 1962 to 1965, brought about a number of
reforms for the global Catholic Church, including the use of vernacular languages
during liturgies and the redefinition of the church as the “People of God.”
The council's effect has been hotly debated
by Catholics in the decades since the event, with some movements now even
choosing to go back to a Latin-language celebration of the Mass.
Francis told the catechists that the church is living through a problem
of “selectivity” with regard to the council's teachings, and said it was a
similar problem to one experienced after earlier church councils.
The pope mentioned a group of Catholic
bishops who decided to create their own church because of disagreements after
the First Vatican Council, held in Rome from 1869 to 1870, in an apparent
reference to what is now known as the Old Catholic Church.
“I think often about a group of bishops
who, after Vatican I, left … to continue the 'true doctrine' that wasn't that
of Vatican I,” said the pontiff.
“Today, they ordain women,” the pope
continued, adding: “The severest attitude, to guard the faith without the
magisterium of the church, brings you to ruin.”
COMMENT: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò must have the Vatican
apparatchiks worried that the jig is up and their scam exposed. It is a sad to
say that no matter how ignorant and ill informed a traditional Catholics may be
on many subjects, he still knows a lot more about the Catholic Faith than Pope
Francis. As a typical product of modern Jesuit ideological formation, Francis
does not even now what the Magisterium of the Church is! Yet he knows enough to
play this shell game by using the word “magisterium” in an equivocal manner for
no other purpose than to deceive. For Pope Francis, proselytism is “solemn
nonsense” except when he wants to proselytize faithful Catholics to the Novus
Ordo Religion.
The Magisterium is the teaching authority of
the Church grounded upon its divine attributes of infallibility and authority.
The Magisterium of the Church is one
thing and has been engaged in either in its Extra-ordinary or its
Ordinary & Universal mode of operation from the time when Jesus Christ founded
His Church, His bride. Vatican I council engaged this Magisterium when it
defined doctrines of divine revelation and then imposed these definitions upon
the universal Church as formal objects of divine and Catholic Faith. That is,
it created dogmas. It was this same Magisterium that Blesssed Pius IX engaged
when he defined the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception and again, the same
Magisterium that Pope Pius XII engaged when he defined the doctrine of the
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven. The Magisterium is the insufficient but
necessary material and instrumental cause of dogma. But since dogma is divine
revelation, it is God Himself who is the necessary formal and final cause of
Vatican II never engaged the Magisterium of the Church and, in fact,
formally repudiated any intention whatsoever of doing so. Vatican II
exercised no greater authority than the personal magisterium of the Pope Paul
VI grounded upon his grace of state. No doctrine of divine revelation was every
defined at Vatican II. There is nothing from Vatican II that constitutes a formal object of divine and Catholic Faith.
From the standpoint of doctrine, the teaching of Vatican II must be judged by the dogmas of the Church which
constitute proximate rule of faith. And in this judgment, the teaching
of Vatican II is a corruption of Catholic truth. As a pastoral council, Vatican
II must be judged by its pastoral successes or failures. By every objective
category of evidence, Vatican II has been a colossal and utter pastoral
failure. How does Pope Francis the Shameless get around this? He babbles that
“time is greater than space,” and professes his unfounded hope that once we get
beyond this cramped and confined “space,” the “teachings” of Vatican II, when
applied with enough purity and rigor, in “time” will someday most assuredly
yield a harvest of good fruit. Unfortunately, in the “space” since Vatican II,
countless souls have been lost and we have yet to see a single blossom from
this blighted tree. We must ask, “why cumbereth it the ground?” (Luke 13:7). It
has been “digged” and “dunged” about so much that that all that remains is the
dung. But if you think you have heard this argument before, you have. It is the
same argument Communists have been saying for the last hundred years waiting
for the promised nirvana of communist bliss, the “dictatorship of the
Now if Pope Francis the Shameless wants to
make the “teaching” of Vatican II a product of “the Magisterium of the Church,”
he has to do the following: 1) He must with clarity articulate the “teaching”
of Vatican II; 2) He must demonstrate that these teachings are doctrines of
divine revelation from Apostolic tradition; 3) He must formally define these
doctrines as universal categorical propositions; and then 4), he must place
himself in the “Chair of Peter,” and by his authority as the pope, engage the
Magisterium of the Church and declare these defined doctrines as a dogmas, bind
the dogmas on the universal Church as a formal object of divine and Catholic
faith, and anathematize any Catholic who refuses to believe them.
Unfortunately for Francis, God has promised
to protect His Church from any pope binding upon the Catholic faithful any
doctrinal novelty or moral error. If Pope Francis attempts to do this, he will
discover that lost souls do not simply “disappear” but are punished for all
eternity in Hell. And then, we will hear less and less from him as “time” goes
Since Proselytism is ‘Out of the Question,’ for Pope
Francis the “Common Good” and the “Best Solution for Everyone” does not include
their salvation!
“Dialogue is not negotiating in order to
try and get one’s piece of the cake. Dialogue is to seek the common good, for
everyone; it is to discuss together and think of the best solutions for
Pope Francis, defining “dialogue” to the
Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI)
Francis has denied his faith and the duty of his office. Dialogue, whose
purpose is to end at opinion, without Proselytism cannot dissolve the essential
difference between heretics and Catholics. Ultimately, that essential
difference will result, as Father Abraham said, “And besides all this, between
us and you, there is fixed a great chaos: so that they who would pass from
hence to you, cannot, nor from thence come hither.”
Question from a young girl: Eighty
percent of locals do not belong to any Christian denomination. Should I
convince these friends, who are good and happy people, of my faith?
Pope Francis Reply: It's not licit
to convince someone of your faith. Proselytism is the strongest venom against
the path of ecumenism. The Apostle Paul tells us that, by virtue of our
baptism, we all form the one Body of Christ. The different members, in fact,
are one body. This is why we belong to each other and when one suffers, all
suffer, when one rejoices, all rejoice. Let us continue with confidence on our
ecumenical journey, because we know that, beyond the many open questions that
still separate us, we are already united. What unites us is much more than what
divides us.
Pope Francis, October 13, 2016, to a group of Lutherans in Rome
COMMENT: “Erroneous
positions”? A more honest assessment would be ‘frank heresy’! Not only is the
young Benedict/Ratzinger (B/R) a Modernist, the old B/R is as well. Will B/R
ever make a public profession of faith and an abjuration of heresy? Not likely.
B/R has on many occasions edited his earlier publications for greater
clarification, yet he has never repudiated any heresy in his early writings.
Never has he publically acknowledged any heresy. Posted before in this bulletin
were citations where B/R denied the dogmatically affirmed philosophical
doctrine of substance taking in its
place the accident of evolving relationship
as the one necessary first principle. He has embraced modern scientific
doctrine of atoms and the void. From this denial of substantial reality, he denied the Catholic dogma of
Transubstantiation and the True Presence.
Viganò: The Young Ratzinger Was A Modernist
EN.NEWS | January 8, 2021
Father Joseph
Ratzinger played a crucial role in overturning the theological schemas for
Vatican II when he was a theological Peritus (councillor) of liberal Cologne
Cardinal Josef Frings (+1978), Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò told (January 6).
It is undeniable for Viganò that many of Ratzinger’s writings show that he was
influenced by Hegel and Modernism. Viganò refers to Professor Enrico Maria
Radaelli and Peter Seewald who have illustrated this point.
Viganò observes that Ratzinger's early declarations “largely contradict” the
hermeneutic of continuity with which Benedict XVI came up.
At least, Viganò thinks that Ratzinger's role as Prefect of the Congregation of
the Doctrine of the Faith and as Pope “contributed to at least some sort of a
change of heart regarding the mistakes he committed and the ideas he
Viganò would wish that Ratzinger distanced himself from his “early
theologically erroneous positions.”
Sr. Lucia of Fatima told the historian, Thomas Walsh,
that the world would be subjected to Communism, and that included the United
The Genealogy of the Italian Communist Party on the Centenary of its
Roberto de Mattei |
Corrispondenza Romana | January 20, 2021
The Italian Communist Party was founded at
Livorno on January 21, 1921, as a result of a split in the Socialist Party. Its
principal founders were Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937), Palmiro Togliatti
(1893-1964) and Amedeo Bordiga (1889-1970) subsequently expelled and subjected
to damnatio memoriae, according to the typical internal dialectic of every
Communist Party.
In 1917, the Bolshevik Party seized power
in Russia, under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky. The Italian
Communist Party was the Italian section of Komintern, the international
organization founded in Moscow in 1919 with the aim of propagating the
Communist Revolution in the world.
In the history of Communism, the Russian
Revolution was a more important event than the publication of the Communist Party
Manifesto when Karl Marx and Friederich Engels, in February 1848, launched an
appeal to the proletariat of the entire world to bring down the bourgeoisie and
create a “classless society”.
Marx and Engels were commissioned [to
write]The Communist Manifesto by the League of the Just, a secret revolutionary
society and a subsidiary of The Sublime Perfect Masters created by Filippo
Buonarroti and Adam Weishaupt’s Illuminists of Bavaria. Among the direct
precursors of Communism, Engels counts the Anabaptists, the Levellers of The
English Revolution, the Illuminists of the 18th century and the Jacobins
(L’evoluzione del socialismo dall’utopia alla scienza, Editori Riuniti, Roma
1958, pp. 15-17). Marx and Engels put together the legacy of these sects, but in
order to achieve their goals, they heralded a new method of action, called
“scientific socialism”.
In the “eleventh thesis” of his comment on
Feuerbach’s philosophy, Marx sustains that the role of philosophers is not to
interpret the world but to “transform it.”
(Materialismo dialettico e materialismo storico, La Scuola, Brescia
1962, pp. 81-86). This would seem to have been achieved in 1917, in Moscow,
where, for the first time in history, Communism came to power and began its
diffusion in the world. Stalin succeeded Lenin (after his death in 1924)
eliminating Trotsky’s dissidence which accused him of “betraying” the
Revolution. In Italy, while Gramsci - imprisoned by Fascism - was elaborating his “philosophy of praxis” in his
Quaderni dal carcere, Palmiro Togliatti, the most faithful among the
Stalinists, led the Communist Party clandestinely and there after during the
postwar period. With the help(even financial) of the Soviet Union, the
Communist Party became the second Italian party after the Christian Democrats.
According to Gramsci, the success of the
Communists was not possible in Italy without the collaboration of the
Catholics. The betrayal of the “Catholic Democrats” was necessary not so much
to gain power, but to keep it. “Catholic
Democracy does what Communism could never do: it amalgamates, orders, vivifies
and commits suicide (…) The working
class is to the socialists what Kerensky was to Lenin (I popolari, in L’ordine nuovo, 1 novembre
1919). Togliatti applied Gramsci’s
lesson, in particular, when the election of John XXIII, and the Second Vatican Council opened
by him on October 11, 1952, created an
unexpected window of opportunity.
On March 7, 1963, John XXIII received in
the Vatican, Alexis Adjubei -
Khrushchev’s son-in-law and Director of the Izvestija Agency. A few days
later, Togliatti, in full election campaign, officially proposed a
collaboration between Catholics and Communists (Rinascita, March 30,
1963). In the elections of April 29, The
Italian Communist Party increased by a million votes, coming mainly from
Catholic environments. Togliatti died in Yalta, in 1964, while the Christian
Democratic Party was forming the first “centre-left” governments, with the
blessing of the new Pontiff, Paul VI. The Second Vatican Council closed on
December 8, 1965, not uttering a single word about Communism, although almost 500 Council Fathers had asked
for its official condemnation.
In 1973, after the rise and fall of the
Socialist-Communist government of Salvador Allende in Chile, the new Secretary
of the Italian Communist Party, Enrico Berlinguer (1922-1984), published in the
Party’s magazine Rinascita, a series of Reflections on Italy after the events
in Chile, wherein he put forward a proposal of “historical compromise” that
would bring the Communists to the government painlessly, with the backing of
the Christian Democrats. Berlinguer’s
main contact was Aldo Moro, who enjoyed the complete trust of Paul VI and who
[subsequently] began constructing ground for a government with the Communists.
The years between 1974 and 1976 were the
most successful electorally for the Italian Communist Party, and in the
elections of June 21, 1976, it gained 34.4% of the votes expressed. However, in
1978, the tragic death of Aldo Moro, followed a few months later by that of
Paul VI, slowed down the realization of the historical compromise, while in the
Soviet Union, struck by a colossal economic crisis, Mikail Gorbachev’s
perestroika was being formed. In 1989,
there was the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union began its
auto-dissolution. “The way the decomposition of the Soviet Union and
accordingly its empire happened, remains mysterious” writes Francois Furet in his study on Il passato di
un’illusione (Mondadori, Milano 1995, p. 354). With no bloodshed, between 1989
and 1991, the Soviet nomenclature disbanded the old company, and put itself at
the head of the new one. Communism freed itself of its bureaucratic apparatus,
in Russia and in the World, giving the impression that the Communist idea could
have its say in new forms and modalities of action.
On February 3, 1991, also the Italian
Communist Party deliberated its own disbandment, consequently promoting the
constitution of the Leftist Democratic Party
(PDS). On February 14, 1998, The PDS, at the end of the States General
of the Left, again changed its name to Democrats of the Left (DS), a team that
was, in turn, the founder of the Ulivo,
created under the initiative of Romano
Prodi, who finally got the Communists into the government in 1996. The Ulivo
then merged into the Democratic Party (PD) founded in 2007 and today now
The ideological roots of these groups and
parties following one another over the last thirty years is Marxist-Leninist,
refined by the teachings of Antonio Gramsci and the Catho-Communist praxis of
Enrico Berlinguer, which still enjoys great popularity even among those that
should be its enemies. Eugenio Scalfari, in commemorating the 35 years since
Berlinguer’s death, wrote that “Enrico Berlinguer had a role in Italian politics (and not only there) in some
way similar to what Pope Francis is having today in the Catholic religion (and
not only there). Both have followed a path of such radical reformism, producing
revolutionary effects; both have been loved and respected even by their
adversaries: both have the charisma that grasped reality and fostered a
dream.” (La Repubblica, June 9, 2019).
For Pope Francis, likewise for Berlinguer,
praxis is more important than doctrine, action more than thought, the result
more that the means of reaching it. In an essay on Lenin and Our Party,
published in the May 1960 edition of Rinascita, Palmiro Togliatti summed up the
essence of Marxist-Leninism in a quotation by Marx and Engels: “Our theory is
not a dogma, but a guide to action”.
Communism is not theory, it is
revolutionary praxis, and the Revolution doesn’t create but destroys. All that
matters is to bring down the enemy, which is always: the family, private
property, the State and the Church. Any metamorphosis, any alliance is
licit. Those who collaborate in this
enterprise are welcome and whatever means necessary are used to attain the
goal. The genealogical research of the Italian Communist Party, helps us to
understand the continuity that still exists today among its forefathers and
their descendants.
“Up and Onwards with a precious friendship”
A shared commemoration of Nostra Aetate’s 55th Anniversary
Vatican Insider | Lisa Palmieri-Billig* |
28 October 2020
Leaders and members of the Catholic Church and world Jewry, in a shared spirit of friendship and esteem, celebrated the 55th anniversary on October 28 of the Church’s groundbreaking (in the contemporary idiom, we might call it “game-changing”) Vatican II document, Nostra Aetate with formal letters and statements. Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Vatican’s Commission for Religious Relations with Jews and Rabbi Noam Marans, Chair of the International Committee for Interreligious Consultations (IJCIC) exchanged messages and issued a joint press release giving recognition to the significant achievements of an ongoing reconciliation process that is helping to heal a two millennium rift during which the «teaching of contempt» by many Christian clergy on all levels planted the seeds of hatred that nourished repeated persecutions, pogroms, and helped create a climate that led to the unfathomable crimes of the Shoah.
Nostra Aetate as a whole, redefined the Catholic Church’s relations with world religions. Its most portent section, paragraph 4, is dedicated to relations with Jews. Cardinal Koch refers to this as the “Magna Carta” of Catholic-Jewish relations. He points out a fact that still encounters disbelief in many parishes despite the admirable dedication of preachers and teachers, namely that «Christianity has its roots in Judaism; the latter constitutes the nucleus of its identity, Jesus is and remains a son of the people of Israel». He goes on to say that Jesus «is shaped by that tradition and, for this reason, can only be truly understood in the perspective of this cultural and religious framework». [….]
Cardinal Koch recalls that IJCIC (which is considered the most authoritative formal voice of world Jewry through its composition of delegates from 11 of the major world Jewish organizations representing all branches of Judaism such as ADL – Anti-Defamation League, AJC - American Jewish Committee, B'nai B'rith, Rabbinical Council of America, WJC - World Jewish Congress, etc.) has «since its foundation in 1970 been the official partner of the Holy See's Commission for Religious Relations with Jews, promoting and fostering Jewish-Catholic dialogue on the worldwide level». The two organisms constitute the International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee (ILC) which generally holds meetings in different venues of the world every two years. This year the ILC had been scheduled to meet these days in Sao Paolo, Brazil, but obviously had to be canceled because of the pandemic. Koch reflects that: «Even if we are not able to meet personally, our contact remains steadfast, attesting to the fact that our friendship is stable and strong. Let us give thanks to God the Eternal and Almighty for these bonds of friendship and for all that has been achieved in the last decades of Jewish-Catholic dialogue».
Rabbi Marans, speaking for IJCIC in the organization’s message to Cardinal Koch, points out Nostra Aetate’s recommendation that: «Since the spiritual patrimony common to Christians and Jews is thus so great, this sacred synod wants to foster and recommend that mutual understanding and respect which is the fruit, above all, of biblical and theological studies as well as of fraternal dialogues». He notes that the message «has been dramatically amplified by papal visits to synagogues, to the horrific yet sacred sites of the Holocaust, and to the State of Israel following the establishment of Vatican-Israel diplomatic relations in 1993» and also «the Church’s teachings and initiatives since 1965 that expanded upon Nostra Aetate (no. 4)». [….]
«Our destinies are inextricably linked», Marans continues, «as we battle a pandemic that does not distinguish between its victims, these values draw us closer as guideposts for our religious lives».
«At a time when anti-Semitism is on the rise and the physical threat to Jewish communities and individuals is very real, we are grateful for the steadfastness of Pope Francis, who has forcefully and repeatedly spoken out against this scourge. Early in his pontificate, when Pope Francis met with IJCIC, he reminded the world of Nostra Aetate (no.4)’s firm condemnation of “hatred, persecution and all forms of anti-Semitism”. He added “Due to our common roots, a Christian cannot be anti-Semitic!”».
Indeed, Francis has built solidly on a path embarked on with firm commitment by all popes since the determined step taken by the enlightened and humane pope, John XXIII, when he called for a Vatican Council that would include «a document on the Jews». Perhaps the greatest inroads were built later by St. John Paul II through his widely acclaimed gestures and words with breakthroughs, among others, such as an unprecedented visit to Rome’s Grand Synagogue where he referred to Jews as «our elder brothers»; the great international interreligious prayer at Assisi that same year of 1986; his moving visit on March 26,2000 to Jerusalem and the Kotel where he slipped note into a crack of the Western Wall stating, «God of our fathers, you chose Abraham and his descendants to bring your Name to the Nations: we are deeply saddened by the behavior of those who in the course of history have caused these children of yours to suffer, and asking your forgiveness we wish to commit ourselves to genuine brotherhood with the people of the Covenant. Amen».
This prayer was the apex of a lifetime commitment against anti-Semitism by Pope Wojtyla. Already in 1991 he declared, during a visit to the Hungarian Jewish Community, that Anti-Semitism is a «sin to God and man». Pope Francis has fully and totally embraced this same commitment.
Given the global surge of anti-Semitism in these troubled times when health and economic crises often reinforced by perverse ideologies seek a scapegoat that historically has nearly always been the Jews, Catholic-Jewish solidarity becomes a foremost necessity in stemming this frighteningly destructive tide.
Jews are known to consider the transmission of memory as a fundamental value, a tradition dating back to pre-biblical times with the oral recounting of the stories and ethical teachings that have become the everlasting heritage of both Judaism and Christianity, and continue to be passed down from generation to generation. Consequently the repeated instruction to remember the past is part and parcel of the Jewish DNA. […..]
* Lisa Palmieri-Billig is Representative in
Italy and Liaison to the Holy See of AJC – American Jewish Committee
COMMENT: The entire Vatican II ecumenical dialogue process with Jewry is
based upon two erroneous
presuppositions. The first is that Jews today believe and practice the
religion of Abraham and Moses. They do not. And everyone knows it yet the
Modernists in Rome pretend otherwise. The Jewish religion is governed by the
traditions codified in the Talmud and not the Old Testament scripture. There is
no “spiritual patrimony common to Christians and Jews” and it is utterly false
and deceptive to claim that, “Christianity has its roots in Judaism; (and
Judaism) constitutes the nucleus of (Christian) identity.” The reason that the
Catholic Modernists and Jews “share a spirit of friendship and esteem”, even camaraderie,
is because the “common patrimony” they both share is a mutual rejection of
Jesus Christ. This friendship is evidence of their apostasy. The second erroneous
presupposition is that the Jews, because they are Jews, have their own
operative covenant with God whereby they obtain salvation. Again, they do not.
God is not impressed by “Jewish DNA”. As Jesus Christ said, “And think not to
say within yourselves, ‘We have Abraham for our father’. For I tell you that
God is able of these stones to raise up children to Abraham” (Matthew 3:9).
St. Paul said of the Jews of his day that they are they, “Who both
killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not
God, and are adversaries to all men” (1Thess 2:15). The relationship between
those who “killed the prophets” and those who “killed the Lord Jesus” is not a
literal but a spiritual one. The analogous imputation is clear. There exists
today and historically a spiritual relationship between the Jews who literally
“killed the Lord Jesus” and their descendants who follow them in their
rejection of Jesus as the true and only Messias and persecute Him in His
Church, the Mystical Body of Christ.
Modernists Rome denies that Jews must accept Jesus Christ and be
members of His Church to obtain salvation. They deny what St. Peter, explaining
the miraculous cure of a cripple, affirmed to the Jewish high priest in the
Temple that, “by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you
crucified, whom God hath raised from the dead, even by him this man standeth
here before you whole. This is the stone which was rejected by you the
builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in
any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must
be saved” (Acts 4:10-12). Or as St. John simply said, “He that hath the Son,
hath life. He that hath not the Son, hath not life” (1 John 5:12). The
Modernists believe the absurd Jewish racial theory that Jews, because of
“Jewish DNA”, irrespective of what they believe or of what they do, are in a
salvific relationship with God without Jesus Christ. The attribution of
historical “persecution” of Jews is likewise adapted to the Jewish racial
theory and thus the historical opposition to Jews is always seen as being
motivated by racial hatred and not what in fact Jews have historically done.
Catholics, according to their estimation in a clear example of Jewish racial
projection, are therefore racists guilty for “a two millennium rift during which the ‘teaching of
contempt’ by many Christian clergy on all levels planted the seeds of hatred
that nourished repeated persecutions, pogroms, and helped create a climate that
led to the unfathomable crimes of the Shoah.”
Modern Jewish messianic theology holds that the Jews as a people
constitute a collective Messias, the Holocaust is their passion, and the
establishment of the State of Israel their resurrection. They believe in fact
that the collective Jewish Messias will one day rule the world from Jerusalem.
The Jews have followed many false Messiasse since their rejection of Jesus
Christ and every one of these has invariably led to ruin. This false Messias
will be no different and perhaps, much worse.
Anti-Semitism is the hatred of Jews because of their race. This is
a sin. There is no greater manifestation of anti-Semitism, and thus no greater
sin, than refusing to tell a Jew, because and only because he is a Jew, that
that there is no hope of salvation outside of Jesus Christ and His Church. This
racial theory of salvation is a door that will necessarily lead to abject ruin.
Pope Francis and Infallibility
Vatican Insider | Paolo Scarafoni and
Filomena Rizzo | 11 November 2020
The infallibility of the Pope was proclaimed as a dogma 150 years ago in Vatican Council I. We know well problems and difficulties that it has generated within the Church and the Christian world and the political crises in relations with States, threatened in sovereignty; but little thought has been given, even in theology, to the innovative scope.
Beyond that historical moment, from an anthropological point of view, the real novelty of this dogma was universality. The real awareness of being able to challenge the totality of humanity today is called “globalization”. Something unthinkable until then, that the Catholic Church first had the courage to propose around the figure of the Pope. We are faced with a prophecy of what will be an irreversible journey of humanity: a global world where everything is connected. The great powers of the world will try to imitate this path, in the political, military, economic, financial, cultural field, also living the same limits and the same difficulties experienced in the Church.
At that time the two great limits of the interpretation of infallibility and universality were: the claim of the dominion of all minds with the submission of all men; and the attainment of the univocity of the expressions of faith. Universality as uniformity, demanding the renunciation of freedom and cultural diversity. The Pope was seen as an absolute monarch.
The other powers of the world have moved and still move along the same line: to achieve universal domination and to standardize the life and mentality of all men, making us believe that universality is not possible without imposing these two limits. Such premises have been made to pass as the only condition for world development. Today, we all experience it in the digital world, which asks us to abdicate our privacy, to allow ourselves to be tracked everywhere, and to be influenced in the choices of almost all aspects of our lives.
A second providential moment of experience of universality was the Second Vatican Council, which perhaps could never have been realized without the beautiful awareness of John XXIII, who willingly called himself “the pope of all”: “The whole world is my family. This sense of universal belonging must give tone and vivacity to my mind, to my heart, to my actions” (Il Giornale dell’Anima 29 November - 5 December 1959).
The presence in Rome of the bishops of all the peoples of the world, of the delegated observers of the Orthodox Churches and of the other Christian confessions, the guests of the secretariat of Christian unity, the contribution of the experts, especially the laity, the auditors and the parish priests, have illuminated even more the path of universality and consequently of infallibility. In that interweaving of relationships and knowledge it was immediately evident to everyone that infallibility and universality could not mean renunciation of freedom and elimination of diversity for uniformity. On the contrary, the Council was lived as collegiality, freedom, and appreciation of the many Christian traditions in the various cultures, also inevitably creating frictions and difficult moments. An experience of the Church that has radiated so many hopes to all humanity.
The Council in fact largely modified the guidelines of the previous papal magisterium. The events channeled the exercise of infallibility into collegiality. The Pope gave his support to the change, and his figure was further valued, not mortified, as many feared. Collegiality is not understood only as the feeling of living bishops, but also as a patrimony left by all those who preceded them.
The epochal change that we live today, accentuated by the pandemic, where everything is connected, refines even more like gold the service of infallibility as a journey in the truth: the infallibility of the people of God, the sensus fidei, shines out, to which recourse has already been made in the proclamation of the two Marian dogmas (Immaculate Conception and Assumption of Mary into Heaven). Pope Francis identifies in the sense of the faith of the people of God the element of balance and discernment between the controversies of pastors. He is insisting precisely on this point: it is time to learn to walk by referring to the people of God. It is a matter of teaching having listened and learned from the people that is the source, especially in difficulties: it is capable of “rising up” together also in faith. It is the path of synodality, which accompanies collegiality and the Petrine ministry. Many people find it impossible to take this route from a practical point of view and prefer paths already known.
It is the work of the Holy Spirit, but success is not taken for granted. History has already experienced it. Some prelates, from what can be seen in the media, try to bring the Church back to the post-Tridentine climate, creating tensions in view of the upcoming papal election. It was at the time of the Council of Trent that the succession to the papal throne was decided by casting suspicion on the candidate.
For the first time in a conclave (1549-1550) the charge of heresy was launched against the English cardinal Reginald Pole, which reflected the divisions in the Church in the face of Protestantism. He was a great defender of the papacy, moderate and mediator, and personally paid for the commitment to the unity of the Church in England. In his book De Summo Pontifice, written a few years before, he presented the role of the successor of Peter as an imitator of Christ, and formulated “infallibility” as a guarantee of freedom before the power of States. Probably with his election the face and history of the Church would have had a turning point.
Precisely on the infallibility maneuver those who oppose Pope Francis. But now it is no longer synonymous with power, but of service in love to all humanity for a truly universal Church of Christ.
* Fr. Paolo Scarafoni and Filomena Rizzo teach theology together in Italy and Africa, in Addis Ababa. They are authors of books and articles of theology.
COMMENT: What colossal tripe is this Vatican
Insider (therefore, authorized by Pope Francis) publication offering an
apologetic for the ‘Great Reset’, the new world order globalization, as a work
of the Holy Spirit, while identifying its enemies as those who would endorse a
return “to the post-Tridentine climate, creating tensions in view of the
upcoming papal election” by accusations of “heresy” against the new pope.
The authors
are the kind of people that the Francis the Apostate surrounds himself with and
therefore parrot his thinking. This article is grounded upon thoroughly
non-Catholic presuppositions. It is the stuff from which fables lacking any
foundation are constructed. The corrupted world has infected the Church with
its habit of mistaking fantasy for imagination. While imagination is the
disciplined power to innovative vision within the possibilities of the real,
fantasy is mental sloth fermented in a soup of moral degradation to escape from
any and every challenge, burden or suffering. It is a refusal to carry the
The authors
argue that the declaration of infallibility was a type of “prophecy” that, with
“courage,” proposed an “irreversible journey of humanity” toward a “global
world where everything is connected.”
“From an anthropological point of view, “ (anthropology being
comparative sociology from a historical perspective), all human endeavors
became universal in scope directed by the “great powers of the world”: Politics
became oriented to a one world authority, military to a one world police state,
finance to a one world bank, economics to a one world control of exchange,
religion to a one world church, etc., etc. The Jewish Satanist, Karl Marx,
would appreciate this argument.
continue. Vatican II providentially “channeled the exercise of infallibility
into collegiality” and universality brings any and every form
aberro-catholicism under the tent, so no one should be worried about a one
world abuse of authority or imposition of strict conformity. John XXIII claimed to be “the pope of all”:
“The whole world is my family. This sense of universal belonging must give tone
and vivacity to my mind, to my heart, to my actions.” Therefore, the authors
conclude, “it was immediately evident to everyone that infallibility and
universality could not mean renunciation of freedom and elimination of
diversity for uniformity.” The new world order is certainly our friend!
Without any sense of shame or danger
these dreamers affirm that this new modernist gospel “is the work of the Holy
Spirit, but success (for its implementation) is not taken for granted.” After
all, the new world order has already called for universal access to abortion
and reduction of the world population to 500 million that would eliminate 5.5
billion people. This is a demonic program and to attribute this evil to the
Holy Ghost is a sin that “shall not be forgiven... neither in this world, nor
in the world to come” (Matt 12:32).
aside for the moment “the upcoming papal election,” an examination of the
ideological presuppositions can be instructive. The pope is held as the rule of
faith in that he personally discerns and exemplifies the sensus fidei by the direct guidance of the Holy Ghost through the
process of collegial synodality. He
discerns the shifting winds and infallibly guides the Church in a new direction
and everyone is called upon to follow him wherever he goes. Catholic faithful are those who follow the
pope. Those Catholics who want to keep the faith and return to a
“post-Tridentine” climate where dogma is taken as revealed truth do not possess
the sensus fidei and are its enemies.
Collegiality and synodality are really just for appearance sake. The pope ends
up doing whatever he “discerns” as was evident in the previous carefully
scripted synods of Pope Francis.
The authors
claim that the “innovative scope” of the dogma of papal infallibility, the
“real novelty of this dogma was universality.” The problem is that if anything
has “universality,” it cannot at the same time have the quality of
“novelty.” A universal is a stable form
in the mind of God “with whom there is no change, nor shadow of alteration”
(James 1:17). A universal truth is always and everywhere for everyone without
exception true. A dogma is a universal, therefore it is not a “novelty” nor is
it proper to talk about its “innovative scope” because it is by definition
already a truth revealed by God. Only in
a subjective sense can such attributes be considered. Such as, the authors of
this article may have just discovered a universal truth but this discovery has
no bearing on the truth itself.
Every dogma
is an article of divine revelation that is formally and infallibly defined by
the Magisterium of the Church and proposed to the faithful as a formal object
of divine and Catholic faith. The Magisterium of the Church is the power
conferred by Jesus Christ upon His Church to teach in the name of God without
the possibility of error. The Magisterium is grounded upon two of the
attributes of the Church: infallibility and
authority (the third being indefectibility). These are properly
attributes of God and God alone. They are attributes of the Church only because
the Church is a divine institution. The Church is the Mystical Body of Jesus
Christ composed of those who are baptized, profess the Catholic faith, and are
subjects of the Roman pontiff. The pope is the necessary but insufficient
instrumental cause of dogma because to him alone belongs the power to engage
the Church’s attribute of infallibility and to authoritatively impose on all
the faithful the formal object of divine and Catholic faith. God is the formal
and final cause of dogma.
attributes of infallibility and authority that Jesus Christ endowed His Church
have been known by every faithful Catholic since the time of the Apostles.
Historically, divine revelation is only formally defined where there is a
crisis of faith regarding a particular revealed truth. The truth is one while
error is manifold. The truth of papal infallibility can be corrupted by either
denying its existence (such as by, the rationalists, liberals, materialists,
etc.) or by excess in claiming that the pope personally possesses the
attributes of the Church making him personally infallible in all he says and
does (such as by conservative Catholics today who make the pope their proximate
rule of faith). The pope is only infallible accidentally. This latter error
takes the attributes of God and attributes them to the pope essentially. This
is idolatry.
The very
definitions of universality and dogma are corrupted. Dogma as the proximate
rule of faith for every Catholic is replaced by the pope. From this idolatry,
the faith itself becomes subject to the whims of the pope and whatever he does
is claimed to be the work of the Holy Spirit and an expression of the sensus fidei. So what do the authors
mean by “Some prelates, from what can be seen in the media, try to bring the
Church back to the post-Tridentine climate, creating tensions in view of the
upcoming papal election”?
there is already a planned “upcoming papal election” when Francis perhaps
resigns and there is concern that clerics who look to dogma as their proximate
rule of faith will accuse the next pre-selected candidate of being a heretic.
The “post-Tridentine” Catholics will claim that it is the dogma that is
“infallible” and their objection will be, “Precisely on the infallibility
maneuver those who oppose Pope Francis. But now (infallibility) is no longer
synonymous with power, but of service in love to all humanity for a truly
universal Church of Christ.”
is in fact “synonymous with power” because infallibility is an attribute of the
All-powerful God. Those who are confused on this truth do not possess it. They
do not possess the Catholic faith. The definition of heresy is the denial of a
dogma. Neo-Modernists and Modernists deny dogma in its very essence. For them,
heresy is the failure to follow current papal ideology. “But though we, or an
angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached
to you, let him be anathema. As we said before, so now I say again: If any one
preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be
anathema” (Gal 1:8-9).
How Catholic Family News, formerly operated by the late
Fr. Nicholas Gruner and edited by the late John Vennari, came under the control
of the SSPX is not entirely clear. What is certain is that the publication,
while praising its previous directors, has made the publication little more
than a cheer leader for the Society while quietly dropping links to previous
editorial writings of John Vennari. The two short excerpts reposted below have
been removed from the archive.
Pope Francis’ Vatican Sends “Blessing” to Publisher of
Homosexual-Friendly Books for Children
Catholic Family News | John Vennari
On August 28 Pope Francis
reportedly sent an encouraging letter to lesbian founder of publishing house
for children’s books.
Today’s Il Giornale reports,
“The Pope blesses gender ideology books. To the author he writes: “Go ahead.”
The report continues, “Pope
Francis still amazes, writing a long letter to the author of the books that the
mayor of Venice, Luigi Brugnaro, wanted to ban from its schools. After the
Synod on the family that threatens to split the church, the Pope again lines up
in defense of the same-sex couples.”
Francesca Pardi, founder with
her partner Maria Silvia Fiengo of the publishing house for childrens’ books,
The Block Letters, is the author of books such as Little Egg, Little Story of a
family: Why you have two mothers? and “What is the secret of Dad?
Pardi received a positive
letter from Francis’ Vatican signed by Msgr. Peter Wells of the Vatican
Secretary of State, who on behalf of the Pope, urged her “go ahead on her
Pardi celebrates her response
from Pope Francis on her Facebook page, where she displays a photo of the
Vatican envelope.
Il Giornale describes the Vatican letter as “A new episode in which
Bergoglio seems to break the tradition of the Church and to side instead with the
In June, Pardi had an entire
catalogue of her books sent to the Pope, hoping he could read them.
Pardi wrote in her letter to
Francis, “You won’t find, in these pages any faintest sign of the gender theory
that these books are said to be the main instrument: where do we tell children
that they can choose their own gender? where do we talk to them about sex?”
Yet Pardi and Fiengo follow
the tactics of homosexual strategists Marshal K. Kirk and Erastes Pill who in
their landmark 1987 article “The
Overhauling of Straight America,” urged the necessity to “Talk About Gays and
Gayness as Loudly and as Often as Possible.”
“The principle behind this
advice is simple”, say Kirk and Pill, “almost any behavior begins to look
normal if you are exposed to enough of it at close quarters and among your
acquaintances. The acceptability of the new behavior will ultimately hinge on
the number of one’s fellows doing it or accepting it.”
A person may be offended
initially by the novelty of it all, but as Kirk and Pill point out “as long as
Joe-Six-pack feels little pressure to perform likewise, and as long as the
behavior in question presents little threat to his physical and financial
security, he soon gets used to it and life goes on.” As time goes on, Joe-Six
pack and his friends will become more tolerant of homosexuality as no more than
an alternative, legitimate way of life.
This is the strategy of
telling the story of homosexual families to small children, especially when
these books are introduced in children’s schools. It means equalizing, in the
educational period, the traditional family with the homosexual couples.
Homosexuals do not reproduce.
They must recruit, and they seek to recruit and proselytize our children.
Francis’ Vatican appears ignorant
of the moral confusion such books inflict on our little ones. While the books
may not explicitly propose “gender theory,” they certainly indoctrinate
children to accept homosexual families and the homosexual lifestyle.
Once again, the Vatican Press
Office leapt into Francis-damage control.
“In no way does the letter
from the Secretariat of State mean to endorse behavior and teachings not in
line with the Gospel,” the Vatican press office said on Friday.
In the letter of response
Monsignor Peter B. Wells wrote that “His Holiness is grateful for the delicate
gesture and for the sentiments that I have suggested,” and “calls for a more
profitable activity in the service of the young generations and the spread of
authentic human values and Christians', imparting the apostolic blessing.”
Francis' Vatican seems blind
to the contradiction of sending the author of homosexual books encouragement to
“go ahead,” along with an exhortation to spread authentic human and Christian
values. Here again we see the modernist confusion: what is affirmed in one
place is denied in another.
The press office claimed the
letter to Francesca Pardi, in response to a letter from her to the Pope after
Venice Mayor Luigi Brugnaro banned 'gay' books from the city's schools, was meant
to remain private, something which “unfortunately did not happen.”
Giornale, however, notes that Pardi received a warm, encouraging letter
from Francis’ Vatican. Yet the Mayor of Venice who banned these books, received
no such letter of congratulations.
Mayor Brugnaro, Il Giornale notes, is “too much in line
with Tradition.”
Blind Guides: Conciliar
Vatican Announces “No Mission” to Convert Jews
Family News | John Vennari
The Vatican just published one of the worst documents of the post-Conciliar
Titled “The Gifts and the Calling of God are Irrevocable,” it is the latest aggiornamento
in Jewish Catholic relations. The text was released to mark the 50th
Anniversary of the Vatican II decree that dealt with the Jews, Nostra Aetate.
The document claims:
• The New Covenant does not supersede the Old Covenant;
• The Catholic Church, in principle, should have no mission to convert Jews;
• The Word of God is present to today's Jews by means of the Torah (and equates this to the Word of God being present to Christians through Jesus Christ);
• Modern Jews are in an acceptable position before God regarding salvation;
• “The term covenant, therefore, means a relationship with God that takes effect in different ways for Jews and Christians”;
• “It does not follow that Jews are excluded from God’s salvation because they do not believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah and the Son of God.”
In standard
modernist fashion, the document unleashes torrents of word-flow on these and
similar points, yet pretends that inconvenient dogmatic pronouncements of the
past that contradict these points do not exist.
Nowhere in the latest Vatican text do we see any mention of the infallible
dogmatic teaching of the Council of Florence that “Pagans, Jews, heretics and
schismatics” are “outside the Catholic Church,” and as such, “can never be
partakers of eternal life,” unless “before death” they are joined to the one
true Church of Jesus Christ, the Catholic Church.
Nowhere do we see the citation from Catechism of Pope Saint Pius X, which,
centuries later, presents the same truth without change: “Outside the true
Church are: Infidels, Jews, heretics, apostates, schismatics and excommunicated
persons”, and further, “No one can be saved outside the Catholic, Apostolic,
and Roman Church, just as no one could be saved from the flood outside the Ark
of Noah, which was a figure of the Church.”
Nowhere in this latest text do we see a reiteration of the solemn Profession of
Faith of the Council of Florence under Pope Eugene IV that teaches:
“The sacrosanct Roman Church ... firmly
believes, professes, and teaches that the matter pertaining to the Old
Testament, of the Mosaic law, which are divided into ceremonies, sacred rites,
sacrifices, and sacraments, because they were established to signify something
in the future, although they were suited to the divine worship at that time,
after Our Lord’s coming had been signified by them, ceased, and the sacraments of the New Testament began; ... All,
therefore, who after that time observe circumcision and the Sabbath and the
other requirements of the law, it [the Roman Church] declares alien to the
Christian faith and not in the least fit to participate in eternal salvation,
unless someday they recover from these errors.”
The doctrine of the
supersession of the Old Testament by the New is a universal and perpetual
doctrine of the Catholic Church that cannot be diluted to fit the exigencies of
ecumenical churchmen. Yet the new Vatican document labors mightily to deny the
truth on this point. “The Gifts and Calling of God Are Irrevocable” is an
avalanche of heterodoxy. It constitutes a grave danger to the Faith, especially
to those not well grounded on the topic.
No Magisterial
“Gifts and Calling” was signed by the ever-ecumenical Kurt Cardinal
Koch, Prefect of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, who was
raised to this prestigious position by the allegedly conservative Pope Benedict
The Preface of the documents states, “The text is not a magisterial document or doctrinal
teaching of the Catholic Church but is a reflection prepared by the Commission
on Religious Relations with the Jews…” [......]
COMMENT: With respect to the Jews, the Conciliar Church likes to pretend
that the Old Covenent is still operative for the Jews to obtain salvation
quoting St. Paul (Romans 11:29), “For the gifts and the calling of God are
without repentance.” Unfortunately for the Jews, the cited text is taken
entirely out of the context of the passage. St. Paul, using the same analogy
Jesus Christ used of the vine and its branches, speaks of the Jews as being the
natural branches that have been cut off but can still be grafted again onto the
vine on the condition that they accept the gospel of Jesus Christ. St. Paul
warns the Gentile converts to the Catholic faith that they too can be cut off.
He says, “Well: because of
unbelief they (the Jews) were broken off. But thou standest by faith: be
not highminded, but fear. For
if God hath not spared the natural branches, fear lest perhaps he also
spare not thee. See then the goodness and the severity of God: towards them
indeed that are fallen (the Jews), the severity; but towards thee, the goodness
of God, if thou abide in goodness, otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. And they (the Jews) also, if
they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafted in: for God is able to graft
them in again. For if thou wert cut out of the wild olive tree, which is
natural to thee; and, contrary to nature, were grafted into the good olive
tree; how much more shall they that are the natural branches, be grafted into
their own olive tree?” (Romans 11: 20-24) Jews are “cut off” because of
“unbelief” yet the grace of conversion is always open to them so that by belief
they can be “grafted into
their own olive tree.” The “gifts and the calling” God does not repent
so that the “olive tree” remains “their own.”
But until they by belief are grafted again into the vine there is no
hope of salvation. For any branch cut from the vine can bear no fruit. There is
no hope for salvation for anyone, Jew or Gentile that is not grafted into the
vine of Jesus Christ by supernatural grace. There is no greater possible form
of anti-semitism, of pure racial hatred, than refusing to bring the Good News
of the Gospel to Jews simply because they are Jews.
We have not heard this kind of naïve
prognosticating since the halcyon days of Vatican II
Christ is preparing a
new spring time all over the earth. I have
seen its first fruits and I know that others will joyfully reap the full
Pope Francis, CELAM,
Hermeneutics of Continuity/Discontinuity
Pope Francis Teaches:
If someone comes to you and feels something
must be removed from him, but perhaps he is unable to say it, but you understand … it’s all right, he
says it this way, with the gesture of coming. First condition. Second, he is
repentant. If someone comes to you it is because he doesn’t want to fall into
these situations, but he doesn’t dare say it, he is afraid to say it and then not be
able to do it. But if he cannot do it, ad impossibila nemo tenetur. And
the Lord understands these things, the language of gestures. Have open arms, to
understand what is inside
that heart that cannot be said or said this way … somewhat because of shame … you
understand me. You must receive everyone with the language with which they can
speak. Pope Francis the Faithless
Catholic Church Teaches:
If any one denieth, that, for the entire
and perfect remission of sins, there are required three acts in the penitent,
which are as it were the matter of the sacrament of Penance, to wit,
contrition, confession, and satisfaction, which are called the
three parts of penance; or saith that there are two parts only of penance, to
wit, the terrors with which the conscience is smitten upon being convinced of
sin, and the faith, generated (a) by the gospel, or by the absolution, whereby
one believes that his sins are forgiven him through Christ; let him be anathema.
Council of Trent, Canon IV on the sacrament of Penance
Exsurgat Deus, et dissipentur inimici ejus: et fugiant qui oderunt eum
a facie ejus. Psalm 67
In the past few days, the latest news is
that Bergoglio is dedicating his time to making a television series
called Sharing the Wisdom of Time, produced by Netflix, which yesterday
published a post on Twitter that summarizes its ideological point of reference: Praise
Satan. It goes without saying that this multinational corporation is involved
in the spread of immorality and vice, including the sexual exploitation of
Similarly, in the past few days the Holy
See has signed an agreement with the UN to promote sustainability and gender
equality, thereby giving its support to an organization that promotes abortion
and contraception. On the very day dedicated to the Immaculate Conception –
December 8, 2020 – almost like a shameful insult against the Blessed Mother, a
new partnership was officially instituted between the Vatican and the ”Council for Inclusive Capitalism”[1] promoted by Lynn Forester de
Rothschild, a close friend of Hillary Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein, after
sending a message of praise to Klaus Schwab, the president of the World
Economic Forum and theorist of the Great Reset. And in order not to give rise
to misunderstandings, after numerous appeals to obey the authorities in the
emergency of the psycho-pandemic, it appears that the Covid vaccine will be
made obligatory for all the officials and staff of Vatican City, despite the
fact that is has been produced with aborted fetal tissue and provides no
guarantee of being either effective or harmless.
I believe it is now understood beyond all
reasonable doubt that the leaders of the present Catholic Hierarchy have placed
themselves at the service of the globalist Oligarchy and Freemasonry: the
idolatrous cult of the pachamama in the Vatican Basilica is now joined by a
sacrilegious Nativity scene, whose symbology appears to allude to ancient Egyptian
rites as well as aliens. Only a naive person or an accomplice can deny that in
this whole chain of events there is a very clear ideological coherence and a
lucid diabolical mind.
But as I have already pointed out, it would
be misleading to limit oneself to an evaluation of events within the Church
without framing them in the wider political and social context: there is only
one direction being given in which both the main protagonists as well as the
extras follow the same script. The purpose has now been declared: destroying
Nations from within by means of the deep state and the Church of Christ by
means of the deep church, in order to establish the kingdom of the Antichrist,
with the help of the False Prophet.
The secret Sino-Vatican agreement, very
strongly desired by Bergoglio and renewed a few weeks ago, fits perfectly into
this disturbing picture, confirming the pactum sceleris which
consigns Chinese Catholics to persecution, dissidents to re-education, churches
to demolition, Sacred Scripture to censorship and adulteration. It is no
coincidence that this agreement, which the popes always refused with disdain,
was made possible thanks to the offices of the former Cardinal McCarrick and
his accomplices, with the decisive help of the Jesuits: the actors, we know,
are always the same. They are both corrupted and corruptors, both blackmailed
and blackmailers, all united by their rebellion against doctrine and morals and
indiscriminately subservient to anti-Catholic, indeed anti-Christian, powers.
Communist China constitutes the militant
arm of the New World Order, both in the spread of a mutant virus created in a
laboratory, as well as in the interference in the American Presidential
elections and the enlistment of fifth columns in the service of Beijing regime.
It also promotes the apostasy of the leaders of the Church, preventing her from
proclaiming the Gospel and placing herself as a defending wall against the
attack of the élite. The fact that this brings economic advantages for the
Vatican makes the Bergoglian sect’s subservience to this infernal plan even
more shameful, creating a significant counterpoint to the business of migrants,
which is also part of the intentional dissolution of the society that once was
Christian. It is disconcerting that such a scandalous betrayal of the mission
of the Catholic Church does not merit firm and courageous condemnation from the
Episcopate, which – in the face of evidence of an apostasy pursued with ever
greater determination – does not dare to raise its voice out of fear or a false
concept of prudence.
The words of Dr. Arthur Tane, Director of
the Council on Middle East Relations, may sound bold and strong, but they have
the merit of highlighting without false fears the subversion carried out under
this most ominous “pontificate.” It is to be hoped that with the publication of
Tane’s letter to Cardinal Parolin there will be some who will finally open
their eyes, before the plot of the conspirators is accomplished. In this
regard, we agree with commendable denunciation made by Cardinal Burke on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
about the use of COVID for the purposes of the “Great Reset” – a denunciation
that joins the one I made last May and have reiterated many times, as well as
that of other Pastors who are faithful to the Word of God and solicitous
towards their flock.
The letter of Arthur Tane to the Secretary
of State closes with a citation from the Gospel that is more appropriate than
ever: “Either the Church understands the significance of its mission, or it
itself has become a temple of money changers. For in the words of
Jesus: It is written that my house will be called a house of prayer, but
you are making it a den of robbers (Mt 21:12-13).”
As Bishops, we cannot be silent: our
silence would constitute an intolerable connivance and complicity with those
mercenaries who, abusing a usurped power, deny Christ and consign souls to the
Enemy of the human race.
+Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
18 December 2020
Ember Friday of Advent
Francis, endorsing the “Great Reset”
“This is a moment to dream big, to rethink our priorities – what we value,
what we want, what we seek…. God asks us to dare to create something new. We
cannot return to the false securities of the political and economic systems we
had before the crisis.
Pope Francis, recently published book, Let us Dream: A Path to a Better Future
The mother of
St. Lucy for four years suffered from an issue of blood, and the help of men
failed. Mother and daughter went from Syracuse to Catania, and sought help from
God. St. Lucy reminded her mother that a woman in the Gospel had been healed of
the same disorder. ‘St. Agatha,’ she said, ‘stands ever in the sight of Him for
whom she died. Only touch her sepulchre with faith, and you will be healed.’
They spent the night praying by the tomb, till, overcome by weariness, both
fell asleep. St. Agatha appeared in vision to St. Lucy, and calling her sister, foretold her mother's recovery
and her own martyrdom. That instant the cure was effected; and in her gratitude
the mother allowed her daughter to distribute her wealth among the poor, and
consecrate her virginity to Christ. A
young man, to whom she had been promised in marriage, accused her as a
Christian to the heathen; but for this pure soul, on fire with the love of
Christ, martyrdom was easy. ‘I have sacrificed,’ she said to Christ, ‘all that
I had: now I offer the one sacrifice which remains - myself.’ Our Lord, by a
special miracle, saved from outrage this virgin whom He had chosen for His own.
The fire kindled around her did her no hurt. Then the sword was plunged into
her heart, and the promise made at the tomb of St. Agatha was fulfilled.
Rev. Henry
Sebastian Bowden, Lives of the Saints
COMMENT: St. Lucy’s uncorrupt remains are in the
Cathedral Church in Syracuse. Across the Cathedral in the same plaza is the
Church of St. Lucy which has the painting of her burial by Caravaggio a portion
of which is shown above. St. Lucy is the patroness of Syracuse. Her compatriot
and fellow martyr, St. Agatha, is buried nearby. The Church of St. Agatha and
her tomb were desecrated only a few weeks ago.
Thomas Aquinas was not an “Aristotelian,” and the neo-Modernists are not saints
When, in the 13th century, Aristotelian thought entered into contact
with Medieval Christianity, formed by the Platonic tradition, and when faith and
reason were at risk of entering into an irreconcilable opposition, it was Saint
Thomas Aquinas who played the role of mediator in the new encounter between
faith and philosophy, thus placing faith in a positive relation with the form
of reason dominant in his epoch. […] With Vatican Council II the moment when a
new reflection of this type was necessary arrived. […] Let us read it and
welcome it, guided by a just hermeneutic.
Benedict XVI, speech of December 22, 2005
The simple fact is that those who have dubbed Thomas with the epithet
“Aristotelian” have not hit the mark.
This is the reason why the first modern efforts to open up the world of
St. Thomas, which date from about 1890, failed.
Yet they established an image of Thomas which prevailed for a long time,
an image which has in fact prevailed to the present day..... From a purely
historical point of view, it is a misinterpretation of what really happened to
imagine that young Thomas turned to Aristotelianism because it had become
modish and that he thus became an “Aristotelian.” This notion literally obstructed any real
understanding of Thomas for decades until in recent years it was energetically
pointed out that Plato too, Augustine too, the Neo-Platonists Dionysius
Areopagita too, are very much very much present and effective in the work of
St. Thomas, and that Thomas himself was not unaware of their presence. Thomas frequently defends Plato against
Aristotle; he points out that Aristotle, in his polemics, often did not
consider the substance of what Plato said, the veritas occulta, but only the superficial phrasing, the sonus verborum. The doctrine of Ideas, the conception of
the Creation as following prototypes living within the divine Logos, this
central Platonic concept was something that Thomas never abandoned. And a tally of the works of St. Thomas has
turned up almost seventeen hundred quotations from Dionysius Areopagita. This will astonish only those who regard
intellectual history as a succession of “isms” that replace one another.... For
St. Thomas was anything but a participant in the “excessive cult of Aristotle”
which had become a fad in his time.
Josef Pieper, Guide to Thomas
“Christianity is naturally impossible. However, it exists.
Therefore it is supernatural!”
Ernest Hello
“As regards the bishops, very few of them
possess genuine zeal for souls … So we have to pray to Jesus Christ that he
would give us as head of the Church one possessed of more spirit and zeal for
the glory of God than of learning and human prudence. He should be free of all
party attachments and devoid of human respect. If, by chance, for our great
misfortune, we should get a Pope that does not have the glory of God as his
sole purpose, the Lord will not help him greatly and things from their present
condition will go from bad to worse.”
St. Alphonsus Marie Liguori, excerpt from
letter commenting on the Papal Conclave, October 24, 1774
A singular event that perfectly encapsulates the great
political crisis today!
“So on the one hand we have American
policemen being trained (by Jews) to treat their fellow citizens in the same
way that Israelis treat Palestinians, including the knee holds that will subdue
and sometimes kill them. This explains the white cop side of the equation. But
on the other hand, we have George Soros funding Black Lives Matter (as well as
Antifa) and the insurrections which follow incidents of police brutality as the
black side of the equation. Taken
together both Jewish-funded groups perpetuate the cycle of increasing violent
racial conflict in America, while remaining all the while invisible.”
E. Michael Jones, Culture Wars Magazine,
The Invisible Man at the Race Riots (in Minneapolis, Minnesota)
COMMENT: A Joe Biden victory is the conquest of a
radical Jewish Marxist ideology; a Donald Trump victory only at the cost of
martial law to suppress Marxist uprisings. Either way, the constitutional
republic and the rule of law in the United States is at an end and will no
longer be supported by platitudes. The man in the middle promoting this
artificial fight and stoking the fire is hoping to walk away with the
is One, and religion, being true, can neither contradict nor embarrass Truth…
God is never in danger. Error is charged with its own destruction… As Truth
does not belong to us, we cannot concede on fraction of it.”
Hello, French Catholic apologist and journalist
“Hell strives with all its
might to break the unity of those who recite the same Credo.”
Ernest Hello
a misguided mind would seek to afford equal rights to both good and evil.”
In the civil sphere, the deep state has managed political and social
dissent by using organizations and movements that are only apparently
opposition, but which are actually instrumental to maintaining power.
Similarly, in the ecclesial sphere, the deep church uses the moderate
“conservatives” to give the appearance of offering freedom to the faithful. The
Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum
itself, for example, while granting the celebration in the extraordinary form,
demands saltem impliciter that we
accept the Council and recognize the lawfulness of the reformed liturgy. This
ploy prevents those who benefit from the Motu Proprio from raising any
objection, or risk the dissolution of the Ecclesia Dei communities. And it
instills in the Christian people the dangerous idea that a good thing, in order
to have legitimacy in the Church and society, must necessarily be accompanied
by a bad thing or at least something less good. However, only a misguided mind
would seek to afford equal rights to both good and evil. It matters little if
one is personally in favor of good, when he recognizes the legitimacy of those
who are in favor of evil.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Who is Taylor Marshall? Part 1: The Crucified Rabbi
By: Dr. Jesse Russell | AKACatholic |
November 6, 2020
Something strange has happened to
traditional Catholic media.
For at least five years, there has been a
radical shift in both the tone and content of much of the stalwarts of
traditionalist publications and journals as well as a new generation of more
polished, “Web 2.0” friendly podcasters, writers, and meme-smiths.
This change has followed the rapid
influence of “JPII” conservative Catholics into the traditionalist movement, a
phenomenon initially triggered by Pope Benedict XVI’s July 2007 Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum as well as the
general “trad-friendly” tenor of the Bavarian theologian’s pontificate.
These growing ranks of refugees from the
John Paul II era were accustomed to the upbeat and flashy world of Steubenville
conferences, EWTN news reports, and National Catholic Register articles.
Upon first approach, the often dour, Count
Dracula-esque, “get off my lawn,” demeanor of some in the traditionalist milieu
was off-putting to those nursed on late twentieth and early twenty-first
century conservative American Catholicism, a movement very much influenced by
the very bourgeois and suburbanite Evangelical Protestantism.
However, as if by magic, many of the old
traditionalist publications (as well as, interestingly, some traditionalist
groups) began a radical about face in how they presented their material,
adopting the methods of “Web 2.0”—especially the world of YouTube-ing with the
aid of relatively cheap A.V. equipment and sophisticated, professional grade
editing software.
This rhetorical shift was itself matched by
a marked change in the content of traditionalist media.
No longer were certain “red pilled” topics
acceptable in either electronic or print traditionalist media.
Beginning in 2019, there was further a
decided effort to unite major members of the Catholic right together—regardless
of how these Catholics interpreted Vatican II and the Novus Ordo Missae.
As quickly became apparent, this initiative
to fuse together the disparate factions in traditionalism with trad-leaning
conservative Catholics was not for the sake of a genuine search for a true and
clear understanding of what has happened to the Church over the past century,
but rather to form a political alliance to attempt to ensure that president
Donald Trump would receive the lion’s share of the Catholic vote in 2020.
While many traditionalists have made (and
continue to make) legitimate arguments for Catholic support of Donald Trump,
the frenzied and almost messianic tone of traditionalist support of Donald
Trump became increasingly unnerving.
Moreover, it soon became evident that these
rebranded Catholic traditionalists had a curious relationship with the secular
media empire of the neo-populist right, a movement with curious ties to both
foreign and domestic entities traditionally hostile to the interests of the
Catholic Church.
While “old school” traditionalist media
groups spear-headed this effort, a new, rising star quickly was anointed as the
spokesman of Trumpian neo-traditionalism: Dr. Taylor Marshall.
A former Anglican minister whose entrance
to the Catholic Church in May of 2006 brought him into the high powered world
of Opus Dei (Marshall began his Catholic career as the assistant director of
Opus Dei’s Catholic Information Center in Washington, DC), Marshall had made a
career in Catholic education as well as in the burgeoning business of online
blogging, vlogging, and other forms of internet self-promotion.
However, the publication of Marshall’s 2019
Infiltration and its curious subsequent promotion on a host of conservative and
populist media outlets, the east Texan Catholic convert quickly became the face
of the new brand of Catholic traditionalist.
A reading of Infiltration is essential to
our argument, but it will have to wait until the third installment of our
In order to understand who Taylor Marshall
is as well as who has helped to promote him and the new rebranding of Catholic
traditionalism, we must turn to Dr. Marshall’s 2009 work, The Crucified Rabbi:
Judaism and the Origins of Catholic Christianity
Based on a series of lectures that Marshall
gave at the Catholic Information Center, The Crucified Rabbi is, in effect, a
polyphonic book with two principal voices.
The first is the Catholic voice, which
makes a solid and reasonable assessment of those who identify as Jewish in the
contemporary, as well as those who have been critical of various powerful
elements in the Jewish community.
Marshall rightly notes in The Crucified
Rabbi that “to disagree with Zionism or Israeli politics is not anti-Semitism”
and one “can be opposed to the Jewish Talmud, Zionism, Israeli politics, and
even the Jewish religion without hating Jews or seeking their extermination.”
Marshall makes a number of important points
Since the discovery of the contents of the
Talmud, Catholics have, until the twentieth century, viewed this key text of
diasporic Judaism as a fundamentally wicked book full of blasphemous and
sacrilegious material. Thus, criticism of the Talmud does not necessarily
translate into malice toward Jews as an ethnic group.
Moreover, while many Evangelicals and
Catholic neoconservatives are fanatical supporters of the state of Israel, a
Christian is certainly able to present legitimate criticism of Israel and its
supporters without being inspired by hatred or malice.
In The Crucified Rabbi, Marshall further
notes that there “is a vast difference between the biblical Judaism of Moses
and the Talmudic Judaism of the rabbis in the centuries after Christ.”
Again, this point is critical, for many
Catholics assume that the religion of contemporary Jews is merely a continuation
of the Old Testament religion when, in fact, Talmudic Judaism incorporates a
number of beliefs and practices that differ markedly from the faith of Moses.
Indeed, in The Crucified Rabbi, Marshall
even goes so far as to say that “post-Pentecostal Judaism is a dead letter.”
However, at the same time, there is a
second voice in The Crucified Rabbi, which, paradoxically, gives the impression
(whether Marshall intends or not) that Talmudic Judaism is synonymous with the
Old Testament religion.
More importantly, Marshall’s The Crucified
Rabbi creates the impression that, for the past 2,000 years, Jews have been the
victims “of numerous examples of violence” perpetrated on them by Christians.
Although these “Jewish persecutions were sparked by secular politics,” Marshall
continues, “we cannot deny that it was baptized Christians who committed these
acts of injustice.”
Marshall’s characterization of
Jewish-Christian relations as being a one sided persecution of Jews by
Catholics is especially curious.
It seems to chafe against the argument
presented by Dr. E. Michael Jones in his The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit
and Its Impact on World History, which Dr. Jones released in 2008.
In Jones’s view, the past two thousand
years of Catholic-Jewish relations has been marked by efforts by members of the
Jewish community to destroy Catholic civilization through revolutionary
Marshall’s book, it must be noted, was
released in 2009, a year after Jones’s and presents a radically different
picture of Catholic Jewish relations.
Finally, Marshall admits that in an earlier
edition of Crucified Rabbi, he condemned the Catholic teaching of
“supersessionism” as “an erroneous teaching.” Due to critical feedback he
received, Marshall edited these statements in later editions of the book.
Nonetheless, Marshall approvingly provides
Pope John Paul II’s statement that the “people of Israel” are “the people of
the covenant.” Marshall further writes that “the people of Israel continue to
be a perpetual eschatological sign of God’s love. They are a reminder that the
‘gifts and calling of God is irrevocable’ (Rom 11:29). The preserving presence
of Israel on earth is perhaps the best proof that God exists…”
Whatever Marshall means by these words,
they lead to the impression that God still has a covenant with the people of
Israel (and perhaps even the state of Israel?).
As a final aside, Marshall has boasted on
his website that he himself is of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry (allegedly only
Certainly, having Jewish ancestry does not
prove that Taylor Marshall’s motives are somehow impure.
What is weird, however, is that Marshall
pulled his revelatory post down after it began to circulate on various
traditionalist blogs.
To answer this question, we must dig deeper
into the life and work of Taylor Marshall, and, by doing so, we will uncover
just how and why not simply traditionalist Catholic media, but virtually the
entire Catholic traditionalist movement in America has been, it appears,
COMMENT: This is a brief encapsulation of
the philosophy of Pope Francis. He is a pure Modernist who presupposes the
Hegelian evolutionary “process” as a given. All things, including doctrine, are
in a state of constant flux including the morality that doctrine determines.
Francis admits to being a “utopian” dreamer who believes that the “processes”
created by Vatican II will ultimately yield good fruit in the “utopian future.”
The rotten swill we are currently consuming is only an unfortunate but
necessary part of normal development; ‘you can’t make an omelet without
breaking eggs’. Like all liberals, it is always the theory that is normative,
the facts keep going askew. Whatever problems we are currently enduring is
because the theory has not been applied correctly in its purity with sufficient
rigor for enough time, something like the Elizabethan racking of Catholic
saints. The prescription is always more of the same rotten swill to “enhance
human fullness.” But the truth is that Francis has no idea where his
“processes” are going. He is confident that future “history” will judge his
worth. We are confident of that as well. Unfortunately for Francis, if he dies
without repenting of this heretical folly, he will not save his soul. And
repentance is problematic for Francis attributes these blind processes that
overturn revealed truth to the Holy Ghost and, Jesus said, “He that shall speak
against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world,
nor in the world to come” (Matt 12:32).
Time is greater than space: A constant tension exists between
fullness and limitation. Fullness evokes the desire for complete possession,
while limitation is a wall set before us. Broadly speaking, “time” has to do
with fullness as an expression of the horizon which constantly opens before us,
while each individual moment has to do with limitation as an expression of
enclosure. People live
poised between each individual moment and the greater, brighter horizon of the
utopian future as the final cause which draws us to itself. Here we see a first
principle for progress in building a people: time is greater than space.
This principle enables us to work slowly but surely, without being obsessed with immediate results. It helps us patiently to endure difficult and adverse situations, or inevitable changes in our plans. It invites us to accept the tension between fullness and limitation, and to give a priority to time. One of the faults which we occasionally observe in sociopolitical activity is that spaces and power are preferred to time and processes. Giving priority to space means madly attempting to keep everything together in the present, trying to possess all the spaces of power and of self-assertion; it is to crystallize processes and presume to hold them back. Giving priority to time means being concerned about initiating processes rather than possessing spaces. Time governs spaces, illumines them and makes them links in a constantly expanding chain, with no possibility of return. What we need, then, is to give priority to actions which generate new processes in society and engage other persons and groups who can develop them to the point where they bear fruit in significant historical events. Without anxiety, but with clear convictions and tenacity.
Sometimes I wonder if there are people in today’s world who are really concerned about generating processes of people-building, as opposed to obtaining immediate results which yield easy, quick short-term political gains, but do not enhance human fullness. History will perhaps judge the latter with the criterion set forth by Romano Guardini: “The only measure for properly evaluating an age is to ask to what extent it fosters the development and attainment of a full and authentically meaningful human existence, in accordance with the peculiar character and the capacities of that age”.
This criterion also applies to evangelization, which calls for attention to the bigger picture, openness to suitable processes and concern for the long run. The Lord himself, during his earthly life, often warned his disciples that there were things they could not yet understand and that they would have to await the Holy Spirit (cf. Jn 16:12-13). The parable of the weeds among the wheat (cf. Mt 13:24-30) graphically illustrates an important aspect of evangelization: the enemy can intrude upon the kingdom and sow harm, but ultimately he is defeated by the goodness of the wheat.
Pope Francis, Evangellii Gaudium
Pope Francis extends ‘blessings and congratulations’ to pro-abortion
Joe Biden
Election results have not yet been certified, although the media on
Saturday projected Biden to win.
LifeSiteNews | Vatican City | Nov 12,
Pope Francis and pro-abortion Democratic
presidential candidate Joe Biden talked on the phone this morning, with the
Holy Father extending “extending blessings and congratulations” to Biden. The
media had called the presidential race for Joe Biden last Saturday, while
election results are not yet officially certified.
In a short press statement released on the
Biden-Harris transition website, Biden “thanked His Holiness for extending
blessings and congratulations and noted his appreciation for His Holiness’
leadership in promoting peace, reconciliation, and the common bonds of humanity
around the world.”
Biden then “expressed his desire to work
together on the basis of a shared belief in the dignity and equality of all
humankind on issues such as caring for the marginalized and the poor,
addressing the crisis of climate change, and welcoming and integrating
immigrants and refugees into our communities.”
The media are characterizing the event as a
call from the Pope to the second Catholic President after John F. Kennedy in
the 1960s.
Despite the media calling the race for
Biden, the official result has not yet been certified, and President Trump is
currently taking legal action regarding widespread voter fraud concerns.
COMMENT: President Trump by
the grace of God may very well win this election. A week ago we were like the Israelites on the
west bank of the Red Sea wondering just how God would deliver us from the gross
corruption of the Democratic oligarchs and their drug addled sexually pervert
cheer leaders after they orchestrated an apparent Biden win with blatant voter
fraud. With the current revelations of voting illegalities and the movement of
state legislators for detailed examination of the process and recounts, this
corruption may well be exposed and overturned. Maybe President Trump can make
Joe Biden his ambassador to the Vatican where he can obtain political asylum
from Francis after being charged for the crime of high treason. After all Joe
Biden must be a saint because he has worked the incredible miracle of raising
thousands from the dead to vote for him.
If we are known by our friends, what is to be said about
our admirers?!
Grand Master: Pope Francis’ encyclical
reflects Masonic values
| Jules Gomes | ROME | November 4, 2020 - Italy’s biggest Masonic lodge is
eulogizing Pope Francis’ encyclical Fratelli Tutti (All Brothers) as “close to the ideals that have
constituted the very foundations of Freemasonry from the very beginning.”
“A Masonic Value,” the cover article in the October issue of the Grand Orient
lodge’s journal Erasmus extols the pope for expressing “apertis verbis” (in
explicit words) a “key to universal fraternity” consistent with the doctrine of
Tutti has “many similarities with Masonic principles and vision,” Erasmus
notes, explaining how “for over 300 years the principle of fraternity has been
indelibly written in the Masonic triad placed ... in the temples together with
those of liberty and equality.”
realization of a universal brotherhood is from the origins of the great mission
and the great dream of Freemasonry,” it underscores.
Recent Rash of Masonic Praise
commendation from Italy’s biggest lodge for the recent encyclical follows close
on the heels of an endorsement from Spain’s main lodge, the Gran Logia de
España, which claimed that the encyclical “demonstrates how far away the present Catholic Church is
from its former positions.”
Fratelli Tutti, the pope embraces
universal fraternity — the great principle of modern Freemasonry,” the lodge’s
official statement declared.
faithful who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may
not receive Holy Communion.
May, Italy’s Grand Orient lodge’s journal Nuovo Hiram extolled Pope Francis’
Abu Dhabi “Human Fraternity” pact with Grand Imam Ahmad al-Tayyeb as “a turning
point in civilization because it will open a new era” if applied.
popes in the course of 200 years have issued 20 legal interdicts condemning
Freemasonry and never have any of the pronouncements been revoked.
Erasmus article cites the falsified version of St. Francis of Assisi’s visit to
Sultan Malik al-Kamil in Egypt, which claims the saint visited the Sultan for
dialogue, not evangelism.
article gushes over the pontiff’s “openness to Islam,” observing that
“Bergoglio in the encyclical does not hesitate to acknowledge that he felt
inspired in a special way” by the grand imam of al-Azhar Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, with
whom he signed his Human Fraternity document in Abu Dhabi in 2019.
Stressing the prerequisite of fraternity for the triad of liberty, equality and
fraternity to function, the article labels it “the principles that Freemasonry has always pursued and
preserved for the elevation of humanity.”
lodge article goes on to praises the pope for identifying “the fanaticisms that
also exist among Christians and in Catholic circles ... lashing out against the
death penalty and against life imprisonment, which he [Francis] defines as a
‘hidden death penalty.’”
Freemasonry Pushing ‘Religious
mid-October, Fr. Frank Unterhalt from the Paderborn diocese identified clear
Masonic leitmotifs in the encyclical’s “tone of religious indifferentism and
the call to universal fraternity.”
Fratelli Tutti, the pope embraces
universal fraternity — the great principle of modern Freemasonry.
French Revolution is of particular importance in Masonic strategy,” Unterhalt
wrote. “It is striking that Fratelli
Tutti literally adopts its slogan when the headline of [paragraph] numbers
103 to 105 reads ‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.’”
striving for universal ecumenism of religions has always been a concern of Freemasonry
on the way to its actual goal, namely to bring about the breakthrough of that
self-constructed religion in which all human beings are supposedly in
agreement,” the German priest pointed out.
notes that “the agenda that took shape in Abu Dhabi is, of course, not new, but
the exact implementation of the Masonic ideology in Lessing’s drama Nathan the
Wise, which is based on the lodges’ creed that truth and religion are
Ephraim Lessing (1729–81) an influential (Jewish) Enlightenment philosopher and
writer, painted in “the Parable of the Ring the picture of the supposed
fraternal unity of the three so-called ‘Abrahamic religions,’ which in their
historical conditionality were only of relative importance and
history, the Catholic Church, through its Magisterium, has condemned any
attempt towards “unity” with other sects or religions.
Papal Condemnation of Freemasonry
such attempts can nowise be approved by Catholics, founded as they are on that
false opinion which considers all religions to be more or less good and
praiseworthy,” Pope Pius XI declared in Mortalium
Animos (1928), his encyclical against religious unity and the ecumenical
Leo XIII in Humanum Genus emphasizes
that “the ultimate and principal aim” of Freemasonry “was to destroy to its
very foundations any civil or religious order established throughout
Christendom, and bring about in its place a new order founded on laws drawn out
of the entrails of naturalism.”
his bull In Eminenti Apostolatus
(1738), Pope Clement XII condemned Freemasonry for its reliance on mere natural
virtue while ignoring Christ’s unique role as Savior.
prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), Cdl. Joseph
Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI) categorically stated that “the Church’s negative judgment
in regard to Masonic association remains unchanged since their principles have
always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and
therefore membership in them remains forbidden.”
striving for universal ecumenism of religions has always been a concern of
Freemasonry on the way to its actual goal.
faithful who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may
not receive Holy Communion,” the CDF statement declared.
his book on Christian brotherhood, Die Chrisliche Brüderlichkeit,
Ratzinger concludes that, according to the Bible, “only the limited application
of the idea of brotherhood is Christian.”
to the New Testament, brothers (and sisters) are those who belong in the unity
of God’s chosen people. Believers only become brothers in virtue of their
common participation in Christ’s sonship, Ratzinger stresses.
Another Creepy Clown sighting!
“He was born a female, a girl, and he
suffered greatly because he felt that he was a boy but physically was a girl.
He told his mother, when he was in his twenties, at 22, that he wanted to have
an operation and so forth. His mother asked him not to do so as long as she was
alive. She was elderly, and died soon after. He had the operation. He is a
municipal employee in a town in Spain. He went to the bishop. The bishop helped
him a great deal, he is a good bishop and he “wasted” time to accompany this
man. Then he got married. He changed his civil identity, he got married and he
wrote me a letter saying that it would bring comfort to him to come see and me
with his bride: he, who had been she, but is he. I received them.”
Pope Francis the Weird, CEO of the
Homosexual Lobby, comment during in flight press conference from Azerbaijan,
October 2, 2016
Francis and his “subtle” sins against the Catholic Faith
Many men sin against Faith in an even more subtle way through the sins
against the Holy Ghost, namely, the sins of despair, presumption, impenitence,
obstinacy, resisting the known truth and envy of someone else's spiritual
good. The sins against the Holy Ghost
are not sins of weakness or ignorance.
They are sins of certain malice.
By despair a man rejects God's goodness and mercy. By presumption he rejects God's justice. By impenitence he refuses to turn from sin to
God. By obstinacy a man hardens his will
in sin. A man sins in resisting the
known truth because he does so in order to sin more freely. Lastly a man sins by envying someone else's
spiritual good because he hates the increase of God's grace in the world. In all these sins there is great danger for
man because these sins mean that man is deliberately refusing to consider those
truths and motives which would keep him from sin and enable him to turn to
God. It is for this reason that the sins
against the Holy Ghost are said to be unforgivable. It is not that God is unwilling to forgive
any sins. It is rather that in these
sins a man shows that he does not wish forgiveness.
Fr. Walter Farrell, O.P., S.T.M., My Way of Life, Pocket edition of St.
Book on Pope Francis the Humbler than Thou
Father (Peter Hans) Kolvenbach (superior
general of the Jesuits from 1983 to 2008) accused Bergoglio of a series of
defects, ranging from habitual use of vulgar language to deviousness,
disobedience concealed under a mask of humility, and lack of psychological
balance; with a view to his suitability as a future bishop, the report pointed
out that he had been a divisive figure as Provincial of his own order. It is
not surprising that, on being elected Pope, Francis made efforts to get his
hands on the existing copies of the document, and the original filed in the official
Jesuit archives in Rome has disappeared.
Marcantonio Colonna, The Dictator Pope
“Family Ties” within the Homosexual Lobby
homosexual Cardinal Terrance (“Blanche,
'call-me-Uncle Teddy'“) McCarrick was ordained by the notorious
homosexual Cardinal Francis (“Franny”) Spellman of New York who also ordained
the notorious homosexual Cardinal Terence (“Cookie”) Cooke who took the
notorious homosexual McCarrick as his “personal secretary” and consecrated
McCarrick an auxiliary bishop. Cardinal Donald
(Whirly Girl) Wuerl was ordained by the notorious homosexual Bishop Francis
Fredrick Reh of Charleston, SC who was consecrated a bishop by the notorious
homosexual Spellman. Wuerl became the
“private secretary” to the notorious homosexual Cardinal John Wright who was
Prefect for the Congregation of the Clergy and represented Wright at the
conclave that elected John Paul II who consecrated Wuerl a bishop and made
McCarrick a cardinal. It was
Benedict/Ratzinger, formally head of the CDF responsible for cleaning up the
Homosexual Lobby, who made Wuerl a cardinal. The homosexual Wuerl ultimately
followed in the line of the homosexual Wright as Archbishop of Pittsburg and
was himself followed the homosexual McCarrick in Washington. The Pennsylvania Grand Jury report, 900 plus
pages citing Wuerl's name more than 200 times,
charges that Wuerl as Archbishop of Pittsburgh for eighteen years
repeatedly covered for the Homosexual Lobby.
mansion that housed Wuerl and the local branch of the Homosexual Lobby in the
Diocese of Pittsburgh was obtained by his homosexual predecessor Cardinal
Wright and was appraised twenty years ago for $1.5 million. It was sold after
Wuerl's departure. The Jacobethan
Revival house along Fifth Avenue, at 9,842 square feet (914.4 m2)
with 39 rooms including 11 bedrooms, six full baths, and a half-bath is one of
the largest homes in the Shadyside neighborhood of Pittsburgh. It housed an
extensive collection of antiques, Oriental rugs and art during Wuerl's
as Wuerl had covered up for the Homosexual Lobby in Pittsburgh, he did the same
for McCarrick in Washington claiming to know nothing about McCarrick's
perversion. McCarrick was Cardinal
Archbishop of Washington 2001 to 2006.
Homosexual McCarrick's “personal secretary” was the current Archdiocesan
Vicar General Monsignor Charles Antonicelli who subsequently became the
“personal secretary” to Homosexual Cardinal Wuerl. When Antonicelli was McCarrick's “personal
secretary” in Washington, the Dioceses of Trenton, Metuchen, and Newark in 2004
and 2006 paid settlements for $100,000 and $80,000 to two men who had been
abused by McCarrick while they were in the seminary as well as
after they had become priests. It
is, believe it or not, Antonicelli who now claims that he and Wuerl knew
nothing about the homosexual escapades of McCarrick.
Compiled from information from Randy Engel,
Rite of Sodomy, published in 2006, and recent articles from LifeSiteNews and
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